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高三第二学期听力答案高三第二学期听力答案(29)Q:1:Thompson 的目的是什么?的目的是什么?Whats Thompsons purpose?2.他比较喜欢哪种类型的人?他比较喜欢哪种类型的人?What kind of people might the man prefer?3.他认为内向的人会怎样?他认为内向的人会怎样?What does he think of shy people?A:1.How old does he think the girl should be?She should be around 22 2.What sort of job does he think the girl should have?She should be working in a hospital or she should be a teacher.3.Whats the mans possible favor according to the conversation?He might be interested in taking exercise.4.What kind of person might he prefer?He might prefer a person who is open and fun,or rather,a practical person.5.What does he hope the girl likes?He hopes the girl likes outdoor sports.(30)Retelling:概要:概要:Discoveries 正在寻找一位记者,他可以正在寻找一位记者,他可以 去世界各地采访并撰写历险性的文章。去世界各地采访并撰写历险性的文章。关键词:关键词:a magazine article,newspapers,adventurous things,prison,horrible W:Discoveries is looking for a report to travel all around the world and write adventure articles.M:Oh,Its a good job I think.W:So you are interested in working for Discoveries.M:Thats right.Ive written a magazine article,but Im sure I can.Ive written lots of articles for newspaper.W:Oh?What newspapers have you written for?M:Well,so far Ive sold articles to the Chicago Star and a few other newspapers.W:Have you ever written an adventure article?M:No,I havent.But I have done some adventurous things to get information for my newspaper article.W:Tell me about one of them.M:Well,once I wanted to report on prisons,so I went to a store and stole something.Of course the police came and I spent ten days in prison.It was horrible.When I got out,I wrote two articlesabout my experiences there.When the public read the articles,they got upset and complained.Since then the prisons really have been improved.W:That certainly is interesting.(31)Q:1.专家说什么东西可以保护耳朵?专家说什么东西可以保护耳朵?What do experts say can protect the ears?2.医生认为它能起什么作用?医生认为它能起什么作用?What do doctors think it helps the ears?3.怎样可以软化耳蜡?怎样可以软化耳蜡?How can the ear wax be softened?A:1.How do the experts say the ear wax can do for the protection of our ears?It can protect our ears against infection.2.What does waxy oil keep ears from?It keeps ears from getting too dry.3.How do we remove wax?4.What are the results if the extra wax hardens and forms a blockage?It will interfere with sound waves and reduces hearing.5.What device do the experts advice to direct water against the wall of ear canal?The experts advice using a syringe device.(32)Q:1.这位女士打算什么时候离开学校?这位女士打算什么时候离开学校?When is the woman going to leave school?2.她想做什么?她想做什么?What does she want to do/be?3.兽医是做什么的?兽医是做什么的?What is a vet?A:1.What does a clerk do?He works in the office.He writes letters and reports,and he types.2.Why does the man think he will learn?He will learn to communicate with animals,understand their feelings and become their best friend.3.Whats a vet?A vet is a man who takes care of sick animals./A vet is an animal doctor.4.What did the woman read?She read a story about a person who talked to animals.Its very interesting.5.What does the woman think the man will be?He will be a good vet.(33)Q:1.为什么为什么Mary 很早来到学校?很早来到学校?Why has Mary come to school early?2.这位男士感觉怎样?这位男士感觉怎样?What does the man think of Mary?3.Mary 觉得这次的测试会怎样?觉得这次的测试会怎样?What does Mary think the test will be?A:1.What does Mary want to do before the test?She wants to get a front row seat and review one more time before the test.2.What if Mary doesnt get an“A”in this class?She wont get the support from her country.3.How long has the man been learning the class?He has been learning the class for two years.4.What is this class for the man?It is really just a review for him.5.What does the man tell Mary to do?He tells Mary to cheer up and wishes her to have a good luck.(34)Q:1.Daniel会说几国语言?会说几国语言?How many languages can Daniel speak?2.他去年在哪里工作过?他去年在哪里工作过?Where did he work last year?3.对于对于Daniel来说最重要的是要做什么?来说最重要的是要做什么?Whats the most important thing for Daniel to do?A:1.What language is Daniel weak in?He is weak in Japanese.2.Where does Daniel want to work?He wants to work at a hotel.3.How many restaurants does the woman have?She has four restaurants.4.Why does Daniel think he can work with a lot of people?Because he comes from a big family.5.When cant Daniel work?He can work on Saturdays,but not Sundays.(35)Q:1.谁阅读了谁阅读了“To Kill a Mocking Bird”?Who has read“To Kill a Mocking Bird”?2.这本书是以什么为背景?这本书是以什么为背景?Where is the book set?3.这本书被翻译成多少种语言?这本书被翻译成多少种语言?How many languages has the book been translated into?A:1.What lessons does the novel offer?It offers moral lessons about racial justice and respect.2.When was it published?It was published fifty years ago.3.How many copied has been sold?Over forty million copies have been sold.4.What kind of prize did it win?It won a Pulitzer Prize.5.Where did the story take place?The story took place in a town that Harper Lee called Maycomb.(27)Q:1.Peterson 先生为何打电话?先生为何打电话?Why does Peterson make the phone?/What does Peterson make the phone for?2.他预定在几点钟?他预定在几点钟?When/What time does he want to book?3.他打电话给谁?他打电话给谁?Who is he phoning to?A:1.How many people will come here?There are altogether ten people.2.Why does the woman feel surprised?Because they usually dont accept large parties.3.How will they solve the problem?They will put two tables together.4.What food will they prefer for?They will prefer to eat vegetables.5.What kind of food do they serve tonight?They have seafood tonight.(28)Retelling:概要:概要:2007年年4月月29日日10点至点至11点来自全点来自全 国各大、中、小学的数百名学生参国各大、中、小学的数百名学生参 加了全国的体育项目。加了全国的体育项目。关键词:关键词:eleven million;The Ministry of Education;an hour;build up;efficiently On the morning of April 29th,2007,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions of students from primary schools,middle schools and universities all over China joined in a national student sports program.Eleven million students in Zhejiang took an active part in this program.The Ministry of Education has called on students to exercise for an hour every day,in the hope that they will have good health and enjoyed life.Personally,I think its a good idea for us senior high school students to take daily exercise.Although we are busy studying every day,it is well worth taking an hour a day for exercise.On the one hand,taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind;on the other hand,taking exercise can make us relax and feel fresh.As a result,we can work more efficiently.Lets stick to doing it.(23)Q:1.今天中国地区的天气如何?今天中国地区的天气如何?Whats the weather like in China?2.北京的天气适合做什么事情?北京的天气适合做什么事情?What is suitable for people to do on such a beautiful day in Beijing?3.香港的温度为几度?香港的温度为几度?Whats the temperature in Hong Kong?A:1.Whats the weather like in the Beijing area?It is sunny,a little cloudy but nice2.Where can people go in Hong Kong today?Its a perfect day to go to the beach.3.What are the people expecting in the northwest?They are expecting rain in the northwest.4.Which is a perfect place for winter sports,Lanzhou or Urumchi?Urumchi is a perfect place for winter sports.5.Whats the temperature in Tianshan Mountains?Its 0C now.(24)Q:1.Q:1.这位男士在做什么?这位男士在做什么?Whats the man doing now?2.2.他的烟在哪里?他的烟在哪里?Where are his cigarettes?3.3.为什么他的妻子将烟扔了?为什么他的妻子将烟扔了?Why did his wife throw away his cigarettes A:1.What does the wife think of cigarettes?They are a waste of money.2.What did the husband drop on the carpet?He dropped ash on the carpet.3.Why didnt the husband see the ash?Because his wife has already cleaned it.4.Where did his wife throw the cigarette?She threw them into the dustbin.5.Did he admit his mistake?No,he didnt admit his mistake.(25)Q:1.我们从对话中了解到什么?我们从对话中了解到什么?What can we learn from the conversation?2.为什么为什么Jane认为他们不能出去?认为他们不能出去?Why doesnt Jane think they were not able to go out?3.这段对话是什么时间进行的?这段对话是什么时间进行的?When does the conversation take place?A:1.Whats the weather like?Its raining or pouring.2.How is it from their house to Britons?Its only five minuteswalk.3.Where did Jane leave her umbrella?She left her umbrella in the office.4.What does Bruce think of Jane?It was not clever of her.5.What did Bruce finally decide to do?He decided to call for a taxi.(26)Retelling:概要:概要:如果你感到寂寞孤独,如果你感到寂寞孤独,Johnnys 宠宠 物店为你推荐一些宠物来陪伴你。物店为你推荐一些宠物来陪伴你。关键词:关键词:a wide selection of pets;in-house trainer;training course;pet food,crazy Are you feeling lonely at home?Got no friends to play with?Why not buy yourself a pet?Johnnys Pets has just opened a new shop near you.At Johnnys Pets,you can find a wide selection of pets.We have cats,dogs and birds of every kind.We also have more special pets for you to choose from.Why not get yourself a spider,a snake or a monkey?Theyll be with you all day long.Worried about how to look after them?Dont be.We have in-house trainers who give courses on how to look after your pets in your house.The training courses are free to all customers.Not enough to convince you?Well also throw in pet food,pet toys and other necessities for your pets.Were totally crazy at Johnnys Pets.Come now and see the amazing prices of your packages.Dont delay.Come to Johnnys Pets today.(21)概要:概要:Sally 是一位来自美国的女孩。现和父是一位来自美国的女孩。现和父母居住在西安。母居住在西安。关键词:关键词:1.ninth floor 2.No.1 middle school 3.by bus 4.first class 5.make friends.Now let me introduce my friend Sally to you.Sally is a lovely American girl.She came to China with her parents last September.They are now living in the city of Xi an.They live on the ninth floor of a tall building,and Sally studies at No.1 Middle School.It is about three kilometers away.Usually she goes to school by bike,but sometimes she catches the No.12 bus.The first class begins at a quarter to eight.Sally always gets up early and gets to school at about seven oclock.She studies hard and has made quite a few friends here.(22)Q:1.这位男士哪里不舒服?这位男士哪里不舒服?Whats wrong/the matter with the man?2.这位男士晚上睡多久时间?这位男士晚上睡多久时间?How long does the man sleep at night?3.这位女士给了他一些什么东西?这位女士给了他一些什么东西?What does the woman give to the man?A:1.Whats wrong with the man?He feels tired all the time,he can eat a little and he sleeps badly.2.Whats he worried about?He is worried about his work.3.Whats the doctors advice?The doctor advised him not to work too hard.4.Why cant the man take exercise?Because he never has time to take exercise.5.What will the man do next?He will change his job.(14)Q:1.说话人之间是什么关系?说话人之间是什么关系?Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?2.这位男士今年要做什么?这位男士今年要做什么?What is the man going to do/be?3.琳达计划要做什么?琳达计划要做什么?What does Linda plan to do?1.What is the man going to be this year?He is going to be Lindas adviser.2.Why does Linda take two of the science courses?Because the two of the science have lab hours.3.What is Linda going to be?She wants to be a chemist./She is going to be a chemist.4.How were Lindas grades last year?Her grades were very good.5.Whats the mans attitude toward Lindas schedule?He will approve it.(15)Q:1.他们多久没见面了?他们多久没见面了?How long havent they seen each other?2.Joe 现在对什么感兴趣?现在对什么感兴趣?What is Joe interested in now?3.他的妻子在学什么?他的妻子在学什么?What is his wife studying now?A:1.When did they see each other?It was a year ago.2.What happened to Billy?He fell down and broke his leg.3.What did the mans wife study last year?She studied typing and sewing.4.What does the mans opinion of his wifes interests?She just enjoying going to school.5.What was Joe interested in?He was interested in playing the violin(16)Q:1.美国作家将什么时候做报告?美国作家将什么时候做报告?When will the American writer give a talk?2.作者将谈论什么?作者将谈论什么?What will the writer talk about?3.说话人在和谁说话?说话人在和谁说话?Who/Whom is the speaker talking to?A:1.When and who will give a talk?A well-known American writer,Sara Jones will give a talk at 8pm on Saturday evening.2.Where is she going to give the talk?She is going to give a talk in the library.3.Where has she just returned from?She has just returned from Africa.4.What will she talk about?She will talk about all her experiences 5.What did she do?She traveled through three different countries and met lots of interesting people(17)Q:1.他们在讨论什么?他们在讨论什么?What are they talking about?2.他们的假期持续多长时间?他们的假期持续多长时间?How long will their vocation last?3.这位女士去年去哪里度假?这位女士去年去哪里度假?Where did the woman go for her vocation?A:1.What does the man think they can do on the coast?They can do some swimming and surfing.2.Where does the man suggest they should go?They should go to Sydney.3.What does the woman think of Sydney now?She thinks that there are too many tourists ,buildings and cars now.4.Where does the woman vote for?She votes for the mountains.5.What will they do next?They will find out where they will stay and how they get there./perhaps they will surf the Internet.(18)故事情节:有位老人去看医生。医生检查过故事情节:有位老人去看医生。医生检查过后提出一些建议。后提出一些建议。关键词关键词:1.go to bed 2.milk 3.walk 4.cigar 5.kill One day an old man went to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over carefully and said,“Medicine wont help you.You must have a good rest.Go to bed early,drink milk,walk a lot and smoke one cigar one day.Go to the countryside for a month.”After a month,the man came to the doctor again.“How are you?”said the doctor,“Im glad to see you again.You look much younger.“Oh!Doctor,I feel quite well now,”said the man,“I had a good rest.I went to bed early,drank a lot of milk and walked a lot.Your advice certainly helped me,but you told me to smoke one cigar a day,and it almost killed me at first.Its no joke starting smoking at my age.”(19)Q:1.这位男士想知道什么?这位男士想知道什么?What does the man want to know?2.他想去哪里?他想去哪里?Where does the man want to go?3.车费是多少?车费是多少?Whats the fare?A:1.Which bus will the man take?The man will take No.5 bus stop.2.Where does the man want to go?He is going downtown.3.What does the woman ask him to do?She asked him to stand over there across the street,in front of the library.4.Whats the fare?The fare is 50 cents.5.Where can he get change?He can get change in the drugstore.(20)Q:1.这位女士觉得香烟广告怎样?这位女士觉得香烟广告怎样?What does the woman think of cigarette advertisements?2.许多国家怎样解决广告问题?许多国家怎样解决广告问题?What do many countries do with cigarette advertisements?3.为什么广告商继续寻找规避法律的途为什么广告商继续寻找规避法律的途径?径?Why do advertisers keep finding ways of getting around the law?A:1.What does the woman think of cigarette advertisement?They are so disturbing and wrong.2.What do many countries do with cigarette advertisements?They forbid cigarette ads to be shown completely.3.What does the USA do with cigarette advertisements?Cigarette advertisements are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes.4.Who do the advisers want to attract?They want to attract new smokers,especially young people.5.Why do the advisers keep finding new smokers?They want to increase cigarette sales.(5)Q:1.这位男士觉得女士怎样?这位男士觉得女士怎样?What does the man think of the woman?2.这位男士的工作怎么了?这位男士的工作怎么了?Whats wrong/the matter with the mans work?3.男士喜欢什么样的工作?男士喜欢什么样的工作?What kind of work/job does the man like?A:1.What does the man think of the woman?He thinks she is lucky.2.What would the man like to be?He would like to be a music teacher.3.What is the man now?He is a singer now.4.Why does the man want to change his job?Because he cant go out at night.5.What lessons is the man having?He is having piano leesons.(6)Q:1.这封信将寄往何处?这封信将寄往何处?Where will the letter be post?2.信中夹寄了什么东西?信中夹寄了什么东西?What does it have inside?3.这位男士接下来要做什么?这位男士接下来要做什么?What will the man have to do next?A:1.How does the man want to send the letter?He will send it by airmail.2.where is the man going to send it?He is going to sent it to England.3.What did the man enclose inside the envelope?He enclosed a check and some photographs.4.What does the woman suggest to the man?She suggested he should send it by registered mail.5.Where does the man have to take the letter to?He has to take it to the next window.(7)Q:1.这位男士今晚打算呆在哪里?这位男士今晚打算呆在哪里?Where is the man going to stay?2.他将参加什么考试?他将参加什么考试?What kind of exam will he take?3.他认为现在的工作怎样?他认为现在的工作怎样?What does he think of his current job?A:1.What does the man think of the coming exam?It will be harder than the midterm exam.2.Whats the mans determination?He is going to spend more time studying for it 3.What will he do after the exam?He will look for a better job.4.Whats the matter with his job?Because he thinks it is neither the worst job nor the best job in the world.5.Why does he want to work for a big company?Because he want to make more money.(8)Q:1.这个女孩心里想什么?这个女孩心里想什么?Whats on the girls mind?2.她需要什么?她需要什么?What does she need?3.为什么她需要一部手机?为什么她需要一部手机?Why does she need a cellphone?A:1.What did the girl see in the newspaper?She saw an offer for a free cellphone in the newspaper.2.What reason does the girl give for needing a cellphone?She can family in case the car breaks down./in case of an emergency.3.What is her father afraid of?There are always so many fees.4.How much is the monthly charge for the service?It is$29.9.5.What is the term of service for this plan?It is only for half a year.(9)Q:1.谁发布了有关大米方面的报告?谁发布了有关大米方面的报告?Who has released a report about rice?2.这份报告说明了什么?这份报告说明了什么?What does the report show/What does it report?3.怎样怎样/如何减少患病的风险?如何减少患病的风险?What reduces the risk of the disease?How can we reduce the risk of the disease?A:1.Where is the researchers from?They are from the Harvard School of Public Health in Massachusetts.2.What increases the risk of Type Two diabetes?Eating white rice increases the risk of it.3.How many people world wide have diabetes?More than two hundred and twenty million people worldwide.4.When does Type Two diabetes result?It results when the body cannot effectively use the sugar it produces.5.What kind of rice is in its natural form?Brown rice is the grain in its natural form.(10)Q:1.为什么比尔打电话给艾莉丝?为什么比尔打电话给艾莉丝?Why is Bill calling to Alice?2.他想告诉她什么事?他想告诉她什么事?What does he want to tell her?3.比尔什么时候来接她?比尔什么时候来接她?When will Bill pick her up?A:1.Why does Bill phone to Alice?He is only to find out what Alice is doing on Saturday night.2.What is there at the auditorium?There is a folk concert at the auditorium.3.Why does Alice think it is great?Because a lot of people cant get the tickets for the concert.4.What time will Bill pick her up?He will pick her up at 6:00 pm.5.Does Alice agree to go with Bill?Yes,she agreed to go with Bill.(11)Q:1.昨天这位男士在哪里?昨天这位男士在哪里?where was the man yesterday?2.这位男士怎么了?这位男士怎么了?What s the matter with him?3.他来这里见谁?他来这里见谁?Who did he come to visit/see?A:1.Where was the man yesterday?He was at home asleep.2.What did the woman think the man had to do?She thought he had to take an exam.3.What did the mans professor tell him?His professor told him that he was able to take a make-up exam.4.Where did the man have to stop on the way home?He had to stop at the drugstore on his way home.5.Why does the man have to walk home?Because he didnt bring his car and he didnt think he was able to drive that day.(12)Q:1.这位女士为什么迟到了?这位女士为什么迟到了?Why was the woman late?2.谁来见她?谁来见她?Who came to visit her?3.她能做什么来帮助这位女孩?她能做什么来帮助这位女孩?What could she do to help the girl?A1.What was she doing when the father of one of her students came in?She was making out lesson plans when he came in.2.What did the father want to know?He wanted to know why his daughter wasnt reading better.3.What are the problems of the girl?Her health is part of the problem.Shes absent too often.Even if she comes,she cant pay much attention.4.What did the teacher do to help the girl?She sent some work that her father could help her with at home.5.What was the man doing?He was correcting homework and making out lesson plans.(13)Part C:美国各城市的居民主要依靠农民提供的水果美国各城市的居民主要依靠农民提供的水果蔬菜,可是现在新生代的农民计划在城市蔬菜,可是现在新生代的农民计划在城市种植粮食。种植粮食。关键词:关键词:1.Sean Conroe&Amber Banks,2.Seattle,3.website 4.volunteers 5.grassy land (1)Q:1.这两位说话者可能是什么关系?这两位说话者可能是什么关系?Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?2.这位女士来自哪里?这位女士来自哪里?Where is the woman from?3.为什么这位女士搬到这里来了?为什么这位女士搬到这里来了?Why did the woman move here?1.How long has the woman been waiting?About ten minutes.2.What does the woman wish the weather would be?She wishes that the weather would rain and cool off.3.Where was the man born?He was born in New York.4.Where is the woman from?She is from Indiana.5.Why did the woman move here?Because its pretty cold in Indiana.(2)Q:1.这位男士遇到了什么事?这位男


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