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现在完成时的构成现在完成时的构成助动词助动词have have(has(has)+过过去分词去分词Grammar focus过去分词的构成过去分词的构成 Typeoriginal p.t p.pcostcostcostreadreadreadmeetmetmetcatchcaughtcaught rideroderiddenspeakspokespokenkeepkeptkeptdrinkdrankdrunkeatateeatenABBAAA ABC现在完成时的主要用法现在完成时的主要用法一.表示从过去某一时刻开始并一直延续到现在的动作或事情,但动作或事情现在已经结束。Someone has just turned off the light.Someone has just turned off the light.(有人刚把灯关了。)I have already finished my homework.I have already finished my homework.(我已我已经经完成了家庭作完成了家庭作业业。)二.表示从过去某一时刻开始并一直延 续到现在的动作或事情,但动作或 事情可能仍在继续。I want to see how much the place I want to see how much the place changed since changed since I saw it last.I saw it last.我想看看从上 次见到那地方以来它发生了多大变化。I have learnt English for more than I have learnt English for more than ten years.ten years.我已经学了10多年的英语。现在完成时的主要用法现在完成时的主要用法三.表示人曾有过或到目前为止从未有过的经历.Have you ever been to the Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?Summer Palace?(你曾去过颐和园吗?)I have never had a car.I have never had a car.(我从未有过汽车。)四.现在完成时还常与句型 This is the first time,Its the first time 连用。This is the first time he has driven a This is the first time he has driven a car.car.这是他第一次开车。五.现在完成时和最高级连用表示到现在为止是最的。What a boring filmWhat a boring film!一部多么令人厌烦的电影啊!Its the most boring film Ive ever Its the most boring film Ive ever seen.seen.这是我看过的最令人厌烦的电影。现在完成时的现在完成时的时间状语时间状语常与连用,如:already,already,never,ever,just,yet,before,up to never,ever,just,yet,before,up to now,so far,for the last few weeksnow,so far,for the last few weeks等,表示“”所发生的动作.还可以和(到说话时仍未结束)的,表示连用,如:now,now,today,this morning(afternoon,today,this morning(afternoon,evening,week,month,year),these evening,week,month,year),these days,since,for a long time days,since,for a long time等.一、一、sincesince短语或从句表示过去的动短语或从句表示过去的动 作延续至今,作延续至今,sincesince之后的时间为一点之后的时间为一点。Mr.Smith has worked here since 1984.Mr.Smith has worked here since 1984.(1984年以来,史密斯先生一直在这工作。)Hes learned about 5,000 English words Hes learned about 5,000 English words since he went to college.since he went to college.(他上大学以来大约学了五千个英语单词。)二二、forfor短语表示动作延续多长时短语表示动作延续多长时 间,间,forfor的宾语为时间段。的宾语为时间段。We have known each other for We have known each other for twenty years.twenty years.(我们认识有二十年了。)I havent seen her for a long time.I havent seen her for a long time.(我好久没有见到她了。)三、三、just,lately,recentlyjust,lately,recently是完成时的是完成时的时间状语,时间状语,just now just now 有有a moment a moment ago ago 之意,是一般过去时的时间状语。之意,是一般过去时的时间状语。The train has just arrived.The train has just arrived.(火车刚到。)Did you see Joan just now?Did you see Joan just now?(你刚才看到琼了吗?)Have you heard from your family Have you heard from your family lately/recently?lately/recently?(你最近收到家人的来信了吗?)四、四、in the past few years in the past few years 意思是意思是“过去几年来过去几年来”,可作现在完成时,可作现在完成时的时间状语;的时间状语;in the pastin the past意思是意思是“在在过去过去”,常作一般过去时的时间状,常作一般过去时的时间状语。语。Great changes have taken place Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few in my hometown in the past few years.years.(过去几年来,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。)Where did you work in the past?Where did you work in the past?(你过去在哪里工作?)五、五、even since theneven since then与与from then on from then on(after that)(after that)都有都有“打那以后打那以后”之意,之意,前者是完成时的时间状语,后者常前者是完成时的时间状语,后者常用作一般过去时的时间状语。用作一般过去时的时间状语。Shes lived here ever since then.Shes lived here ever since then.(打那以后,她一直住在这。)I didnt hear of Jim from then I didnt hear of Jim from then on/after that.on/after that.(打那以后,我就没有吉姆的消息。)六、六、beforebefore泛指泛指“以前以前”时,可用时,可用于现在完成时中;于现在完成时中;agoago表示表示“现在的现在的一段时间以前一段时间以前”,是一般过去时的,是一般过去时的时间状语。时间状语。Ive never been to Japan before.Ive never been to Japan before.(我以前没去过日本。)She went to Japan a year ago.She went to Japan a year ago.(她一年前去了日本。)七、七、everever和和nevernever也是现在完成时常也是现在完成时常见的时间状语。前者意思是见的时间状语。前者意思是“曾曾经经”,多见于疑问句或否定句中;,多见于疑问句或否定句中;后者意思是后者意思是“从来没有从来没有”,表示全,表示全部否定。部否定。“Have you ever seen the film?”Have you ever seen the film?”“No.I have never seen it.”“No.I have never seen it.”(“你曾经看过这部影片吗?”“没有,从来没看过。”)Nobody in our class has ever Nobody in our class has ever been there.been there.(我们班没有人去过那。)八、八、alreadyalready和和yetyet常见于现在完成时常见于现在完成时中,有中,有“已经已经”之意。前者一般用之意。前者一般用在肯定句中,后者用在疑问句中。在肯定句中,后者用在疑问句中。yetyet在否定句中有在否定句中有“还还”之意。之意。“Has the bus left yet”?Has the bus left yet”?“Yes.It has already left.”“Yes.It has already left.”(“No.It hasnt left yet.)(“No.It hasnt left yet.)“汽车开走了吗?”“是的,已经开走了。”“不,还没有开走。”九、九、so far(so far(到目前为止到目前为止),these these days(days(这些天这些天)也是现在完成时也是现在完成时常见的时间状语。常见的时间状语。So far,no man has travelled So far,no man has travelled farther than the moon.farther than the moon.(到目前为止,还没有人到月球以外旅行。)What have you done these days?What have you done these days?(这些天来,你做了什么事?)十、十、now,today,this morning,this now,today,this morning,this year year等有时可以用现在完成时中,等有时可以用现在完成时中,以表示到说话时这一时间尚未结束。以表示到说话时这一时间尚未结束。I have learned how to swim now.I have learned how to swim now.(我现在终于学会了怎样游泳。)Have you seen Han Meimei this Have you seen Han Meimei this morning?morning?(你今天上午看到韩梅梅了吗?)短暂性动词与时间段的关系 短暂性动词在肯定句、疑问句中不能与时间段连用,这些动词是:等。为了表述这种意思,我们常用相应的来 代替短暂性动词。become become bebe,begin,beginhavehave,borrow borrow keepkeep,buy ,buy havehave,come(go,arrive,get)come(go,arrive,get)be be here/there/inhere/there/in,diediebebe deaddead,fall asleep(ill)fall asleep(ill)be asleep(ill),be asleep(ill),finish finish be overbe over,get to,get to knowknowknowknow,join,joinbe in be in(be be a member of a member of ),leave,leavebe be away(from),away(from),marry marrybebe marriedmarried等;也可以仍用原短暂性动词,也可以仍用原短暂性动词,用句型用句型“”或用或用“”这一结构来表述延续性的动这一结构来表述延续性的动作或状作或状 态。态。他入党五年了。He has been in the Party for five years.He has been in the Party for five years.He has been a Party member for five years.He has been a Party member for five years.It is five years since he joined the Party.It is five years since he joined the Party.He joined the Party five years ago.He joined the Party five years ago.电影开始五分钟了。The film has been on for five minutes.The film has been on for five minutes.It is five minutes since the film beganIt is five minutes since the film beganThe film began five minutes ago.The film began five minutes ago.但在否定句中,短暂性动词可以与时间段连用。如:I havent bought the bike for a year.我买这辆自行车还不到一年。She hasnt come here for an hour.她来这儿还没有一个小时。翻翻 译译 练练 习:习:1.1.我买了这块手表五年了。我买了这块手表五年了。2.2.这位老人已经死了十年了。这位老人已经死了十年了。I I have boughthave bought this watch for five years.this watch for five years.I I have hadhave had this watch this watch forfor five five years/years/sincesince 5 years 5 years ago.ago.The old man The old man has diedhas died for ten years.for ten years.The old man The old man has been deadhas been dead for ten for ten years/since 10 years/since 10 years ago.years ago.WW 3.3.他已经回来三天了。他已经回来三天了。4.4.自从六点钟他就来这儿了。自从六点钟他就来这儿了。5.5.我离开家乡已十年了。我离开家乡已十年了。He He has come backhas come back for 3 days.for 3 days.He He has been backhas been back forfor 3 days/3 days/sincesince 3 3 days days agoago.He He has come herehas come here since 6 oclock.since 6 oclock.He He has been herehas been here since 6 oclock.since 6 oclock.I I have lefthave left hometown for 10 years.hometown for 10 years.I I have been away fromhave been away from hometown for 10 hometown for 10 years.years.WWWhave been 与have gone 的用法比较 have been to a place 意思是“到过,去过”,表示曾经到过某处,但现在人不在那儿。have gone to 意思是“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。Has she ever been to Nanjing?Has she ever been to Nanjing?她曾去过南京吗?You have never been there,have you?You have never been there,have you?你以前从未去过那儿,是吗?I have been to Guiling,I went there I have been to Guiling,I went there last year.last year.我去过桂林,我去年去的。She has gone to Nanjing.She has gone to Nanjing.她已经去南京了。与一般过去时的用法比较一.现在完成时和一般过去时都是说过去的事情,;而一般过去时,则只表示发生在过去的动作和事情与现在没有关系。eg:He has bought an English-Chinese dictionary.他已经买了一本英汉字典。He bought an English-Chinese dictionary.他曾买过一本英汉字典。第一句用现在完成时时态,意为:“He bought an English-Chinese dictionary.And he still has it”“过去他买了一本英汉字典,现在他还有这本字典”。第二句用过去时只叙述过去他买过一本英汉字典这一事实,至于现在他是否有这本字典并未强 调说明。二当有一个表示过去某一特定时间的状语时,不用现在完成时,而用一般过去时:eg:I saw the film on television yesterday.但since(自以来)+某一过去时间或叙述过去事情的从句总是与现在完成时连用。eg:They have known each other since 1950.Since he was a child,he has lived in England.三常与一般过去时连用的典型的 表示过去时间的状语:yesterday(昨天),the other day(前两天),just now(刚才),时间+ago,last+时间 等;eg:The plane took off ten minutes ago.We finished our task last week.四常与现在完成时连用的表示到现在为止这段时间的词短语或从句:so far(到现在为止),hither to(到如今)up to(till,until)now直到现在,lately(最近)yet,since+过去时间或叙述过去事情的从句。eg:The weather has been hot so far this summer.I havent seen her yet.可与现在完成时连用,也可与一般过去时连用的时间状语:for+时间,this+时间,表示不确定时间:ever,never,before,just,recently,alreadyeg:1.I have learnt English for three years.2.I learnt English for three years.3.I have written two letters this morning.4.I wrote two letters this morning.Thank you!Good bye!


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