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2019 牛津译林版英语七年级上册第二单元考试测试卷(无答案)7A Unit2 Lets play sports!一、词汇:A.根据中文、英文释义和句意写出单词。1. There are three _ (碗) of rice on the table.2. My mother _ (like, love) shopping, but my father doesnt.3. What do you usually do in your _ (not busy) time?4. How many _ (次) do you play basketball a week?5. We have a lot of _ (乐趣) at the party.6. Who _ (另外,其他) likes walking in your class?7. There are twelve _ (people in a team) in our Reading Club.8. My family often watch films at _ (Saturdays and Sundays).9. I hope my _ (梦想) can come _ (真的).10. My friend likes playing _ (排球), but I like _ (网球).B. 选择方框内所给单词,并用其正确形式填空。play hero good funny draw match real swim1. Many young peoples _ are film stars.2. There are eleven _ in each football team.3. You cant go _ in this river. It is very dangerous (危险的).4. The girl often watches football _on TV.5. It is great _ to fly kites in spring.6. He is a good dancer. He can dance very _.7. I _ like walking after supper.8. We are members of the _ Club.C. 选择方框内所给动词,并用其正确形式填空。listen feel be help eat1. My grandparents enjoy _ to Beijing Opera (京剧).2. What about _ some vegetables?3. Reading can make me _ great.4. Playing ball games _ good for us.5. Let Millie _ you with your English.spend look not do play visit walk6. Yaoming _ tall and strong.7. _ your cousin usually _ to school?8. We all want _ a holiday without homework.9. Lily is good at _ the piano.10. I hope _ your hometown soon.11. My father _ housework on weekdays.二、单项选择( ) 1. Daniels cousin likes playing _ football, so he wants to buy _ football for him. A . a, a B. / , / C. / , a D. the , a( ) 2 .Where _ your English teacher ?A. is, come from B. does, from1 / 42019 牛津译林版英语七年级上册第二单元考试测试卷(无答案)C. do, come from D. does, come from( ) 3. He enjoys _ with his friends on the phone.A. to chat B. chats C. chatting D. chating( ) 4. -Where was he born ?-He was born _ September 15th , 1996.A. in B. at C. from D. on( ) 5. I hope his dream _.A. come true B. come here C. comes on( ) 6. Jenny _ in an office. Her parents _ in a hospital.D. comes trueA. work, worksC. work, are working( ) 7. One of the boys_ a black hat.B. works, workD. is working, workA. haveB. there is C. there are D. has( ) 8. What _ him sad?A. takesB. brings C. makesD. plays( ) 9. Wang Mei _ music and often _ to music.A. like; listenC. like; are listening( ) 10. Jenny _ English every evening.B. likes; listensD. liking; listenA. to studyB. studiesC. studyD. studying( ) 11. Which word has the sound /e/?A. tennisB. enjoyC. heroD. he( ) 12. - _ times do you wash your hands every day?- About three times.A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How long( ) 13. - _ does Sandy usually do _ her free time?- She usually watches TV and helps her mother do some cleaning.A. What, onB. How, inC. How at D. What, in( ) 14. We often _ football and football games on TV.A. look afterB. talk aboutC. come fromD. look at( ) 15. - I often play football with my friends after school. _?- I go dancing every week.A. How are you B. How do you do 三、句型转换1. I do well in playing football. (同义句)C. What are you D. What about youI at playing football. I _ football _.2. Whats your favourite sport? (同义句) 3. Li Hua is 22 years old. ( 对划线部分提问)What sport do you ?_ _ is Li Hua?同义句 _ Li Huas _?4. He swims at weekends. (改为否定句)He _ _ at weekends.5. Simon does his homework every evening. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ Simon _ his homework every evening?No, _ _.6. Does the student like fishing? (改为肯定句)The student _ _.7. The children enjoy playing basketball in their free time. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ the children enjoy _ in their free time?2 / 42019 牛津译林版英语七年级上册第二单元考试测试卷(无答案)8. He looks strong. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ he _?同义句 _ he _? = _ _ he _ _?9. Daniel wants to play in the next World Cup. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ Daniel want _ _?10. He and his family live in Beijing now. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ he and his family _?11. We clean the classroom after school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ after school?12. Daniel often plays basketball with his friends in the playground . (对划线部分提问)_ _ Daniel often _ basketball with in the playground ?13. I have many friends in my new school. (保持句意基本相同)I have / _ _ _ friends in my new school.14. They often take a walk in the evening. (对划线部分提问)_ often _ a walk in the evening?15. Li Hua is a member of Huanghe Football Club . (保持句意基本相同)Li Hua is _ Huanghe Football Club.四、短文填空根据 Reading 课文内容填空:Li Hua is Simon s f_ football star. He is 22 years old. He is a new m_ of Huanghe Football Club. He c_ from Guangdong, but now he lives in Beijing. He l_ strong and plays football well. In his f_ time, he s_ English. He a_ enjoys listening to music. It m_ him happy. Li Hua wants to play in the next W_ Cup. Simon hopes his dream comes t_.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,并根据所给字母的提示,写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使短文通顺。 Here is an e-mail from Gregory to his e-friend Tony in Shanghai. Help him to complete it.Hi, TonyThanks for telling me about your family. Let me tell you about my family. You know I have a brother and he is 13 y 1 old. He l_2_ hiking and climbing mountains. My brother is very tall and he can climb f 3 a long time.My father works hard. He is a doctor. He likes watching television, r 4 books and t 5 with his friends.My mother a 6 works hard. She is a teacher. She t 7 young children. She d 8 like cooking. So we often eat at school. She likes listening to m 9 .My family h 10 a car. We like to go to the mountains. We often go for a picnic.1. _2. _ 3. _4. _5. _6 _7. _8. _9. _10. _五、完形填空I am a student at Sunshine Secondary School. I like 1 so I m good at all my lessons. I m also good at dancing. I want to be a 2 when I grow up . Shirley likes dancing, 3 . We often practise it together. In our school, we are happy. We often 4 things in the shop near our school. Things there are cheap and nice. But we cant buy any snacks because teachers say we shouldnt eat snacks in the 5 . And there is some information on the blackboard near the shop. We have a lot of good teachers. 6 are really great. When we have some questions, they always try their best to give 7 lots of help. After class they often stay in the classroom and 8 with us. We 9 our teachers. What do you think of our 10 ? Come here and pay a visit.( ) 1. A. studying B. working C. playing3 / 4D. running2019 牛津译林版英语七年级上册第二单元考试测试卷(无答案)( ) 2. A. singer B. swimmer C. dancerD. player( ) 3. A. too B. eitherC. also D. neither( ) 4. A. buy B. take ( ) 5. A. home B. parkC. borrowC. cinemaD. makeD. classroom( ) 6. A. HeB. TheyC. WeD. I( ) 7. A. it B. themC. usD. you( ) 8. A. shoutB. talkC. tellD. speak( ) 9. A. dislike B. loveC. hate D. look( ) 10. A. shop B. classroom C. library D. school六、书面表达请根据提示写一篇 60 词左右的短文。1. 我叫 Sam ,我是南京新华中学的学生,我在七(3)班, 我今年 12 岁。2. 我喜欢运动,放学后我经常打篮球。3. 林书豪是我最喜欢的篮球运动员。他擅长打篮球,来自台湾,现在在美国打篮球,在NBA 中篮球打得 非常好。4. 我想成为像他一样的篮球运动员。我希望我的理想能实现._.4 / 4


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