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七年级下册 6-12 单元 2b 填空Unit 7 Its raining!Dear Jane,Hows it _(go)? Im having a great time _(visit) my aunt in Canada. Shes_here and Im going to _school. Im _English and Im _a lot. Im also visiting some of my old _.Im so happy _(see) them again. Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting_the pool and _orange juice. Its warm and _, and its very _here.See you soon.Su LinDear Jane,Hows your summer vacation _? Are you s tudying_,or are you _fun. Im having a great time in _.My family and I are _ a vacation in the _.I want _(call) you but my phone isnt _, so Im _to you. Its _in your country now,_ it? The_ here is cool and _, just right for _.See you next month.DaveUnit 8 Is there a post office near here?AnnaThere is a zoo in my _. I like _( spend) time there on weekends. I love_(watch) the monkey_ around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and_(I) when we fight._(get) there, I usually walk out and turn _on Bridge Road. Then I walk _Bridge Road. The zoo is_ the right.JohnI live _ a supermarket. My parents usually_ there. There is a big park _from the supermarket. I often _at the park because I love the clean air and _. The best things in life _free!_(get) the park ,you just have to _Center Street.Lisa.I live in a _neighborhood. There is a post office _my house and a clothes store.But my _place is the library. It is very _and I enjoy_there. When I read books, time _(go)_(quick)!You can _( 到达 )get to the library _(easy). Just go down _ Road and turn _.Its _(cross) from the park.-Unit 9P53 An Interesting _Joe Brown_ a very _ job. He_ a police _. Some people _ crimes and then _ to Joe. They_ him what thecriminal _ like. Then Joe _ a picture of the _, and the police _ it in _ and on _ _ him.He _ _ a good picture of _ criminal, but this job_ sometimes _. Many people _ always _ things the _ way so they _ the same person_. Also, they dont always_ well. “The criminal is of_ build and young. He_ long _ brown hair and big eyes,” _ one _. _ woman _, “ He _ tall and_, and he _ curly _ hair. He_ about _ years old.” In the _, the_ criminal _ a short and_ old man, and he_ short black_!Unit 10 Id like some noodles.P59 Birthday Food _ the _What_ people like _ on their birthday? The answer _ _ in different _.In many countries, people _ cakes with _. The _of candles_ the _ age. The birthday person _ a wish and _ out the candles. If he or she _ out all the _ in one_, the wish _ true. In the UK, people sometimes _ a _ in the birthday _. The child _ the candy _ _.In _, it _ _ to have cake _ your birthday. But many people still _ very long _. They _ _ up the noodles _ the _ noodles _ a _ of long life. In some places, _ people also _ eggs on their birthday. They _ a _ of_ and good _._ of these birthday _ _ _, but the_ _ the _. They _ good luck to the birthday _.Unit 11June 15thToday I _ on a school trip. We _ the science _ and it _ really interesting. We _ there so fast by train. We _ some farms and villages along the way. At the museum, I _ a lot about robots. I _ they _ chess with us. It _ so cool! Then the guide _ us how _ a model robot. I _ a lot of great photos, too. After that, I _ to the gift shop and _ some lovely gifts for my parents. They _ expensive. All in all, it _ an _ day.June 15thI think todays school trip _ terrible. We _ the train to the museum. It _ so hot on the slow train. The museum _ big and boring. Everything _ about robots and Im not interested in that .The rooms _really dark and it _ difficult _ photos, so I _ any. There _ also too many people and I _ really see or hear the guide . The things in the gift shop _ so expensive. I _ the trip at all.Unit 12A Weekend to RememberMy sister _ high school two weeks ago.As a special gift, our parents _ us to India. Last weekend _ interesting but scary.We _ _ in a small village in India. First, We _ a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. There we _ up our tents and _ a fire _ us warm and cook food on. On the first night, we just _ under the moon and _ each other stories. But I _ so tired that I _ to sleep early.The next morning , my sister and I _ a terrible surprise. When we_ out of our tent, we _ a big snake _ near the fire. I _ so scared that I _. We _ to our parents _ them _ about the danger . My dad _ _ up and down in their tent. This _ the snake up and it _ into the forest near the lake. My dad _ me later that snakes _ ears but _ things _. He also _ me it _ important not _ near a snake. This _ a very _ lesson for me.


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