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Listening Lesson 听力训练 2013年中考专题复习 中考英语听力课标解读 听(五级) 1能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图 2 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中 提取信息和观点 3 能借助语境克服生词障碍,理解大意 4能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文, 理解故事的因果关系 5 能在听的过程中用适当的方式做出反应 6 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息 中考英语听力 听力是中考题的重要题型,分值较高, 占总分的 20%。根据 英语新课程标准 的要求, 初中阶段英语听力主要是综合考查考生的交际用语 和功能话题。 中考英语听力 听力的话题: 问候、邀请、看病、约会、购 物、问路、打电话、谈论天气、询 问时间 等,测试内容大致可分为: 时间和数字、地点和动向、价格和 数量、人物和事件、情景和背景等。 在复习阶段听力训练中,同学们应 该对以上提到的试题类型做到心中 有数,同时,应该在平时的训练中 明白自己的软肋在哪里,并有针对 性地采取补救措施。 提前阅读是做好听力理解的重要保证。 听前要认真快速浏览题目要求和应试内容,以期做题 时对所问所答提前心中有数。 看清三个选项间的差别,捕捉一切可以从题面上得到 的信息。 1.迅速阅读,重视预测 听 力 题 应 试 技 巧 排除那些与主题无关、平淡、次要的信息, 把注意力始终放在抓主题上。 做到接受准确,反应及时,适时地取舍。 对于实在没有听清的,也可以调用平时的积 累,联系上下文去感悟推测。 2.合理取舍,大胆猜测 听力测试内容的开头和结尾中往往含有时间、 地点、人物、情节等关键信息。 注意关键词和关键句,并迅速在草稿纸上记下 相关信息。 对陌生的词或词组,要一带而过,切不可光想这 一点,把 注意力都高度集中在此。 3.听准关键词,把握整体意思 中考 听力 题型 探究之一 第一部分 (一 )听问句选答语:同学们 听懂疑问词或助动词 就 可以了,通过这个词来判断句子的类型、问句的 类型以及判断句子的时态。 例如: A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. Sorry, I do not know. D.I can do it. 听力稿为: Can you count from one to a hundred? 解析:此题只听清了 “ Can you”两个词就可断 定这是一个一般疑问句,要用 “ Yes”或 “ No”回 答,再根据 can这个词,可断定要选 A项。 中考 听力 题型 探究之一 第一部分 再如: A. In 1991. B. Since 1991. C. Very often. 听力稿为: How long have you been away from China? 解析:此题只听清 How long? 就可以了,因为对 How long? 的回答只有两种,一个是 For+时间段,其次是 Since+时间段。至于 In+年,提问应该是 When? 对于 Very Often的提问,通常是 How often? 真 题 感 悟 2010第一部分 听句子 选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答 语。重点考查交际用语 。 (共 5题, 5分) 1. A. Yes, please. B. Ill get it. C. No, I dont. 2. A. The weather is nice.B. Very well, thanks. C. Yes, I did. 3. A. So I did. B. What a pity. C. It doesnt matter. 4. A. All right. B. Nothing special. C. I am glad you like it. 5. A. Its expensive. B. How about this one? C. Sure, what size do you need? 1. Would you like a cup of coffee? 2. How did you enjoy your holiday? 3. I missed the football match last night. 4.Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift. 5. Can I have a look at the skirt in the window? 真 题 感 悟 2011 1. A. Thats OK. B. All right. C. Dont mention it. 2. A. Its a pleasure. B. The same to you. C. Thank you. Its lovely. 3. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Its very kind of you. C. Thats all right. 4. A. Dont worry! B. It doesnt matter. C. OK. Ill take your advice. 5. A. Yes, of course. B. Of course not. C. Never mind. 1. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 2. Happy birthday, Jane. Heres a present for you. 3. Would you like me to show you around my city? 4. Youd better see the doctor. You have coughed a lot. 5. Do you mind turning down the TV? Lily is studying for her math test. 中考 听力 题型 探究之二 第二部分听对话回答问题(共 5题, 5分) 5小段简短对话 .重点考查话题与功能 中考 听力 题型 探究之二 (二 )听小对话回答问题:对于这部分题,要着重看答语,然 后在问题上画出关键词,看看是问的 man还是 woman, 然后再听。通常会问到的问题如下: (1)考具体事实和信息。如时间、地点、人物、价钱、 数量、原因、目的、结果等,有时还要对听到的信息做 加工处理,如数字运算、时间顺序、比较筛选、同义转 换、因果关系等。常见细节问题有: Where has sb. been? What time will they meet? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Who will be in the sports meeting? What is wrong with? Why can not? How long will she keep the book? How far is it from here to the bookshop? How many people are mentioned in the passage? How much are all the things? 中考 听力 题型 探究之二 (2)推测谈话背景,判断人物身份。要求同学们 理解对话地点、背景和对话者之间的关系。常见 的考查背景的问题有: Who are the two speakers? What is the relationsh- ip between the two speakers? Which sport will the boy maybe win? Where are the two speakers? Where are they? Where are they talking? ( 3):一些技巧有数字的题 在听数字时,听到的第一个数字往往不是答案,答案是在第 二个或经过运算而得出的。有些题需要你用加法、减法或乘 法运算之后才能得出答案。比如: A: How much is the green coat over there? B: Its eighty yuan. A: Oh, its too expensive. What about the red one? B: Its sixty yuan. A: All right. I will take it. (4). 对话时第二个人重复第一个的话时,有两种可能: 一种表示反对,一种表示强调。 如: W: Lets have a snack when the game is over. M: When the game is over? I am dying of hunger now. Q: What does the man mean? 答案是: He wants to eat immediately. (5) . 对话时第二个人重复第一个的话时,有两种可能: 一种表示反对,一种表示强调。 如: W: Lets have a snack when the game is over. M: When the game is over? I am dying of hunger now. Q: What does the man mean? 答案是: He wants to eat immediately. ( 6) . 常识推理 选项中有时会有不用听说话内容就能进行判断的错误选 项,学生可以根据自身所了解的知识或生活常识进行排除。 如 A. The dam was built to catch rain. B. The dam was designed for preventing floods. C. The rain filled the dam. D. The rain destroyed the dam. dam 是大坝, A中说建造大坝是为了接雨水,这显然不 正确,应排除。听力应试技巧是建立在平时 “ 多读、多听、 多说 ” 的基础上的,所以还是要求学生有扎实的英语基本功, 有较丰富的词汇量及较多的英语短语储备。 总结: 1、有数字的题:在听数字时,听到的第一个数字往 往不是答案,答案是在第二个或经过运算而得出的。 有些题需要你用加法、减法或乘法运算之后才能得出 答案。 2、对话时第二个人重复第一个的话时,有两种可能: 一种表示反对,一种表示强调。 3、常识推理。选项中有时会有不用听说话内容就能 进行判断的错误选项,学生可以根据自身所了解的知 识或生活常识进行排除。 真 题 感 悟 6. Wheres the boys computer game? A. Under the table. B. On the TV set. C. In the drawer. 7. What time will Miss Li leave? A. 6:00. B. 6:15. C. 6:55. 8. Who is Mr. Wang? A. The womans friend. B. The womans workmate. C. The womans boss. 9. Where are the two speakers going? A. To the bus stop. B. To the train station. C. To the supermarket. 10. What is Lingling going to do this evening? A. Take a rest. B. Have an exam. C. Go on studying. 6. M: Is my computer game in the drawer, Mum? W: No, it isnt. Its on the TV set. 否定 7. M: Will you leave at 6:00 or a quarter past, Miss Li? W: Neither. Ill leave at five to seven. 否定 8. W: Mr. Wang, can I have a two-day leave? M: Not unless you finish your work. 语气 9. M: Hi, the taxi is waiting downstairs. Hurry, please. W: Wait a minute. Ill take some food. I dont like the meals served on the train. 全文理解,推测 10. M: You have been working so hard these days, Lingling! W: I have to. The exam is on next Thursday. M: But anyway, I really think you should have a rest this evening. 转折 W: All right. 中考 听力 题型 探究之三 第二部分听对话回答问题(共 5题, 5分) 5小段简短对话 .重点考查话题与功能 命题特点 听力材料为篇幅较长的对话文本,主 要考查学生解决实际听力问题的能力。题 干都是特殊疑问句,内容涉及时间与地点、 数字与计算、请求与提供、态度与反应、 原因与结果、身份与职业、内涵与推理等。 真 题 感 悟 11. Whats wrong with Emily? A. She has a high fever. B. She has a bad cold. C. She is seriously ill. 12. Why does Diane come to Rays home? A. To thank him for his help. B. To ask him to look after her baby. C. To ask him to help her take Emily to the hospital. 13. Whats the baby doing? A. Eating. B. Playing. C. Sleeping. 14. Who is going to look after the baby? A. Ray. B. Diane. C. Margie. 15. How many children does Dianne have at least? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 真 题 感 悟 W: Hi, Ray. M: Oh, hi, Diane. W: Im sorry to bother you at supper time. M: Oh, its no bother. We just finished eating. Wont you come in? W: I cant. Our little girl Emily has a high fever. M: Im sorry. Is it serious? W: Im not sure. Maybe just a cold. Were taking her to the hospital right away. M: Is there anything we can do to help? W: I appreciate your asking. Thats why Im here. M: What can we do for you? W: While were at the hospital with Emily, would you mind looking after the baby? We cant take him along. M: Be happy to. Is he sleeping? W: Yes, he fell asleep right after his feeding. M: My wife Margie can go over to your place and stay with him, for I have to meet a friend later. W: We really appreciate your helping us out like this. Sorry for bothering. M: Not at all. Isnt that what neighbors are for? 中考 听力 题型 探究之四 第四部分听一篇短文完成表格(共 5题, 5分) 命题特点 提供一张需补充完整的信息表 , 要求听短文之后,完成信息记录表。短文 信息量大,重点考查学生对信息的提取、 整合与瞬间记忆的能力。答案一般可以从 录音材料中直接获取。 真 题 感 悟 Welcome to Music Ground, a radio show that gives you a wonderful Friday night. Im Michael Young. Its time again for the best-selling songs of the week. OK Bands “Perhaps” is a new song that comes in at No. 5 this week. “Say Cheese” by Stanley Brown stays in the same place at No. 4. “The Bees” by Cindy Bear falls down from No. 2 to No. 3. And No. 2 is another new song called “Are You There?” by Broken Basket. Finally, theres no change at No. 1, with “Magic River” by Stupid Machine. Many people are calling in for this favourite song, so lets listen to it right now. And dont go away. Later well talk over the phone with Stupid Machine about their plans for the coming year. 56. OK Band 57. the same place 58. From No. 2 59. Are You There 60. No change No. 1No. 5 This Week Singer or band Name of the song Sth. about the song Charts(排 名 ) (56) Perhaps A new song No. 5 Stanley Brown Say Cheese Stays in (57) No. 4 Cindy Bear The Bees Falls down (58) to No. 3 No. 3 Broken Basket (59) A new song No. 2 Stupid Machine Magic River (60) No. 1 一、在做听力训练和听力考试时我们要注意以下几 点: 1抓紧时间,提前审题 提前审题的好处是可以帮助我们预知要听的重点, 提高捕捉信息的准确度。通过阅读题干,可对即将要 听的材料中的信息有所了解,同时还可降低听力的难 度。在阅读题干的过程中可用铅笔将重点的、相关的、 容易混淆的信息划出来,在以后听的过程中可以重点 注意这些地方。要防止错误信息的干扰,要把因准备 不足、审题不仔细、缺乏耐心等非智力因素造成的损 失降低到最低程度。 2集中精力,沉着答题 听力的时间是统一的,不可人为控制。因此,要培 养我们在有限的时间内集中精力,排除一切外来干扰,把 注意力集中在听录音上的能力。在听的过程中要有抓重点、 捕捉信息的能力。要养成抢记内容的习惯。如人名、地名、 时间、数字等。为防止遗忘或混淆,可用铅笔在草稿纸上 记下来,为自己在听录音结束后创造追记的条件。听力结 束后也不要急着作笔试题,要利用头脑中还保留的短暂记 忆和记录的内容,对那些不太肯定的答案进行语法上的推 敲。但是值得提醒大家注意的是:做听力题时,往往第一 印象是准确的。因此,没有确切的把握,不要随意改动答 案。 3学会抓关键词 在听长对话或短文时,我们应当把注意力相对集 中在那些表示意义转折、否定和递进的词以及并列等关 联词上。这些关联词往往是帮助找到正确答案的金钥匙。 如: but, bothand ; not onlybut also , neither nor ; eitheror 等。另外还要注意特殊疑 问词:如 when, where, who, what time, how, whose, why, how many, how much, how long, how often等都是帮助我们选择正确答案的关键。 4冷静对应,防止陷阱 在较长的听力材料中所涉及的内容比较多,但 并非都与答题相关,所给出的选项中也有陷阱。所以 我们在做听力时要沉着冷静,耐心、细致,要把对话 和问题听完才能选答案。不能有先入为主的思想,犯 经验主义的错误。 二、临场发挥注意事项 1.保持良好的精神和心理状态, 集中注意力,沉着 镇定。 2.学会预测,抓紧时间看题目。拿到试卷后,快速 浏览问题及选项,确定听音重点并进行猜测。带着问 题和线索听录音 (即有目的地 “ 听 ” )就能准确快速地 理解内容。 3.在听的过程中,速记重点。特别是对话和短文中的 地点、时间、年龄、价格和数字等,可用简单符号、 词首字母等予以注明。另外,应将注意力集中在对整 体内容的理解,关键词或与问题有关的内容上,不要 对某个单词、词组或句子抓住不放。对自己有把握的 试题应快速作答,对没有把握的试题要在所听信息的 基础上排除错误选项,进行优化处理,切忌犹豫不决, 否则会因跟不上速度而漏听,影响考试情绪及整个听 力的成绩,即做听力题目时,要坚持弃前保后,弃小 保大的原则。 4.每题听两遍。第一遍力求做到整体理解,第二遍 要结合问题深入理解。 5. 考场上,考生有时会遇到自己平时做过的题目。 遇到这种情况,也要谨慎处理。有时,可能因为选项 中一词之差或文章中个别关键词的变化,引起答案的 变化。从这个角度考虑,越是熟悉的题目,越要认真 仔细地听,否则会 “ 乐极生悲 ” 。 6.注意中西方文化的差异。总之,要做好听力题,平 时就要通过训练培养听的策略、增强语感,特别是培 养在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力。面对中考听 力试题的时候,要集中精力、冷静思考,保持良好的 心态,全力以赴。 Thank you ! Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。


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