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Unit2English around the world暑假预习题(1)(新人教版必修1). 单词拼写1. Ive known Barbara for years. Since we were children, actually(实际上). 2. The ten students most frequently(频繁地)asked the questions are listed below. 3. His apartment(公寓)covers 200 square meters, which I like very much. 4. He cant express himself well in English because his vocabulary(词汇量) is small. 5. The report is written in the official(官方的)style and is only for officers. 6. We decided to make a voyage(航行)down the Yellow River to the sea. 7. Though he speaks Chinese fluently, his native(本族的) language is Russian. 8. Please show me your identity(身份)card before you stay in the hotel. 9. Whats your present (现在的)address? I want to write to you. 10. Parents noticed the gradual(逐渐的)change in their children. .完成句子1. He studies harder than ever before ( 比以前更加努力了). (ever)2. The film is based on (以为基础)a true story that happened in the 17th century. (base)3. Some plants, such as wheat and corn (像小麦和玉米)are planted in the north. (such)4. I can still remember the accident, even if it happened (即使发生)long ago. (if)5. He was told to be present at (出席)the next months meeting. (present)6. We should make good use of the holidays (好好利用假期)to make a journey around our country. (use)7. If the old bamboo dies, new shoots will come up around them (在它们周围长出来). (come)8. The English spoken in England (在英国讲的)is different from that in America. (speak). 多项选择1. At the meeting, the old man _some good advice and all the people there agreed with him. A. came aboutB. came upC. came outD. came up with【解析】选D。 come up with 是及物动词短语,“提出”;而come up是不及物动词短语,主语是被提出的观点、主意等。come out出版,开花;come about 发生。句意:在会上,那位老人提出了一些好的建议,那里所有人都同意。2. Of these two basketball players, the former is Yao Ming; the_ is Yi Jianlian. A. late B. later C. latter D. lately【解析】选C。the former. . . , the latter. . . “前者,后者”,为固定搭配。late“迟到的,晚的”;later“稍后”;lately“最近,近来”。3. Is everyone _ at the meeting? No, Tom is not here. He has something else to do. A. present B. aliveC. silent D. missing【解析】选A。根据答语可知问话人是想知道是否大家都出席了会议。present出席的,到场的;alive 活着的;silent沉默的;missing丢失的。4. Many great men have risen from povertyLincoln and Edison, _ . A. instead of B. such asC. and so on D. for example【解析】选D。instead of意为“代替,而不是”;such as用来列举事物,不能用逗号隔开;and so on意思是“等等”,用在所列举的一系列事物之后;for example“例如,比如”,可放在句首、句中或句末,须用逗号隔开,用于对所说事情作解释时举例用。5. They had a pleasant chat _ a cup of coffee. A. for B. with C. during D. over【解析】选D。over在此意为“一边, 一边”。句意为“他们一边喝咖啡一边愉快地聊天”。6. Ellen is _ in both English and French, which gives her an advantage over other candidates. A. practical B. grateful C. exact D. fluent【解析】选D。句意:艾伦说英语和法语都很流利,这使她比其他候选人更有优势。practical实际的,实用的;grateful感激的;exact精确的,准确的;fluent流利的,只有fluent合乎句意。7. We should consider what use can be made _ such a material(材料). A. of B. from C. up D. in【解析】选A。句意:我们应该考虑这材料有什么用。make use of sth. “利用某物”。句中将use提前,用了被动形式“use be made of”。8. They passed by Somalia on the _ , where there were many pirates(海盗). A. journey B. travel C. voyage D. trip【解析】选C。句意:这次航行中,他们经由索马里,那里有许多海盗。voyage海上航行,航海。9. Only time will _ whether I have made the right choice or not. A. see B. know C. say D. tell【解析】选D。句意:只有时间会判断我是否做出了正确的选择。tell说明,判断。see看到;know知道;say说,都不符合语境。10. Tonys parents thought he was at school, but _ he was in a net bar. A. actually B. especially C. hopefully D. exactly【解析】选A。考查副词辨析。句意为:托尼的父母认为他在学校,但实际上,他在网吧。actually意为“事实上,实际上”;especially“尤其,特别”;hopefully“有希望地;充满希望地”;exactly“确切地”,只有A项符合句意。. 阅读理解(A) Mr Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport. There a lot of foreigners stayed for night. He couldnt speak any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors. Sometimes he had to use the body language to“talk”with them, and tried his best to make himself understood. But he was often misunderstood(误解)and it brought him a lot of trouble. A friend of his who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him. He was happy and studied hard. At first he learned some, but soon he found it wasnt easy to remember the words and expressions. His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary. He did as he was told. He found it helpful for him to do so. One evening there were plenty of people in the dining room. They were all busy eating something except a Japanese. He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself up upstairs. Mr Jackson thought to himself, “The man wants to eat something but he doesnt know any English. Let me help him. ”As he knew only a little Japanese, he had to bring out his notebook and showed it to the man, pointing to the sentence “Im hungry”. The Japanese had a look at it and gave him two pounds and left. 1. Mr Jackson knew only English because _ . A. he had never been abroadB. he was an English studentC. he hadnt studied any foreign languagesD. he couldnt learn by himself【解析】选C。推理判断题。文章第一段说Mr Jackson除母语英语以外,不懂其他语言,为了跟外国人交流,他只好用身势语,但又经常被误解,为此一位学过外语的朋友主动提出教他,所以说他从未学过外语。2. As not all foreigners understood his gestures, sometimes Mr Jackson _ to communicate with them. A. succeeded B. feared C. gave up D. failed【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第五句中he was often misunderstood 可知,Mr Jackson有时不能正确地和外国朋友交谈。fail to do. . . 意为“不能做”。3. The Japanese thought _ , so he gave him two pounds. A. Mr Jackson was a translatorB. Mr Jackson was a beggarC. Mr Jackson was the owner of the hotelD. Mr Jackson could help him【解析】选B。推理判断题。Mr Jackson 拿着上面写着“Im hungry”的笔记本给日本人看,然后日本人给了他两英镑,以此可推断这位日本人把他当成了乞丐。4. The following statements are true EXCEPT _ . A. Mr Jackson found it wasnt difficult to remember the words and expressionsB. Mr Jackson ran a hotel near the airportC. Mr Jackson was misunderstood by the Japanese waiting for his wifeD. Mr Jackson studied foreign languages very hard【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第一段倒数第四句可知A项所述与文章不符。B、C、D三项均与文章相符。(B) Many of Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English fluently when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure, but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes. It is not uncommon that many students, who are bad speakers of English, can write English perfectly. This proves that they are not unable to organize their ideas in English. The center of the problem is that they dont have enough practice and confidence. Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners to whom you are speaking? Dont be shy. They will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best to get rid of this trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you to succeed. 5. Whats the best topic for the passage? A. How to speak to foreignersB. How to study English wellC. How to organize the idea in EnglishD. Practice speaking English all the time【解析】选D。综合全文可知,文章主要讲了许多中国学生的英语口语差的问题,并对此进行了分析,提出了自己的建议。所以选D项作标题最佳。6. Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they can not speak English fluently because _ . A. they seldom meet foreignersB. they seldom practice speaking EnglishC. they have no chance to speak EnglishD. they think its enough to master the basic language structure only【解析】选B。由第二段可知许多学生英语写作不错但口语较差,原因就是缺乏练习。7. So many Chinese students dare not speak to foreigners because _ . A. they are afraid they cant understand the foreignersB. they are afraid their English is too poorC. they worry about making mistakes in their speakingD. they dont like speaking to foreigners【解析】选C。由文章最后一段可知许多学生不敢与外国人对话是因为害怕自己说英语时出错,别人会笑话自己。8. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. Only by speaking more English can we speak English fluently. B. If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English. C. If you can write good English compositions, you can speak English very well. D. Many Chinese students cant speak English fluently because they dont have enough practice. 【解析】选C。第二段谈到许多学生虽然英语写作不错但口语很差,所以C项的说法是不正确的。9. In the last paragraph, the expression “get rid of” means _ . A. do with B. be free of C. get away D. throw away【解析】选B。结合上下文可知此处想表达的是:要想摆脱这种问题的办法就是通过多说来学习说英语。get rid of “摆脱,除去”与be free of意义相近。do with处理,对待; get away逃脱,离开;throw away扔掉,丢弃。Unit2English around the world暑假预习题(2)(新人教版必修1)语法专练. 完成句子1. “Mum, please help me find my shirt, ” he said. He asked his mother to help him find his shirt. 2. “Lets start out tomorrow morning, ” he said. He suggested starting out the next morning. 3. “Go and post the letters, ”the manager said to him. The manager told him to go and post the letters. 4. “Stand where you are! ”the police said to the young man. The police ordered the young man to stand where he was. 5. “Dont smoke too much, please,” the doctor said to the patient. The doctor asked the patient not to smoke too much. 6. “Could you tell me the way to the station? ”he said to me. He asked me to tell him the way to the station. 7. “Dont stand close to the tiger. ” the guard said to the visitors. The guard warned the visitor not to stand close to the tiger. 句型转换(把下列句子变成间接引语)1. The teacher said, “Dont be late again, Mary. ”The teacher told Mary not to be late again. 2. Mary said to me, “Dont forget to answer that letter. ”Mary reminded me to answer that letter. 3. The boy said, “How cool the film star is! ”The boy said how cool the film star was. 或The boy said that the film star was very cool. 4. The teacher said, “You had better have a try again. ”The teacher advised me to have a try again. 5. She asked, “Will you please pass me the book? ”She asked me to pass her the book. 6. “Youd better start tomorrow, ” Tom said to Alice. Tom advised Alice to start the next day. 7. The captain said to the sailors, “Be quick. ”The captain ordered the sailors to be quick. 8. “Lets go boating together this Sunday. ” Our monitor said to us. Our monitor suggested us going boating together that Sunday. 或Our monitor suggested that we should go boating together that Sunday. 9. Father shouted at the children, “Be careful with fire. ”Father warned the children to be careful with fire. 10. The lady asked me, “What are you doing this for? ”The lady asked me what I was doing that for. . 完成句子1. What did her brother say to her? He advised her to lose weight (建议她减肥) to stay fit. (advise)2. My mother said to me, “ Show me your homework (让我看看你的家庭作业). ”(show)3. Mary asked me when John had left for China (去中国了). (leave)4. The headmaster told us not to play football (不要踢足球) in the teaching building. (play)5. The teacher ordered the students to get everything ready (命令学生准备好每件事) in half an hour. (order)6. The visitors said how great the celebration was (这个庆祝是多么了不起啊). (how)7. Your mother called to ask what was the matter (什么事), Jane. (matter)8. John suggests going swimming (建议去游泳) tomorrow. (suggest)9. My cousin suggested making a voyage (做一次航行)along the Yangtze River during the summer vacation. (voyage)10. The teacher asked you to come up to his office (到他办公室来) after class. (come)11. He said that it was because of the accident (是因为那次事故) that he lost his eyesight. (because)12. The guard asked the visitors not to throw (要游客不要扔) rubbish everywhere. (ask)13. The editor advised the reporter to base his report on facts (报道要以事实为依据). (base)14. He asked whether native English speakers could understand (以英语为母语的人是否能明白) each other if they speak differently. (native)15. Father told his son to make use of time (叫儿子利用时间) to study. (make)16. The stranger asked what the number of injured people was (受伤的人数是多少). (number)17. The students said how fluently the teacher spoke English (老师英语说得多么流利啊). (fluently)18. The officer ordered them to present their identity cards (出示他们的身份证). (present)Unit2English around the world暑假预习题(3)(新人教版必修1). 多项选择1. From her _ , I guess she must come from the West of America. A. sound B. voice C. accent D. noise【解析】选C。accent“口音”。句意:从她的口音,我猜她一定来自美国西部。sound“声音”;voice“嗓音”; noise“噪音”,与句意不符。2. When the thief found the police had already _ him, he ran away quickly. A. realized B. knownC. recognized D. heard【解析】选C。recognize“认出”。句意:当那个贼发现警察认出了他时,他很快逃跑了。3. The army officer _ his soldiers to fire as soon as the enemies came up. A. requested B. commandedC. asked D. advised【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意为:那位军官命令士兵们等敌人一走近就开火射击。command意思是“命令,指挥”;而request表“请求,要求”;ask“请求,要求”;advise“建议”。相比之下,只有command命令意义较强。故选B。4. _ , China may have the largest number of English learners in the world. ASooner or later BNow and thenCBelieve it or not DHere and there【解析】选C。句意:信不信由你,中国也许有世界上最多的英语学习者。Believe it or not“信不信由你”;Sooner or later“早晚;迟早”;Now and then“有时;偶然”;Here and there“到处;处处”;只有C项符合语境。5. What do you think _ an important part in Jacksons life? Pop music. A. plays B. takes C. makes D. acts【解析】选A。固定短语play an important part in. . . “在中起重要作用”。6. We knew he was very sad from the _ on his face when hearing the news. A. looking B. appearanceC. expression D. sight【解析】选C。句意:从他脸上的表情我们知道, 听到这个消息他很难过。expression“表情”。7. As the strong winds blew down many tall trees, some of the streets in the city were _ . A. struck B. caught C. crowded D. blocked【解析】选D。句意:因为大风刮倒了许多大树,城市里有些街道都被堵住了。strike侵袭,打动;catch抓住;crowd拥挤,挤满;block堵塞,阻塞。8. The road will take you _ to the post office. You will not miss it. A. finally B. safely C. straight D. exactly【解析】选C。句意:这条路直通邮局,你不会错过的。straight直(接)地;finally最终;safely安全地;exactly准确地。. 选词并用其适当形式填空1. recognize/recognitionHe was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his service to the company. The World Health Organization has recognized net addiction (网瘾) as an illness. 2. request/commandThe fire officer commanded everyone to leave the building. All the club members are requested to attend the party. 3. express/expressionMany people expressed their sadness for the death of Qian Xuesen. I decided to go to the meeting as an expression of support. 4. accent/dialectThe people over there speak a Tibetan dialect. He noticed that I spoke with a southern accent. 5. east/easternHe turned and walked away towards the east . It was said that there was a bright light in the eastern sky at that time. . 完形填空 Do you know 1 languages there are in the world? There are about 1,500 but many of them are not very 2 . English is one of the most important languages because many people 3 it, not only in England and America, 4 in other countries of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it 5 their own language, and another 200,000,000 use it as 6 language. It is 7 to say how many people are learning it. 8 boys and girls in school are trying to do so. Many English children study French. French is also a very important language. 9 children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. Which is the best 10 to learn a language? We know that we all learnt 11 language well when we were 12 . If we learn a second language in the 13 way, it wont seem so difficult. What does a small child do? It 14 what people say, and it tries to guess what it hears. When it wants something, it has to 15 it. It is using the language, 16 in it and talking in it all the time. If people use a second language 17 , they will learn it 18 . In school, you learn to read, to hear and to speak. It is best to learn all new words through the 19 . You can read them, spell them and 20 them. 1. A. how many B. what numberC. a lot of D. so many【解析】选A。根据下句“there are about 1,500. . . ”可知此处是询问“世界上有多少种语言?”。2. A. useful B. necessary C. important D. good【解析】选C。第一段主要谈世界上最重要的语言之一英语,可知全世界1 500种语言当中有许多是不重要的。3. A. like B. use C. learn D. speak【解析】选B。因为很多人应用英语,所以英语才是世界上最重要的语言之一,故用“use”。4. A. but B. and C. also D. so【解析】选A。此空与上文的not only形成“not only. . . but (also)”固定结构,意为“不仅而且”,故选A项。5. A. like B. with C. for D. as【解析】选D。全世界有200 000 000 人把英语作为母语来讲,故用介词as,意为“作为”。6. A. foreign B. a second C. the second D. a special【解析】选B。全世界有200 000 000人把英语作为另一门语言与自己的母语并列使用。“a+序数词”表示“再一,另一”;the second表示“第二”。7. A. easy B. again C. difficult D. best【解析】选C。现在全世界有多少人正在学英语很难说。8. A. Millions of B. Million ofC. Millions D. Several million【解析】选A。millions of意为“数百万的、许多”;several million意为“几百万”。此句显然表示“全世界许许多多的学生正在学习英语”。9. A. Some B. Other C. All D. Few【解析】选A。上文说很多英国孩子学习法语,也有一些孩子学习其他语言,如德语、俄语、日语和汉语。根据句意,选A项。10. A. time B. way C. thing D. place【解析】选B。下文主要谈论学习语言的方法。11. A. a foreign B. our mothersC. others D. our own【解析】选D。我们是小孩的时候,就学会了自己的母语。故选D项。12. A. born B. children C. grown D. boys【解析】选B。根据句意和生活常识,应选B项。13. A. same B. different C. useful D. good【解析】选A。如果用同样的办法学习另一门语言,就不会很难了。14. A. does B. says C. listens to D. follows【解析】选C。在小孩学会说之前,要先“听”。follow是“领会、听清楚”的意思。15. A. ask B. want C. get D. ask for【解析】选D。ask for sth. “请求得到某物”。16. A. speaking B. writing C. thinking D. doing【解析】选C。小孩要东西的过程,就一直在应用语言,用语言思考和交谈。17. A. some time B. sometimesC. all the time D. for the time【解析】选C。some time意为“一段时间”;sometimes意为“有时候”;all the time意为“一直,总是”。根据句意,应选C项。18. A. quickly B. soon C. freely D. differently【解析】选A。如果人们一直使用另一门语言,就会学得很快。19. A. mouth B. hands C. ears D. mind【解析】选C。学习生词最好先听,听当然要通过耳朵。20. A. speak B. use C. love D. write【解析】选D。在听准单词的基础上再去读、拼和写。Unit2English around the world暑假单元预习题(新人教版必修1)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第卷(选择题). 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. This man spoke with such an _ that we could hardly understand what he said. A. advantage B. apartmentC. accent D. identity【解析】选C。句意:这个人带着这样一种口音说话以至于我们几乎不能理解他所说的。advantage优点; apartment公寓住宅;accent口音;identity本身,身份。 22. She changed so much that I could hardly _ her when we met again after a separation of 20 years. A. recognize B. knowC. remember D. tell【解析】选A。句意:她变化如此大以至于我们分别20年后又见面时几乎认不出她了。recognize辨认出;know认识,知道; remember记住; tell告诉。Oh, its you! I didnt _ you. Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing dark glasses. A. recognize B. realizeC. notice D. see【解析】选A。由“Oh, its you! ”可知,认出了对方,所以用recognize。realize“意识到”;notice“注意到”;see“看到”。23. Its important for us to employ an _ or a phrase according


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