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剑桥英语小学四年级下6单元课件 剑桥英语小学四年级下6单元课件篇一:人教版四年级下册英语unit4课件 剑桥英语小学四年级下6单元课件篇二:剑桥少儿英语一级单元四年级D6班 剑桥少儿英语一级上册单元测试题 English Name: _ Chinese Name: _ Score: _ 一、听音选择,选出你所听到的单词。10分 ( )1. A. purpleB. pointC. Pink 6. A. whiteB. winnerC. window ( )2. A. twentyB. twelve C. live 7.A. eighteen B. fifteen C. thirteen ( )3. A. stationB. train C. Supermarket 8.A. Aa B. Rr C. Vv ( )4. A. l B. J C. I 9.A. turn rightB. turn left C. next to ( )5. A. upB. near C. Do 10.A. red one.B. blue one. C. purple one. 二.听录音,选择。10分 1I have got big 2) The baby has a (big nose, small mouth). 3)Has Jane got4)That boy hasnt got long5)My mother has got a 三、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。10分 horse 土豆鱼carrot mouse 大象香蕉 banana potato 马热狗 fish elephant橘子 胡萝卜 mouth orange 老鼠 嘴巴 hot dog 四、情景交际。请从B栏中找出A栏各句的翻译,并将其字母序号填入题前括号中。10分 A B 1.Have you got a pencil? a. 你叫什么名字? 2.Good morning! b. 你有一支铅笔吗? 3.a yellow book. c. 早上好。 4.This is my nose. d. 学英语。 5.Whats for breakfast? e. 你喜欢香蕉吗? 6.I go to school by bus. f. 一本黄色的书。 7.Do you like bananas? g. 我喜欢狗。 8.Whats your name? h. 我坐车去学校。 9.I like dogs. i. 早饭吃什么?. 10.learn English j. 这是我的鼻子。 五用正确的格式抄写句子。10分 I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m., I go to school and play badminton with my friends. Do you like playing badminton? 六选择10 ()1. What A .you B. yourC. yours. (old are you ? Im ten . A. What B .WhoC.How (A. WhatsB. What C. Who (bike. A.I B. my C. mine (A. duck B. duck is C. ducks ( A .on B. of C. in()7.Have you got any fish. A.Yes,it is. B.No,Im not. C.Yes,I have. ()8.Now the train is_the station. A. atB. on C. in ()9.What_you doing? _am talking to my friend. A. is, IB. are,I C. is, she (friends. A is B. amC .are 七用a或an填空.(10分) banana apple egg pearpen 选出不同类的项,把番号填在里。10分 ()1. A. table tennis B. carC. shipD. bus ()2. A. tallB. short C. treeD. big ()3. A. panda B. basketball C. lionD. elephant ()4. A. skipping B. dollC. swimming D.dancing ()5. A. small B. thinC. singD. fat ()6. A. fishB. apple C. banana D. pear ()7. A. MusicB. ScienceC. China D. PE ()8. A. dress B. sweaterC. T-shirt D. toy ()9. A. park B. under C. on D. in ()10. A. summer B. winterC. autumn D.hot 六、看图选择。(10) A. down the hillB. up the hill C. Turn left D. Go straight on E. Turn right 1. Excuse me.Where is the school? _ 2. Excuse me. Where is the station? _ 3.Where is Train 1? Its _ 4.Where is Train 2? Its _ 5. Excuse me. Where is the _ 八阅读短文,判断正T误F (10分) My name is Amy. There are people in my family. My father is a doctor. He likes sports. My mother is beautiful.She likes singing. She is a nurse. My brother is tall and strong.He likes playing baseball. He is a player. I am a student. I want to be a teacher. ( )1.There are three people in Amys family. ( )2.Amys father is a teacher. ( )3.Amys mother is a nurse. ( )4.Amys brother is tall and strong. ( )5.Amy is a teacher.剑桥英语小学四年级下6单元课件篇三:剑桥小学英语四年级下英语识记内容 1butterflies 蝴蝶复 rats鼠复kites风筝复 dogs狗复 cats 猫复 caps帽子复 cars小汽车复 books书复 frogs 青蛙复 he他- his他的 she她 - her她的friend朋友 Chinese 语文 maths 数学 PE 体育 science 科学 art 美术 fruit 水果 vegetable 蔬菜 potatoes土豆 tomatoes 西红柿 1. He / She is my best friend. 他 / 她是我的好朋友。 它是绵羊吗? 是。 不是。 mirror 镜子 wardrobe衣柜 clock 钟 lamp台灯 sofa 沙发 window窗 它住在非洲 /农场吗?是的。 不是的。 2. -Does it eat grass / other animal? - Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt. 它有大耳朵吗? 有。 没有。 它会飞吗?会。 不会。 table桌子 curtains 窗帘复 chair椅子picture画,照片 in 在。里面on 在。上面 under在。下面 behind在。后面in front of在。前面 where哪里 1. -Where is my pencil? - Look under the wardrobe. 我的铅笔在哪?衣柜下面找找看。 2. -The book is in / on / under / behind / in front of the desk. 书在桌子的里面/ 上面/ 下面/ 后面/ 前面。 3. There 有一个镜子在桌子的上面。 4. There in the room. 有5张椅子在房间里。 重点图片与句型配对 Youre reading a book. 你正在看书。 You can hear a bee. 你听到一只蜜蜂。 It lands on your book.它落在你的书上。 2You jump up. 你跳起来。 Wheres the bee? 蜜蜂在哪? You look under the bed. No bee. 你在床下找。没有蜜蜂。 这是我朋友的照片。 7.Here is a photo for you. 这是给你的照片。 8.She is wearing a red sweater and blue You climb on the wardrobe.Its not there.jeans. 你爬上衣柜。它不在那。 You look behind the curtains. Its not there. 你在窗帘后面找。它不在那。 Its on your nose. 它在你的鼻子上。 blouse女式衬衫 sweater毛衣 shoes 鞋子 skirt 短裙 tie 领带 shirt 衬衫 socks袜子 cardigan 开襟羊毛衫 trousers 裤子 1.I come from China.=Im from China. 2. Im in . 我在四年级五班。 3.There are 26我班上有26个孩子。 3 他正穿着红色毛衣和蓝色牛仔裤。 9.Look at that poster.看那张海报。 on holiday 度假 together with 和。在一起 visiting the Great Wall 正在参观长城 visiting my uncleaunt 正在拜访我的叔叔阿姨 painting a picture 正在给画涂色riding a bike 正在骑自行车 playing table tennis 正在打乒乓球swimming正在游泳 playing football 正在踢足球 reading a picture book 正在看图画书singing a song 正在唱歌eating bananaspizza正在吃香蕉披萨 playing the guitarpiano 正在弹吉他钢琴 riding a horse正在骑马 watching TV正在看电视dancing 正在跳舞1. -What are you doing? - Im painting pictures. 你正在干什么? 我正在画画。 2. -What is he / she doing? - He / She is playing the guitar. 他/她正在干什么? 他/她正在弹吉它。 3. -What are they doing? - They are swimming. 他们正在干什么? 他们正在游泳。 4


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