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EHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-个体防护用品篇PPE个体防护用品/劳保用品 Personal protective equipment 正确使用和维护 PPEProper use and care of PPE提供合适的 PPE Provide appropriate PPEPPE 类型 Types of PPE 损坏的 worn or damaged眼镜面部保护 Eye protection 安全眼镜 Safety Goggles 激光防护眼镜 Laser safety goggles 焊工面罩 welding face-shield头部保护 head protection 安全帽 hard hatprotective helmets脚部和腿部保护Foot and Leg Protection安全鞋 safety shoes protective footwears 防酸靴 Acid-proof boots 防静电鞋 static-proof shoes 长裤Full length trousers绑腿 Leggings 脚面罩 Metatarsal guards 护脚板 Toe guards 导电鞋 Electrically conductive shoes 钢板安全鞋 safety-toe shoes手臂保护 Hand and Arm Protection 长袖 T 恤 Long sleeve shirt 化学品防护手套Chemicals Protective Glvoes绝缘手套 Insulaiting Glvoes身体保护 Body Protection 工作服 uniform 防化服 Chemicals Protective clothing 防火服 Fire Protective clothing 隔热服 Heat Protective clothing听力保护 Hearing Protection 一次性耳塞 Single-use earplugs 耳罩 Earmuffs呼吸保护 Respiratory protection 净化式空气呼吸器 air-purifying respirator补给式空气呼吸器 atmosphere-supplying respirator口罩mask全面full face半面half face滤盒Filter cartridge其他安全带 harness洗眼器 eye-washing equipmentEHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-机械安全篇 机械 machine 本质安全设计 inherently safe design 双手控制装置 two hand control device 止-动装置 hold to run control device 使动装置 enabling device 联锁装置 interlocking device 保护装置 protective device 阻挡装置 impending device 限制装置 limiting device 联锁防护装置 interlocking guard 可调节防护装置 adjustable guard 移动式防护装置 movable guard 固定式防护装置 fixed guard 安全功能 safety founction 急停 emergency stop 失效 failure 故障 fault 危害 hazard 伤害 harm适用的参考标准 易用性(机器的) 维修性(机器的) 可靠性(机器的)手动操作 manual operation 机械危害 machanical hazard applicable reference standards Usability (of a machine) Maintainability (of a machine) Reliability (of a machine)液压成型压机 Hydraulic Molding Press精确成形 net shape manufacturing 拉模铸造 die casting注模 injection mold放置和取走材料 places and removes materials移动的传送带 moving conveyor belt升高和降低液压升降机raises and lowers the hydraulic lift装载和卸载 load and unload厂内机动车辆 powered industrial trucks台锯 Table Saw行星绞线机 Planetary Strander运动模式 Motion旋转 1) Rotating (including in-running nip points)往复 2) Reciprocating横向 3) Transverse气割机 Cutting machine冲孔机Punching machine剪板机Shearing machine折弯机Bending machine防护罩类型 guard type固定式fixed联锁式 interlocked可调式 adjustable自调式 self-adjustable作业operation检查examination润滑lubrication调整adjustment维修maintenance现场感应类型光电式 1)机电式 2)Presence SensingPhoto-electricalElectromechanical皮带和滑轮 belts & pulleys 飞轮齿轮 flywheels & gear wheels 轴和主轴 shafts & spindles 幻灯片和凸轮 slides & cams 链条与链轮齿轮 chain & sprocket gears 工具和模具 tools & dies 刀片 blades 切割机 cutters 锯 saws钻头和夹头 drills and chucks辊 rollersEHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-职业卫生篇 职业健康 occupational health 职业病 occupational disease; occupational illness industrial disease 中暑 heat stroke heat exhaustion 资质机构 Authorized agency 体检 Physical examination 保健 health care 医疗监控 medical surveillance 卫生措施 hygiene practice 有刺激性的 irritant 摄取 ingestion 吸入 inhalation 职业危害评价 occupational hygiene assessment industrial hygiene assessment Exposure monitoring定性、半定量、定量评价 qualitative, semi-quantitative quantitaitive assessment职业卫生检测 Occupational hygiene monitoring Industrial hygiene monitoring阈限值 threshold limit value TLV 时间加权平均容许浓度 Time Weighted Average TWA 短时间接触容许浓度 Short Term Exposure Limit STEL 最高容许浓度 Maximum Allowable Concentration MAC 工作场所 workplace work site 生物、化学和物理危害 biological, chemical and physical hazard 噪音 Noise 蒸汽 vapour 通风 ventilation 稀释 dilutionEHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-化工专业篇Process Equipment工艺设备Pumps泵motor电机Compressors压缩机Pressure Vessels压力容器Storage Tanks储罐Piping管路Valves阀门sight glass视镜gasket垫圈glue粘合剂ring密封圈gauge温度变送器或仪表压力变送器 或仪表液位变送器 或仪表流量变送器 或仪表开关Temperature transmitter or Pressure transmitter or gauge Level transmitter or gauge Flow transmitter or gauge switch控制回路 紧急关闭系统 管道系统Distributed Control System (DCS)分布式控制系统 Control Loops电气分类区机械,包括起重机,提升 机及叉车 安全设备 安全阀 止回阀 爆破片 水封 阻火器 防爆工具 火炬头 设施Emergency shut down systems Piping systems Electrical classification areascranes, hoists and fork liftsSafety Equipment Relief ValvesCheck Valves Rupture Disks Liquid Trap/water seal fire arrestor non-sparking tools.Flare Header UtilitiesSt eam (various pressure levels)蒸汽Cooling Water冷却水Chilling Water冷冻水Process / Service Water工艺用水Instrument Air仪表用气Service Air维修用气Boiler Feed Water锅炉用水Nitrogen氮气Fuel Gas燃气Natural Gas天然气Electrical Power电源Public access and perimeter fencing公共通道和围墙Adjacent facilities相邻设施Buried cables地埋电缆Overhead cables架空电缆Effluents and drains污水和排水管Vents通风口ignition source点火源arc电弧spark火花falsh电闪open flam明火Hazard Events危害事件overfill满装overflow溢流over pressure超压overspeed超速Noise噪音Leaks泄漏Safety Limit/regulatory limit安全限值Uypper Exposure Limit爆炸下限Lower Explosive Limit爆炸下限Autoignition temperature自燃点EHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-特种设备篇pecific Purpose Equipment 特种设备 pressure vessel压力容器forklift 叉车 crane 行车 hoist 卷扬机Bridge cranes 桥式起重机 tank 储罐gas cylinder 气瓶 compressor 压缩机 electric welder电焊机elevator 电梯 dumbwaiter 升降机 escalator 自动扶梯 moving walk 人行道 Boiler 锅炉EHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-特种作业篇 特种作业special operation安全资格证Safety Qualification Certificate有资质人员Qualified personnel起重工lifting worker司索工Rigger架子工 电焊工 电工scaffolder electric welder electrician forklift driver叉车工EHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-消防设施篇 消防 firefighting , fire protection 消防队 fire brigade灭火器 portable fire extinguisher 干粉 dry powder 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide 应急指示灯 emergency sign light 消防水带 fire hose 消火栓 fire hydrant 消防水池 fire pool 离心式消防泵 centrifugal Fire pump 消防车 fire fighting truk 急救车、救护车 ambulance car 阻火器 flame arrester 喷淋系统 automatic sprinkler system 固定式灭火系统 fixed extinguishing system 干式粉剂 dry chemical 湿式药剂 wetting agent 气体药剂 gaseous agent 水浴和泡沫 water spray and foam 火灾探测系统 Fire detection system 烟感 smoke detector 温感 temperature detector 红外/紫外火灾探测器 UV/IR flame detector 火灾报警系统 employee alarm system 湿式报警阀 wet alarm valve 供水量 water suply 响应时间 response timeEHS 工作中接触和常用的专业英语用词-作业许可篇 作业许可 work permit 动火作业 hot work 密闭空间 confined space 高处作业 work at height 管线开拆 line breaking 盲板抽堵 blind plate operation吊装作业 Lifting operation断路作业 road breaking电气临时线 temporary electrical wiring 挖掘作业 excavation


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