人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 1 Let’s go to school》ppt课件4.ppt

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人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 1 Let’s go to school》ppt课件4.ppt_第1页
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JT Unit 1 Lets go to school! Lesson 6 Lets chant Whats in the bag? A storybook! A storybook! Whats in the pencil-box? Whats on the desk? Whats on the chair? A marker! A marker! An English book! An English book! A Chinese book! A Chinese book! Exercise 练习 为下列图片选择正确的单词 a.English book b. desk c. school d. notebook e. classroom f. Chinese book g. chair h. exercise book i. storybook j. textbook e g a c b d i j h f Whats in the box? box Yes. A dog. Whats on the desk? 桌子上有什么? A book and an apple. Whats on the chair? 椅子上有什么? Two cats. f g h i j


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