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1显示OLT下注册的ONU信息当 ONU 分配过序号,就可以在 OLT 显示 ONU 与序号的绑定关系,同时还可以显示此ONU是否上线。如果此ONU上线,OLT就可以通过自动检测得到ONU的信息,并且可 以将ONU的信息显示出来(比如:ONU的MAC地址、分配到的序列号、ONU状态、 ONU 类型、光纤的长度值等)。在特权模式下。操作命令:ocean# show binding table示例:ocean# show binding tableONU ID MAC address ONU state ONU typedistan(m)1/1/1 00:13:09:00:01:C0 readyONU292421/1/2 00:13:09:00:00:2C absentONU292402显示指定VLAN信息ocean(config)# show vlan vlanId |all示例:ocea# sh vlan 66VLAN id:66VLAN name:VLAN_66Type: IEEE8021D IGMP disableUntagged Ports: Fe1/2/1/1Tagged Ports:Gi1/13查看指定以太网端口的关于VLAN的信息ocean# show vlan port interface_list示例:ocea # sh vlan port 1/2/1/1Port (1/2/1/1)pvid: 0frameType: accessVLANs on this port:664显示端口的状态ocean# show interface /onuId/portId、,亠-7-.注意:ONU 上的下连 FE 口的编号为:vslotld/ponld/onuld/portld (下同)(其中: slotId: 1, ponId: 14, onuId: 132, portId: 124)Example: 1/1/1/1ONU上的上连GE的编号为:vslotId/vGEportId (下同)(其中: GEportId : 14)Example: 1/1在以太网端口模式下可以使用:示例:ocea # sh interface 1/1GigaEthernet 1/1 is link up, admin status is EnableAlias is Uplink 1 (Uplink port 1 of slot 1)Hardware is ethernet_csmacd, address is 00:13:09:8A:00:01MTU is 1518 bytes, media type is sfp1000BaseLXAuto-negotiation is enable, duplex is full, speed is 1000 MbitFlow control is enable5 minute input rate 159396 bits/sec, 38 packets/sec5 minute output rate 39052 bits/sec, 38 packets/sec318339806 packets input , 165388611052 bytes581872 broadcasts packets input (0 multicast)0 input CRC error , 44758 input filter, 0 input frags320807807 packets output, 85686746985 bytes3825216 non-unicast packets output0 output errorocea # sh interface 1/2/1/1FastEthernet 1/2/1/1 is link up, admin status is EnableAlias is Ethernet 1 (Ethernet port 1 in onu 1 of olt 2)Hardware is ethernet_csmacd, address is 00:13:09:76:41:01MTU is 1518 bytes, media type is tenHundredBaseTAuto-negotiation is enable, duplex is full, speed is 100 MbitFlow control is enable5 minute input rate 14724 bits/sec, 13 packets/sec5 minute output rate 85017 bits/sec, 13 packets/sec14047881 packets input , 7054532887 bytes5 broadcasts packets input (0 multicast)0 input CRC error , 0 input dropped Pkts15091003 packets output , 9644114383 bytes23 broadcasts packets output(0 multicast)0 output CRC error , 834 output packets dropped5打开和关闭一个端口ocean(config-fastethernet*1/1/1/1)# shutdown ocean(config-fastethernet*1/1/1/1)# no shutdown6事件显示ocean# show event allNUM ADDRESS EVENT_NAMESEVERITY STATUS TIME311/1/18/2LINK UPINFOEVENT RISE1970-01-01 02:40:54301/1/18/2TkAlarmLosINFOEVENT CLEAR1970-01-01 02:40:53291/1/19OnuReadyINFOEVENT RISE1970-01-01 00:01:01 NUM:代表事件的序列号,序列号是单调从1 开始递增的,最新的事件显示的序列号值最大 ADDRESS:格式如1/1, 1/3/1, 1/4/2/1,代表事件发生源的地址(slot/pon/onu/port)。目前slot等于 1, 0 pon 5, Ovonu 65, Ovport EVENT_NAME:代表发生事件的名称。常发生的事件说明如下:LINK UP用户接口 upLINK DOWN用户接口 downOnuReadyONU 注册成功OnuDeregistered表明 ONU 注销了OnuHeartbeatLoss丢失了 ONU 的心跳OnuMissing代表以前存在这样的ONU,现在不存在了TkAutoTk3721Readypon 设备准备工作TkAutoOnuDiscovery代表 ONU 准备注册。TkAutoCustPonInserted 代表 pon 模块准备插入。TkAutoCustPonRemoved 代表 pon 模块准备移出。TkAlarmLos光信号丢失,需要注意的是:FTTH上面接口 up,down也用这个事件来表示。TkAlarmPower 设备断电前发出的事件。LedStateChanged 设备 LED 指示灯状态改变OnuAuthenFail ONU 认证失败7Onu 环回测试tk debug# loopback 1/2/1/1 100 100The Loopback test metric is:Framesent =100FrameRecv =100Framebad =0mindelay =500 uSmaxdelay =3600 uSavedelay =3395 uS8 査看学习MAC地址情况ocean (config)# sh fdbIdPhysical AddressPortType300-40-30-40-ef-f81/1/2/1dynamic400-40-30-40-d8-a11/1/3/1dynamic500-40-30-40-d8-721/1/4/1dynamic600-40-30-40-f0-051/1/5/1dynamic700-40-30-40-d8-5f1/1/6/1dynamic900-40-30-40-d8-711/1/8/1dynamic1000-40-30-40-d8-281/1/9/1dynamic1100-40-30-40-d8-181/1/10/1dynamic1200-40-30-40-d8-941/1/11/1dynamic1300-40-30-40-d8-601/1/12/1dynamic1600-40-30-40-e0-a31/1/15/1dynamicOLT 登陆密码是 12345


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