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Teaching Planning Baokang Vocational Education Center Zhan DaguoTeaching Topic: Use of the passive voice of general present tenseTeaching Time: The fourth lesson at 11:15 am until 12:00 am on Octomber 17thTeaching Place: The first class of college entrance examination of 2009 Teaching Objectives:1. To enable the Ss to have a good understanding of the passive voice:2. To help the Ss develop basic analyzing strategy, such as a declarative sentence,an interrogative sentence 3. To encourage the Ss to express their own ideas about the topic of the class;4. To guide the Ss to solve real-grammar problems with the information they get from the class.Teaching key Points: 1. To help the Ss develop the analyzing strategy by guiding them to practice using it;2. To guide the Ss to discuss the topic and express their own ideas.Teaching difficulties:1. Whether an active sentence can turn into the passive sentence is determined by the form of the Object2. Whether an active sentence can turn into the passive sentence is determined by the form of PredicateDesign Idea:let the students to learn the verb, grasp the present passive voice at the same time, and improve the students applicating abilities.Teaching Procedure:Step IRevision1.Organization of the class Greetings :talk about Expression In Class2.Ask the students some questions,let the individual student answer them with their languageT: S:T: S:T: S:Step 2 Presentation1.The teaching of the new lesson:Present the sentences which the students answered on the blackboard.2.let the individual student answer what the tense is and point to which the verb is3.Copy these verbs on the blackboard. Ask the individual student who is not good at English to give the past and the past participle form of the verb.Then check the results the students didStep 3 Practice Take your paper out, finish off Ex1,give the students a few minutes.then ask the students who is poor in English to finish these exercises on the blackboard.Meanwhile the teacher checks the results around the class.Finally read the past and the past participle form of the verb after the teacher.Step4 Re-Presentation1.Read the sentences which present on the blackboard.The teacher changes the active voice of the first sentence into the passive voice. Meanwhile tell the students how to change the active voice into the passive voice. Understanding the methods,the students will change other sentences into the passive voice.2.Let the students who are good at English correct “right” or “wrong”.Step5 Pair Work Students make lists of active and passive sentences,one gives the sentence of the active voice,the other change it into the sentence of the passive voice. S1: S2: S1: S2: Step6 Drill 1. Row or team practice: Finish Ex2. During the process,pay attention to accuracy rate of underachiever.If these students cant finish them,the teacher will help them.2. Pair work: Finish Ex3.3. Back chain drill: As to these errors,ask the students who often make mistakes to redo these wrong exercises.Step7 assignment (Ideological Education) Discuss the topic: Use the content of the passive voice to stress the importance of learning English.Let the students think what sentences of the passive voice stress the importance of learning English.Step 8 Conclusion Conclusion the main contents of the text.1.Words: the past and the past participle form2. Phrases: a verb phrase and phrasal verbs3.Sentences: the active voice into the passive voice.Step 9 Homework1.Go over the whole lesson2.Finish Exx in the textBlackboard Design1. We clean our classroom every day cleancleanedcleaned Our classroom is cleaned by us every day help- helped- helped2.I often help my friend. teachtaught- taughtMy friend is often helped.3.Teacher Zhan teaches English. English is taught by Teacher Zhan.Teaching postscript: 3


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