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Module1 My First Day at Senior HighPeriod 1 Introduction, Reading and vocabulary课程学习目标学习自主化1. Grasp the important words, phrases and sentence structures in this period.2. Understand the details of the text.3. Retell the text using the key words.4. Sum up the main idea of My First Day at Senior High.1. Think about the differences and similarities between Li Kangs Senior High School and Junior High School.课程导学建议导学规范化1. Teaching objectives:a. Important words and phrasesb. Important sentence structures2. Learning ability goalsHelp students to learn about the phrases of the subjects which they learned.Enable students to learn about the impressions of Li Kangs first day at Senior High School.3. Teaching important points1). Enable students to master the vocabulary and phrases.2). Get the students learn how to introduce their school and their school life.4. Teaching difficult pointsKnow different school systems of different countries.5. Teaching methodsTask-based method, discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.6. Teaching aidsA computer, a projector and a tape recorder.第一层级学习目标:知识记忆与理解【自主预习】不看不讲【课堂预习交流】Discuss the following questions in pairs.1.Do you think your senior high school life will be more interesting than before? Do you know any1other kind of school life that is not similar to yours?2. Do you think work at Senior High School is harder than at Junior High School?3. Can you imagine what your English teacher and your English class are like at Senior High School?The answers are free.【课堂预习导学】问题层次化. Make the students talk about the classroom at Senior High School. Encourage the Ss to give the main idea of the passage and the topic sentences of each paragraph. . Encourage the students to talk freely and have imagination about the school life at Senior High School. Make the students have a debate about whether the Senior High School life is more interesting than the Junior High School life.第二层级学习目标:技能应用与拓展阅读策略突破技能系统化 系统个性化. Fast reading(1)This is a passage about Li Kang s first day at Senior High. Now read the text fast and then answer what the text is mainly about.Keys: Its the idea of what it is like to be in a new school and to be taught by new teachers.(2) Try to analyze the structure of the passage.Part1ParagraphParagraph 1, 2Main idea_1_23Paragraphs 3, 4, 5 _2_Paragraphs 6 _3_Keys: 1. The introduction of himself and the new school2. The reason why he likes English class very much.3. The brief introduction of his class. Careful reading1. Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.1. Which of the following is NOT the reason that makes Li Kang think his new school to be good?2A. There is a computer in every classroom.B. Teachers are enthusiastic.C. They can study on line.D. There is a big cinema screen in every classroom.2. The sentence “They re brilliant! Means “ _ ”A. The teachers are all greatB. The new students are all cleverC. A1I the amazing things are wonderfulD. The computers and the screens are wonderful3. Li Kang thinks the English class isAboringB. interestingC. nothing interestingD. like that in Junior High school4. From this passage, we can see that Li Kang _ his new school.A. neither likes nor dislikesB. feels wonderful and interested inC. feels doubtful and strange aboutD. feels lonely and frightened inKeys: 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B2. Read the text carefully and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to ask and answer questions from the text. Questions can be like these:Q1. How do the teachers use the computer in the classrooms?Q2. Does Li Kang like to have an English class at Senior High? Why or why not?Q3. What does Li Kang think of the new Senior High school?Keys:Q1. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. They can show them photographs, text and information from websites.Q2. Yes, he does. Because the English class is really interesting and funny. Ms Shen is very enthusiastic. She uses a new teaching method.Q3. I think he likes his new school very much. Because the teachers are very enthusiastic and3friendly. The classrooms which have a computer and a special screen, are amazing and brilliant. And all the students are all friendly and hardworking. They will also help each other. Post readingDiscussion. The students are divided into groups of four. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then discuss them.1.His classroom 2.The English class 3.His English teacher 4.His classmates.重点难点探究技能系统化 系统个性化重点单词1. instruction【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 instruction 的意思及用法。The boss gave me so many instructions at a time that I got puzzled.老板一次给了我那么多指示,把我弄得非常困惑。Read the instructions on the pocket.看一下袋子上的说明【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 instruction 是名词,常作复数,_意思是_;答案:instructions, 指示,说明。【思维拓展 】1)instruction 在表示“操作指南,使用说明;命令”时常用复数形式 instructions。如: Soldiers should follow officers instructions.士兵应该听从军官的指示。2)固定搭配:under sbs instruction 在某人的教导下on sbs instructions 按照某人的吩咐follow the instructions 按照说明give instructions to do sth 指挥(命令)去做某事【即学即练 】1.(2010 北京西城区高一期中考试 ) Computer cannot work without_ from human beings.A.A. directions B. instructions C. introductions D. preparations4答案与解析:B.句意为“没有人的指令,电脑不能工作”。directions “方向,指示”;instruction “序言,介绍”;preparation “准备”。2.(2010 东北师大附中质量检测)I didnt follow the _printed on the box ,and broke theA. B. explanations C. information D.答案与解析:A. 印在箱子上的应该是这个机器的使用说明,而正是没有按照这一说明办,才 把机器弄坏了。2. enthusiastic【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 enthusiastic 的意思及用法。Hes still really enthusiastic about his new job.他对他的新工作仍然有真正的热情。He became enthusiastic about classical music他变成了一个古典音乐迷。【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 enthusiastic 是_词,意思是_ 答案:形容,热心的;热情的【思维拓展 】be enthusiastic about/over 对热情enthusiasm n,热情;热心enthusiasm for.热-狂【即学即练 】1.英译汉.He doesnt know much about the subject, but hes very enthusiastic._答案:他对这事所知不多,但却极感兴趣。2.完成句子;Shes very _(她非常喜欢唱歌。)答案:enthusiastic about2.(2010 上海松江中学模拟)He is_ about helping others.A. ready B. worried C. enthusiastic D. glad答案与解析:C. be enthusiastic about“热衷于”,为固定搭配。ready 和 glad 常与介词 to 连用;5be worried about“担心,忧虑”,与题意不符。3. impress【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 impress 的意思及用法。She was deeply impressed by the painting.那幅油画给她留下了深刻印象。We were most impressed with/by your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,这给我们留下了很深的印象。【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 impress 是_词,意思是_ 答案:动,使印象深刻【思维拓展 】;(l)be impressed with/by/at对印象深刻impress sth on/upon sb.impress sb. with sth.使某人牢记或明白某事 给予某人深刻印象(2)impression n.印象make an impression on/upon sb.给某人留下印象【即学即练 】1.完成句子My father _ the importance of hard work. (我父亲使我明白了努力工作 的重要性。)答案:impressed me with2.(2010 山师大附中模拟)The amazing sight of the city is impressed _me deeply. A. on Bat C. with Dof答案与解析:A. impress 常与介词 on 搭配使用,用于 sth. be impressed on sb 结构中,表示” “某物给某人留下印象”。4. amazing【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 amazing 的意思及用法。What an amazing sight!多么使人惊奇的景象啊!Isntit amazing to think that men have actually stood on the moon?想到人类实际已站立在月球上了,这难道不令人惊讶吗?【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 amazing 是_词,意思是_ 答案:形容,令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的【思维拓展 】;6amaze vt,使惊愕amazed adj,吃惊的;惊讶的amazement n.惊讶,诧异amazed 叙述人本身的感受,具有被动意味;amazing 叙述使别人产生的感觉,带有主动意义。 【即学即练 】1.(2010 山东省实验中学摸底考试)The_ expression on her face suggested she was_ when she heard the news.A. amazing; amazed B. amazed; amazingC. amazed; amazed D. amazing; amazing答案与解析:C. 动词的-ed 形式可修饰表示人的声音或面部表情的名词,排除 A、D;“感到 惊奇的”用动词的-ed 形式。2.(2010 青岛一中高一期中考试)Visitors were _ at the _ enthusiasm of the studentsA. amazed; B. amazed; amazing; D. amazing;答案与解析:A. amazed 感到吃惊的;amazing 令人吃惊的。根据句意应选 A 项。5. information【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 information 的意思及用法。The book contains much useful information.这本书包含了许多有用的信息。【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 information 是_名词,意思是_ 如果我们说一条消息,要说_; 很多消息要用_. 答案:不可数,消息,a piece of information, much/a lot of information【思维拓展 】inform v.通知;告知;inform sb of about/ inform sb. that 通知某人message“消息”,强调口信,是可数名词。【即学即练 】1.(2010 湖北省黄冈中学摸底考试)He asked me to give you_ that he wanted some _about business.A. a message; information B. message; informationC. a message ; information D. messages; informations7答案与解析:C. message“口信”为可数名词;information“信息”为不可数名词。 2.(2010 湖北十堰市一模)The book gives all sorts of _ on hA. advices B. C. D.答案与解析:B . information (=something told, knowledge given 信息、知识)和 advice (=opinion informed 忠告、建议)均为不可数名词。6. method【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 method 的意思及用法。I think we should try again using a different method.我想我们应该用不同的方法再试一次。We must get some method into our office filing.我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来。【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 method 是_词,意思是_答案:名词,方法c; 条理u【思维拓展 】traditional teaching methods 传统教学法method,way 和 meansmethod 意为“方法”,是名词;way 意为“方法,方式,道路,距离”,是名词;means 意为“手段,方法”。表示“用某种方法”时,method 常与介词 with 搭配,而 way 则与介词 in 搭配,means 常与介词 by 搭配。【即学即练 】1.完成句子Only with _(只有用恰当的方法才能学好英语。)答案: proper method can you2.(2010 北京海淀区水平测试)How should I improve the _ of learning English?A. path B. method C. road D. manner答案与解析:B. method 指系统的、逻辑性强的有条理的“方法”; path 指“乡间小道,小路”; road 泛指“道路”;manner 尤指“方式;行为”。7. attitude【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 attitude 的意思及用法。8Peters attitude towards women really scares me.彼得对妇女的看法真让我害怕。Whats your attitude to/towards learning English at school?你对在中学学英语是什么态度?【自我归纳 】通过观察以上句子我们发现 attitude 是_词,意思是_其后常跟_.答案:名词,态度, to/towards.【思维拓展 】习惯搭配: attitude towards/to 对的态度【即学即练 】1.完成句子As you get older _. (人随着年龄的增长,对死亡的看 法也会有所改变。)答案: your attitude towards death changes.2. ( 2010 东北师大附中一模) In order to change attitudes_ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.A. for Bat Cto Don答案与解析:C. attitude 在此意为“态度”,其后常接 to 或 towards。重点短语be similar to【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 be similar to 的意思及用法。Your views on education are similar to mine.你的教育观点和我的相似。My idea is similar to yours.我的想法和你的相似。【自我归纳 】be similar to 意思是_ 答案:和相似【思维拓展 】be similar in 在相似similarly adv 相似地【即学即练 】。91. 用适当的介词填空。1). Our cars are similar _ color.2). His hair style is similar _ yours.答案:1). in 2). to2.(2010 杭州市教学质量检测)My opinions on the matter are similar_ Kays.A. in B. at C. to D. on答案与解析:C. 考查固定短语搭配。此处指在这件事上我的观点和 Kay 的相似,be similar to 在相似,所以选 C.in other words【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 in other words 的意思及用法。He is taller than any other student in the class. In other words, he is the tallest student in the class. 他 比这个班的其他学生都高。换言之,他是这个班最高的学生。He has been working too much, and is not well at all. In other words, he needs a holiday.他近来工作过度,身体一点也不好。换句话说,他需要休假。【自我归纳 】in other words 意思是_。答案:换句话说【思维拓展 】have a word with sb.和某人谈话have words with sb.与某人吵架in a word 一句话,简言之【即学即练 】1.翻译句子乔不爱劳动,换句话说,他懒惰。_答案:Joe doesnt like workin other words, he is lazy!2.(2010 杭州学军中学质量检测)Like some of my classmates, I didnt live up to my teachers expectations; _, I let them down.A. in other words B. after allC. whats more D. more or less答案与解析: A.句意为“像我的一些同学一样,我没有实现老师们的期望。换句话说,我让 他们失望了”。此题要用 in other words 表示“换言之”;after all“毕竟”;whats more“况且”;10more or less“或多或少”。look forward to【寓词于境 】阅读下列句子,注意 look forward to 的意思及用法。 Im really looking forward to our vacation.我真心盼着我们假期的到来。My mother says shes looking forward to meeting you.我母亲说她正期待着与你见面。【自我归纳 】look forward to 意思是_ 答案:期待【思维拓展 】pay attention to 注意refer to 参考,涉及,指的是get down to 着手,开始认真干stick to 坚持。devoteto献身于lead to 导致,通向【即学即练 】1.完成句子:(1)All of us _(我们都盼望着早日见到你。)(2)They are all_.(他们都盼望着成为大学生。) 答案(1) are looking forward to meeting you(2) looking forward to becoming university students.2.(2010 南京市统考)The young man is looking forward to_ his mother soon.A. see B. seeing C. seen D. saw答案与解析:在 look forward to 短语中,to 是介词,后跟动词时要用 v.ing 形式。故选 B.重点句式1.I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class 我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的 【名师点拨】在英语中,谓语动词是 think,believe,suppose,guess,1imagine, expect 等词并以第一人称 作主语后面接宾语从句时,如果从句具有否定意义,通常把否定词移到主句动词上,从句谓11语用肯定式,这种情况称为否定转移。【仿写】1) 我认为他不会来参加会议。2) 我想我到八点才能回来。答案:1.I dont think he will come to the meeting.2). I dont suppose I will be back until 8 0clock.【即学即练】1. 完成反意疑问句I dont believe she knows it, _?答案:does she?2.(2010 辽宁抚顺一中 12 月月考)-I dont imagine Russ and his poor dog had a good time on the deserted island, _ ?-I have no idea.A. didnt they B. do youC. did they D. hadnt they解析:C.该反意疑问句要与宾语从句中的 had a good time 保持一致,而且还要注意这是否定 前移现象,要把宾语从句看作否定句。2.Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and hand-沈老师想帮助我们提高我们的拼写和书写能力。【名师点拨】help 后接不定式的复合结构时,也可省略 to。如help 后接动词时,不定式符号 to 也可以省略。【仿写】1).我自己不能使我幸福,但我可以帮助别人做到这一点。_答案:I cant make you happy myself, but I can help another man (to) do it.【即学即练】1.翻译12_(2)All this has helped (to) improve our_答案 :(1) 帮助他们有助于挽救我们自己。(2) 所有这一切都有助于改善我们的工作。3.Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High沈老师的教学方法和我初中老师的教学方法完全不一样。【名师点拨】(1).nothing like 丝毫不像;绝对不【仿写】 1.没有什么能像假期使我们放松的了。_2.她做饭的手艺绝对比不上你。_答案:1.2.Her cooking is nothing like as good as you【名师点拨】(2)that 代替名词 method。在含有比较意思的句子中,为了避免重复,常用 that 或 those 代 替前面已提过的名词,that 代替可数名词单数或不可数名词,those 代替复数名词。【仿写】 1.北京的天气比南京的天气凉一些。(用 that 指代前面的不可数名词 _2.兔子的耳朵比狐狸的耳朵长。(用 those 代替前面的复数名词 ears) _答案:1.2.【即学即练】(1) (2010 石家庄一中质量检测)Thats _A. nothing; why B. something; because C. nothing; because D. something; why13答案与解析:A. 从语境意思分析,第一处用 nothing 和后面的 like 连用,第二处说明人们这样 做的原因。(2)(2010 长沙一中质量检测)The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and_ of the Japanese towards their prisoners,A. those; someone B. that; everyone C. it; no one D. this; anyone答案与解析:B. 分析句子的结构可以看出,第一处用 that 代替前面出现的名词 cruelty;从意 思上分析,第二处用 everyone,表示“大家”。【课程目标导学】技能系统化 系统个性化1. Encourage students to imagine their Senior High School s classroom and teachers .2. Enable students to sum up the main idea of My First Day at Senior High.3. Enable students to understand the details of the text.4. Retell the scene of their first day at Senior High School using the key words of the text.5. Enable students to grasp the important words, phrases and sentence structures in this period.课程达标检测Complete the following paragraph according to the text.(根据课文内容填空。Li Kang is a Senior High school student. The teachers in his school are 1 and friendly. They dont use blackboard, but a computer 2 a special screen. His English teacher Ms. Shens 3 of teaching is nothing 4 5 of his Junior High school teachers. At the first class, they 6 themselves 7 each other in English. Ms Shen teaches them 8 a funny way. There are 65 students in the class.49 of them are girls, 9 10 11 ,there are three 12 as many girls as boys. He likes his new teachers and classmates. He is looking forward to 13 his答案 :1.enthusiastic 2.with 3.method 4.like 5.that 6.introduced 7.to 8.in 9.in10.other 11.words 12.times 13.doing第三层级学习目标:思维探究与创新(金太阳导学测评).单项填空1.It is believed that if a book is , it will surely the readers.A. interested; interesting B. interesting; be interestedC. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest答案与解析:D interested 意为“感兴趣的”,interesting 意为“有趣的”,动词 interest 表示“使14某人产生兴趣”。句意为“如果一本书有趣,它就会使读者对它产生兴趣”。故 D 项正确。 2.She looks forward every spring to _ the flower-A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D.答案与解析:D look forward to 后+v.-ing 形式,而 B 项后加介词 to 才可接宾语,故选 D 3.The five-year-old boy often says what children_ will say.A. twice his age B.C. twice older than his age D.答案与解析:A 表示倍数有三种形式:倍数+as+ adj./adv.+as ;倍数+比较级+than;倍数+the+ 表示长、宽、高、深等的名词+of。A 项中 his age 相当于 the age of him, B 、C 两项中 his age 应改为 he, D 项应改为 twice older than he4.Mr Smith, of the speech, started to read a novel.A. tired;tiring B. tiring;boredC. tired;bored D. tiring;boring答案与解析: A.非谓语动词作定语,具有形容词的性质。一般说来,单个过去分词或-ing 形式 作定语时通常用在名词前;过去分词短语或 -ing 形式短语作定语时通常用在名词后。作定语 的动词常用其过去分词来修饰人,-ing 形式来修饰物,故选 A 项。5.We cannot have the virus cleaned out of the computer other than with this _.A. way B. method C. means D. mean答案与解析: B 句意: 除了用这个方法外,我们不可能把病毒从电脑中清除掉。介词 with 要与 method 搭配。6.The boss gave me so many _at one time that I didnt know what I should do first.A. explanations B. introductions C. instructions D. translations答案与解析:C.句意: 老板一下子给了我那么多指示,我不知道该先做什么。 explanations“解释”; introductions“介绍”; instructions“指示”; translations“翻译”7.These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you _ you need. A. all of information B. all the informationsC. all of the informationsD. all the information答案与解析 : D. 句意 : 你能在任何书店买到的这些书将为你提供你所需要的消息。由于 information 是不可数名词,故可排除 B、C 两项;再比较 A、D 两项,A 项表达错误,若改为 all of the information,则 A 项也可入选。故 D 项为正确答案。8.My skirt is similar_ color _ hers.15A. in ; with B. with; to C. in; to D. in; from答案与解析:C. be similar in 在方面相似;be similar to 与相似。 9._the beauty of the park here, he said he would like to come for another visit. A. Impressed by B. Impressing withC. Impress himself in D. Impressed of答案与解析:A. 考查固定搭配 be impressed with “ 对印象深刻。10.What a pity! The car is _ as beautiful as I expected.A. something like B. anything like C. nothing like D. everything like答案与解析:C. nothing like 丝毫不像,根据句意“这辆汽车不像我期望的那样美”。第四层级学习目标:情感体验与感悟预习评价探究评价拓展评价完成比例评价正确率评价主动性评价创新性评价100% 80% 60%优秀 良好 一般 活跃 主动 一般 创新 新颖 一般错题序号正确解法错误原因剖析生成问题解决方案小组评议16老师评价自我反馈【注】三个学习过程四个方面的评价视各人情况选择打“”即可,由学习小组长完成。 错题反馈个人独立完成。“小组评议”“老师评价”“自我反馈”个人根据自我课堂表现填写。Period 2 Grammar【课程学习目标】学习自主化1. Review the present tense and the present continuous tense.2. Lear


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