高中英语 Unit 1 women of achievement单元测试 新人教版必修4

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必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement选择题1.【原创】Itme that I had forgotten my wifes birthday.A occurredB happened C hitD thought【答案】C【解析】It hitsstrikes, occurs tosomeone that某事突然闪现在脑海中。【教材原句】Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.2.【原创】Not until to school that I had left my books at home.A I got; did I realize B did I get; did I realize C did I get; I realized D I got ; I realized【答案】A【解析】not only位于句首,后面主句用局部倒装。【教材原句】I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China3.2021?西安一模It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.A.stick to B.refer toC.keep to D.point to【解析】 句意:在这么重要的考试期间他查阅笔记,这种做法真是太愚蠢了,结果他受到了惩罚。此题考查动词短语辨析。stick to坚持;refer to涉及;参考;查阅;keep to坚持;point to指向。【答案】 B【教材原句】If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.4. 2021?长沙模拟The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27.A.intending to B.being intended toC.intended to D.to intend to【解析】 be intended to do sth.打算做某事,此短语是系表结构,无被动意义,故此处用过去分词作定语,相当于which was intended to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit。【答案】 C【教材原句】I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.5. 2021?唐山模拟If you do not know how to _ yourself at table in a foreign country,you should copy the host.A.dress B.tellC.show D.behave【解析】behave oneself举止很好。dress oneself 穿衣 【答案】D【教材原句】Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.6.2021?银川模拟He argued _ smoking,and insisted that it was _ argument that smoking was harmful to health.A.for;beyond B.against;overC.for;over D.against;beyond【解析】argue against反对;beyond argument无可争辩的。【答案】D【教材原句】She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.7.2021?会宁模拟Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still _ the traditional customs.A.perform B.possessC.observe D.support【解析】尽管在国外生活多年,但许多中国人依旧遵守传统习俗。observe遵守。perform 表演 possess拥有 support支持、拥护。【答案】C【教材原句】She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.本单元语法:主谓一致8. 2021?湖南十二校第一次联考The leader and artist as well as some of our English teachers _ a chance to go abroad last year.A.was given B.were givenC.has been given D.have been given【解析】考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此句的主语是the leader and artist。the leader and artist意为“领导兼艺术家,指一个人的两种身份,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,据此可将B和D排除。由时间状语last year可知,应用一般过去时。【答案】A9.2021?江苏南通九校联考He told me that he had mailed part of the samples and that the rest _ in a few days.A.was followingB.have followedC.has followed D.were following【解析】句意:他告诉我局部样品已经寄出,剩下的样品几天后寄出。从时态角度考虑,本句讲的是过去的事情,故用过去时,排除B、C两项;然后考虑主谓一致原那么,the rest相当于the rest of the samples,表复数,故谓语动词需用复数形式,故答案为D。【答案】D10.2021?南昌高三调研The writer and teacher Smith _ through millions of ups and downs since he moved to Sydney.A.have goneB.had goneC.went D.has gone【解析】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:既是作家又是教师的史密斯自从搬到悉尼经历了无数的成败。由句中since可知主句要用现在完成时,且主语表示史密斯身兼两职,为单数,应选D项。【答案】D完形填空:【原创】Liu Yang is well-poised to be the first Chinese woman in space. When she1 the news on television of Chinas first manned space mission in 2003, the 2 couldnt help but3 : What would the Earth look like from outer space?Nine years later, Liu is getting the 4to find out herself as Chinas first5 astronaut, taking her place among three Chinese 6 to crew the Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft.The 33-year-old will be in 7 of medical experiments during the 8, which will also feature Chinas first attempt at a manual space docking procedure.I am9 to the motherland and the people. I feel 10to fly into space on behalf of hundreds of millions of female Chinese citizens, Liu said at a Friday press conference.I have full 11, Liu said before the mission. There are many foreign female 12who have been into space. Men and women have their own 13 and capabilities in14 out space missions. They can complement each other and better complete their mission.The native of central Chinas Henan province started looking toward the 15 just after high school, when one of her teachers16 her to enroll in an aviation school.Joining the Peoples Liberation Army PLA Air Force in 1997, Liu became a veteran pilot after flying 17for 1,680 hours. She was 18 to deputy head of a PLA flight unit before being recruited as a prospective astronauts in May 2021. She is now an Air Force major.After two years of 19, which shored up her astronautic skills and adaptability to the space 20 , Liu excelled in testing and was selected in March this year to crew the Shenzhou-9.1. A watched B readC lookedD listened2. A driverB player C pilot D student3. A realize B wonder C know D learn4. A abilityB news C knowledgeD opportunity5. A female B maleC native D China6. A known B chosen C declared D arranged 7. A placeB termsC chargeD view8. A workB action C match D mission9. A grateful B helpful C appreciatedD cheerful10.A touchedB moved C excitedD honored 11.A strengthB confidence C advantage D carefulness12.A scientists B teachers C astronautsD doctors13.A advantagesB strength C featuresD abilities14.A taking B putting C going D carrying15.A astronauts B skiesC spaceship D pilot16.A triedB told C convincedD educated17.Acompletely B safely C carefully D seriously18.A promoted B suggested C encouragedD recommended19.A studyingB flying C trainingD teaching20.A ability B knowledge C sense D environment【解析】A 从电视上看(watch)到这个新闻。C 她是一名飞行员(pilot)。B 后面是一个带有疑问的问句,所以选wonder(想知道)。D 九年后终于有了这样的时机(opportunity)。A female 女性的。B 三名被选定的(chosen).C in charge of (掌管,负责)。D 在这次飞行任务(mission)中。A 感谢(grateful)祖国和人民。D 能代表数以百万的女性,深感荣耀(honored).B 从下文她说的话看出,她充满自信(confidence)。C 外国女宇航员(astronauts).A 男女都有自己的优势(advantage)和能力。D 在执行(carry out )太空任务中。B 中学毕业后就想往太空(sky)。C convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事。B 平安(safely)驾驶1,680小时后,获得晋升。A promote(晋升)。C 执行航天任务,又进行了两年的培训(training).D 培训的目的是掌握技巧和适应太空环境(environment)。阅读理解A【原创】Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her family lived on a homestead, Ivy Green, that Helens grandfather had built decades earlier.Helen Keller was not born blind and deaf; it was not until she was 19 months old that she contracted an illness. The illness did not last for a particularly long time, but it left the child deaf and blind. At that time, she was able to communicate somewhat with Martha Washington, the six-year-old daughter of the family cook, who understood her signs; by the age of seven, Helen had more than 60 home signs to communicate with her family.Anne Sullivan arrived at Kellers house in March 1887, and immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with d-o-l-l for the doll that she had brought Keller as a present. Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it.Determined to communicate with others as conventionally as possible, Keller learned to speak, and spent much of her life giving speeches and lectures. She learned to hear peoples speech by reading their lips with her hands?her sense of touch had become extremely subtle.Keller went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities. Keller wrote a total of 12 published books and several articles. Keller suffered a series of strokes in 1961 and spent the last years of her life at her home.On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the United States two highest civilian honors. In 1965 she was elected to the National Womens Hall of Fame at the New York Worlds Fair. She died in her sleep on June 1, 1968When did Helen start to become deaf and blind?A When she was born.B When Anne Sullivan came to her family.C When she was 19 months old.D When she was 6 years old.2. Before Anne Sullivan came, how did Helen communicate with others?A By drawingB By singingC By home signsD By body language3. How did Helen understand others words?A by looking at their lips.B by looking at their mouthC by her teachers helpD by her mothers help4. How many women was honored the Presidential Medal of Freedom?A 1 B 2C 3D 45. What is the main idea of the passage?A a great teacher- Anne SullivanB a great woman and her familyC a great woman and her teacher.C a great woman and her achievement.【解析】C 细节理解题。从第二段第一句Helen Keller was not born blind and deaf; it was not until she was 19 months old that she contracted an illness.可得出答案。2. C 细节理解题。从第二段最后一句At that time, she was able to communicate somewhat with Martha Washington, the six-year-old daughter of the family cook, who understood her signs; by the age of seven, Helen had more than 60 home signs to communicate with her family. 可得出答案。3. A细节理解题。从第四段最后一句She learned to hear peoples speech by reading their lips with her hands?her sense of touch had become extremely subtle. 可得出答案。4. B 细节理解题。 从最后一段的On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the United States two highest civilian honors.可知答案。5. D 主旨大意题。本文讲述了海伦凯勒的生平和她的成就。 B【山东省东阿县第一中学2021-2021年上学期高一9月份模块测试】When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend on new clothes, Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.There are labels标签 inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater l abel may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only, for washing may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions说明on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.You can save money if you buy clothes that are well-made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.31.If you want to save money, you had better buy clothes thatA. dont fit you B. dont last longC. need to be dry cleanedD. can be washed32.The labels inside the clothes tell youA. how to keep the clothes looking their best B. how to save moneyC. whether the clothes fit you or notD. where to get the clothes dry cleaned33.We learn from the passage that cheaper clothes.A. are always worse madeB. must be dry cleanedC. can not be washedD. can sometimes fit you better34.The best title for the passage should be.A. Buy Less Expensive ClothesB. Taking Enough Money When ShoppingC. Being a Clever Clothes ShopperD. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes【解析】31.D 细节理解题。第二段中“Dry cleaning is expensive. 可知干洗是很贵的, 要买能洗的衣服才能节约钱。32.A细节理解题。第二段的第二句“The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. 衣服里的标签告诉你如何保养好衣服。33.D细节理解题。 根据短文内容可知前三项都是错误 的。34.C主旨大意题。C项“成为聪明的购衣者, 符合短文内容 C【山东省东阿县第一中学2021-2021年上学期高一9月份模块测试】Heres an unusual story: a diamond ring was recently found in an egg. The magician(魔术师), Liu Qian, discovered it, in front of an audience of millions at CCTVs Spring Festival Gala. Lius magic tricks have made the centuries old art of magic fashionable once again, and made him the hottest magician in China.As a seasoned young magician from Taiwan, Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows. Countries he has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea and the UK.Witnessing something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of peoples love for magic.Liu is known for his interaction互动 with his audiences. He has a unique understanding of showmanship 演出技巧.“It is actually thinking, rather than ones manipulation操作skills, that is more important to achieving a successful magic show. We think carefully about how to design th e shows creatively, to make them appear more intriguing吸引人的,Liu said.Liu Qians success dates back to his childhood. Born in 1976 in Taiwan, he found himself attracted to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwans Youth Magic Contest, which was judged by the great American magician, David Copperfield.Yet, Liu never planned on becoming a professional magician. He studied Japanese literature at unive rsity and only hoped to be an amateur(业余的) magician in his spare time. However, his failure to find a decent体面的job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.To refine(升华) his performing skills, he has performed on streets, roads and fields, for pedestrians路人, policemen and farmers.“Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians. We have to deal with unexpected situations and tough crowds, Liu said35.Why do people love to watch magic?A. Because Liu Qian is known for his interaction with his audiences.B. Because people love watching magicians make the impossible happen.C. Because people want to know the secret of the magic.D. Because people are curious about everything.36.Which word in the following is close to the underlined word “seasoned?A. Handsome.B. Growing.C. Fruitful.D. Experienced.37.What is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career?A. He was good at magic when he was young.B. He had won Taiwans Youth Magic Contest.C. He couldnt find a decent job after graduation.D. He became an amateur magician in his spare time.38.The passage is mainly about.A. why Liu Qian plays magic wellB. what magic tricks areC. why people love magicD. how Liu Qian became Chinas hottest magician书面表达:.以Madame Curie为题,写一篇100词左右的短文(英语)。要点如下:1、居里夫人为世界著名女科学家。1867年出身于波兰一个教师家庭,死于1934年。2、从小爱学习并希望成为科学家。16岁中学毕业,24岁赴巴黎就读巴黎大学,生活简朴,学习刻苦。3、一生致力于科学研究,于1903年、1911年分别获得诺贝尔奖。居里夫人作为一名伟大的女性永远为人们所思念。Madame Curie,as the most famous female scientist in the world, was born in a family of teachers in Poland in1867. little Curie was very fond of studying and she always wanted to be a scientist .She graduated from high school when she was 16, and 8 years later, she went to Paris and received the college education. During the college life, she learned with heart and soul and lived a hard and simple life. Madame Curie devoted her whole life to the researching of science and she made a great contribution ,in 1903 and 1911 ,she won the Nobel prize twiceAs a great female scientist, Madame Curie will be remembered and respected by us forever!【一句多译】居里夫人为世界著名女科学家。Madame Curie,as the most famous female scientist in the world ,was born in a family of teachers in Poland in1867.Born in a a family of teachers in Poland in1867, Madame Curie was considered the the most famous female scientist in the world.从小爱学习并希望成为科学家。little Curie was very fond of studying and she always wanted to be a scientistlittle Curie was crazy about studying ,hoping to be a scientist16岁中学毕业,24岁赴巴黎就读巴黎大学。She graduated from high school when she was 16, and 8 years later, she went to Paris and received the college educationHaving graduated from high school at the age of 16, she went to Paris and received the college education 8 years later4. 居里夫人作为一名伟大的女性永远为人们所思念。As a great female scientist, Madame Curie will be remembered and respected by us forever!People will all honor Madame Curie as the great female scientist forever.


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