八下Unit 9 SectionB (2a-3b)

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以读促写,让英语写作变容易-八下Unit9 SingaporeA Place You Will Never Forget教学实录 王意芬 (舟山市普陀区朱家尖中学)随着素质化教育和新课程改革进程的不断深入,学校和教师越来越清楚地意识到学生在课堂的主体性地位。英语课程作为初中教育中重要组成部分,不仅能够培养学生良好语言知识运用能力,更可以提升学生交际水平。在实际教学过程中,教师应根据学生认知特点,不断创新教学理念,通过以读促写的教学方式,促进学生健康发展。【教学内容】人教版Go For It八下Unit 9 If you go to the party, youll have a great timePeriod One 听说课【教材分析】本单元通过“Talk about consequences” 来学习if 引导的条件状语从句,掌握用be going to 来表示将来的时态,正确使用情态动词should。从学生熟悉的party 出发到对于未来职业选择的探讨,鼓励学生做出自己的决定,并对这一决定所带来的结果进行讨论和评判。该话题贴近学生生活,鼓励学生对未来的生活展开丰富的想象。本节课是听说课,围绕“party”的话题展开,集中呈现了用”If you do, you will You should”句型及对话来谈论学生熟悉的party,使学生在完成任务的同时学习语言,并培养学生树立正确的人生观。【学情分析】八年级学生已经学过一般将来时态和一般现在时态,已了解了这两种时态的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句等形式。首次接触if引导的条件状语从句,在接受上会有一些难度,这就要求教师在引入的时候要多从学生的角度思考。在口语运用中判断if条件句的主句、从句也许会存在一定的困难。在运用一般将来时和一般现在时态也许会产生混淆。【教学目标】(1)掌握词汇:chocolate, potato chips, video, jeans , organize , organizer, organized ,meeting , half the class (2)能用if 引导的条件状语从句来作出假设,用will 来谈论结果,如:If you do, youll be late.(3)能用“You should ”给出建议,如: You should wear cool pants.(4)通过设置贴近学生生活的场景,引导学生用“if”条件状语从句表达自己的意愿。训练学生说的能力。在课堂上学生与我之间的对话,学生与学生之间的小组合作充分证明了这一点。听力的能力也通过练习得到了一定的锻炼。通过句子接龙,锻炼了学生的写作和合作能力。【教学重点难点】教学重点:(1)重点单词: meeting video organize potato chips(2)重点句型: -I think Ill stay at home. -If you do, youll be sorry. - Whatll happen if they have the party today? -If they have it today, half the class wont come. (3)话题:关于参加party和Decision making。教学难点:(1)正确使用if 引导的条件状语从句;(2)掌握用 will 句型来表示将会发生的结果。【教学过程】Step 1: Lead-in(课前热身)(课前先让同学们欣赏一首歌)T: Boys and girls, Today well have a great competition during the whole class. At the end of the class, well choose the best group. Everyone should try your best . Come on!设计意图: 以学生喜闻乐见的形式导入新课,为学生创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。生本小组合作的课堂,以各小组竞争积分卡为主要评价手段,以学生个体点赞为辅助手段,促进各小组互相竞争。Step 2: Presentation(呈现if引导的条件状语从句)T: Just now we listened to a happy song . Are you happy after listening to the song?Ss: Yes, we are happy.T: If you are happy, what will you do?S1: If Im happy, I will sing / dance.(随意)T: If Im happy , I will sing a song , too. But If Im sad , Ill eat some food . I will eat some food. I will eat potato chips and chocolate. They are junk food. Eating too much is bad for our health.T: What will you do if you are sad?S2.: If I am sad , Ill watch TV.S3: If Im sad, I will read a book.T: What will you do if it is sunny this Sunday?S4: If it is sunny this Sunday , I will go shopping with my friends.T: If you do, you will be happy. What will you do if it is sunny this Sunday?S5: I will do sports if it is sunny.T: If you do , youll be healthy.T: What will Miss Yang do if it is sunny this Sunday?S6: Will you do some cleaning if it is sunny this Sunday?T: No, I wont.S7: Will you go shopping ?T: No , I wont . I will travel to Feng Huang Theme Park if it is sunny. If I do, my daughter will be happy.设计意图:设置情景,引出重点句型。出示图片,教师带领学生讨论图片,学习重点句型。让学生在设置的情景中,体会目标语言所表达的含义。Step 3: Find the ruleT: Boys and girls, can you find the rules?T: If Clause , The main sentence we use the Future Tense, and clause we use the Present Tense. Now lets exercise.1. It will be sunny tomorrow. They will have a trip tomorrow. (合并一句) If it _sunny tomorrow, they _ _ a trip. They will have a trip if it is sunny tomorrow.2. You are going to walk to school. You will be late.If you _ to school, you _ _ late.3. It is going to rain tomorrow. I will stay at home.If it _ tomorrow, I _ _ at home.4. He will come to my birthday party. I will be very happy. If he _ to my birthday party, I _ _ very happy.设计意图:教师引导学生总结规律,并简化要点,帮助学生从练习中提炼要点,并回到练习当中去。Step 4 Presentation II(前置预习)T: Christmas Day is coming. Im going to organize a Christmas party. So Im the organizer of the party . And it will be well organized. If we have the Christmas Party on Christmas Eve, will you go to the party?S: I think Ill _.T: If you go to the party, you will have a good time. If you stay at home , you will be sorry.T: Now lets discuss the party.T: What time will we have the party? What will happen if we have the party at 6:00 a.m./6:00pm/8:00p.m.?S: If we have the party at_, _. A. itll be too early. B. half the students wont come. C. most of them will comeT: Where will we have the party ? What will happen if we have the party in the classroom /in the park / in a restaurant?S: If we have the party in _, _.T: Who will you go with ? What will happen if you go with your friends / your parents/ your teachers?S: If I go with _, _.T: What will you take if you go to the party?(some fruits/ some junk food / some drinks)S: If I go to the party , I will take _.T: If you do , _. What will you do if you go to the party ? ( play the guitar / sing and dance /give the gifts to your friends)S: If I go to the party , I will _.T: If you do , _. How will you go to the party?S: If I go to the party , I will go _. (on foot/ by bus / by bike)T: If you do , you will _.设计意图:合理的前置作业,能充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生明确预习目标,做到有的放矢。设计好一个圣诞晚会,通过小组合作讨论并展示讨论成果,提高学生的兴趣,对学生在任务活动中的语言失误进行纠正,使学生保持学习信心。Step 5: Listening IT: It must be a great party. If we go , well enjoy ourselves. Peter will have a party, too. Lets get some information from his party.1b What will happen if you -?A: I think Ill wear jeans to the party.B: If you do, _A: I think Ill stay at home.B: If you do, _A: I think Ill take the bus to the party.B: If you do, _A: I think Ill goto the party with Karen and Anna.B: If you do, _设计意图:次听力是本课时目标语言的集中体现,给学生提供应用目标语言进行听和写的练习机会。Step 6 Practice A: Are you going to the party on Christmas Eve ?B: Yes, I am.A: Who will you go with? How will go ? What will you wear if you go to the party? What will you do if you go to the party?B: I think Ill .A: If you do, youll .设计意图:通过小组个体成员两两进行操练进一步巩固所学语言知识,为学生营造乐学的气氛,为学生搭建表现自我的舞台,也通过竞争积分卡为小组争得荣誉,增强小组凝聚力。Step 7 ListeningII T: Nelly will also go to a party. What party will Nelly go to ? When will they have the party ?2aListen and circle the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1.The students are talking about when to have ( a class party / a class meeting / a birthday party)2. They plan to have it on (Friday evening / Saturday afternoon / Saturday evening).2b Listen again and answer the questions.1.What will happen if they have the party today?2.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?3.What will happen if they watch a video at the party?4.What is Mark going to organize? 5.What is Andrea going to do? T: Now according to the listening , please complete Nellys party.Nellys Party Nelly wants to _ a class party. Mark helps her to _ it. If they have it today, half the class_ come. Because its too _.If they have it tomorrow, students will leave _,too because there is a test. So they will have the party on _ afternoon. And they think if they watch a _, some students will be _. So Mark is going to organize the _. And Nelly will _ the food. They will have a great time during the party.设计意图:给学生提供应用目标语言进行听和写的练习机会,进行听和写的综合的运用。Step 8 Lets play (课代表来主持)T: will you play games at Christmas party ? If we play games at the party . well have a great time. I have some games for you now. Lets try them first.(Ask one student to be a host)S: Hello , everyone, I am Ying Yifan . Its time for games now. Please choose a number that you like, and try to finish the tasks. Number1: What will happen if you dont finish your homework?Number2: Chain practice:用if 条件句接龙(至少4个句子)提示词: study hard, get good grades, go to university, make a lot of money, travel around the world, have a great timeNumber 3: If you have lots of money , what will you do ?Number 4: You are lucky!Number 5: If Huang Lihong comes , what will you do ?Number 6: 看图完成句子 If I _, I will _.Number 7: If you find a wallet (钱包) on the ground, what will you do?give it to the teacher use up(用完) the moneyIf I _a wallet on the ground, I _.Number 8: What will you do if you are one of the campus stars in our school ?S: Thats all for the games, thank you !设计意图:本活动的设计主要是让学生在具体的语言环境中使用所学的语言知识,巩固语言知识点,再次操练if引导的条件状语从句。所给出的情景都是贴近学生生活,是学生都比较感兴趣的,让学生争抢回答问题,促进小组合作。并且在这个活动中教师只是担任指导员的角色,给学生更多展示的机会,提高他们的语言综合运用的能力。Step 9 Group work接龙游戏If we have the party , I will _.设计意图:让学生游戏这轻松的氛围中更好的掌握If.will.结构,也是让每个小组成员参与的一个很好的平台。Step10 SummaryNew words and phrasesGrammar summaryAssessment : Today we all do a good job . But which is the best group in the class ?设计意图:教师在学生使用目标语言后,再引导学生重复目标语言的特点,实现了语言的循环性,起到了巩固效果,而简单的练习更帮助学生进行诊断和自我反馈,让学生更加巩固的掌握本课时的重难点。最后根据各小组在整堂课的表现,计算积分卡,对于得分最高的小组给于一定的奖励,使得学生能以更大的热情参与课堂活动,提高英语学习的积极性。Homework : 1. 熟读Section A 1b听力部分四个对话并背诵其中一个对话。 2. Make 5sentences by using ifLets learn to thank people around us. If we do , we will be happier.If we do , the world will be nicer.设计意图:根据学生程度进行口语和书面作业的布置,不体现在难度上,而是为了把目标语言的知识进行更好的巩固。在课尾设计是寓思想教育于其中,让学生学会感恩,使我们更快乐,让我们的世界变得更美好!教学反思 生本小组合作,让英语课堂精彩起来!本节课的话题是关于“party”。在这一节课里,学生学会if引导的条件状语从句,并且通过小组活动,有机会运用所学的语言结构和同学们进行交流。所以,学生们不仅学习语言知识,并且能够学会使用语言知识。每一个人对一件事得看法是不一样的,教师应该尽可能的让学生说出自己的观点,引导学生正确的处理生活中所遇到的人和事。 “生本教育”的课堂的主体是学生,一切为了学生,高度尊重学生,全面依靠学生,将课堂真正地、彻底地还给学生,让学生人人参与学习的全过程,让学生学得生动活泼,人人尝到成功的喜悦。这就要求教师重新认识教学,重新认识学生,也要重新认识自己。教师要为学生创设良好的,浓厚的学习氛围,培养学生自主学习的能力,激发学生活跃的思维。教师要勇于做一名积极的旁观者。本节课我也尝试了生本英语的课堂教学理念,在在课前提前设置了预习作业,让更多的学生参与到小组合作中。在生本小组合作教学中,“前置预习”是整个教学环节的开头一炮,只有做到以任务为导向,明确方向,预习才有效,合理的在课前给学生布置好前置预习任务,能充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生明确预习目标,做到有的放矢。在生本教育模式下,由传统的教师提问,学生回答的模式,转变为学生提问,学生回答,学生自己解决问题,而在整个学习过程中,教师只担任指导员的角色,这种以学生为本的教学模式才是真正发挥学生主体地位的模式,使每个学生都有了锻炼自己,提高自己的机会,也在学习的同时,培养了学生的综合素质,实现素质教育的目标。在本节课上,我把活动的空间交给了学生,把表现的机会还给了学生,极大地挖掘了学生内在的潜能,增强了学生的自信心、表达能力、创造力以及合作学习的能力,使学生能自主地、快乐地学习,真正地培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,激发了他们学习英语的热情。我愿意在“生本英语“中,做学生生命的“牧者”,去点燃学生的学习的火把,让英语课堂精彩起来。


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