外研版(一起)一下Module 9《Unit 1 I like football》ppt课件1.ppt

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外研版(一起)一下Module 9《Unit 1 I like football》ppt课件1.ppt_第1页
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Module9 Unit1 I like football. Chant Lions are big, cats are small. Monkeys are short, elephants are tall. Pandas are fat. I like them all. New words like 喜欢 I like. I like football/ basketball/ ping-pong. I like my father/ mother/ brother/. I like cats/ dogs/ pandas. I(我) We(我们) They(他们) Group work I like. We like. They like. Make sentences Sports meeting football 足球 play football 踢足球 play: 参加(体育运动或比 赛);玩耍 basketball 篮球 play basketball 打篮球 Sports meeting ping-pong 乒乓球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 Sports meeting swimming 游泳 Sports meeting They play together. 他们一起玩耍。 together 一起 Match A.篮球 B.游泳 C.乒乓球 D.玩耍 E.喜欢 F.一起 G.足球 1.Football 2.Basketball 3.Swimming 4.Ping-pong 5.Play 6.like 7.together Text time Listen carefully and answer What does Panpan like? (盼盼喜欢什么? ) Basketball and football. What do they play with together? (他们一起玩什么? ) Football Listen and repeat Text time Listen, point and find “like” Read in groups Group show 一人一句排火车读 分角色朗读 全组大声齐读 Activity Sport Name football basketball ping-pong swimming S1 S2 S3 S4 Work in groups. One is a journalist. Make a interview. Ask questions: What do you like? Thinking Love sports Do some morning exercise Be benefit to our health


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