冀教版英语五下《Unit2 Lesson11 Tian’an men Square》PPT课件.ppt

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Unit 2 Lesson11. Tianan men Square 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 使学生正确地说、读、写、用单词: loudly, quietly, easy, hard. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: They are laughing loudly ./He is standing quietly . This is easy/hard 3 能模仿课文在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做。 能力目标: 1. 使学生能把所学的单词运用到所学过的句子中去。 2. 能运用本课所学的内容及以前学过的相关句子结合实际生活情况表达自己感 情和意愿。 情感目标: 通过学习用英语在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做,把所学的语言与学生的生活 实际结合起来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习英语的能力以及交 流和合作学习的能力。 Boys, stand up. Girls, sit down. Boys laugh, girls, walk. Children, talk, Children, sing, Children, cry loudly. We are laughing loudly. We are singing loudly. We are reading loudly quietly They are walking quietly They are singing quietly. They are reading quietly. Yes, I can. This is easy. No, I cant. This is hard. What can you see in the picture? What are they doing? I can see some children. They are flying kites. Can you fly a kite? Oh, I hurt my head. Dont worry. I can help you. Lets put a bandage on your head. 1.Is Tianan men Square big? _, Tian an men Square is _. 2. What does Jenny see on the Tianan men Square? Jenny sees some _ 3 What are the children doing? The children _ _ 4. Are they loud or quiet? They are _. They are _ _ Yes big children are laughing loud laughing loudly 5.What does Li Ming see? He sees some _ walking _ on the square. 6. What does Danny see? Danny sees some _. What are the men doing? They are _ _. 7. Can Jenny fly a kite?_ she _. 8. Can Danny fly a kite? _ , he _. This is _ People happily men flying kites Yes can No cant hard Mrs Li , Danny, Jenny and Li Ming _ a _ to the hotel .Then Li Ming, Danny and Jenny go for a _. There _ many _ ,_ _ and big_ on the street. The _ and _ go _. The _ and _ go _. There are many people on the street, too. The men and _ are quick. They walk _ The _ are slow. They walk _. take cab walk are cars buses bicycles trucks cars bicycles quickly buses trucks slowly women quickly children slowly


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