剑桥商务英语第二版中级Unit bppt课件

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Unit 1 B COMMUNICATION 1 2 Part I Keep in Touch 3 Discussion What types of communication do you use to contact other people? How often do you use those types of communication? Use frequency adverbs. (Always Usually Frequently Often Sometimes Occasionally Rarely Seldom Hardly ever Never ) 4 Frequency adverbs Hardly ever Always Sometimes Usually Frequently Seldom Often Never Occasionally Rarely Always Usually Frequently Often Sometimes Occasionally Rarely Seldom Hardly ever Never 5 Doris YANG Advantages V.S. Disadvantages Letters/memos/reports Manuals Fax E-mail Intranet Meetings Phone calls Video-conferencing qq Fetion msn Which one is the most formal expensive time-consuming prompt easy to use 6 Too English? 1. Read the article quickly (ignore difficult words and expressions) and find out who are the target readers. Native English speakers. 2. What does the author want to convey to target readers? They should learn how to use English effectively to non-native speakers. 7 Contd SCAN the article again and find out answers to the questions on page 11. 1. English: dominant language of international communication; 2. Simplify their message, use shorter chunks, one idea per sentence, speak more slowly and not raise their voice; 3. As English is spoken in their working environment, they dont have to understand other languages themselves; 4. Through language and cultural SEMINARS. 8 KEY WORDS Dominance Official Bilingual Overestimateunderstate Over-complicate Chunk Approach to Idiomatic Culture-specific Interpret 9 Part II Leaving Voice Mails 10 Discussion Under what circumstances do you need to leave voice mails? When you leave a message, what should you pay attention to? 1st: be very clear 2nd: establish context 3rd: make requests simple and polite 4th: give clear contact information 11 Barriers to Effective Communication Unclear language Cultural Differences Red tape Distraction 12 Doris YANG Listening 1 PREDICT what words or phrases might associate with these functions. Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. G 4. H 5. E 13 Flashback Which messages do you find quite difficult? What makes them difficult? Phrasal verbs like “put back, work out” Redundant information: call 4 Long sentences and late purpose statement Understatement: “a little bit on the optimistic side” Get: get off to you, i.e. tell you 14 Part III Taking Messages 15 Dont forget 1. follow the instructions, do not take down more than two words; 2. useful phrases for taking messages on page 14 16 Keys 1. Trade Fair 2. S 126 25 3. 3 4. Tuesday 23/23 November 5. Gersel 6. the/your message 7. Cancelled 8. Not available 9. 27 November 10. confirm 17 CONNECTING connecting Schedule for Mini-conversations-MarketingPOI 18 MESSAGE 19 WRONG NUMBER 20 APPOINTMENT 21 FLIGHTS 22 此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好! 23


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