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2011年高考英语定语从句复习 -高考生必备 1.This is our school. 2.We live and study here every day. This is our school, where we live and study every day. school, wher 高三英语第一轮复习 定语从句在从句中起定语作用,修饰句 中的 某一名词或代词 ,被定语从句修饰 的词叫 先行词 (Antecedent)。定语从句需 用关联词 (relative pronouns and adverbs): Attributive Clause: 1. The teachers who are present at our class are all experienced teachers. 2. Our class is a big family which consists of 12 girls and 50 boys. 3. Yao Hui is the boy whose English study is very good in our class. 4. The school where we are studying is very famous. 5. As we all know, our school is 50 years old. where who whose As which 基础知识回顾: 基础知识回顾 : 关系词及其意义 指代人 指代事物 所属关系 指地点 指时间 指原因 who, whom, that, as which, that, as whose where( =介词 +which) when (=介词 +which) why (=for+which) 关 系 代 词 关 系 副 词 归 纳 总 结 不可省 Relative pronouns used in attributive clauses Antecedent Subject Object Possessive Note persons who/that whom/ who/that whose A relative pronoun can be omitted when it is used as the object in an attributiv e clause things which/ that which/that whose/of which This is the house which/that we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子 。 The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮 , 是我们上个 月买的 。 nonrestrictive restrictive 限定性 restrictive定语从句与非限定性 nonrestrictive定语从句 限定性定语从句是句中不 可缺少的组成部分,主句 和从句之间 不用逗号 隔开 非限定性定语从句是对 主句先行词的补充说明, 没有这种从句不影响主 句意思完整 .一般 用逗号 把主句和从句分开 引导词:关系代词和关系 副词,作 宾语 时一些关系 代词 可以省略 引导词: who,whom,whose,which, of which,when,where等, 不用 that,不能省略 1.that与 which 2.对 the way的考查 3.介词 +关系词 4.as的使用 5.对 where的考查 6.综合考查 考 点 难 点 1) Do you have anything _ you dont understand? 2) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some advice. 3) Who is the man _ is standing there? 4) Her bag, in _ she put all her money, has been stolen. 5) She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth. that that that which which 考点 1: that 与 which 1:先行词是 everything, nothing, anything, something, much, little, none等 不定代词或 由不定代词 any, some, no, much, few, little, every, all等 修饰时 , 引导定语从句用 that不用 which。 2:先行词被形容词 最高级 或 序数词 修饰且指物时 , 引导定语从句用 that 。 3: 先行词中 既 有人又有事物 时,引导定语从句用 that 。 4:先行词被 the very, the only等修饰且指物时 ,引导定 语从句用 that。 5:当先行词前面 有 who/which等疑问代词 时,只用 that。 1. 指物,介词后。 2. 用于非限制定语从句中 只使用 that应 遵循的规则 只使用 which应 遵循的规则 填上合适的关系词并分析原因 : 1.The way _he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand. 2.The way _he explained to us was quite simple. that/ which/不填 that/in which/不填 缺状语 缺宾语 考点 2: the way用做先行词 3. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. ( 04湖北) A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which 高考题链接: 考点 3:介词 +关系词 1. Do you know the boy _ _ your mother is talking? 2. He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar. 3. I still remember the day _ _ I first got to Paris. 5. (06浙江 ) I was given three books on cooking, the first _I really enjoyed. A. of that B. of which C. that D. which to whom with which on which This is the child whom/ that I will look after. 4. 译:这是我要照顾的小孩。 结论 : 介词 关系代词引导的定 语从句 ,关键是判断介词的选择 ,方 法一是看从句谓语部分缺少什么 介词 (习惯搭配 ),再则可以通过整 个句子整体含义来判断 ,结合生活 实际来判断 . 3. _ is known to all, he is the best student. 4. Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office. As which 难点一: as的用法 asthatwhich 1. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift. 2. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift it. as that 归纳 : as引导限制性定语从句先行词前常被 such, the same, so, as 修饰,即构成 suchas , the same as, soas, 结构,做题时容易忽略。 as在定语从句中应充 当成分如:主语、宾语或表语。 as 与 which引导定语从句 都能指代整句内容 ,但定语从 句位于 句首 时,只能用 as, 意为“正如 、 恰如”。 模拟训练 : 1. He is such a lazy man_ nobody wants to work with_. ( 04 模拟训练) A. as; him B. that; / C. as; / D. whom; him 2. Mrs. Black took the police back to_ place _ she witnessed the robbery. A. the same; as B. the same; where C. the same ; that D. as the same; as ( 05 模拟训练) 1. Ive come to the point where I cant stand him. 2. The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time. 我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。 国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。 where引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是 表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。 难点二:一些特殊词之后的 where 解析: 如果定语从句分别修饰 point, situation, part, condition和 case等表示抽象意义的词,常用 where 引 导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。 1.We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk. ( 06山东) A. which B. that C. where D. when 2. -Do you have anything to say for yourself? -Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on . ( 06江西) A. why B. where C. how D. / 高考题链接: 做题要灵活:要分析句子成分,选择恰当的 关系词。 wherethat 1.This is the library_I borrowed the book. 2.It is from this library_I borrowed the book. where 定语从句 that 强调句型 综合考查一:定语从句与强调句 3. -Where did you last see Mr. Smith? -It was in the hotel_ I lived. A. that B. which C. where D. when 难点三 .综合考查 近年来,高考对定语从句和其它从句如:强调句 、 名词性从句和状语从句等的综合考查越来越多,这就要 求考生有扎实的基础知识和较强的综合分析能力。 友情提示 综合考查二:定语从句与同位语从句 1. We all have heard the news_ our team won. 2. We dont believe the news _ he told us yesterday. that that/which 综合考查 三 :定语从句与 表 语从句 The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be_ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. ( 05 江苏) A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; where D. which; in which that/which 1. We should go to the place_ we are most needed. 2. We should go to the place_ needs us most. A. it B. where C. that D. what B C 3. It was October_we met in Damiao for the first time. 4. It was in October_we met in Damiao for the first time. A. that B. which C. when D. while C A 对比训练 5. He is such a good teacher_ we all like him. 6. He is such a good teacher_ we all like. A. whom B. that C. as D. which B C 7. The news came_ the British Queens mother celebrated her 101th birthday in good health, _ isnt surprising, because she lives an easy life and gets the best medical care. A. that; which B. which; which C. that; that D. when; as ( 05 模拟训练) 8. He left the key _he had been an hour before. He left the place _ he lived for many years. A.which B where C the place which D.the place (where引导地点状语从句,相当于 in the place where) (where 引导定语从句,修饰 the place) 1.By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon. ( 2008福建) A. of which B. on which C. from which D. above which . 解析:原句应该是这样的: A rare rainbow soon appeared _. 这里显然应该填上“ above Mount Qomolangma”。我们可以 将它改写为 above which并用来连接这两个句子 2.The man pulled out a gold watch, _ were made of small diamonds. (2008陕西卷 ) A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands of C. which the hands of D. the hands of which 解析:“表的指针”是用钻石造的。这里涉及到了所有关系。 在定语从句中,对于事物的所有关系我们可以使用 whose + 名 词, the + 名词 + of which 或 of which the + 名词这三种形式。 D项符合 the + 名词 + of which 结构,所以是正确的。 3. Ill give you my friends home address, _ I can be reached most evenings. ( 08北京卷) A. which B. when C. whom D. where 4. All the neighbor admire this family, _the parents are treating their child like a friend. ( 2008安徽卷) A. why B. where C. which D. that 这两道题非常相似。两句的先行词分别为 address和 family, 后面的从句缺少地点状语,所以要用 in which 或 where作 为关系词连接。 第 3题稍微有些难度。首先,有些同学没有理解这句话 的意思,“我会给你我朋友的家庭住址。在这个地址, 大部分的晚上你都可以找到我”。后面的句子如果改写 为“ you can reach me most evenings”则更容易理解。 5. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing. 2007 天 津卷 A. when B. whose C. which D. where 6. We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people,most of _are healthy2007 北京卷 A. that B.which C. what D. whom 7. By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, _ can be very eye-opening and rewarding. 2007 湖南卷 A. who B. which C. what D. that 9. Chans restaurant on Baker Street, _ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business. 2007 浙江卷 A. that B. which C. who D. where 8. The thought of going back home was kept him happy while he was working abroad 2007 上海春 A that B all that C all what D which 10. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ they can be controlled on purpose. 2007 重庆卷 A. with which B. to which C. of which D. for which Our class is a big family ; It consists of 12 girls and 50 boys. Most of them are mainly from the countryside. Zhao Qiang is a kind-hearted boy. He is always ready to help others. He is such a good boy that we all like him. Our class is a big family which consists of 12 girls and 50 boys, most of whom are mainly from the countryside. Zhao Qiang is a kind- hearted boy, who is always ready to help others. He is such a good boy as we all like. 定语从句的运用 这是教我们英语的老师,旁边是她的女儿, 她女儿的名字叫张安宁。这张照片是在南京拍 摄的;众所周知 , 南京是六朝古都,是个美丽的 城市。新年就要到了,到时我会再去拜访它。 Translate the short passage, using the Attributive Clause as many as possible. This is the teacher who teaches us English; The girl who is sitting beside her is her daughter , whose name is Zhang Anning. This picture was taken in Nanjing, which is a beautiful city that used to be the capital of six dynasties, as is known to us all. The new year is coming, when/by which time she will visit it again. 根据下列句子,完成短文。 众所周知, 2008年北京成功的举办 了奥运会。英语作为一种国际语言, 在交流中起着重要作用。作为一名高 三学生,我们应抓住现在的学习机会 努力学好它。只有这样,才能为祖国 贡献自己的力量。 注意:要使用定语从句 . As is known to all, Beijing hosted the 2008 Olympic Games . English, which is an international language , plays an important part in communicating with foreigners. We Senior Three students should seize this opportunity to learn it well, by which we can make our contributions to our motherland. Do more exercises about the Attributive Clause. Practice makes perfect! May you succeed in your studies!


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