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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件外研版全国通用必修必修3Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries词汇点击词汇点击1.measure vt.测量;考虑;评估 n.尺寸,大小;度量单位;措施,办法That river measures 250 kilometres long and 60 metres wide.那条河长250公里,宽60米。Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes to his own measure.史密斯先生要求裁缝照他的尺寸做新衣服。词汇点击词汇点击1.measure vt.测量;考虑;评估 n.尺寸,大小;度量单位;措施,办法take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事in some/great/large measure 在某种/很大程度上beyond measure 非常地,极其;不可估量词汇点击词汇点击1.measure vt.测量;考虑;评估 n.尺寸,大小;度量单位;措施,办法翻译句子You cant measure a person by the clothes he wear._The government is taking new measures to reduce poverty._你不能以衣着来衡量一个人。政府正在采取新措施来减少贫穷。词汇点击词汇点击Before the debate,both sides made their positions clear.辩论之前,双方清楚自己的立场。2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位词汇点击词汇点击in position 在适当/应在的位置out of position 不在适当/应在的位置a high/low position in society 在社会上的高/低地位get a position 获得某职位2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位词汇点击词汇点击2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位The orchestra were all in position,waiting for the conductor.管弦乐队队员都已各就各位,等待着指挥的到来。词汇点击词汇点击2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位词语辨析 state,situation,condition,positionstate 多表示身体、心理状况,或物体的好坏状态。situation 表示政治上的形势局面;或公司、社会等的总体状况、处境。condition 表示条件,也可表示周围的工作、学习环境,条件(常用复数)。position 指(影响自己的行动能力的)处境,情势;也可指职位、地点、位置等。词汇点击词汇点击2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位One of the chairs is _.Put it back in position.有一把椅子位置不对,把它放回原处。She _ as an interpreter in the company.她获得了在那家公司当翻译的工作。完成句子out of positiongot a position词汇点击词汇点击2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位The vice president is in a _ of poor health.副总统健康状况不佳。The economic _ is now different.现在经济形势不同了。完成句子statesituation词汇点击词汇点击2.position n.地点,位置,所在地;姿势;地位;处境;职位The miners there worked in dreadful _.那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。He has a high _ in society.他社会地位很高。完成句子conditionsposition词汇点击词汇点击3.figure n.数字;图形;人物;身材 vt.计算;想,估计 figure sth.in 把某物包括在内;计算在内figure on sth.计划,指望figure outwork out 弄明白;计算出How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?她吃得那么多,是怎么设法保持好身材的呢?词汇点击词汇点击3.figure n.数字;图形;人物;身材 vt.计算;想,估计 I _ going to New York in January.我计划1月份去纽约。I cant _ how to get the machine started.我不明白怎样才能让这机器运转起来。完成句子figure onfigure out词汇点击词汇点击4.exchange n.交换 in exchange for 交换changefor/with 用换 We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。I have to make efforts to work up an appetite for reading.我得努力使自己产生想读书的愿望。短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 make an/every effort to do sth.尽其所能做某事put a lot of effort into 在投入很多的精力spare no efforts/effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事without effort 容易地with effort 努力地,艰难地through ones efforts 通过某人的努力知识拓展短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 完成句子He lifted the box _.他毫不费力地把箱子搬起来了。Its only _ that we have managed to raise the money.正是通过你的努力我们才筹到了这笔钱。without effortthrough your efforts短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 完成句子As we all know,the government is now making every _ to set up a harmonious society.A.effort B.effectC.measure D.performance【解析】Amake an/every effort to do sth.意为“努力去做某事”。短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 完成句子He studied very hard,and passed the exam _.A.impossible B.hardlyC.without effort D.with effort【解析】Cwithout effort 容易地,毫不费力的。由前半句“他学习很努力”可知,“他很轻松通过了考试。”短语精释短语精释1.make efforts 努力 完成句子Great effort must be_ to deal with the economic crisis now.A.taken B.madeC.put D.through【解析】B根据句意可知此处用make an effort结构的被动语态。短语精释短语精释2.be connected with 与有关,与有联系We connect the word“blue”with the color of the sky.我们从“蓝”这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。connect sth.to/with sth.把连接到connect sb.with sth.把某人与某事联系在一起connect by 通过相联系be connected to 与相连in connection with 关于,与有关have connection with 与有关知识拓展完成句子短语精释短语精释2.be connected with 与有关,与有联系 The two families are _ by marriage.这两个家庭联姻了。I am writing to you _ your job application.此信是有关你求职一事的。connectedin connection with完成句子短语精释短语精释2.be connected with 与有关,与有联系 The express way _ Taiyuan with Beijing is very convenient.A.connects B.connectingC.being connected D.is connected【解析】Bconnecting Taiyuan with Beijing为后置定语修饰The express way。1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.人类发展报告就出自这一协议。句型探究句型探究本句为倒装句,介词短语位于句首时用于强调方位或方式,句子用完全倒装形式。正常语序是:The Human Development Report came from this agreement.1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.句型探究句型探究知识拓展常见的完全倒装句式:副词(there/here,now,then,up,down,away,in,out)谓语主语(名词)Here comes the train to Beijing.去北京的火车来了。1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.句型探究句型探究知识拓展作地点状语的介词短语谓语主语(名词)At the front of the hall sat the headmaster.校长坐在大厅的前面。1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.句型探究句型探究知识拓展there be(live,stand,lie 等表示存在的动词)主语Once upon a time there lived six blind men in an Indian village.从前,印度的一个村子里住着6个盲人。句型探究句型探究Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing.A.the earth lay B.the earth lies C.lie the earth D.lies the earth 单项填空【解析】DBeneath our feet是作地点状语的介词短语,位于句首时句子用完全倒装形式,且句子谓语的数与后面的主语保持一致,故选D项。句型探究句型探究Just in front of our house _ which is 500 years old.A.does a tall tree standB.stands a tall treeC.a tall tree is standingD.a tall tree stands 单项填空【解析】B 介词短语在句首表示地点、方位时,句子完全倒装。2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇或城市之间的一份协定 句型探究句型探究“be of 抽象名词be名词的形容词形式”常用来描述人或事物的特征。2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age句型探究句型探究The two girls are of the same age.这俩女孩年龄相同。The meeting being held is of great importance.(The meeting being held is very important.)正在举行的会议很重要。2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age句型探究句型探究be of great(much)value/importance/use/helpbe very valuable/important/useful/helpfulIt is very important for students to spend enough time studying.It is of great importance for students to spend enough time studying.有足够的时间学习,对学生来说很重要。2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age句型探究句型探究句型转换Doing sports about half an hour regularly every day benefits your health greatly.Doing sports about half an hour regularly every day _ _ _ _ to your health.Doing sports about half an hour regularly every day_ _ _ to your health.is of great benefitis very beneficial2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age句型探究句型探究句型转换The discovery of these tombs is _ for scholars studying the history of the Tang Dynasty.A.of very importantB.great significantC.of great significanceD.greatly importance 2.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age句型探究句型探究句型转换【解析】Cofgreat/much抽象名词veryadj.,A项应为of great importance,B项应为very significant。


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