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M6第四课时 复习课 一 .看音标写单词 1.elfnt 3.lan 4.mki 5.pnd 8.be 9.zebr elephant大象 monkey猴子 lion狮子 tiger老虎 panda熊猫 bear熊 zebra斑马 2.dr:f giraffe长颈鹿 6.ta 10.zu: zoo动物园 7.nml animal动物 一 .看音标写单词 1.gad 3.z 4.km 5.dfrnt 8.dendrs 9.g guide导游 come来 as像 -一样 country国家 different不同的 dangerous危险的 ugh啊,哎呀 2.st such这样的,如此的 6.kntri 10.:ls also也,而且 7. other其他的 一 .看音标写单词 1.pl:nt 3.t:l 4.li:f 5.li:vz 8.kju:t 9.l plant植物 leaf叶子 tall高的 sure的确,当然 leaves cute可爱的 shall -好吗?要不要 -? 2.lk look看,瞧 6. 10.m them(宾格)他们,她们,它们 7.,bmbu: bamboo竹子 一 .看音标写单词 1.wt 3.e 4.fni 5.k:l 8.jurp 9.ltl which哪一个 funny有趣的 there在那里,往那里 Africa非洲 call把 -叫做 Europe欧洲 little极少量的 2.v over在 -的上方 6.frk 10.nli only仅仅,只 7.e Asia亚洲 一 .看音标写单词 1.bat 3.pi:pl 4.frkn 5.gr:s 8.ln 9.str about大约,大致 African非洲的,非洲人 people人,人们 large大的,巨大的 grass草 alone独自地 strong强壮的,强大的 2.ki:l kilo千克,公斤 6.l:d 10.kt catch抓住,接住 7.ju:li usually通常 11.i:vn even甚至 1.The wolf comes from _(欧洲 ). 2.Do you like _(澳大利亚 的 )animals? 3.The _(猴子 ) lives in the jungle . Europe Australian monkey 4.Which _(动物 )can you see in the zoo? animal 5.We all live in _(亚洲 ). Asia 6.There are many a_ in the zoo. nimals 1.The tiger is very_(危险的 ). 2.Pandas like to eat _(竹子 ). 3.The little monkey is very_(可爱的 ) . dangerous bamboo cute 4.Are you_(确信的 ) to come? sure 5.Many kinds of food are from _(植物 ). plants 6.They come from many _(不 同的 ) countries. different 1.-What colour is the animal z_?-Black and white. 2.The autumn is coming.Look at the yellow l_ on the trees. 3.Washington D.C. is the capital of A_. ebra eaves merica 4.Zoos dont give tigers too much meat a day.So they can stay h_. ealthy 1.The tall boy is very s_.He can carry the heavy box. 2.The naughty boy often c_ the apples on the tree. 3.People all over the w_ speak English. trong atches orld 4.China is in A_. sia 5.The box is about 10 k_. ilos 6.The old man lives a_. lone 课正篇 M5U1短语 1.欢迎到 - 3.来自 - 4.不同国家 5.我最喜爱的动物 8.许多种动物 welcome to- come from my favourite animals many kinds of animals 2.比如 such as 6.在那边 7.不同食物 different food 9.其它的动物 other animals 10.一个叫 Betty的女孩 a girl called Betty different countries over there 课正篇 M5U2短语 1.一头非洲大象 3.全世界 4.而且,还 5.擅长 8.独居 an African elephant all over the world be good at live alone 2.少量 a little 6.许多种类 7.在亚洲 in Asia 9.一天 30公斤竹子 30 kilos of bamboo a day 10.在非洲 in Africa as well as many kinds of 1.欢迎来到北苑中学。 2.他们来自不同的国家。 3.熊猫是我最喜欢的动物。 4.熊猫吃肉吗? Welcome to Beiyuan Middle School. They come from different countries. Pandas are my favourite animals. Do pandas eat meat? 5.熊吃肉,但它们也吃植物。 Bears eat meat,but they also eat plants. 1.大象不吃肉。 2.斑马是一种非洲动物。它吃植物,树叶,还有草。 3.老虎住在亚洲,通常独居。 4.老虎抓许多种类的动物为食。 The elephant doesnt eat meat. The zebra is an African animal.It eats plants and leaves,as well as grass. The tiger lives in Asia and usually lives alone. The tiger catches many kinds of animals for food. 5.熊猫是全世界的人们最喜爱的动物。 The panda is the favourite of people all over the world. 句型转换 1.I often do my homework in the evening.(用 we改写 句子 ) _ often do _ homework in the evening. 2.I like watching TV.(改为否定句 ) I _ _ watching TV. 3.My favourite lesson is English.(就画线部分提问 ) _ _ your favourite lesson? 4.My photo is on the wall .(同上) _ _ _photo? 5.What are our lessons on Monday?(改为同义句 ) What lessons _ we _on Monday? We their dont like What is Where is do have your When What to do in the morning 6:30 get up 7:30 lessons start 11:00 12:30 1:30 go home 10:00 请以此表为依据,描述一下 Betty的在校日 。 go to school 8:00 have a break have lunch lessons start in the afternoon 3:30 in the evening go to bed Bettys School Day This is Bettys school day. In the morning,she gets up at 6:30.After breakfast,she goes to school at 7:30.Lessons start at eight oclock.she has a break at 11:00 oclock.She has lunch at half past twelve. In the afternoon,lessons start at half past one.She has two lessons in the afternoon.At half past three she goes home. In the evening,she does my homework and has dinner with my family.She watches TV and goes to bed at ten oclock.


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