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五年级下册知识点一、名词 (单数,复数,不可数)1. 单数 a fairy , a toothachean art room/ English teacher / idea / umbrella ( a.e.i.o.u)2. 复数 1.一般直接+s:trains,students,2. 以 s. x. sh.ch 结尾,加 es:bus-buses,class-classes,3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变 y 为 i,加 es:librarylibraries hobby-hobbies city cities familyfamilies4. 以 o 结尾的,加 es:potatoes, tomatoes5. 不规则名词复数: man-men , woman-women , policeman-policemen child-children foot-feet, tooth-teeth3. 不可数 bread,meat, soup, milk,juice,tea , rice 二、人称代词1.主格:I we you you he she he it they2.宾格:me us you you him her him it themtry it/them on help me/him/herWhats wrong with him/her/them? eat thembe bad for us Let me/us.give it a cake come to see him3.形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their三、介词1、表示时间的: in 月份 : in January , in April in the morning /afternoon/evening in 季节 : in winter on 具体日期 on the 23rd of June at 具体时刻 at five oclock2、表示节日的: at Spring Festival at Christmas / Halloween on Mothers Day on Childrens Day3、表示地点的:(far from/near/next to/beside/behind/between/under/in/on/at) at the party / at the princes house / at the traffic lights / at the bus stopat Park Station / at home/school on your left on Moon Street / in Sunshine Town四、季节和月份Spring is in March,April and May. warmSummer is in June,July and August. hotAutumn is in September,October and November. coolWinter is in December,January and February. cold五、基数词和序数词基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeeneighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty 序数词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth thirty-second序缩写:六、哪些情况加动词原形:1.can /should /would 2. let 3.助动词 do/does 4.to练习:1.Su Hai should _(take) some medcine.2. Lets go and _ (have)a party.3. _(do)Nancy _ (like) _(dance) ?4. Cinderella has to _(come) back before 12 oclock.七、哪些情况加动词 ing1.be 2. go 3.be good at 4.like 5.what /how about注意:动词 ing 形式也叫作动词的现在分词( -ing),变化规则:(1) 直接加 ing:draw drawing playplaying(2) 以不发音的 e 结尾的,去 e 加 ing:dancedancing skateskating makemaking havehaving write writing liveliving come-coming ride -riding drive-driving(3) 以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅元辅”结构的,双写末字母加 ing: swimswimming runrunning chatchattingsitsitting put putting shopshopping get-getting练习:1.Lets go _(swim) this afternoon.2. Youre really good at _(skate).3. _(be) your uncle _(read) books now?4. How about _(watch) a film?八、现在进行时表示:正在进行的动作或存在的状态。(now/listen/look)构成: be(is/am/are) 动 ing例:特殊疑问句 1. What are you doing? I am sweeping the floor.2. Where are you going? I am going to the playground.一般疑问句 1.Are you cooking tomato soup? Yes,I am./No, Im not.2.Is he looking for some juice? Yes, he is./No,he isnt.九、一般现在时表示:经常发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。 (always 总是;usually 通常;often 经常;sometimes 有时候)例:What do you (usually) do on your birthday?What do you eat at Spring Festival?注意主语是三单时,动词要变为动三单形式,变化规则如下: 1) 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s. : climbs / takes/ picks2) 以 ch,sh,s,x 或 o 结尾的动词,在后面加 -es.例: teaches , watches, does , goes, catches ,brushes 3) 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的动词,把 y 变为 i 再加 -es. try-tries十、 辨析2.和 and (Su Yang and I) are helping her. with ( We )often have a big dinner with (our parents) .3.也 too Its Su Yangs birthday too. also Its also Su Yangs birthday.(句末)(句中) either They should not eat or drink either. ( 否定句)4.Be 动词 (is/am/are ) I am / you are 单数/不可数 is / 复数 are5.想要 want =would like + 名词 She wants a big cake.= want to=would like to 动原 She wants to buy a big cake.=6.是的时候了。Its time to have lunch. (to +动原)Its time for lunch. (for+名词)7. look for 寻找(过程) Liu Tao is looking for some milk.find 找到(结果) Yang Ling cannot find the bookshop.8. or (通常用于否定句) and (通常用于肯定句)十一、易错词汇和词组1.who s (是谁) whose(谁的 ) hes(他是) his (他的)there are 有 theyre 他们是 these 这些pretty 漂亮的 present 礼物 parent 父或母read 读 ride 骑2. play basketball play the piano play with Kitty the cat3. sweep the floor4. clean the car / table clean the classroom / library5. wash clothes / the dishes / some vegetables6. give to / sendto / writeto / showto / buyfor7. fit / hear well 、work on a big ship、 too young/late/many sweets8. what / where / when / who / whose / how many/ how old /which(哪个)十二、文化板块1.I like reading fairy tales.I like reading stories about(关于) the Monkey King and Nezha. 2.In the UK , we ask Wheres the toilet?In the US , we ask Wheres the restroom?3.You have a fever. Your temperature is 102F. 102?Its 39C.4.I eat with chopsticks. (Chinese)I eat with a knife and fork. (Western)西方人5.Halloween is on the thirtyfirst of October.Children usually d ress up. They knock on peoples doors and shout Trick or tr eat? for sweets.6.People in the West usually open their presents as soon as th ey receive them.十三、 四会单词和句型单词: why,because ,clothes,let,put on,have to,take off,moon ,street,near, city,by,bus,on foot,metro,taxi,bike,plane,train,take,get on,get off,walk, hospital,shop,zoo,film,stop,feel,should,have a rest,toothache,anything,clean, cook,busy,garden,sweet,vegetable,tomato,potato,look for,love,bread,January, February,call,May,June,September,October,November,birthday,April,game, March,July,August,December,play,answer句型:1. Why are you sad? Because I cant go to the party.(问原因)2. How do you come to school? I come to school by bus/taxi. (问交通工具)3.Excuse me, how do I get to the cinema/hospital?(get there)You can get on/off the metro/bus at(问路、指路)Then, walk to/go along .(问路). You can see on your left/right. 4.What wrong with you? I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache.You should/shouldnt(问身体状况)What wrong with him/her? He/She has a fever.How do you feel now? I feel better(好些) . / cold/ hungry/ 5. What are you/they doing? I am/We are/They are sweeping the floor.What is he/she doing? He/She is cooking dinner.6. Are you cooking meat? No, Im not. Im washing some vegetables. Hows the meat/soup/? Its yummy/nice.I cant wait! I love it!(vegetable salads)7. The Spring Festival is in January or February.People eat rice dumplings at this festival.(注意 festival 不是节日名称时不要大写)8. Whens your birthday?Its on the _of _. (四月 21 日)What do you do on your birthday?I usually(have a party/buy a birthday cake/eat noodles/ )(问生日)其他重要句型1. Because I dont have any nice clothes.=Because I have no nice clothes.2. I come to school on foot. = I walk to school.3. Yang Ling gets to Su Yangs home by metro.=Yang Ling takes a metro to Su Yangs home4. Can I go to school by bike? = Can I ride a bike to school? No,you cant.5. Its far from school. = Its not near school.6. Lets take the metro.7. Bobby is very happy to help them.8.


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