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1 直 接 引 语 间 接 引 语 2 直接引语: 直接引述别人的话,前要加引号 . 间接引语: 用自己的话转述别人的话,不用引号 . 在多数情况下构成宾语从句 . 例 .John said, “ I like reading story books.” John said that he liked reading story books。 间接引语 直接引语 直接引语 变为 间接引语 1.直接引语为陈述句 变为间接引语时 , 连接词用 that, 在口语中可省略 . 引述 动词用 said, told等 . 句型 : S-V-that从句 . 注意 :可以说 said that从句 , said to sb. that从句 , told sb. that从句 , 但不可说 told that从句 . 3 He said, “ I ve left my book in my room.” He told me that he had left his book in his room. He said to us, “ I have been to the Great Wall. ” He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. 若直接引语中没有间接宾语 ,变为间接引语时 可加 一 个间接宾语 ,如 me,him,her,theu,you,us 等 .但用 told间接引语 主句的谓语动词时必修加间接宾语 ,句型 : S told sb. 从句 . 加间接 宾语 me 无间接宾语 代词指向 4 时态变化 直接引语 一般 现在时 一般将来时 现在进行时 一般过去时 现在完成时 过去完成时 间接引语 一般过去时 过去将来时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去完成时 现在将来变过去 , 过去变过去完成 , 过去完成不变 . 5 口诀 说明 直接引语 间接引语 人称变化 一 随 主 二 随 宾 三 不 变 引号内的第一人称 变间引后与主句主 语的人称保持一致 引号内的第二人称 变间引后与主句宾 语的人称保持一致 引号内的第三人称 在变间引后人称不 变 She said,“ I like Tennis.” She said that she liked tennis. He said to Lily, “ you must get up early.” He told Lily that she must get up early. She said to me , “ They want to help him.” She told me that they wanted to help him. 使间接引语中的人称与直接引语中的人称指向一致 . 6 2. 直接引语为一般疑问句 变为间接引语时 , 连接词用 if或 whether, 而引述 选择疑问 句 时只能用 whether, 疑问语序变为陈述语序 , 引述动词用 asked, 句型 : S-V-if/ whether从句 . She said to Tom, “ Can you help me?” She asked Tom if /whether he could help her. 1.She said to me, “ I broke your CD player.” She told me that she had broken my CD player. 2.He said to her, “ I broke your CD player.” He told her that he had broken her CD player. 二随宾 一随主 7 “ Is this room yours or his?” He asked me whether this room was mine or his. He said to me , “ I am learning English now.” He said to me that he was learning English then. 3.直接引语是特殊疑问句 变为间接引语时 ,连接词用特殊疑问句的疑问词 ,疑问 语序变为陈述语序 . 句型 : S-V 疑问词 从句 . The teacher said, “ What are you doing now?” The teacher asked me what I was doing then. 加间接宾语 me 无间接宾语 代词指向,二随宾 间接宾语 me He asked, “ Do you speak English or French?” He asked me whether I spoke English or French. 加间接 宾语 me 无间接宾语 不加间接宾语 me也可 8 时间变化 直接引语 间接引语 now today tonight this week/month/year/ morning/afternoon/evening yesterday last night week/month/year the day before yesterday four days/months/years ago tomorrow next week/month/year the day after tomorrow then that day that night that week/month/year/ morning/afternoon/evening the day before the night/week/month/yrar before two days before four days/months/years before the next day the next week/month/year two days later/ in two days time next=following before= earlier 9 He said, “ I ll give you an examination next Monday.” He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday. 加间接宾语 us 无间 接宾语 “ Who is here?” he asked. He asked who was there. 地点状语变化 He asked, “ Which school are you in?” He asked me which school I was in. He asked which school I was in. here there 加间接宾语 me 无间接宾语 二随宾 二随宾 不加间接宾语 me也可 10 “ Why do you tell me the answer to this question?” She asked why I told her the answer to that question. 指示代词变化 this that these those 注意 如果直接引语是“ What s thematter?” “ What s wrong?” “ What s the trouble?” , 变间接引语时 语序不变 。 He said, “ what s the matter with you? ” He asked me what s the matter with me. 11 He asked,“ How are you gettingalong?” He asked us how we were getting along. 加间接宾语 us 无间接宾语 二随宾 He said, “ We shall start tomorrow.” He said they would start the next day. “ Do you know Rick had been ill in bed for many days till he died?” Jack asked. Jack asked me if I knew Rick had been ill in bed for many days till he died. 过去完成时 过去完成时 加间接宾语 me 无间接宾语 He asked, “ How far is it from here to your home?” He asked how far it was from there to my home. 三不变 12 4.直接引语为祈使句 变为间接引语时 ,将祈使句的动词原形变为 带 to的不定 式 。 据 语气不同 引述动词有 tell, ask, order, beg, advise 等 , 句型: tell/ask/order /beg / advise sb.(not/never)to do sth. “ Make sure the door is shut,” she said to her little son. She told her little son to make sure the door was shut. “ Don t cry any more,” he said to his little brother. He asked his little brother not to cry any more. He said to the boy,“ Come here, young man! ” He asked the boy to go there. 方向动词变化 13 I said to him, “ Let s start at once.” I suggested to him that we should start at once. I suggested starting at once. 直接引语如果是以 “ Lets” 开头的祈使句 ,变为间接引语 时 ,通常用 “ suggest doing sth./that we should do sth.” 应该 “ Don t leave the door open after midnight,” said Mother. Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight. come go bring take 方向动词变化 He said , “ Don t make so much noise, boys.” He ordered the boys not to make so much noise. 14 5.直接引语为感叹句 变为由 that/ what/ how 引导的宾语从句 He said, “ How happy I am!” He said that he was very happy. He said how happy he was. He said, “ What a fine day it is!” He said what a fine day it was. He exclaimed that it was a fine day. He said, “ How fine the day is!” He said how fine the day was. 15 “ You ve already got well, haven t you? ” she asked. She asked whether I had already got well(康复 ). 6. 直接引语为反意疑问句 变成 whether或 if引导的宾语从句。 16 直接引语变为间接引语 ,下列情况时态不变 1.直接引语主句动词为一般现在时 ,一般将来时或现 在完成时 ,变为间接引语 ,从句时态不变 . She often says, “ All men and women are equal under the law.” She often says that all men and women are equal under the law. 主句 从句 : “ ” 部 分 2.直接引语的 “ ” 部分有 具体 的 过去 时间状语 :过去 某年 ,某月 ,某日 时 ,变为间接引语 ,时态不变 . Xiao Wang said. “ I was born on April 2l, 1980.” Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980. 省略 that 17 She said, “ I went there when I was six years old.” She said she had gone there when she was six years old. 3.直接引语的“ ”部分有以 when,while,since引导的表 示过去的时间的时间状语从句时 , 时间状语从句的时态不 变 . 4.直接引语的“ ”部分是反复出现的 ,习惯性的动作或说话 时情况仍然存在的 ,变间接引语时 , 时态保持不变。 The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at six every day.” The boy told us he usually gets up at six every day. 省略 that 18 She said to me, “ You must hurry up.” She said that I must hurry up. 5.直接引语的从句的谓语动词有情态动词 must, need, ought to,used to, had better, would rather, 情态动词的过去时 (should, might) 等时 “ I should try my best next time.” Jack thought. Jack thought he should try his best the next time. 注 : must must / had to 6.直接引语的“ ”部分是谚语、格言时 19 The teacher said to the students, “ Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0 .” The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0 . 7. 直接引语的从句为客观不变的真理 The teacher said, “ World War ended in 1945.” The teacher said that World War ended in 1945. 8.直接引语的从句为历史上事件 20 在直接引语变为间接引语时需要注意的变化 1.注意时态的变化; 2.注意人称变化; 3.注意指示代词的变化; 4.注意时间的变化; 5.注意地点的变化; 6.注意个别趋向动词的变化。


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