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英语词汇学 Chapter 9 English Idioms 英语习语 Idiom 习语 Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native cultures and ideas. 习语由固定的短语 和短句组成,它们所讨论的语言所独有的,而且带 有本族的文化和观念。 Strictly speaking, idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meanings of individual elements. 严格来讲,习语是不能从 其个体成分的文字意思理 解其意义的, In a broad sense, idioms may include colloquialisms, catchphrases, slang expressions, proverbs, etc. 从广义上讲, 习语包括口语词、时髦语、俚语、谚语等。 9.1 Characteristics of idioms 习语的特点 9.1.1 Semantic unity 语义的整体性 Idioms each consist of more than one word, but each is a semantic unity.习语 有一个以上的词组成,但其语义又是一个整 体。 Though the various words which make up the idiom have their respective literal meanings, in the idiom they have lost their individual identity. 尽管组成习语的不同词有各自的字面意 义,但在习语中 他们已失去个体的身份。 Their meanings are not often recognizable in the meaning of the whole idiom. The part of speech of each element in no longer important. Quite often the idiom functions as one word. 他们的意义在整个习语的意义中经常是无法识别的。 同样,每一成分的词性不再 重要。这条习语通常用 作一个词。 The semantic unity of Idioms is also reflected in the is illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom . 习语的语 义整体性也可体现在每个词的字面意义和习 语的意义之间不合逻辑的关系中。 Many idioms are semantically inexplicable. 许多习语在语义上是无法解释的。 9.1.2 Structural Stability结构的稳定性 The structure of an idiom is to a large extent unchangeable. 一个习语的结构在 很大程度上是不可改变的。 First, the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced首先 , 习语的组成部分成分不可 替换。 Secondly, the word order cannot be inverted or changed.习语的语序不能倒装 或改变。 Thirdly, the constituents of idioms cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article. 习语的组成成分不能删除或增加, 甚至一个冠词。 Finally, many idioms are grammatically unanalysable. 很多习语在语法上是不可 分析的 。 The idomaticity of idioms is gradable and may best be thought in terms of scale, with thetrueidioms established at the upper end and regular combinations at the bottom. 习语的习语性是分等级的,而且可能最好从 等级上来研究。“真正的习语位于顶端,规 则的组合处于末端。 True idioms the meaning of the idiom cannot be deduced from those of the individual constituents. 真正的习语 语 义是不能从单独组成成分的意义中推导出来 的习语。 Regular combination the speaker of the regular collocations, the meaning of the idiom can be understood from the literal meaning of the constitute. 规则组合 其 意义能从组成成分的字面意义中得以解释。 Semi-idioms the meanings are in a way related to the meanings of the constitute but are not themselves explicit. 半习语 其意义在某种程度上与组成成分的 意义相关联,但本身却不是很明 确 。 The fixity of idioms depends on the idiomaticity 。 The more idiomatic the idioms, the more fixed the structure. 习语的稳定性在于其习语性程度。习语的习 语性越强,其结构也便越稳固。 9.2 Classification of idioms习语的分类 The standard of Classification of idioms is The criterion of grammatical function. 习语的分类标准是语法功能的标准 。 9.2.1 Idioms nominal in nature 名词性习语 Idioms nominal in nature have a noun as the key word and function as a noun. 名词性 习语都有一个名词充当关键词,而且 在 句 中用作关键词 。 9.2.2 Idioms adjective in nature形容词性习语 function as adjectives but the constituents are not necessary adjectives. 功能是形容词,但其组成成分却未必是形容 词 9.2.3 Idioms verbal in nature动词性习语 This is the largest group. 这是习语中数量 最多的一类 。 1) Phrasal verbs idioms which are composed of a verb plus a prep and/or a particle. 短语动词是由一个动词外加一个 介词和 /或小品词构成的习语。 2) Othere verb phrases the phrases that serve as verb 其他动词短语 9.2.4 Idioms adverbial in nature 副词性 习语 E.g. tooth and nail : with great violence and determination 拼命,竭尽全力 in nothing flat: in a very little time;soon 立刻;在极短的时间内 through thick and thin : through all difficulties 不畏艰险 9.2.5 Sentence Idioms句式习语 They are mainly proverbs and sayings including colloquialisms and catchphrases. 主要是谚语和格言,包括口语词和时髦语 The forms and functions of idioms are not necessarily identical. 习语的形式和 功能并非完全相同。 E.g. pepper and salt His hair is pepper and salt.他的头 发黑白相间 9.3 Use of idioms 习语的使用 we need to be aware of the rhetoric characteristics of idioms such as stylistic features, Rhetorical features and their occasional variations. 我们需要理解习语的修辞特点,如文体特 征、修辞特征和其偶然的变异 。 9.3.1 Stylistic features 文体特征 1) .Colloquialisms 口语词 2) .Slang 俚语 3) . Literary expressions 书面表达式 The same idioms may show stylistic difference when it is assigned different meanings. 同一条习语在不同意义时, 可能会显示出一些文体差异。 9.3.2 Rhetorical features 修辞特征 1. Phonetic manipulation 语音运用 I. Alliteration 头韵(法) II. Rhyme 韵脚 2. Lexical manipulation 词汇运用 I. Reiteration 重复(同义的重复) II. Repetition 重复 III. Juxtaposition ( of antonyms)邻接 (反义词) 3.Figure of speech 修辞手法 I. Simile 明喻 II .Metaphor 暗语 Animal to refer to people. III.Metonymy 借代 Synecdoche 提喻法 .means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class a material for a thing or the reverse of any of these.部 分代替整体或整体代替部分 3.Figure of speech 修辞手法 I. Simile 明喻 II .Metaphor 暗语 Animal to refer to people. III.Metonymy 借代 IV Synecdoche 提喻法 means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class a material for a thing or the reverse of any of these. 部分代替整体或整体代替部分 V.Personification 拟人 VI .Euphemism 委婉语 Some idioms are used in a humorous way 习语一直以幽默的方式出现 9.3.3 Variation of idioms 习语的变化 1).Replacement a constituent may be replaced by a word of the same part of speech, resulting in synonymous or antonymous idioms. 替换 。一个成分可 能被同一词性的词所代替,结果导致 同义 或 反义习语的产生 。 2).Addition or deletion some constituent can be added or deleted without any change of meaning 增词或 减词 。在有些 情况下 ,可以增加或删去某些 组成成分,而并不影响习语的意义。 3).Position-shifting the position of certain constituent is some idioms can be shifted without any change of meaning。 移位。有些习语中某些组成 成分的位置是可以 移位 的,而它的意义不 会改变。 4).Shorting in proverbs and sayings , where only a part of them is used instead of the whole。 缩略法 。出现在 言语和格言里,只取其中的一部分而不是 全部 。 5).Dismembering breaking up the idioms into pieces, an unusual case of idioms particular in literature or popular press to achieve special effect. 肢解 。将习语分成多个部分。习语的这种 不同寻常的用法主要用在文学作品或大众 传媒中以求达到特殊效果。


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