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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Management and Organization第一章 管理与组织导论1.Who are managers?A Manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. 管理者是这样的人,他同别人一起工作或通过协调其他人的活动的方式实现组织目标。First-line managers (supervisor)Middle managers (plant/division manager)Top managers (CEO/president)Non-managerial employee2.What is management?n Management is the process of coordinating work activities so theyre completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people.管理是同别人一起或通过别人使工作活动完成得更有效率和更有效果的过程。Efficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.效率是指以最少的投入获得最大的产出Effectiveness is concerned with completing activities so that organizational goals are attained. 效果是指实现组织目标的程度。效率涉及做事的方式,效果涉及事情的结果。3.What do managers do?(1)Management functions and process 管理职能和过程Planning involves defining an organizations goals and establishing strategies and plans to achieve those goals.计划包括定义组织的目标、制定战略和计划以实现组织的目标Organizing includes designing a structure to carry out the plans.组织包括设计结构以执行计划。Leading involves motivating subordinates, influencing individuals or teams, communicating effectively, and dealing with employee behavior issues. 领导包括激励下属、影响个体或团队、有效的沟通以及处理雇员的行为问题。Controlling includes monitoring, comparing, and correcting the organization performance. 控制包括监督、比较和改进组织的绩效。Management process refers to the idea that management consists of a set of ongoing decisions and actions in which managers engage as they plan, organize, lead and control. 管理过程是指一组进行中的决策和行动,包括计划、组织、领导和控制。(2)Management roles 管理角色Henry Mintzberg concluded that managers perform 10 different roles or behaviors. He classified them into three sets.One set is concerned with interpersonal relationships (figurehead, leader, liaison) 一种是关于人际关系的(挂名首脑、领导者和联络者)The second set is related to the transfer of information (monitor, disseminator, spokesperson) 第二种有关信息的传递(监听者、传播者和发言人)The third set deals with decision making (entrepreneur, disturbance handier, resource allocator, negotiator) 第三种是关于决策制定的(企业家、混乱驾御者、资源分配者和谈判者)3)Management skills管理技能Robert Katz identified three skills managers need: technical, human, and conceptual.罗伯特卡茨确认了三种管理者需要的技能,即技术技能、人际技能和概念技能。(4)Managing systems管理系统The systems perspective can be used to describe what a manager does because organizations are open systems with interrelated and interdependent parts. Within this system, managers coordinate the various work activities so that the organization can meet its goals.系统观点可以用来描述管理者做什么,因为组织是一个开放系统,由相互关联和相互依赖的部分组成。在系统中,管理者协调各种工作活动,以便实现组织的目标。(5)Managing in different and changing situations在不同的和变化的情境中进行管理The contingency perspective (sometimes called the situational approach) is a reflection of the fact that organizations are different and face different circumstances (contingencies); thus, they may require different ways of managing.权变观点(有时又称为情境方式)反映了这样一个事实,即组织是不同的,它们所面对的环境是不同的,因此要求不同的管理方式。4.What is an organization?nAn organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose.组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某种特定的目的。Organization are becoming more open, flexible, and responsive to changes.组织日益成为更加开放的、灵活的和响应变化的实体。5.Why study management?Its important to study management because it is universal, the reality of work is that you will either manage or be managed, and there are rewards and challenges in being a manager.CHAPTER 2 Management Yesterday and Today第二章 管理的昨天和今天1.Managements connection to other fields of study (1)Anthropology (helps managers understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people) 人类学(帮助管理者理解基本价值观、态度和人们行为之间的差异) 1.Managements connection to other fields of study (2)Economics (helps managers understand comparative advantage, free trade, and protectionist policy in a global marketplace) 经济学(帮助管理者理解比较竞争优势、自由竞争和全球市场的贸易保护政策) (3)Philosophy (helps managers understand why organizations exist and what constitutes appropriate behavior in organizations) 哲学(帮助管理者理解组织为什么存在以及什么构成了组织的适当行为) (4)Political science (helps managers understand conflict, power, and government influence) 政治学(帮助管理者理解冲突、权力和政府影响) (5)Psychology (helps managers understand behavior of humans) 心理学(帮助管理者理解人类的行为) (6)Sociology (helps managers understand people in relation to others) 心理学(帮助管理者理解人类的行为)2.Historical background of managementn the building of the Egyptian pyramids, management practices in Venice, Adam Smiths writings on division of labor, and the Industrial Revolution.3.Scientific management 科学管理 Scientific management made dramatic increases in productivity possible. The application of scientific principles moved management from being seat of the pants to a serious, scientific discipline. 科学管理使生产率实现了巨大的增长,科学管理原则的应用使管理从经验变为严谨和科学的训练。Frederick W. Taylor proposed four principles of management. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were best known for their study of work arrangements. 弗雷德里克w泰罗提出了四项管理原则。吉尔布雷思夫妇以其对工作安排的研究而著称。4.General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论 Henri Fayol was the first to define management as a universal set of functions. He identified 14 principles of management that could be taught. 亨利法约尔是第一个将管理定义为一组普遍适用的职能的人,他识别出14种管理原则,这些管理原则能够在课堂上教授。Max Weber defined the bureaucracy as the ideal form of organization.马克斯韦伯定义了官僚行政组织,将其作为一种理想的组织形态。5.Quantitative approach to management 管理的数量方法 The quantitative approach to management advocated the use of statistical models, equations, formulas, and simulations for management decision making in planning and controlling. 管理的数量方法主张将统计模型、方程、公式和模拟技术运用于计划和控制中的管理决策。6.Toward understanding organizational behavior组织行为理论 The Hawthorne Studies led to a new emphasis on the human factor in the functioning of organizations and provided new insights into group norms and behavior. 霍桑研究导致了对职能型组织中人的因素的新的进一步强调,对群体规范和行为提供了新见解。7.Current trends and issues (1)Globalization affects all sizes and types of organizations. 全球化影响到各种规模和类型的组织。(2)Workforce diversity requires managers to recognize and acknowledge employee differences.劳动力的多元化要求管理者认识和承认雇员的差异。(3)Entrepreneurship is important to societies around the world and all types and sizes of organizations will need to be entrepreneurial to be successful. 创业精神对世界范围的各种社会都是非常重要的。各种类型规模的组织要取得成功都要发扬创业精神。 (4)Managers need to recognize the realities of an e-world, whether as an n e-business enhanced, e-business enabled, or total e-business organization. 管理者需要认识到电子企业的现实,不论是电子企业增强型,还是电子企业使能型,或者是全面电子企业型的组织。(5)Successful organizations will need to be innovative and flexible, and managers will need to encourage innovation and flexibility.成功的组织需要创新和弹性,管理者需要鼓励创新和弹性。(6)Managers who emphasize quality management processes are committed to continuous improvement of work activities.强调质量的管理者关注工作过程,坚持对工作活动的不断改进。(7)Managers will need to foster the ndevelopment of learning organizations and cultivate a knowledge management culture.管理者需要培育和开发学习型组织,以及培育知识管理文化。(8)Finally, managers will have to recognize the impact that workplace spirituality is having on management practices.管理者还不得不认识到工作场所精神境界正在对管理实践产生着冲击。CHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT:THE CONSTRAINTS 第三章 组织文化和外部环境:管理的约束1.The manager: omnipotent or symbolic The omnipotent view 万能论 The symbolic view 象征论 Reality suggests a synthesis2.The organizations culture (1)What is organizational culture? Organizational culture is a system of shared meaning and beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in large degree, how they act. 组织文化是组织成员共有的价值和信念体系,这一体系在很大程度上决定了组织成员的行动方式。 An organizations culture is composed of seven dimensions: innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, and stability. 组织文化由七个维度构成:创新与风险承力、关注细节、成果导向、员工导向、团队导向、进取性和稳定性。 (2)Strong versus weak cultures n A strong culture is one in which the key values are intensely held and widely shared. Strong cultures have a greater influence on employees than do weak cultures.强文化是强烈拥有并广泛共享基本价值观念的文化。 (3)the source of culture (4)How employees learn culture Organizational stories typically contain a narrative of significant events or people that portray the unique culture. 组织的“故事”通常是对重大事件或重要人物的叙述,而这些事件和人物描绘了组织独特的文化。 Rituals are repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values, important goals, and important people. 仪式是一组重复性的活动,由这组活动表述和灌输关键的价值观、重要的目标和重要的人物。 Material symbols include the layout of the facilities, dress codes, elegance of office furnishings, and other observable (tangible) items. 有形的信条包括设施的布局、穿着的特点、办公室装潢的精美度,以及其他可视的(有形的)物品。Language refers to special and unique terms, jargon, and acronyms that are related to an organizations business.语言是指与组织经营有关的特有的和独一无二的词汇、行话和缩略语。(5)How culture affects managers n Culture constrains managers because it acts as an automatic filter that biases managers perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and actions. 文化制约着管理者的行为,它像一个自动的过滤器,左右着管理者的知觉、思想、感觉和行动。3.The environment (1)Defining the external environment The components of the specific environment include customers, suppliers, competitors, and pressure groups; 具体环境的构成要素包括顾客、供应商、竞争者和公众压力集团; n The components of the general environment include broad economic, political/legal, nsocio-cultural, demographic, technological, and global conditions.一般环境的构成要素包括广泛的经济、政治法律、社会文化、人口统计、技术和全球条件。(2)How the environment affects managers Environmental uncertainty is determined by the degree of change and the degree of complexity in the environment. Stable and simple environments are relatively certain. The more dynamic and complex the environment, the greater the uncertainty. 环境的不确定性取决于环境的变化程度和复杂程度。稳定的和简单的环境相对确定。环境越是动荡复杂,不确定性越大。CHAPTER 4 MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT第四章 全球环境中的管理1.Who owns what?2.Whats your global perspective? n The three different global attitudes are ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric.三种不同的全球取向分别为:民族中心论、多国中心论和全球中心论。An ethnocentric attitude is the parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country.民族中心论是一种狭隘的观念,认为母国的工作方式和惯例是最好的。A polycentric attitude is the view that the managers in the host country know the best work practices and approaches for running their business. 多国中心论这种观点认为东道国的管理人员知道经营业务的最佳工作方式和惯例。The geocentric attitude is a world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from anywhere around the globe.全球中心论是一种全球取向的观点,其核心是在世界范围内选用最佳方式和最优秀的人才。3.Understanding the global environment (1)Regional trading alliances The European Union (EU) is a 12-nation trading alliance whose purpose is to have common customs duties, unified monetary currency.n NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is a trading alliance between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a 10-nation trading alliance in one of the fastest-growing economic regions in the world.(2)Different types of global organizations Multinational corporations (MNCs) have significant operations in two or more countries but are managed from the home country. 多国公司同时在两个或两个以上的国家拥有重要的运营单位,但主要由母国进行管理。Transnational corporations (TNCs) also have significant operations in multiple countries but decentralize management to the local (host) countries. 跨国公司同样在多个国家拥有重要的运营单位,但在从事经营的所在国(东道国)分散管理。Borderless organizations are a global type of organization that has eliminated artificial geographical barriers.无国界组织是一种打破了人为地理界限的全球型组织。Organizations typically go global in three stages. Stage I is exporting to or importing from foreign countries.组织走向全球化往往经历三个阶段:阶段是向国外出口或从国外进口;4.How organizations go global n Stage II involves hiring foreign representatives to sell the organizations products or contracting with foreign manufacturers to make the organizations products.阶段是雇用外国代理商销售组织的产品或与国外的制造商订立合同来制造组织的产品;Stage III is the most serious commitment to global business and involves licensing franchising, strategic alliances, joint ventures, or foreign subsidiaries.阶段在全球业务中的投入是最为积极的,涉及许可证贸易、特许经营、战略同盟、合资企业或外国子公司。5.Managing in a global environment (1)The legal-political environment (2)The economic environment (3)The cultural environmentThe four primary dimensions of national culture are individualism versus collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and quantity versus quality of life.民族文化主要有四个维度,即个人主义与集体主义、权力差距、不确定性规避和生活的数量与质量。Individualism refers to a loosely knit social framework in which people are supposed to look after their own interests and those of their immediate family.个人主义是指一种松散结合的社会结构,在这一结构中,人们只关心自己的和直系亲属的利益。A collectivistic society is characterized by a tight social framework in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and to protect them in times of trouble. 集体主义社会以一种紧密结合的社会结构为特征。在这一结构中,人们希望群体中的其他人在他们有困难时帮助并保护他们。 Power distance is a measure of the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally.权力差距是衡量社会接受机构和组织内权力分配不平等的程度的尺度。Uncertainty avoidance is a measure of the degree to which people tolerate risk and unconventional behavior.不确定性规避是衡量人们承受风险和非传统行为的程度的尺度。The U.S. culture is characterized as being high on individualism, small power distance, low uncertainty avoidance, and strong quantity of life.美国文化的特征是:高度个人主义,低于平均水平的权力差距和不确定性规避,以及较高的生活数量。6.Is a global assignment for you? A manager on global assignment faces two periods of adjustment: the time before going to a foreign country and the time while in the new country. 担任全球职务的管理者面临着两个阶段的调整:出国前以及出国期间的调整。CHAPTER 5 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND MANAGERIAL ETHICS第五章 社会责任和管理道德1.Who are managers? A Manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. 管理者是这样的人,他同别人一起工作或通过协调其他人的活动的方式实现组织目标。CHAPTER 6 DECISION-MAKING:THE ESSENCE OF THE MANAGERS JOB 第六章 制定决策:管理者工作的本质1. The decision-making process Decision making is an eight-step process: (1) formulating problems, (2) identifying decision criteria, (3) allocating weights to the criteria, (4) developing alternatives, (5) analyzing alternatives, (6) selecting an alternative, (7) implementing the alternative, and (8) evaluating decision effectiveness 2.The pervasiveness of decision making Everyone in organizations makes decisions. Decision making is particularly important in every aspect of a managers job, that is, in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.3.The manager as decision maker (1)Making decisions: rationality, bounded rationality, and intuition 制定决策:理性、有限理性和直觉The rational decision maker is assumed to have a clear problem, have no goal conflict, know all options, have a clear preference ordering, keep all references constant, have no time or cost constraints, and select a final choice that maximizes his or her payoff.The perfectly rational approach to decision making assumes : The manager is faced with a simple problem in which the goals are clear and the alternatives limited, in which the time pressures are minimal and the cost of seeking out and evaluating alternatives is low, for which the organizational culture supports innovation and risk taking, and in which the outcomes are relatively concrete and measurable. Under these conditions, the decision maker can choose the alternative with the maximum payoff.The bounded rational approach to decision making assumes: managers behave rationally within the parameters of a simplified decision, making process that is limited (or bounded) by an individuals ability to process information. Because they cant possibly analyze all information all alternatives, managers satisfice rather than maximize.Managers regularly use their intuition in making decisions. Intuitive decision making is a subconscious process of making decisions on the basis of experience and accumulated judgment. 管理者通常要运用他们的直觉于决策,根据直觉制定决策是一种潜意识的决策制定过程,它基于经验和积累的判断。(2)Types of problems and decisions Managers face well and poorly structured problems. 管理者面对结构良好的和结构不良的问题。Well-structured problems are straightforward, familiar, easily defined, and are solved using Programmed decisions.管理者面对结构良好的和结构不良的问题。结构良好的问题是一目了然的、熟悉的、容易定义的和可以用程序化决策方法解决的;Poorly structured problems are new or unusual, involve ambiguous or incomplete information, and are solved using non-programmed decisions.结构不良问题是新颖的、不寻常的、包含模糊性和不完整信息的问题,它只能用非程序化的决策方法来解决。 (3)Decision making conditions The ideal situation for making decisions occur when the manager can make accurate decision because he or she knows the outcome from ever alternative. Such certainty is rare. 决策制定的理想情况发生在当管理者制定精确的决策时,因为他知道每一个方案的结果,这种确定性是很少见的.A more realistic situation is one of risk, in which the decision maker can estimate the likelihood of certain alternatives or outcomes. 更多的现实情况是存在风险的决策,其中决策者可以估计某种方案或结果的概率。 If neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates are available, uncertainty exists, and the decision makers choice will be influenced by intuition. 如果既不存在确定性也不存在对概率的合理估计,则这样的决策是非确定性的。在这种情况下,决策者的选择将受到直觉的影响。 (4)Decision-making styles Decision-making style can be described by a persons way of thinking (rational or intuitive) and tolerance for ambiguity (low or high). 决策风格可以描述为个人的思维方式(理性或直觉的)以及对模糊的承受力(低承受力或高承受力)。 directive style 命令型风格 (low tolerance for ambiguity and rational way of thinking), (对模糊的低承受力和理性的思维方式); analytic style 分析型风格 (high tolerance for ambiguity and rational way of thinking), (对模糊的高承受力以及理性的思维方式); conceptual 概念型风格 (high tolerance for ambiguity and intuitive way of thinking (对模糊的高承受力以及直觉的思维方式) behavioral 行为型风格 (low tolerance for ambiguity and intuitive way of thinking). (对模糊的低承受力以及直觉的思维方式) CHAPTER 7 FOUNDATIONS OF PLANNING第七章 计划的基础1. What is planning? Planning involves defining the organizations goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work. 计划工作包含定义组织的目标,制定全局战略以实现目标,以及开发广泛的计划,集成和协调组织的工作。Its concerned with both the ends (whats to be done) and the means (how its to be done). 它既涉及结果也涉及手段(如何实现结果)。2. Why do managers plan? Managers plan for four reasons: planning gives direction by establishing coordinated efforts, planning reduces the impact of change, planning minimizes wasted time and resources and redundancy, and planning sets the standards used in controlling. 计划指出了方向,并对各种努力进行协调;计划减少了变化的冲击;计划工作最小化了时间的浪费和资源的浪费;以及计划工作为控制工作设立了标准。3. How do managers plan? (1)The role of goals and plans in planning Planning involves two important elements: goals and plans.Goals:Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or an entire organization. Goals are often called the foundation of planning. There are stated goals and real goals.目标是个人、群体和整个组织期望的结果,通常是计划工作的基础。n Plans:Documents that outline how goals are going to be met including resource allocations, schedules, and other necessary actions to accomplish the goals.目标是个人、群体和整个组织期望的结果,通常是计划工作的基础。Types of plans :Strategic plans cover an extensive time period, cover broad issues, and include the formulation of objectives.Operational plans cover shorter time periods, focus on specifics, and assume that objectives are already known.战略计划覆盖了扩展的时间区间,覆盖了广泛的问题,包含了目标的设立;运营计划覆盖的是较短的时间区间,它关注具体问题,假设目标已经存在。 Long-term plans are those with a time frame beyond three years. Short-term plans are those covering one year or less.长期计划是那些时间期限超过3年的计划;短期计划是那些时间期限为1年或短于1年的计划。Specific plans are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation. Directional plans are flexible plans that set out general guidelines.具体的计划是清楚定义的计划,它没有给解释留


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