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7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate! 第一课时 Welcome to the unit (新授课) 【学习目标】1. 学习中外著名的节,初步理解这些节日的庆祝方式。2. 谈论最喜欢的节日【学习重点、难点】1. 词组:dress up/ get together/ have a guess/ at Christmas2. 句型:Lets celebrate! / How about the Monkey King. / Whats your favourite festival?【学习过程】一、课前预习导学 预习P56/57的新单词和对话,在书上画出这些词组和句子,并写下来:1. 万圣节 _ 2. Dragon Boat Festival _3. 中秋节 _ 4. Mid-Autumn Festival _5. 感恩节 _ 6. Chinese New Year _7. 装扮成鬼 _ 8. 你最喜欢的节日是什么?_9. 聚会 _ 10. 得到很多精美的礼物 _11. 吃大餐 _ 12. 赏月 _13. 美猴王 _ 14. 在那一天 _二、语言点讲解。1celebrate v. 庆祝, 庆祝他的生日_ _ _ 2. Have a guess=Guess 猜一猜。第一个guess是名词,第二个是动词。 类似的有:have a look/chat/walk/rest/sleep=look/chat/walk/sleep3dress (1) n. 连衣裙,女服 那个穿漂亮连衣裙的年轻女子舞跳得好 The young woman _/_ a _ _ dances _. (2) v. 给.穿/衣服 dress sb in+颜色/衣服. 他会自己穿衣服吗? _ he _ himself?给她穿蓝色服装 _ _ in _ dress up 乔装打扮dress up as打扮成的样子 dress up in用.打扮我们常常在万圣节乔装打扮,有人扮成鬼,有人扮成美猴王。We often _ _ at Halloween. Someone _ _ _ a _ and someone _ _ _ Monkey King.我喜欢用粉色打扮 因为它是我最喜欢的颜色。 I _ _ _ _ pink, _ its _ _ colour. be dressed in = be in = wear 穿着.(表示状态) 她今天穿着灰色牛仔裤. Shes _ _ grey jeans.= Shes _ grey jeans.= She _ _ jeans. 穿上(表示动作)_4. as 作为 当作.(介词) 作为学生,我们应该努力学习。 _ students, we should _ _. 他会给我一个电子狗作为礼物吗? _ he _ me an e-dog _ a _.5.together 在一起,共同, 副词.(1) 可放在动词后面,表示一起做。一起步行上学_ _ _ _ 一起上课 _ _ _(2)together with =withHe together with his parents _ (be) going to Shanghai tomorrow.6.be full 满的,圆的,饱的 篮子满满的吗? _ the basket _ (满的) 中秋节那天的月亮总是圆的。The moon _ _ _ on Mid-Autumn Day. 你想来些面包吗?不,谢谢,我饱了。Would you like _ _ ? No, _, _ _ . 三、作业布置1). 根据句意完成句子1.That book is really _ (有趣). I would like to read it 2._(child) Day is a festival for all the children.3. At the zoo, children like to play with the lovely m_ .4. What is that kind of small and sweet cake called in China? M_ .5. How many _ (节日) are there in your country? Many.6. The young mother _ (dress) her baby every day.2). 补全短文A: Lin Tao, which is your _ (1) _ (2) in the year? B: The Chinese New Year. A: _ (3) is it your favourite day? B: Because we eat rice dumplings, and I love rice dumplings. A: I love them, too. B: And I can get lots of _ (4) _ (5)that day. A: _ (6) gives you money? B: My parents, my uncles, my aunts and my grandparents. _ (7) _ (8) you? Whats your favourite day? A: Well, I like Christmas Day. _ (9) Christmas I can get lots of _ (10).B: Cards are always very beautiful, arent they? A: Yes, they are. 错题集7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate! 第二课时Reading 1 (新授课) 主备人:任友生 审核人: 审批人: 班级:_姓名:_【学习目标】1、学习相关万圣节的知识。 2、初步理解信件的写作方式。 3、培养学生的阅读水平。【学习重点、难点】1掌握阅读技巧。 2. 能够谈论万圣节。【学习过程】一、课前预习导学预习P 58-60的单词和课文,在书上画出以下英文表达,并译成汉语:1. tell about _2. have a lot of fun _3. dress up and wear masks _4. paint our faces _ 6. play a game with the people inside _7. knock on _8. give us some candy as a treat _9. give us a treat _10. play a trick on sb. _11. have a party _12. on the evening of October 31 _13. a special day _ 14. have some questions _二、作业布置1). 选用适当的介副词填空。1. Thank you _ helping me so much.2. Do you have a penfriend _ the USA?3. We ususlly watch the fireworks _ the evening of Chinese New Year.4. Listen! Who is knocking _ the door?5. Little Tom is very naughty(淘气的). He often plays tricks _ others. 6. Do you know the girl _ long hair?7. Granny Wang is very kind. She ofte gives us some candies _ a treat.2). 短文填空.Today Millie t_ me about Halloween. The people in the USA have p_ on October 31st. because it is a s_ day. They dress up and w_ masks. Children usually play a game c_ trick or treat .They k_ on peoples door and shout :trick or treat .I_ they do not give the children a treat , the children can play a t_ on them 错题集7A Unit5 Lets celebrate! 第三课时Reading 2 (新授课) 主备人:任友生 审核人: 审批人: 班级:_姓名:_【教学目标】1. 能熟练掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并实行交际使用。2. 学习一些句式和短语的用法。【学习重点、难点】句式:Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival重要词组:knock on, play a trick on, give.as., wear costumes with masks, on the evening of.【学习过程】一、课前预习导学 熟读P58课文。二、知识点讲解 :1 .Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival thank sb. for sth / doing sth 因为.而感谢某人谢谢你告诉我这个问题的答案 _ _ _ me the answer _ the question.2. trick n. 恶作剧,诡计,欺诈手段(可数名词)play a trick on sb.捉弄某人, 也能够说play tricks on sb不要捉弄他人。 Dont _ _ _ _.3. treat v& n.招待 招待某人 treat sb = give sb a treat用.招待某人 give sb sth as a treat = treat sb with sth他们用糖果招待我们. They _ _ _ some candy. = They _ us some candy_ _ _.4. We knock on peoples doors and shout trick or treat.我们敲人们的门,然后大叫“不招待就使坏”knock (1) v. 敲 _ _/_ the doo r/ window敲门、窗(2) n. 敲击声 Listen! There is a knock on the window. 汉语:_ shout v. 喊 喊救命 _ for _shout at sb.对某人大喊 对别人大叫是不礼貌的。Its not polite to _ _ _. paint vt. 用颜料涂 ,把涂成用颜料涂这张画_ the picture 把墙刷白 _ the walls _ painting n. 绘画,油画 Chinese paintings 汉语:_6. if + 句子 假如. 引导条件状语从句 假如孩子们晚上睡眠不好,他们白天就会觉得很不舒服. _ children _ _ _ at night, they will not _ _ in the day.7. on the evening of October 31st 在10月31日晚 表示在具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上用on 在4月1日的下午_ 在一个春寒料峭的早晨 _8. people inside 里面的人 inside 副词 这里作后置定语 。反义词:outside9. make a pumpkin lantern = make a lantern out of a pumpkin做南瓜灯 做桔子灯笼_ = _三、作业布置一. 根据句意及首字母提示在以下各句中的空处填入适当的词:1. There are four s _ in a year. 2. Next week well go to London for a h _ . 3. -Wheres your mother? -Shes cooking super in the k _ . 4. -Which is your favourite f _ ? -Chinese New Year. 5. At Halloween many people wear s _ costume(服装) with masks. 二. 选择填空:( )1. -Hobo, what are you doing? -Im _ as a tiger. A. celebrating B. dressing up C. looking D. excited ( )2. They make _ dragon boats every year. A. own their B. own C. them own D. their own ( )3. Can you make a lantern _ a pumpkin? A. in B. to C. from D. out of ( )4. -What are you going to buy? -Some _ . Tomorrow is Easter. A. rice dumplings B. mooncakes C. chocolate eggs D. pumpkin lanterns ( )5. - _ are you buying so much food? -Because your uncle is coming for dinner. A. What B. How C. Where D. Why ( )6. People do not celebrate _ in the USA. A. Easter B. the Dragon Boat Festival C. Halloween D. Christmas ( )7. The children are playing game _ hide-and-seek. A. called B. calling C. to call D. calls ( )8. His _ are bad. He eats lots of sweets. A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth ( )9. Wendy likes _ because she loves swimming. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( )10. -Happy Halloween, Kitty. - _ A. Yes, Im very happy. B. Thanks. The same to you. C. Its Halloween today. Everyone is happy. D. Why do you say so? 三. 根据划线局部将以下各句改为特殊疑问句:1. The pumpkin lantern is Eddies. _ pumpkin lantern _ it? 2. Hell buy a computer. _ _ he buy? 3. At Christmas my aunt sends me presents. _ _ _ presents at Christmas? 4. Im drawing because its interesting. _ _ you _ ? 5. Sandys father wants to see her teacher. _ _ Sandys father _ to see? 四. 根据汉语意思完成以下英语句子, 每空一词: 1. 请不要开他玩笑。 Please dont _ _ _ _ him. 2. 谢谢你告诉我关于我儿子的学习情况。 Thanks _ _ me _ my sons study. 3. 我不知道谁在家,咱们敲敲门。 I dont know who is at home. Lets _ _ _ _ . 4. 林叔叔常为小孩子做玩具。 Uncle Lin often _ _ _ children. 5. Mr White想带妻子到北京度一次长假。 Mr White wants to take his wife to Beijing _ _ _ _ . 错题集7A Unit5 Lets celebrate ! 第四课时 Grammar (新授课) 主备人:任友生 审核人: 审批人: 班级:_姓名:_【学习目标】1. 掌握书中所列的八个特殊疑问词2. 学习用这些疑问词提问并回答【学习重难点】1掌握这八个特殊疑问词的用法一、课前预习导学预习P61-62的单词和课文,在书上找出并划出以下短语或句子。1、谁的眼镜 _ _ 2、午饭吃 _ _ _ 3、那个穿红衣服的女孩 the _ _ _ 4、粽子_ _ 5、相互送礼物_ _ _ _ 6、多漂亮的蛋糕啊! _ 7、出去吃生日大餐_ _ _ a birthday _8、我家附近的一家饭店 a _ _ my home9、一些其他的精美礼物 _ _ nice _10、圣诞节想要一个玩具火车_ a toy train _ _11、.哪个礼物是给Daniel的?_ _ is _ Daniel?二、作业布置一.用适当的介词或副词填空 1. Please tell me something_my study trip to Chine. 2. Please wake your son up _ 5:30 _ the morning. 3. She will have two hams and a piece of bread supper. 4. They often go out for a walk _a fine day. 5. Thank you _ giving me so many books. 6. Smiths was born_ December, 1990, but his sister was born _ 12, November, 1998. 7. Are you _ holiday in the USA? 8. Its very hot _ summer. 9. The shop is closed_ weekends. 10. The Chinese New Year usually comes _ February.二.单项选择( ) 1. The cinema is near here. Lets walk _there.A. to B. from C. over D. ( ) 2.He will see the doctor _ three oclock _ this afternoon. A. at, B. on, on C. at, on D. , ( ) 3.I was born _the morning _May 5th. A. in, in B. on, on C. on, of D. in, of( ) 4. How about _to the cinema on Sunday.A. will go B. go C. to go D. going( ) 5.Its best to plant trees in _. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( ) 6.His mother _.A. looks being young B. looks like young C. looks to be young D. looks young 三.句型转换,对划线局部提问:1. Tomorrow is Sunday. 2. Its April 9th today. 3. The meeting is on April 9th. 4. I like spring best in a year. 5. They are football players. 6. These glasses are his. 7. It is his schoolbag. 8. She often dances for half an hour. 9. Its ten-minute walk from school to my home. 10.He plays badminton twice a week.错题集


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