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备战201。年考研,英语写作全公关再些#一舍,我就应动了!Nsh-ng -s-mposs 一 b-e 一0 a w=ng heart吴传军中国农业大学(烟台,出版考研英语考前必看十大范文2010年考研考前必看十大范文职业道德Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the pictures briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.The cartoon vividly depicts people in expanding numbers are engaged in open and rampant cheating in business. In the drawing, a man is adding poisonous elements in the milk.Professional dishonesty has a very damaging effect. In the first place, sinceheating in business reveals the moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness of those bikinessmen who engage in it, the dishonest practice will ultimately exerts a perverse influence on the whole society. In the second place, it not only puts honest businessmen at a competitive disadvantage, encouraging those who did not cheat to adopt similar practices later, but undermines the very foundation of professional ethics in business.But it is worthwhile. For one thing, oWtakof punishment for a willful flbe applied. For another, since the do a lack of adequate precautions,It is often painful to impose sanctions in a specific case., to eliminate professional dishonesty thoroughly, serious ik offensea suspension of the offender from busines&zhouk incentives to engage in cheating in business are drastic actions should be taken to prevent one 网输qf chuting or another.2010年考研考前必看十大范文一一”飞、(07真题) Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words bast IheTollowing drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaaing; aid then3) support your view witft;0a;earnple/examples.You should write neatly oitAWSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)see from the picture, a football match is going on. On guarding the goal, the man keeping a “huge goal that is easy and inevitable for a goal, while the to kick the ball with an illusion about the “huge keeper”. It is obviousAs we can on the left seen person ofcri. thatj?oth flnaggerate the difficulties in front of them.in Chiray al does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon The young always give up because the problem is beyond their ability to cope with.Superficially, it seems to be somewhat reasonable, but when weighing in the mind, we find there is an apparent tendency underlying this phenomenon: the lack of confidence. Firstly, it is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but face them. Secondly, attitude is the key point to take the first step. Assume bravery and confidence to solve the problem, you will find the question is not as huge as you imagine. Take us for example, the entrance exam for graduate students even seems to be a horrible monster before us. Some people give up, some persist. So, with confidence and the right assessment of the difficulties, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems.On the whole, I believe we young people should fiice the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, just do it.2010年考研考前必看十大范文责任俩代关系(05真题)Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.This picture reveals a not-uncommon phenomenon of how elders are treated by their grown-up children in some of the families in China. When they are too old to take care of themselves, the elders become burdens to be kicked around by their sons and daughters like a football, a pitiful and unjust sight that will arouse indignation among many Chinese.As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, the Chinese people have been practicing filial piety throughout history. Many much-told stories reiterate this time-honored virtue of loving and respecting the elders, like the story of Ti Ying in the West Han Dynastvho risked her life in order to save her wronged father from corporal punishment.% Those who tried every means to avoid their duty of looking after their elders should bear in mind that they are much indebted to their parents for their birth and gr(vth. Wiljjout the lovingcareand unrelenting work of their parents, how could they have grown up healthy and successful? oiienceEveryone of us should live up to the virtues passed dowato us by豌r ancestors Only in thisHow could it possible for them to go about without the pricks of cway can we be worthy of the name of a Chinese. 2010年考研考前必看十大范文文化交流 Directions: Study the following picture carefully 1) describe the pictures briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and_ .3) give your comments.The picture vividly depicts a lovely题)瓶 an essay in which you shouldericSn girl in traditional Chinese costume with asweet smile on her face. She wears ribbons, necklaces and other accessories that are characteristic of the clothes of a certainiiwrity group. Undoubtedly, the costume has added orientalcharm/glamour to her beautiful look/appearance/features.What the picture coneys goal far beyond only/merely a new fashion trend. Instead, it carries cultural meaningnplffehtions as well. The fact that people from different countries are attracted to mysterious Chinf culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciajggnd shared internationally. In other words, a nations unique/distinctive culture can becmie ira(bribtional through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of globaiiation qjrcome irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges can effectively improve mutualurstanding and friendship.It 公my view that national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to advocate international culture for those ideas from the other cultures, controversial or even absurd at first sight, can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. Nevertheless, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.2010年考研考前必看十大范文-爱心/奉献(01真题)Directions:Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has hisor her own understanding of it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below.2) Give a specific example, and3) Give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.When we use the word love”, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. The picture below illustrates the real meaning of love, by stressing the fact that love is emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. As a matter of fact, throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the most sublime of human emotions.As an illustration of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of the deadly earthquake inlchuan Province. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over thcountry do not announcement which covers the following information:hesitate to donate whatever they canbe it money or goodsto hselp their needy fellowcitizens. Furthermore, they do this with no thought of gain for thenJSves.It is my view that the best way to show love is to help pqle whoWe more unfortunate than we are. We should always be ready to give a helping hand those who are in trouble, no matter family members or complete stranggft. Onljlby aoing so can we help to makewhether they areyes.the world a better place, for, as the picture shows, theMhe shadows of sorrow become, themore brightly the lamp of love shines.2010年考研考前必看十大范文-告示Directions:The Students, Union of your departs planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an1) the purpose of the、2) time and place of the congest,3) what is required of the Anwdates,4) details judges and awards.You should writabout 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use DepartrnnJtofCmanguage and Literature at the end of the announcement.Ching Contest的09students, ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students* Union 劭 Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (17 January) at the Students? Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students UnionDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature2010年考研考前必看十大范文-感谢信Directions:After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by Mr. Shakespeare. Write aspecial letter to express your thanks.Dear Mr. Shakespeare,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been much serious. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2010年考研考前必看十大范文-推荐信Directions:.、One of your friends wants to apply for a job working with foreign teetoagers. Write a letter toeasoiA.recommend him/her, describe his/her past experience, and explainDear Sir or Madam,x.I am writing to recommend one of my best friends,:)tong, for this post. With his outstanding leadership and cheerful personality, he lectel chairperson of the Student Union of Tsinghua University several times.jychology, with an outstanding schoolTsinghua Middle School. What is more, This won him great popularity among hisBusy as he was, he completed his majoi record. Upon graduation he was assignedjqJ?e he loves his job and enjoys working wi students.Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend him as an ideal candidate for the post you to wrk thejcause your roommate always has friends visiting and has parties in the room.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 2010年考 Directions:advertised. I am sure youMdse decision in hiring him.前必看十大范文-投诉信acollege which you share with another student. You find it very difficultto the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. You vrfprefer a single room. Explain your reasons.Dr Sir or Madam,I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concem regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties.To solve this problem/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus aspossible.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2010年考研考前必看十大范文求学信Directions:You want to study at a certain foreign university. Write a letter to ask about the situation there as regards accommodation and fees, possible scholarships, and what qualifications one needs for acceptance.Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be ki/ enough to provide me with certain essential information.VFirst, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelors degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any nyther academicwould be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available what is the situation as regards accommodation?4I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteegb Yours sincerely, Li Minglitution.考研前要背的六篇作文requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I 0ntmiional students. Third,1. Career or Family: which is more impoSome people deem it more i 隼 who argue that family shouldWhen asked about their opinion of careetitnd family, people always respond differently.ortant to pursue their career, while there are always other peoplee the number one in ones life.It goes without anyjajesticfiat career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainlywasted. Whafseer can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn theirincome fnadditi)rWiob. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people aray is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that ones life can become better and better. Therefore, its not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.2. Olympics and IDear friend,I have a great news to inform here. Through long efforts, Beijing has been granted the right to host 2008 Olympic games. As a resident in Beijing, I feel quite excited and like to share with you my happiness.This success means a lot more than a game to me. In the first place, this Games will definitely promote the development of our economy. According to a recent survey by some experts, this games will raise our GDP by about 3%, and offer about 10,000 jobs. Whats more, our culture will be widely recognized and accepted all over the world through the Games. People will come over from every comer of the world, and experience Chinese culture in every aspect. Besides, through the games, our living environment will be greatly improved. For example, the public transportation system will be up-dated. Moreover, its known that more trees will be planted, and grassland will be considerably expanded.My friend, I really look forward to the coming of this great Games.怠 an individual, Im all ready to offer my help in any way I can. I also hope to invite you ali1 comeiere, and watch the games in 2008.Sincerely yours,xxx3. Tourism in ChinaqRecent years have seen a tendency in Chini tfiMXoipsm is growing faster. According to a recent survey made by some experts, aboiC47% urBnh residents travel regularly, and 28% rural residents also make their tour across the Tne survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism, and will join the army in the future.Facing this tendency, we help* exploring some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place, with the poKcy of reform and opening up, Chinese peoples living standard has been greatly improved, and therefore, most of them can afford to travel around. Whats more, it is believed that people now take a more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a life style. In addition, toui isnfwcilities are becoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fas性ind maiiy sctiic spots are available now.there are still some problems with tourism, I personally believe that tourism shouldbe playffig a key role in our life. I also hope that our government will make policies to create a better environment for tourists.4. Income GapThere has been a heated discussion over the growing income gap now. Some people hold that the gap is natural because it reflects different contributions that different people make in their work. In their view, those people with high income work hard and long. Besides, these people bring high efficiency, and create more wealth. Accordingly, they deserve high pay.On the other hand, there are always some people who view this gap negatively. They believe that a lot of crimes happen as a result of this income gap. Some people make so little from their work that they risk taking criminal acts to get rich. In fact, experts have long found out that most cases of crime are directly related to low income. There is another point to back up a negative view against income gap. For most people, income gap may destroy the satisfaction that they obtain from work.As anything has two sides, so has the problem of income gap. Personally, I believe that this gap may motivate people to compete better in job market. When this gap is growing too wide, however, our government should make some policies to get rid of its negative consequences.M, theIL5. Knowledge is powerAs a popular saying goes, knowledge is power. With our country de importance of knowledge is becoming more and more obvious to u;in this age. For example, if onejobs. It Toften said that we areoristantly. Whats more, is often the case, a person inIn the very first place, with knowledge, one can easily fin entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a ke wants to work in IT field, one needs to improve his k knowledgeable people can get quick promotion inaheircharge of an organization is the one who hasIn addition, more knowledge is also needed to make our life rich and fulfilled.Accordingly, we must try hard to acqi;much knowledge as we can. Luckily, a lot of6. Saving animalThere ismeans may enable us to do so. Among other things, web proves the best and fastest way to get information.Accordiliable fact that the number of animals is declining faster than ever before. Rsurvey made by some experts, about 37 species disappear from our earth ious that the problem has become a serious one worth our concern.we explore this problem, some underlying factors emerge. In the very first place, human ngs have played a big part. With the fast development of human society, the environment is much destroyed, and animals lose their home. Accordingly, some species become extinct. Whats more, people hunt animals for food and skin. A good case in point is that the Japanese have killed a lot of whales because they like to eat the meat. In addition, human beings are largely responsible for the pollution of natural environment, and poison animals in many ways. The current problem, I believe, should be solved immediately. First of all, our government should play a key role in making relevant rules and protecting animals. The general public should also be educated to value the existence of these animals on our planet.考研英语小作文书信类八大模板1:投诉信Dear,I am(自我介绍).1 feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.The reason for my dissatisfaction is(总体介绍). In the first place,(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition,(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances, I find it(感觉)(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).I appreciate it very much if you could(提出建议和请求),preferably(进一步的要求),and I would like to have thi


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