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知行英语知行英语1知行英语2知行英语31)take A a budget2)establish B stock markets3)manage C a part-time job4)invest in D expenses5)reduce E a businessTask 1Answer the questions by matching the following items.1 What may lead to an increase in ones wealth?知行英语41)wasteful A credit cards2)large B investment3)overdrawn C money management4)improper D loan5)poor E lifestyleTask 12 What may lead to a decrease in ones wealth?知行英语5Task 2Match the following different types of wealth with their corresponding pictures.Step 1Determine what is important wealth for you.1 good education1 good education2 long holiday2 long holiday3 expensive clothes3 expensive clothes4 happy family4 happy family5 health5 health6 successful career6 successful career7 lots of money7 lots of money8 friends8 friendsABCAHFDGEDEFGHBC知行英语6Task 2Rate the wealth in Step I as I,II,or III.Put“I”by the items that are HIGHLY important for you.Put“II”by the items you consider SOMEWHAT important,and“III”by the items that are NOT important.Then compare your rating with your partners.Step 2good educationgood educationlong holidaylong holidayexpensive clothesexpensive clotheshappy familyhappy familyhealthhealthsuccessful careersuccessful careerlots of moneylots of moneyfriendsfriends_Whats your rating?知行英语7Reading ItMaking Something from Nothing*WordsBetter acquaintance1 What would you do to make money if all you had was five dollars and two hours?This is the assignment I gave students in one of my classes at Stanford University.When I asked this question,someone usually shouted out,“Go to Las Vegas.”or“Buy a lottery ticket.”The next most common suggestion is to set up a car wash or lemonade stand,using the five dollars to buy the starting material.This is a fine option for those interested in earning a little extra pocket money.But most of my students eventually found a way to move far beyond the standard responses.They seriously took the challenge and exposed a wealth of possibilities.2 How did they do this?Heres a clue:The team that made the most money didnt use the five dollars at all.They understood that five dollars was essentially nothing and decided to examine the problem more broadly:What can we do to make money if we start with absolutely nothing?*lottery n.彩票*lemonade n.柠檬汽水*clue n.线索*essentially ad.本质上;根本上1 如果你仅有5美元和两个小时,你会做些什么来挣钱呢?这是我给斯坦福大学我教的一个班学生布置的作业。每当我提出这个问题时,总会有人大叫:“到拉斯维加斯去!”或者“买彩票去!”。其他常见的回答是用这5美元买原材料,摆个清洗汽车或卖柠檬汽水的小摊。对于想要挣点小钱来零花的人来说,这倒是个不错的选择。但我班上的大多数学生最终找到了远超出这些常规回答的方法,他们认真应对挑战,展示出无尽的可能性。2 他们是怎么做到的?给一点提示:挣钱最多的那一组根本就没花那5美元。他们认为5美元实际上可以忽略不计,因此决定以更长远的视角来审视这个问题:如果我们一无所有,该怎么挣钱呢?知行英语8 3 So what did they do?All of the teams were remarkably inventive.One group noticed a problem common in a lot of college towns the long lines at popular restaurants on Saturday nights.The team decided to help those people who didnt want to wait in line.They booked reservations at several restaurants.As the time for their reservations approached,they sold each reservation for up to 20 dollars to customers who were happy to avoid a long wait.As the evening went by,they made several interesting observations.First,they realized that the female students were better at selling the reservations than the male students,probably because customers were more comfortable being approached by the young women.They adjusted their plan so that the male students ran around town making reservations at different restaurants while the female students sold those places in line.They also learned that their plan worked best at restaurants that use vibrating pagers to alert customers when their table is ready.Customers were more comfortable handing over their money and pager in exchange for another pager.This had an additional bonusteams could then sell the newly acquired pager as the later reservation time grew nearer.第一,女生比男生更容易卖出预订的座位,这很可能是因为人们更愿意让年轻女性靠近自己。因此,小组成员调整了计划,让男生去各个餐馆预订座位,而让女生销售座位。第二,在那些用传呼机来通知顾客已有空座的餐馆,他们的销售计划最为成功。顾客们很乐意把钱和自己的传呼机来交换小组成员的传呼机,这还带来了额外的好处小组成员们还可以在下一个预订时间快到的时候,把交换来的传呼机再次卖掉。*remarkably ad.突出地;不寻常地*inventive a.发明的;有发明才智的*reservation n.保留的座位;预订observation n.看法adjust v.调整;校正*vibrate v.(使)震动;(使)颤动*alert v.提醒;警告bonus n.没有预料到的好事;奖金;红利3 他们是怎么做的呢?所有的小组都发挥出了极大的创造性。一个小组注意到很多大学城里常见的一个问题周末晚上那些受欢迎的餐馆门口排着长队。这个小组决定帮助那些不愿排队的人:他们先在几个餐馆预订了座位,当预订的座位快轮到的时候,他们就把那些座位以每个最高20美元的价格卖给那些乐于花点钱而免于排长队的客人。随着夜晚的流逝,他们发现了几个有趣的现象。知行英语94 Another team took an even simpler approach.They set up a stand in front of the Student Union where they offered to measure bicycle tire pressure for free.If the tires needed filling,they added air for one dollar.At first they thought they were taking advantage of their fellow students,who could easily go to a nearby gas station to have their tires filled.But after their first few customers,the students found that the bicyclists were incredibly grateful.They realized that they were providing a convenient and valuable service.In fact,halfway through the two-hour period,the team stopped asking for a specific payment and requested donations instead.Their income soared.Their customers paid more for a free service than when asked to pay a fixed price.5 Each of these projects brought in a few hundred dollars.However,the winning team looked at the task in a totally different way and made$650.These students determined that the most valuable resource was neither the five dollars nor the two hours but their three-minute presentation time on Monday.They decided to sell it to a company that wanted to recruit the students in the class.The team created a three-minute“commercial”for that company and showed it in their presentation.This was brilliant.They recognized the most valuable resource they had was just waiting to be mined.*donation n.捐赠物(尤指捐款)*soar v.猛增;高飞;翱翔*recruit v.招聘commercial n.(电视或电台的)商业广告mine v.开发;开采4 另外一组甚至采取了更简单的办法。他们在学生会门口摆了个摊子,免费检测自行车轮胎的胎压。如果车胎需要打气的话,他们收取1美元的打气费用。开始的时候,他们觉得自己在占其他学生的便宜,因为学生们很容易就可以到附近的加油站去给自行车打气。但接待过几个顾客之后,他们发现骑车人对这项服务非常感激,他们这才意识到自己提供的是一项既方便于人又有价值的服务。实际上,两个小时过了一半的时候,小组就不再收取额定的费用,而是要求提供捐赠。这样一来,他们的收入飙升,比起被要求支付额定费用,顾客们在接受了免费的服务后愿意支付更多的钱。5 每一个这样的项目都挣到了数百美元。但是,最终获胜的小组以完全不同的方式来看待这项任务,挣到了650美元。这个小组的学生认为最宝贵的资源既不是5美元也不是两个小时,而是他们组要在星期一进行的3分钟的任务汇报。他们决定把这段时间卖给一家想要在这个班上招募学生的公司。他们为这家公司制作了一段3分钟的“广告”,在汇报的时候进行播放。这个主意非常聪明。他们认识到他们拥有的最宝贵的财富就是坐以待“掘”。知行英语106 The exercises described above highlight several points.First,opportunities are abundant.At any place and time you can look around and identify problems that need solving.Second,regardless of the size of the problem,there are usually creative ways to use the resources already in your hands to solve them.Third,we so often frame problems too tightly.People who participated in these projects took this lesson to heart.Many reflected afterward that they would never have an excuse for being broke,since there is always a nearby fortune begging to be won.6 上述练习强调了几点。第一,机会无限。在任何地方、任何时间,环顾四周,你都可以发现需要解决的问题。第二,不管问题大小,总会有创造性的方法来利用现有资源解决它们。第三,人们在处理问题时常常思维过于局限。参加过这个项目的人对这一点都深有体会,很多人后来反思:永远不要为自己的破产找借口,因为附近总会有财富等待着你来赢取。highlight v.强调;使显著*abundant a.丰富的frame v.制定;设计;想象reflect v.深思;反省broke a.不名一文的;破产的知行英语11Understanding ItTask 1 Read the text and answer the following questions.1 What is the assignment the writer gave to his students?2 What do“the standard responses”mentioned in the first paragraph refer to?3 What happened after the team that set up a bicycle stand requested donations instead of asking for a specific payment?4 How did the winning team manage to make$650?5 What lessons can be learnt from this story?Making money with five dollars within two hours.“The standard responses”refer to“Go to Las Vegas,”“Buy a lottery ticket”,or“Set up a car wash or lemonade stand,using the five dollars to buy the starting materials”.Their income soared.Their customers paid more for a free service than when asked to pay a fixed price.They sold their three-minute presentation to a company that wanted to recruit the students in the class.The team created a three-minute“commercial”for that company and showed it in their presentation.Three lessons can be learnt.First,opportunities are abundant.Second,regardless of the size of the problem,there are usually creative ways to use the resources already in your hands to solve them.Third,we so often frame problems too tightly.知行英语12Task 2 Read the text again and correct the following statements.1 Setting up a car wash or lemonade stand is a fine option for those interested in earning a large amount of money.2 The winning team made the best use of the five dollars as the starting fund.3 One team sold each restaurant reservation for 20 dollars to customers who were busy.4 Most bicyclists were unwilling to pay for having their bike tires filled.5 The winning team advertised a companys products in their presentation.1 Setting up a car wash or lemonade stand is a fine option for those interested in earning a little extra pocket money.2 The winning team made the most money without using the five dollars at all.3 One team sold restaurant reservation for up to twenty dollars to each customer.4 Most bicyclists were willing to pay for having their bike tires filled.5 The winning team advertised the company itself rather than its products in their presentation.知行英语13Task 3 Read the text and complete the following sentences.1 According to the sentence“They recognized the most valuable resource they had was just waiting to be mined”,_ was the most valuable resource the students had.2 The sentence“We so often frame problems too tightly.”means _.their own talents we were not open-minded enough in our modes of thinking when we faced problems知行英语14Language Pointsa choice you can make in a particular situation在某种情况下作出的选择e.g.She had the option of staying for an extra year.预定(宾馆、餐馆、飞机等的位置)e.g.Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.option reservationWords调整e.g.Check and adjust the brakes regularly.适应,经常和介词to一起使用。e.g.My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment.(amounts/prices etc)to increase quickly to a high level猛增 e.g.The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.adjust soar知行英语15 recruitLanguage PointsWordsto find new people to work in a company,join an organization,do a job etc.招募e.g.Were having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.(formal)to carefully plan the way you are going to ask a question,make a statement etc.制定,规划e.g.Staff have proved invaluable in framing the proposals.a reason that you give to explain careless or offensive behavior 借口excuse for(doing)something 做某事的借口e.g.Whats your excuse for being late this time?e.g.Im sure Mike has a good excuse for not coming.frame excuse知行英语16Language Pointsat a middle point in space or time between two things 中途,半道e.g.I am sure youll be sorry if you give it up halfway through.halfway throughPhrases&Expressions book reservation预定座位很多有用的或好的东西 a wealth of something far beyond远远超出e.g.Such tasks are far beyond the scope of the average schoolkid.(time)passes(时间)流逝e.g.As the weeks went by,I became more and more worried.go by交换e.g.Ive offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks accommodation.in exchange forwait in a queue排队等候e.g.We like to go to the movies,but we hate to wait in line for tickets.wait in line知行英语17Language PointsPhrases&Expressions在掌握中;在控制下 in ones hands提出观点或看法 make observation take advantage of利用e.g.I took advantage of the good weather to paint the house.to take part in an activity or event参与,参加e.g.Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.participate in不顾,不管;无论,不论e.g.The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless of race,religion,or sex.regardless of知行英语18Background informationpager 通常翻译为传呼机或 BP机。美国有些餐馆为客人提供传呼机服务。餐馆会给每个等座位的客人发一部传呼机,如果有了座位,餐馆的服务生会用传呼机通知客人,而客人在等座位期间可以先去干其他事情。知行英语19Background information 拉斯维加斯,美国内华达州一城市,全世界最有名的赌场及娱乐中心。Las Vegas知行英语20Background information 斯坦福大学,美国著名私立大学,位于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福市,临近旧金山,并获评为是世上一流和最杰出的大学之一。Stanford University知行英语21Background informationCollege towns 大学城(college town or university town)是以大学为中心建立起来的独立小城镇或城区。大学城由一所大院校或几所小院校构成。大学城里的人口以大学生和大学雇员为主。除了大学校园外,大学城里有提供生活便利的超市、饭馆、商店等各种商业设施。知行英语22Background informationAbout the Author 蒂娜齐莉格(Tina Seelig)教授,现任斯坦福科技创业计划(STVP)执行长。齐莉格教授同时在斯坦福设计学院教授创造力、创新和创业精神的课程,在这个领域具有相当丰富的专业素养。本文选自其著有的畅销书What I wish I knew when I was 20(真希望我20岁就知道的事)的第一章“Buy one,get two free”。知行英语23Doing ItTask 11When assigned a task,students may approach it in different ways.What decisions had the students made to make money with only five dollars?Find three sentences in Paragraphs 2,3and 5 indicating the students decisions.They understood that five dollars is essentially nothing and decided to examine the problem more broadly:What can we do to make money if we start with absolutely nothing?The team decided to help those people who didnt want to wait in line.They decided to sell it to a company that wanted to recruit the students in the class.知行英语242When you decide to do something,you may use the following expressions besides“I decide to do”.Have you made any important decisions about your future life?Exchange your decisions with your partner.The following sentences are for your reference.EXAMPLE:1 I will definitely do2 Im sure to do3 Im certainly going to do4 Im going to do;thats for sure.5 Nothing is going to stop me from doing1 I will definitely _ next semester.2 Im sure to _after graduation.3 Im certainly going to _ before I get married.4 Nothing is going to stop me from _before Im 30 years old.pass CET 4start my own businessbuy anapartmentgetting my PhD degree3Work in groups and share the decisions you have made in Step 2.Choose one student to record for each group.知行英语25Task 21The following sentences or sentence beginnings are often used to offer suggestions,express agreement or disagreement,or make decisions.Classify them into the following groups.A I have made up my mind toB I couldnt agree more.C You have a point there,butD Im determined toE I see what you mean,butF Maybe you shouldG Thats just what I was thinking.H If I were you,Id1 suggestion _2 disagreement _ 3 agreement _4 decision _F,HC,E,B,GA,D知行英语262Complete the half-done conversation below.The following are some expressions you may find useful.keep a financial diary in my computer I have no idea where I have spent my money cut down on your expenses keep a record of all my expensesA:I always have a hard time when making ends meet.B:Maybe you should 1)_.A:You have a point there,but 2)_.B:If I were you,Id 3)_.A:Thats just what Im thinking.Ive made up my mind to 4)_.B:Good luck.cut down on expensesI have no idea where I have spent my moneykeep a record of all the expenseskeep a financial diary in my computer知行英语273Work in pairs.Role-play a conversation as if you had the following financial problems and your partner tried to help.1 You often overdraw your credit cards.A:I overdrew my credit cards again this month.B:Thats terrible.You will have to pay a high interest.Why not spend less?A:I have tried,but I really dont know how much I have spent with swiping my credit cards.B:I think you should pay in cash rather than with credit cards.As long as your cash is running out you would stop spending.A:Thats a good idea.I will do that.知行英语283Work in pairs.Role-play a conversation as if you had the following financial problems and your partner tried to help.2 You can scarcely stick to your budget.A:I can scarcely stick to my budget.What should I do?B:I would say that you should either raise your budget or reduce your expenses.A:Im afraid I dont have so much money.Maybe I should spend less.B:Yes,I really think you should keep a financial diary on your expenses and make every purchase rationally.A:You are right.I will try that.Thanks a lot.3 You spend too much money shopping online.A:I have spent 2000 yuan on online shopping this month.I didnt even notice that.B:Maybe you should buy less online.Online products are attractive in price but they are not necessarily of good quality.A:You are absolutely right.I have refunded several sweaters and T-shirts recently.B:Try shopping in stores.You may also cut down on your expenses since its less convenient than clicking a mouse.A:I will try that.Thank you very much.知行英语29Task 31When you disapprove a suggestion,you may begin by saying something good about it before showing your disapproval for the sake of politeness.Find an instance of this in Paragraph 1.This is a fine option for those interested in earning a little extra pocket money.But most of my students eventually found a way to move far beyond the standard responses.知行英语302How would you respond if you disagree with the following comments or suggestions?1 A:This is a very nice picture.It must be very expensive.B:_2 A:Having lived here for a few months,I begin to like the city.B:_3 A:Why dont you join our club?We organize a lot of interesting activities.B:_4 A:I like to do my homework in the dormitory.B:_It is nice,but I dont think its worth so much.The movie is all right,but I dont think its story is attractive enough.I think the city is beautiful,but the local people are not very friendly.There are really many activities,but Im afraid most of them are not challenging enough for my age group.知行英语311 Collecting stamps and coins3Work in pairs.Comment on the following hobbies,stating both their positive and negative aspects.There are some advantages from collecting stamps and coins,such as getting to know a lot of friends,learning different cultures,and training our patience and carefulness.But it may appear time-consuming and money-wasting.2 Travelling Traveling is widely believed to broaden the mind and enrich the soul,but journeys may have such disadvantages as high costs of traveling,danger of disease,and so on.知行英语323 Going to the movies3Work in pairs.Comment on the following hobbies,stating both their positive and negative aspects.Experiencing a movie in a theater lets you see the film on a huge screen with plenty of details.It also offers a surround-sound system that enhances the overall experience,making you feel as if youre actually part of the story.The downside,however,is that you have no control over either of these.The volume may be too high or too low,and the picture may be slightly blurry or too bright for your eyes.知行英语334 Playing golf3Work in pairs.Comment on the following hobbies,stating both their positive and negative aspects.Playing golf offers people a mild exercise from walking,an easy way of socializing,and a very good practice of concentrating.However,the most obvious disadvantage in playing golf is the high fees involved.In addition,playing golf will make people a subtle destroyer of the natural environment.5 Keeping pets Pets are a source of comfort and constant companion as well as health benefits.But pets are expensive to keep and they also require a lot of time spent.知行英语34Writing ItTask 1Read the following pairs of sentences.Underline the part in Sentence B that is similar in meaning to the italicized(斜体的)part in Sentence A.1 A Most of my students eventually found a way to give responses which are not standard at all.B Most of my students eventually found a way to move far beyond the standard responses.-2 A Customers were happy that they didnt have to wait for a long time.B Customers were happy to avoid a long wait.-3 A The team did not ask for a specific payment any longer and requested donations instead.B The team stopped asking for a specific payment and requested donations instead.-4 A The most valuable resource was not the five dollars or the two hours but their three-minute presentation time on Monday.B The most valuable resource was neither the five dollars nor the two hours but their three-minute presentation time on Monday.知行英语35Task 2Using varied forms of negation can make your sentences more lively,and in many cases help you write briefly and effectively.Rewrite the following sentences by avoiding“not”.You should avoid wasting too much time and money on computer games.Their ability was far from enough to accomplish the task.I dislike people who are tight with money.1 You should not waste too much time and money on computer games.2 Their ability was not enough to accomplish t


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