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分句、合句法分句、合句法 翻译英语句子时,有时我们可把原文翻译英语句子时,有时我们可把原文的句子结构整个保存下来或只稍加改的句子结构整个保存下来或只稍加改变即可,但在不少情况下则必须将原变即可,但在不少情况下则必须将原来的句子结构作较大的改变。分句法来的句子结构作较大的改变。分句法和合句法是指把原文的一个简单句译和合句法是指把原文的一个简单句译成两个或两个以上的句子。所谓合句成两个或两个以上的句子。所谓合句法是指把原文两个或两个以上的简单法是指把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句来表达。来表达。分句法分句法(一)把原文中的一个单词译成句子,(一)把原文中的一个单词译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。以上的句子。1.副词副词(1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得的成就而自豪,就而自豪,这是合乎情理的这是合乎情理的。Incidentally,I hope to get better medical treatment in these countries than I can possibly get here in the United States.顺便提一下顺便提一下,我希望能在这些国家得我希望能在这些国家得到比我在美国这里所能得到的更好的到比我在美国这里所能得到的更好的治疗。治疗。They,not surprisingly,did not respond at all.他们根本没有答复,他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。这是不足为奇的。2 形容词形容词 1)Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of“self-reliance.”毛主席在谈到他的毛主席在谈到他的“自力更生自力更生”的政的政策时,也许有些自豪感,策时,也许有些自豪感,这是可以理这是可以理解的。解的。2)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.那地区是个麻烦的地方,那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最这是大家最容易看得出来的。容易看得出来的。3 名词名词 1)A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.我离开那个单人掩体速度之快,我离开那个单人掩体速度之快,要是拍成电要是拍成电影的话,影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。会象出膛的子弹一样。As a place to live,it left much to be desired.As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane,it was an excellent site,its remoteness effectively masking its activity 作为居住的地方,这里有许多不足之处。但作为居住的地方,这里有许多不足之处。但作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地却是非常作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地却是非常理想的。理想的。它地处边陲它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的,人们不易了解其中的活动活动 3)He shook his head and his eyes were wide,then narrowed in indignation.他摇了摇头,两目睁得圆圆的,接着他摇了摇头,两目睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成一条缝,又眯成一条缝,脸上露出了愤怒的神脸上露出了愤怒的神色。色。(二)把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文二)把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。1 分词短语分词短语 1)They were at home in the home of the people,moving confidently without fear.他们在群众家里感到自在,他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。里踏实,无忧无虑。2)She sat with her hands cupping her chin,staring at a corner of the little kitchen.她坐在那儿双手托着下巴,她坐在那儿双手托着下巴,眼睛凝视眼睛凝视着小厨房的一角。着小厨房的一角。3)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could,driving out darkness and choking the shadows.阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。2 名词短语名词短语 1)I wrote four books in the first three years,a record never touched before.我头三年写了四本书,我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的打破了以往的记录。记录。2)The military is forbidden to kill the vessel,a relatively easy task.(政府)禁止军方(政府)禁止军方“击毁击毁”这艘潜艇,这艘潜艇,虽然要击毁该艇并不怎么费事。虽然要击毁该艇并不怎么费事。3)The station chief would have to be close to the direction,a member of the inner circle.这位站长就得接近董事,这位站长就得接近董事,因为董事是因为董事是核心集团的成员。核心集团的成员。4)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed,a universally accepted law.能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,这这是一条普遍公认的规律。是一条普遍公认的规律。3 前置词短语前置词短语 1)In August 1946,on my fifth trip through China,bound for my Moscow home but not in haste,since my husband had died in the war,I came to Yenan.一九四六年八月,我再回莫斯科家的一九四六年八月,我再回莫斯科家的途中,途中,第五次路过中国第五次路过中国;由于我丈夫;由于我丈夫已在战争中牺牲了,已在战争中牺牲了,当时我并不急于当时我并不急于回去,回去,就到了延安。就到了延安。2)Their power increased with their number.他们人数增加了他们人数增加了,力量也随之增加。,力量也随之增加。3)He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.他来到华盛顿,就国际形势来说,他来到华盛顿,就国际形势来说,时时机正合适。机正合适。(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。成两个或两个以上的句子。1)Sometimes Mrs.Cross would be walking around in the big kitchen watching him eat.有时,克罗斯太太会一面在大厨房踱来踱去,有时,克罗斯太太会一面在大厨房踱来踱去,一面看他吃饭。一面看他吃饭。2)She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。房子,结果并未成功。3)But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。4)His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。故障。二、合句法二、合句法(一)把原文中两个或两个以上的简(一)把原文中两个或两个以上的简单句(单句(simple sentence)译成一个单译成一个单句。句。1)It was on the early morning of April 2,1971.The pilots were briefed in the ready room.一九七一年四月二日清晨,飞机驾驶一九七一年四月二日清晨,飞机驾驶员都在待命室接受飞行任务。员都在待命室接受飞行任务。2)He was very clean.His mind was open.他为人单纯而坦率。他为人单纯而坦率。3)There are men here from all over the country.Many of them are from the South.从全国各地来的人中有许多是南方人。从全国各地来的人中有许多是南方人。4)His father had a small business in the city of Pisa.This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨开小铺。他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨开小铺。(二)把原文中的主从复合句(二)把原文中的主从复合句(complex sentence)译成一个单句译成一个单句 1)When I negotiate,I get nervous.When I get nervous,I eat.我在谈判时总是有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点我在谈判时总是有些紧张。紧张时我就吃点东西。东西。2)When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people,we are not merely being polite.我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。是出于礼貌。3)Im blest if I know.我一点儿也不知道。我一点儿也不知道。(三)把原文中的并列复合句(三)把原文中的并列复合句(compound sentence)译成一个单句。译成一个单句。1)From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa,and then it reached the sea.阿诺河从弗洛伦撒流经比萨入海。阿诺河从弗洛伦撒流经比萨入海。2)In 1844 Engels met Marx,and they became friends.一八四四年恩格斯与马克思相遇并成了朋友。一八四四年恩格斯与马克思相遇并成了朋友。3)The time was 10:30,and traffic on the street was light.十点三十分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。十点三十分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。exercises 一、翻译下列句子,将斜体的单词译成一个一、翻译下列句子,将斜体的单词译成一个汉语句子:汉语句子:1 He wished he were at home.Ordinarily,he would have been there three hours ago.2 illogically,she had expected some kind of miracle solution.3 But,occasionally,through haste or carelessness,mistakes were made,so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash,the other long.4 Characteristically,Mr.Harold concerned his feelings and watched and learned.5 He stalked away,but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast.6 The inside of each tent depended on the personality of his occupations.二、试译下列各句,把斜体的短语译成二、试译下列各句,把斜体的短语译成汉语句子。汉语句子。1 He was lying on his side watching her.2 Doctors and men both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe.3 But they had become nomads of the desert,living on the ground and under the sky,and they loved it.4 The hospital was already spreading a fame for its food.5 The answer had been there all of the time just out of reach.6 Mr.Myles still smiled but his voice had a little bit of irritation in it,unusual to Rob.三、试译下列句子,将斜体句子分译成两个以三、试译下列句子,将斜体句子分译成两个以上的汉语句子。上的汉语句子。1 The ample yard in back is dominated by heavily bearing fruit trees.2 David opened the door,and Arthur went out into the rain.3 He wanted to tell John how surprised he was at his knowledge but embarrassment made him hold his peace.4 Strange enough they were the same age to the day.5 Out of sheer joy she waved.四、试译下列各句,将两个或两个以上的简单四、试译下列各句,将两个或两个以上的简单句合并译成一个汉语单句(或复句)句合并译成一个汉语单句(或复句)1 It was half past ten.Sarie watched the path anxiously.2 That was long ago.A very long time ago.Almost 30 years ago.3 He would miss many things and many people.He would miss Celia.4 The four men huddled there and said nothing.They dared not smoke.They would not move.5 Home after seven years.Home.The word had meant so much to him.6 And as she thought,it became more involved.Harder to understand.五、试译下列各句,将主从复合句五、试译下列各句,将主从复合句译成一个汉语单句:译成一个汉语单句:1 He stood on the curb till a car shot by.2 While he washed,he heard the doorbell.3 When I came to the summit,I became very excited.4 if we do a thing,we should do it well.六、试译下列各句,将并列句译为六、试译下列各句,将并列句译为一个汉语单句。一个汉语单句。1 It was 1953,and I had just come from Kilkelly,Ireland,to seek my fortune.2 It was an LST,and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars.3 It was in mid-August,and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.


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