北师大版三年级上册英语 unit 4 《Where is it 》PPT课件之一.ppt

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北师大版三年级上册英语 unit 4 《Where is it 》PPT课件之一.ppt_第1页
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Where is it ? 王庄镇第二小学 张志良 Primary English Book Five Unit 4 Aim 1: 目标 1 Understand the text 理解课文 Demands: 要求 1.Watch and listen to the videos carefully.认 真观看录音 2 2. Read the text silently to find out the new words and their meanings using the vocabulary. 默读课文找出其中的生词并 利用单词表弄明白其意义 Watch Picture 1 and match the questions in A and answers in B看图画 1,在 B栏中找出 A栏的正确答案 序号并将其填在题前括号内 ( ) 1.Where is the bird ? B. Its on the rock . ( ) 2.Where is the snake ? ( ) 3. Where is the frog ? ( ) 4. Where is the squirrel ? ( ) 5. Where is the Mocky ? A. Its under the rock. E. Its in the the water . C. Its behind the tree . D. Its in front of the tree. A B B A E C D According to Picture 2、 3、 4 , tell the following sentences right ( R ) or wrong ( W )根据第 2、 3、 4幅图画,辨别下面句子正误。正确填 R,错 误 W 1. Squirrels dont like nuts. ( ) 2.The squirrel has Mockys nut. ( ) 3.Mocky is looking for his nut . ( ) 4.Mockys nut is in the water . ( ) 5.Mockys nut isnt on the ground . ( ) 6. Mockys nut is under the rock . ( ) 7.The leopard helps Mocky find (找到) its (他的) nut . ( ) 8. Mocky is happy now . ( ) W R R W R W R R Aim 2: Read the text correctly and fluently正确、流利地读 课文 Demands and tips : 要求和提示 1.Read after the videos 跟读录像录音 2.Read the text in class 全班齐读课文 3.Act out the text in groups (分角色演练课 文) Exercise 1. done in class 当堂训练 词义连线 ( ) 1.in A.在 下面 ( ) 2.on B.在 后面 ( ) 3.in front of C.在 里面 ( ) 4.behind D.在 上面 ( ) 5.under E.在 前面 C D E B A Exercise 2. done in class当堂 训练 句义连线 ( )1.Where is it ? A.马凯在树前面。 ( )2.Mocky is in front of the tree. B.你在寻找什么? ( )3.What are you looking for ? C.它在水里吗? ( )4.Is it in the water ? D.它不在岩石下面。 ( )5.It isnt under the rock. E.这是你的果子吗? ( )6.Is this your nut ? F.它在哪里? F A B C D E Discuss and teach the above problems in groups .小组合 作讨论、教学上面的试题 内容。 游戏 Play the games of prepositions if the time is enough.如果时间有剩余 做记忆介词游戏 Goodbye! 再 见 !


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