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M3 Unit 1 Festivals Around the world1)starve:to cause a person or an animal to suffer severely or die of hunger 挨饿,饿死挨饿,饿死Millions of people starved _ death during the war.2)starve for sth 渴望获得某物,缺乏渴望获得某物,缺乏The homeless children are _(starve)love.3)感觉很饿(仅用于进行时感觉很饿(仅用于进行时)When will the dinner be ready?I _.starvation n.die of starvation:starve to death starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资不够维持基本生活的工资tostarving for am starving2.admire v.admiration n.admirable adj.极好的极好的;令人钦佩的令人钦佩的 admire sb/sth admire sb for sth 因因而羡慕而羡慕/佩服某人佩服某人 (1)我们钦佩刘翔跨栏速度之快我们钦佩刘翔跨栏速度之快.(2)They _ our garden.(3)His _English filled us with _.(4)难道你不想夸夸我的新房子吗?难道你不想夸夸我的新房子吗?Arent you going to_?his speed in hurdling.We admired Liu Xiang _foradmiredadmirable 3.apologize apology (n).apologize to sb for sth(doing sth)=say sorry to sb for doing sth 你必须为你的粗鲁行为向老师道歉。你必须为你的粗鲁行为向老师道歉。You must apologize _the teacher _ apologize to sb for sth/doing sth =make an apology to sb for(doing)sth offer an apology to sb for sthto_ being so rude.for4.award 奖品奖品;助学金助学金;vt(give sth.to sb.)授予授予;判定判定 prize 奖品奖品;赠品赠品;vt 珍惜珍惜 reward 报答(酬);报答(酬);vt 酬谢酬谢;酬劳酬劳 award sb.a medal 授予某人奖章授予某人奖章 reward sb.with 用用酬劳某人酬劳某人 reward sb.for sth 因因奖赏某人奖赏某人(1)那所大学给他提供助学金那所大学给他提供助学金,使他能继续学业使他能继续学业.(2)政府授予他政府授予他“模范教师模范教师”的称号的称号.The government _ The university offered him _ so that he could .go on with his studiesan awardthe title of“Model Teacher”awarded him(3)汤姆因对工作出色而得到奖赏汤姆因对工作出色而得到奖赏.Tom _ a prize _(4)怀特先生得到十万元的酬劳怀特先生得到十万元的酬劳.Mr.White received a _of 100,000 yuan.his excellent work.was awardedforrewardcustomscustoms 6.drown(drowned,drowned)1)浸,泡浸,泡 洪水淹没了街道和房子。洪水淹没了街道和房子。The floods _ the streets and houses.厨师把水果浸在奶油里。厨师把水果浸在奶油里。The cook _ the fruit with cream.2)淹死淹死河里有一个落水的人。河里有一个落水的人。There is a _man in the river.借借 消愁消愁 drown ones sorrow/sadness indrowneddrowneddrowning Its unwise of you to try to _ drinks as drinking may sometimes make you deeper in sorrow.drown your sorrows in 8.forgive (forgave,forgiven)forgiving adj.宽仁的,宽大的宽仁的,宽大的 forgiveness n.宽恕宽恕 (1)不念旧恶十分难得。不念旧恶十分难得。Its best to forgive and forget.(2)请原谅他的粗鲁吧。请原谅他的粗鲁吧。ask for forgiveness receive forgivenessPlease forgive him for his rudeness.playing tricks onof plentyGreat changes have taken place in our country since the 1980s.took placehappenbroke outcelebratecelebrate16.lead(led;led;leading)lead to 导致导致;通向通向 lead sb.to do sth.领导某人干某事领导某人干某事 lead sb.to some place 带领某人去某地带领某人去某地 lead/live a life 过过的生活的生活 The path leads to the village.He led a hard life.用用lead to;lie in 填空填空:Hard work _ success and failure often _ laziness.lies in I was very _ to hear the news.The news was very _ to us.pleasedpleasing


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