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高考总复习 人教版 英语 必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 高考总复习 人教版 英语 考点要求 高考总复习 人教版 英语 1.古代的,古老的 adj . _ 2. n . _ 3. n . _ 4. n . _ 5. n . _ 6.志愿者 , n. in fact) I, ll be staying for another two months. 2.A ceremony was held in the park _(to show respect and admiration for) those killed in the Anti-Japanese War. 3.The media _(have a great effect on) influencing people, s opinions. 4.With _(a similar group of) false teeth on, he finally can enjoy his favourite food again. 5.They sell ice-creams _(in addition to; too) books and newspapers. as a matter of fact in honour of play an important role/part in a set of as well as 高考总复习 人教版 英语 6.Excitedly,many students _(to be involved in) the volunteering work. 7.Lucks came _(one by one). 8.If you meet with any difficulty, you can always _ your teachers and classmates _(turn to). took part in one after another ask for help 高考总复习 人教版 英语 活学活用 1.It was a great honour for her _ to Beijing University. (admit) 2.The old must _ by the new, which is the law of nature. (replace) 3.Mrs.Green liked to wander up and down the market, _ with the sellers over the prices of vegetables, flowers and things like that. (bargain) 4.John used to _ with theft, which greatly affected his fame. (charge) 5.He _ to be loved for ever for what he has done. (deserve) 6._ for breaking safety regulations, the company had no money to pay the wages. (find) to be admitted be replaced bargaining be charged deserves Fined 高考总复习 人教版 英语 1.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. 主语 A+动词肯定式, so+助动词 /系动词 /情态动词 +主语 B B的情况与 A一样。 主语 A+动词否定式, nor/neither+助动词 /系动词 /情态动词 + 主语 B B的情况与 A 高考总复习 人教版 英语 活学活用 (1) _ (2) _ Im a teacher. So is my friend. I was not able to go to Tibet, neither was my friend. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 2.That is why they are called the Winter Olympics.(P10) That is why.这就是为什么 ;这就是 (1) _ (2) _ That is why Im here. That is why you need to work harder. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 . 根据课文 An Interview Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities and 1_(different) between the ancient and modern Olympics. The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens, in 2_ only men from the Greece had the honour 3_(compete). The champions were awarded olive wreaths 4_ prizes. The 5_Olympics started in 1896.From then on, athletes from all over the world have come to take part in the games every four years. There are two sets of Gamesthe summer and the winter Olympics. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard 6_ (admit) to the games. There are over 250 sports. differences which as modern to be admitted to compete 高考总复习 人教版 英语 To host all the competitors, 7_special village is usually built, with a stadium, a very large swimming pool, a gymnasium as 8_ as seats for those who watch the games. The winners of the first 9_ places are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals. The motto of the Olympic Games is: 10_ (swift), higher and stronger. well three Swifter a 高考总复习 人教版 英语 再过三个星期 ,张敏丽 就要参加 校运会了,她将在三个 项目中与其他班的选手 争夺第一名 。她 承诺 将为自己也为班 级荣誉 拼搏 。她知道做好准备工作对取得胜利 起重要作用 , 所以她 请求老师提出建议 ,然后按照老师的建议 积极训练 。 事实上 ,她果真获得了三个第一名。 在接受采访时 ,她 承认 训练很乏味,很辛苦,但为班争光而作出的努力都是 值得的。 _ _ _ _ 高考总复习 人教版 英语 答案: Zhang Minli was to join in the school sports meet in three weeks. She would compete against the oponents from other classes in three events for the first place. She promised that she would fight for herself as well as for the honour of her class. She knew it played an important role in victory to get good preparations for the competitions, so she asked the teacher for advice and then she took an active part in training. As a matter of fact, she did take the first place in the three events. When interviewed, she admitted that the training was boring and hard, but the honour of the class deserves the struggle. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 自主学习 高考总复习 人教版 英语 1.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.(P9) 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥运会 used to do sth.; be used to (doing) sth.; be used to do/as sth. ( 1) used to do sth.过去常常做某事 ,现在已经不这样做了, ( 2) be used to (doing) sth.习惯了某事 /做某事,表状态。 get used to (doing) sth.习惯了某事 / ( 3) be used to do/as sth.被用于做 / 被作为 用 ,是 use的被动结构。 高考总复习 人教版 英语 (1)When he lived in the countryside, he _(walk) for an hour after supper. As it was dark outside, a dog_ (guide) the way. (2)When he first lived in the countryside, he _ the quietness but he soon _(walk) home alone along the path. 答案: (1)used to walk; was used to guide (2)was not used to; got used to walking 高考总复习 人教版 英语 2.and both are held every four years on a regular basis. (P10) 这两种运动会(夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会)都是每四年 every two days/every other day/every second day every three years/every third year每三年 every few hours每几个小时 (few前没有冠词 ) on a regular basis以定期的方式 on a weekly basis按每周一次的标准 on the basis of缘由 高考总复习 人教版 英语 She was chosen as chairman of the union(1)_ (由于她的能力 )and in order to know more about the situation of the union, she decided to(2)_.(定期每两个 月开一次会 ) 答案: (1)on the basis of her ability (2)hold a meeting every second month on a regular basis 高考总复习 人教版 英语 3.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.(P10) 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥 admit sth./doing sth.承认 (做了 ) admit sb.into/to some place be admitted into/to admit sb./sth.to be承认某人 / be admitted as被作为 高考总复习 人教版 英语 即学即练 (1)Don, t be afraid_.(认错 ) (2)She _(承认偷了那辆小车 ),which was quite a surprise. (3)To my great joy, my daughter _.(考入了 北大 ) 答案: (1)to admit your mistakes (2)admitted having stolen the car (3)was admitted to Beijing University 高考总复习 人教版 英语 4.Our Greek cities used to compete against each other for the honour of winning.(P10) compete(竞争;比赛 ) competitor(竞赛者;选手 ) competition(比赛;竞赛 ) competitive(竞争的 ) compete in 在 compete against/with 与 compete for 为 高考总复习 人教版 英语 A. As the youngest(1)_,John had to compete (2)_ the writing contest(3)_ 30 other top students(4)_ the annual award of writing.So he must be very(5)_ so that he could win in the(6)_. 答案: (1)competitor (2)in (3)with/against (4)for (5)competitive (6)competition 高考总复习 人教版 英语 competition; race; game; match ( 1) competition 可指各种形式的比赛与竞赛,如 reading competition, chess competition ( 2) race指速度上的竞赛,如 relay race,horse racing 等。 ( 3) game 指有一定规则的比赛或游戏,也可指多局比赛 中的其中一局。其复数形式指大型体育运动会。如: Asian Games, Olympic Games ( 4) match 指体育代表团之间较重大的公开竞技赛事,如 football match等。 词语辨析 高考总复习 人教版 英语 即学即练 B. Jack was disappointed to lose the 100 metres (1) _ last Saturday, but to his great joy, he won the writing(2) _ this morning. Now the 2008 Olympic (3)_ are being held in Beijing and Jack is watching the volleyball(4)_ between China and Cuba. 答案: (1)race (2)competition (3)Games (4)match 高考总复习 人教版 英语 5.Nowadays any country can take part if their athletes are good enough.Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and.(P10) 现在,只要它们的运动员达到标准,任何国家都可参赛 妇女不但允许参加 ,而且她们还在体操 ,竞技和团队等比赛项目 中起着非常重要的作用 词语拓展 allow sth./doing sth. allow sb.to do sth. allow sb./sth.in/into 允许某人进入 高考总复习 人教版 英语 A. This private school(1)_(不许睡觉 )in class. The teachers(2)_(不许学生上课聊 天 ).If a student breaks the rule, the teacher(3)_ _(不让他进教室 ).In a word, this private school(4)_(不许违反 )of school rules. 答案: (1)doesn, t allow sleeping (2)won, t allow the students to chat in class (3)won, t allow him into the classroom (4)doesn, t allow violation 高考总复习 人教版 英语 take part in; join in; join; attend ( 1) take part in 指参与会议或活动,强调参与者的主动性。 ( 2) join in 指加入到某项活动中来,侧重指后来的加入。 短语中的 in ( 3) join 表示加入到某个团体或组织,成为其中的一员。 ( 4) attend 相当于 be present,意为“出席 /参加”,强调 “出席、到场”之意。可有 attend a meeting/ speech/ concert/ wedding及 attend school/ class All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard. 只要他们的运动员达到标准,任何国家都可参加。 词语辨析 高考总复习 人教版 英语 即学即练 B. (1)To gain enough credits, you need to _ at least three-fourths of the classes. (2)We are going mountain-hiking. Would you like to _ us (3)We are having a party on wildlife protection. Would you like to _? (4)Everybody _ an active _ the charity sales for the victims of the earthquake. 答案: (1)attend (2)join (3)join in (4)took.part in 高考总复习 人教版 英语 6 . .a main reception building, several stadiums for competitions, and a gymnasium as well.(P10) (每届奥运会 )都有一个主要的接待大楼,好几个供比赛用的 as well as; as well; also; too 四者均可表示“而且,此外,也,同样”之义。其中 as well, also, too都是副词,独立于句子之外。而 as well as 的后面必须引出比较的成分或并列的成分。在英式英语中, as well的用法与 too同,位于句末。 also通常置于主要动 词之前或 be动词之后。 高考总复习 人教版 英语 (1)My sister likes apples, and she likes oranges _. (2)My sister likes oranges _ apples. (3)Besides apples, my sister _ likes oranges. 答案: (1)as well/too (2)as well as (3)also 高考总复习 人教版 英语 7.So even the olive wreath has been replaced.(P10) 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。 阅读下列句子,注意 replace (1)David will replace Mike in next week, s tennis competition. (替代 ) (2)The broken parts of the machine must be replaced.(替 换 ) (3)Would you please replace the magazine after reading it?(放回原处 ) (4)I, ve owned my car for almost ten years. This year I, ll replace it with a new one.(用 取代 ) 高考总复习 人教版 英语 She(1)_(没有放回原处 )the cup after using it, so it fell to the ground and was broken, which made her very disappointed. Her husband suggested (2)_(用塑料杯取代它 )so that it wouldn, t be so easy to be broken, but she said nothing could(3) _(替代 )this cup as it was made over 1,000 years ago. 答案: (1)didn, t replace (2)replacing it with a plastic one (3)replace 高考总复习 人教版 英语 8.John is in charge of the company when the manager is away. charge n.& v .费用 ,收费 ,控告 , free of charge charge sb.with sth.因 in charge of sth. in the charge of sb. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 (1)Delivery(送货 )is _,that is, we don, t charge you for delivery. (2)He will be sent to England to face _ of armed robbery as he _ robbing a car. (3)She asked Tom _ the company and now everything in the company was _ Tom. 答案: (1)free of charge (2)a charge, was charged with (3)to take charge of, in the charge of 高考总复习 人教版 英语 9.She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples.(P14) promise n . v . promising adj . make a promise keep a promise carry out a promise break a promise promise to do sth. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 She(1)_ to collect some money for these poor children. Everybody knew she had never(2) _ before. That is, once she(3) _,she would try her best(4) _.So they all believed the poor children would have a(5)_future. 答案: (1)promised (2)broken her promise (3)made a promise (4)to keep it/to carry it out/to keep her promise (5)promising 高考总复习 人教版 英语 10.When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run past her and win.(P14) 即学即练 阅读下列句子 ,说出 pick up (1)Amazing! My radio can pick up France! (2)Children pick up languages quickly. (3)Scientists now can pick up the early symptom(症状 )of this disease. (4)Would you please pick up my coat from the laundry, s(洗 衣房 )? 高考总复习 人教版 英语 (5)Let, s have a break and pick up the discussion after lunch. (6)Please remember to pick up all your toys after the game. (7)There are always taxis waiting outside the airport to pick up passengers. (8)Sales have picked up since the advertisement is on TV. (9)She picked up a stone and threw it at a bird. 答案: (1)接收 (信号、声音、图像等 ) (2)(偶然 )听到;学会 (3)辩认出;识别出 (4)取回;买回 (5)回到;重新开始 (6)收拾;整理 (7)(开车 )接人;搭载 (8)改善;好转 (9) 高考总复习 人教版 英语 写作步步高 高考总复习 人教版 英语 如何写好简单句 (7) with+O+OC 英语中 “ with+O+OC结构” (with+复合宾语结构 )主要有七 1.with+名词 /代词 +名词(词组) Two hundred people died in the accident, with many of them children. 2.with+名词 /代词 +形容词(词组) He looked at Alice, with his eyes full of doubt. 3.with+名词 /代词 +副词(词组) She went out with her coat on. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 4.with+名词 /代词 +介词(词组) We used to work in a town with rivers around it. 我们以前在一个小镇工作 ,小镇四面环水。 5.with+名词 /代词 + ing分词(词组) With so many people helping me, I succeeded at last. 6.with+名词 /代词 + ed With the job finished, we went to China for a holiday. 7.with+名词 /代词 + With these people to help her, she tried to write a paper. 注: 这种复合结构多作状语。当宾补是现在分词时,表动作 正在进行,过去分词表示被动动作,不定式表示将来动作, 高考总复习 人教版 英语 1.I couldn, t do my homework with all that noise _(go) on. 2. With much work _(do), he had no time to play. 3.It was a pity that the great writer died with his work _(finish). 4.I send you 100 dollars today, with the rest _(follow) in a year. 5.With the sun _(set) down, we all went home. 6.The lorry with apples _(load) on belongs to me. 7.With all the factors _(consider), this project is a good one. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 答案: 1.going 2.to do 3.unfinished 4.to follow 5.setting 6.loaded 7.considered 二、用 “ with+ 1. _ ,I can, t concentrate on my studies. 2. The man_ is my father. 3. _,we will have no difficulty finding his house. 4. He often sleeps _. 高考总复习 人教版 英语 5. _,he went out to play. 6. A little girl rushed in to the room,_. 7. She left her hometown_. 答案: 1.With you standing here 2.with a hat on 3.With a guide to lead the way 4.with the light on 5.With his homework done 6.with her nose red with cold 7.with her eyes full of tears 高考总复习 人教版 英语 祝 您


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