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奉化市2007学年度第二学期 高一英语公开课教案及设计说明A Teaching Plan for “Working the land” Module4 Unit2 Period 5Listening, reading, speaking and writing奉港高级中学 裘云辉 2008. 5一、教学课型: 听说课二、教材分析1教材处理这节课是本单元的第五课时,学生在extensive reading部分已了解了“Chemical or Organic Farming?”的有关情况,为本节课的听说读写训练作了铺垫。虽然学生对chemical farming和organic farming有了一定的理解,但是要求他们把相关内容用英语表达出来仍有一定的难度。本节课的目的是让学生通过听、读活动,从语言材料中获取相关的信息,并通过对信息的加工和处理,提高他们的说、写能力。2教学目标1)Develop students listening, reading, speaking and writing ability.2)Let students learn some expressions of persuation.3)Get students to learn to design a poster by advertising the safety and imporance of eating “green food”.3教学重难点1) Get students to listen and understand the listening material.2) Get students to learn how to persuade others by using the functional items for persuasion3) Get students to learn to design a poster by advertising the safety and imporance of eating “green food”.4教学方法1) Task-based teaching and learning2) Cooperative learning3) Discussion5教具:Multi-media project; tape-recorder; cabbage; towel三、教学设计(一) 总体思路1 这节课的目的是提高学生的听说读写综合能力。以一根主线下来,从听力中chemical farming的缺点到说、读、写部分的green food的优点,从语言的输入到语言的输出。首先让学生从听力材料中获知 “Chemical farming”对食物的影响,训练学生的听力能力,提出绿色食品,注重食物安全。然后从阅读材料中获知 “green food”的生长环境和好处。接着提供情景,让学生编对话,运用useful expressions of persuation,训练学生的口语表达能力。最后,在写作中,提供sample和三个情景,叫学生设计海报,提高学生的写作能力。(二)教学过程1 When you see this picture, what comes to you first?Yes, exactly, sandstorm. As you can see from the picture, it hit Beijing two months ago. You see, the sky looks orange. And on the surface of the cars is much dust.2 Where would a sandstorm happen?Lets look at two pictures. Would a sandstorm happen in such a green place? Of course not! Then what about in such a place? What can we call this kind of place?Deserts! So this is our topic today- Desertification!3 Do you know how serious it is in the world?Now, lets listen to some numbers, and youll know that. Have you got all the numbers: 100 countries, 40 percent of the lands, one third of the total population. 4 What about the situation in China?Now lets read two paragraphs. Pay attention to the numbers.Desertification is so serious that we have to do something to change this situation. Before that, we are going to look at the causes of desertification. Discuss any possible causes in groups of four for two minutes, and remember to take notes.5 Look at these four pictures, tell me some key words about the causes according to each picture.Step1. Revision & Leadin before listening1. Ask students to go over what they have learned in the extensive reading by doing an interwiew.2. Teacher shows a cabbage with a hole in it to the class and ask:Look! What is wrong with the vegetable? 设计说明 通过记者对农民的采访,激活学生已有的知识。然后,以chemical farming为切入点,给学生看实物,一个长得很大但又空心的大白菜,以引起学生对听力的兴趣,从而自然地引出听力材料的话题“What is wrong with the vegetable?”。反思 有目的地布置作业,效果截然不同。由于两组学生课前准备得充分,表现得非常出色,完成了既定目标,也营造了宽松、和谐的教学氛围。尤其是林松泽同学,扮演农民这个角色尤其成功,头围毛巾,手势语丰富,口语流利,声音洪亮,致使全班同学哄堂大笑。另外,学生带着问题“What is wrong with the vegetable?”去听,这种设疑导入法能有效激发学生的兴趣,形成对学习内容知之、好之、乐之的心理过程,达到激趣乐学,学生完全消除了恐惧畏难心理,使他们的心理调整到了最佳状态。Step2: While- listening1. Ask students to listen to the tape for the main idea. -The possible bad effects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetables that we eat today.设计说明要求学生听懂大意,了解材料的主要信息。教材是以问答题出现的:What is the main topic of the conversation? 教师觉得听一遍就叫学生回答,难度实在太大,就对教材做了大胆的处理,变为二选一,good effects or bad effects,以降低难度,致使绝大多数学生都能回答。反思 在教学过程中,教师可以根据实际教学需要,对教材中不太合适的内容进行替换。教师认为这个听力材料适用,但问题设计不适合自己的学生,就用自己设计的题目来替换原有的题目,以降低难度,面向全体学生。2. Ask students to Listen to the tape for a second time. Decide if the following statesments are true or false. Before listening, ask students to go through the five sentences first.( If necessary, write down key words.)(1)Paul thinks that Carrie is not telling him the truth. ( T )(2)Using chemical fertilizers always makes vegetables empty inside. ( F )(3)Todays fruit is not as healthy for people as fruit fifty years ago. ( T )(4)Eating more vegetables is good for us. ( F )(5)All of todays vegetables look healthy but in fact are not. ( T )设计说明先让学生快速浏览5个句子,然后带着任务听录音,以减少听力训练中的盲目性,这是听力教学中常见的教学方法。必要时,学生可记下关键词。另外,考虑到教材中的第四个句子本身就很难理解,作了改动。反思学生对前四个句子掌握得很好,回答正确。不过,教师对第五个句子疏忽了,这句话也很难理解,因为从不同的角度去理解,答案会不一样。原先可以把这个句子删掉或替换。教师备课还不够仔细充分。3. Show students the listening text and and ask them to listen to the tape for a third time to check if their answers are right. This time students can look at the material and should underline the key words, phrases and sentences. (listening text is omitted)设计说明这步主要是引导和鼓励学生积极利用学习资源解决学习中的困难,培养学生的判断能力和自己解决问题的能力。反思 要求学生听第三遍录音时可以看材料,并划出做题的依据,使学生做到自己问题尽量自己解决,从而增强了自信,提高了能力。Step3 Post-listening for consolidationT: What is wrong with the vegetable ? ( showing the cabbage)Ss: The vegetable was grown with chemical fertilizers. Although it is big, it is empty inside.T: Why are todays fruit and vegetables not as healthy as they were before?Ss: Because they were grown with chemical fertilizers.T: So what kind of food would you like to buy?S1: Food grown with natural waste from animals. Ss: green food.设计说明巩固对听力的理解,同时引出阅读材料的主题“green food”。反思 学生对化学耕作的害处更加清楚,意识到绿色食品才是最重要的食品,为下一步阅读做好铺垫。Step4. Reading1Let students know something about green foodT: This is the symbol of green food. (by showing pictures)In what condition do you think green food grow?dirty air (no)clean water supplies (yes)clean, fresh (yes)dirty water supplies (no)in industrial areas (no)away from industrial areas (yes) many chemical fertilizers (no)no chemical fertilizers (yes)设计说明 让学生知道绿色食品的标志以及绿色食品的生长环境。反思学生对绿色食物很感兴趣,对其标志以及生长环境很了解,回答不但快速并且全部正确。2Ask students to skim the passage on Page 15 and tell the advantages of green food and problems about green food. (by filling in the blanks)Advantages of green foodhealthy and safe for peoples healthfree of chemical fertilizersgrown away from industrial areasgrown away from dirty water suppliesProblems about green foodnot knowing about the food and how good it ismore expensive than other food which is not so safe设计说明 要求学生快速阅读文章,了解绿色食物的advantages和problems,并且要求学生记住绿色食物的好处,为编对话做好铺垫。3Ask students to read the passage and underline useful expressions.高一英语教学案例分析Unit 2 Heroes Lesson One泉州七中 陈巧桂The First Period Reading ( I )Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 generous, violent, flight, soar, peacefully, atmosphere, glow, explore, wave, lift off, let out, millions ofb. 重点句子 Yang Liwei had several tasks to complete during the flight and only slept in the spaceship for about 3 hours. Give me a challenge and Ill meet it with joy. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about different kinds of heroes and heroines, and learn about space heroes and Chinas first manned space flight.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students to learn about space heroes, respect them and learn from them and train the students reading ability by understanding the main idea of each paragraph.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to get the students to learn about space heroes, respect them and learn from them.Teaching methods教学方法Talking, listening, fast reading and careful reading.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a computer and a projector.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inT: Now please look at the first photo on the top of page 21. The person with a sword is the main character of a film. Who can tell us sth about the film briefly?S1: The film is called Hero, and the actor who plays the character is Li Lianjie. This is a historical film directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou.S2: She gymnast Sang Lan, who got injured in a sports event, and whose bravery has impressed many people. S3: Spider-Man in a superhero film. S4: The Chinese Olympic star called Liu Xuan, who is one of the top members of the National Womens Gymnastics Team during its heyday in the 1990s.Step II Warm-up Let the students talk about heroes and heroines to get them warm-ed up.Step III Reading Ask the students to read the text on page 22 and learn about the national hero - Yang Liwei and Chinas first manned space flight.Pre-readingT: As is known, on October 15, 2003, China sent its first manned spaceship, called Shenzhou V to space. Who is the first astronaut?Ss: Yang Liwei.T: Get ss to say sth. about Yang Liwei.S: He was born in 1965 in Suizhong County of northeast Chinas Liaoning Province and joined the PLA at 18. As a pilot, he has had 1,350 hours of flight experience. He was chosen, along with 13 others, from among 1,500 pilots for space flight training. Then he was one of the three astronauts chosen to be the first astronaut for his excellent performance in the five-year training. At last he became Chinas first astronaut on October 15, 2003.T: Yes. Yang Liwei can be called a modern hero. How did you feel about Chinas first manned space flight?S: The launch of Shenzhou V shows China is becoming stronger and stronger. Our country has made great progress in science and technology. We are proud of being Chinese.T: Wonderful! Thank you! All the Chinese should be proud of our country. While-reading1.Read the article quickly and circle all the words related to a spaceships movement.2.After two or three minutes, check the answers.3.Read the article quickly again. Match the paragraphs with the headings listed in Exercise 4.Suggested answers to Exercise 4:a) Para. 5 b) Para. 6 c) Para. 4 d) Para. 2 e) Para. 1 f) Para. 34.Get Ss to read the article carefully and try to finish Exercise 5 to get detailed information. After a few minutes, get five students to report their answers.Post-reading T: OK. Now lets do the following exercise to see how much you understand the article. Decide each statement on the screen is true or false.Show the following on the screen.1. When the spaceship separated from the rocket, Yang could feel the high gravity.2. Yang Liwei spoke with the ground control when the spaceship was circling the earth the sixth time.3. Shenzhou can change red because of the earths atmosphere. 4. When Yang Liwei was doing its sixth circle, he showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes 5. Yang Liwei felt the ship was shaking when Shenzhou V landed.6. When he came back from space, he felt very excited.Suggested answers: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.TExplanation1. Get them to listen to the record of the article. 2. Show Ss the different meanings of the past participle “done” in the phrase “have sth done” indicates the passive relationship to the object “sth” before it, while the bare infinitive “do” in the phrase “have sb do” indicates the active relationship to the object “sb” before it. “have” in the phrase “have sth to do” means “有” in Chinese. Show them on the blackboard:1 Ill have my hair cut this afternoon.2 The teacher had our monitor collect our homework.3 Tom cant go out because he has much homework to do.Step IV Vocabulary1.Get the students to learn to use some verb phrases (v + n). 2.Complete the sentences in Exercise 7. Use the correct form of each expression.After the students finish Exercise 7, check the answers with the whole class.After the students finish it, check the answers by asking some of them to read their answers out. Then get the students to finish Exercise 2 on page 75 to remember some words that go together. At last check the answers together.T: In Exercise 1 of Warm-up, we learned some adjectives to describe people. Now lets continue to learn some adjectives by doing Exercise 1 on page 75. Step V Summary and homeworkT: Today we talked about heroes, especially the national hero -Yang Liwei. Besides, we learned about Chinas first manned space flight. What can you learn from Yang Liwei and other heroes?S: We admire the heroes very much. They are very great. I think we should study hard in order to make great contributions to the society in the future like heroes, such as Yang Liwei, Sang Lan and Liu Xuan. T: Very good. Maybe some of you will be heroes some day and many people will learn from you and admire you. But some of you may not know that sometimes heroes even may risk or give their lives for the world or for others. OK, homework for today is as follows: 1. Preview the passage “Space Heroes” on page 32. 2. Finish Exercise 1 (page 66) and Exercise 1(page 76)in Language Power.1.教材案例分析 本单元以Heroes为话题,旨在通过本单元的学习,不仅让学生了解为国家乃至世界作出伟大贡献的不同时期的一些伟人,而且使学生了解一些中外体育明星和具有坚强意志的超级英雄,并就自己所喜爱的体育明星展开讨论。同时让学生学会正确使用过去一般时,过去进行时及现在完成时。本单元还向学生提供了一些有关阅读、口语、听力和写作的技巧,以便提高他们的阅读、口头表达、听力和写作能力。最后要求学生按照写作指导为校刊写一个介绍救人英雄的故事。教师要借助听力、讨论、阅读、写作等一系列扎实有效的教学活动,进一步拓展学生的思维空间,提高其语言运用能力。 1.1 Warm-up以英雄人物或电影角色为切入点,让学生谈论人物特点,从而引出本单元话题,为进一步的学习做热身准备。1.2 Modern Heroes分四部分:Reading是一篇介绍航天英雄杨利伟乘坐神州五号飞船成功遨游太空的文章,从而使学生了解民族英雄,激发学生的民族自豪感;Vocabulary 要求学生学会正确使用阅读中的一些重点词汇动词短语;Grammar通过一系列语法活动复习Past Simple和Past Continuous的用法;Language in Use要求学生两人一组,就杨利伟乘太空飞船遨游太空之事进行采访,在情景中学会灵活运用所学时态。2. 教材重组2.1将Warm-up, Modern Heroes中的Reading和Vocabulary, Culture Corner及Language Power中的练习题1 (page 66), Word Corner (page 67), WORD POWER (page 75), 练习题1(page 76)整合在一起上一节“阅读课(I)”。高一英语教学案例分析李潮慧教学年级:高一 课题名称: Cultural Relics阅读课 教材版本:人教版高中英语必修 2 授课时间: 45 分钟 一、 学生分析 教学对象为高中一年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。他们学习英语方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。学生已经完成了高中英语第一个模块的学习,渐渐习惯了我的教法。虽然一开始他们觉得与初中教学很不相同(初中老师注重手把手式的语法教学),但经过半个学期后,他们适应得很快,而且还取得一定的进步。他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种渠道获取学习资源。不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。 二、教材分析 这一课是本单元第一个课时。在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地方名比较多,我在课前教他们读了一下。我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up 部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了 4 到 5 分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。我觉得在今后也必须合理使用手中的教材,根据学生水平和教学设计进行整合或增减,让不同层次的学生在课堂上都有所收获。 三、教学目标 本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。通过阅读使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。由于这课讲述国外文化遗产,学生会感到陌生,为了引起共鸣,因此要把中外文化遗产结合一起讨论。本课目的要使学生学会如何谈论文化遗产以及最后形成保护文物的意识。 教学内容大致分为以下几个方面: 1 、看图片和听录音引入文化遗产这一话题。 2 、从网上下载一些琥珀屋图片并展示给学生看,分辨新旧琥珀屋,给学生以感官上的刺激,而且有利于帮助学生对文章的理解。(一些生词用板书) 3 、学生阅读课文后完成精读练习。 4 、两人围绕琥珀屋设计小对话。 5 、语言学习 - 难句解释。 6 、小结文章,一是找关键线索,二是写作手法。 7 、小组讨论,包括复述课文,加深对文章的理解,以及学生总结自己通过本课学习学到了什么(达到教学目标 - 形成保护文物意识)。 四、教学策略 环环相扣,设计紧凑。先利用录音和图片引起兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读文章,通过回答问题掌握细节,知道琥珀屋从形式失踪重建的过程,再从整体上把握它的结构、特色,学习用英语归纳以及复述,最后自己去小结上完这节课的收获,使他们的掌握阅读技巧的同时也增加了见识。在小组讨论过程中,学会用英语口语判断别人给出的依据,并给出自己的观点。 采用多媒体教学,用一些有关文物的精美图片,引起学生对即将阅读的文章的兴趣,减少陌生感。 课前需要准备中外文物图片以及对这些图片简短的录音描述。 五、教学过程 (一) warming-up 引入 教师用 PowerPoint 分别展示三幅图片以及播放有关的三段介绍录音,并不需要学生详细记录细节,因为不是听力课,只是了解图片是什么地方,位于哪个国家等。 ( look at three pictures and listen to three tourist guide describe each of them. What do you think of them? ) 1 、 3 为学生所熟悉的 1. The Pyramids in Egypt 2. Machu Picchu in Peru 3. The Great Wall of China 然后问问题: what do you think of them? (They represent the culture of their countries, so they are called _ ) 引导学生讲出 cultural relics 这个词组 接着分别说出 cultural relics 的定义(学生个人观点) (引入部分使学生对本节课的话题有所了解,而且很有兴趣了解其它文物) (二) Reading 使学生了解 Amber Room 形成、发展 , 经历了几个阶段 1 、让学生解释文章的 titleIn Search of the Amber Room(Maybe it s lost) 2 、为了让学生知道琥珀屋是什么样子,帮助理解文章,教师展示多张图片,新旧琥珀屋对照、外观、以及里面摆设的琥珀,金碧辉煌的琥珀屋使学生大开眼界,叹为观止,并学会分辨新旧。 3 、先给出一系列问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文( scanning )。有目的性阅读是阅读训练一种技巧,并且提醒学生不用太多花大多注意力在人名、地名上面,而假设自己正在读一本侦探小说,集中精力探究事情的发生经过。 4 、阅读后学生回答问题(大部分学生能找到答案) 5 、在了解细节的基础上,再次阅读 (skimming) 。全班分 5 个小组,分配任务给每一个组,文章共有 5 段,每组概括一个段落的大意,而且要求使用不超过 3 个单词来概括,既降低了难度又提高了学生归纳能力。 (三) Difficult points 因为只是阅读课,语言点不作详解,是为下个课时作准备,分别找出 4 句难句,让学生进行解释,一一说明属于什么从句(分别有宾从、状从、定从、主从)(从句是学生的薄弱环节),为学生扫除阅读障碍。 l. Frederic William ,the king of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to Russian people would have such a strange history. 2. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape. 3. This was a time when the two countries were at war. 4. There is not doubt that the boxes were then put on at rain for Konigsberg . (四) Summing-up (总结) 学生掌握每段大意后,从总体上把握文章结构和特点 1 、找出与 Amber Room 有关的重要线索( 3 个人物、 2 个国家、 1 个组织) 2 、分析写作手法(时间顺序及都用了一般过去时描述已发生的事情):让学生将来进行写作训练描述某事经过时,可以模仿这篇文章的手法 (五) Group-work(task)4 人小组 学生此时已非常熟悉文章内容及结构,进入用英语进行交际环节 1复述课文,教师给出一段文字,中间有不少空格,学生根据课文内容填写空格( learn how to talk about cultural relics ) Fill in the blanks: The Amber Room was made _ .Frederick William _ .It soon became part of the Czar s winter palace in St. Petersburg . Later, Catherine _ and she told her artists to _ . In September, 1941 the Nazi Germany army secretly _ . After that, what happened to the Amber Room _ . Now Russians and German shave _ much like the old one. 2 、谈谈自己从中的收获( What can you learn from the text? ) 学生都能说出要保护文物(完成本课教学目标)至于怎样保护,因时间关系留待下个课时再讨论。 (六)布置作业:复习课文及写一篇如何保护家乡某一文物的文章。 六、课后反思 教学成功之处是引导学生一步接一步从阅读文章表层意思,到探讨深层意思,使学生明白文物重要性及要做好保护。例如,先带着问题读课文,回答问题,接着概括段意,然后分析句子,(这是表层理解),最后总结全文,通过字面理解使学生达成共识 - 保护文物,升华到深层理解。引入部分达到预期效果,没有用书本上的例子,而自己准备了录音和图片作为引入,时间短且能引起学生兴趣及渴望了解更多的求知欲。 不足之处是在阅读后回答问题那部分,设计问题大多是 wh- 问题,因此对阅读能力稍差的学生没有完全照顾到,原因是我认为他们是高一学生,在课文中找出答案并不难,何况这些问题并不是推理题,就以为他们都能接受。但下课后我了解到有一些学生并未能在短时间内回答完所有问题,在以后类似的教学过程中,我会分几个环节设计精读练习,例如针对中下层学生设计 Yes/No questions 或 T/F 。


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