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精品资料科 技 英 语 视 听 说 复 习 提 纲 - 修 正 版.精品资料The Private Life of Plants (1)1. dock(植)羊蹄 2. hazel 榛子3. foxglove 毛地黄 4. bramble 悬钩子 5. earth-star 地星6. bird-cage plant7. wood anemone 银莲花8. spore 孢子9. puffball 马勃菌 10. dandelion 蒲公英角叶月2. Why we human beings are seldom aware ofthe dramas happening to plants?We and plants live on a different time scale. (时间指标)3. When we condense (浓缩)3 months into 20 seconds, what dramatic changes of plants can we see?The desolation(荒芜)of winter quickly warms into the riot(蔓延、暴动)of spring. 4. Why do bird-cage plants travel to find a new place?The desert dunes(沙丘)are always moving and a sheltered(受保护的)site can suddenly become intolerably(无法忍受地)exposed.精品资料7. How do the seeds of dandelions (蒲公英) fly?A special apparatus(器官)is needed by the seeds of dandelions to fly. Each seed of the dandelion is fitted with its own individual parachute(降落伞).The Private Life of Plants (2)1. canopy 天蓬2. fern 羊齿(植 物),蕨3. pore 气孔4. sapling 树苗5. chestnut 栗子 6. sycamore 枫树,美国梧桐7. larch 落叶松8. begonia 秋海棠 9. chlorophyll 叶绿素10. photosynthesis光合作用11. mimicry 拟态12. shrivel 枯萎 13. pebble 鹅卵石 14. gravel 碎石,沙砾15. nectar 花蜜16. caterpillar 毛毛虫17. bogus 假的18. passion flower西番莲19. mimosa 含羞草 20. carnivorousplants 食肉植物.精品资料4. What will happen to leaves if water lies on their surface?It clogs up the pores(气孔).6. Name the examples given in this episode to explain how plants use mimicry (拟态)to defend themselves?Pebble plants.(卵石植物)Passion flowers.(西番莲)7. What is the dramatic (戏剧性的) solution a sensitive mimosa (含羞草) possesses to defend itself?One touch makes it fold its leaflets(小叶);another tap makes it flop to(落下)the ground.8. Name the carnivorous plants given in this episode?Flytrap(捕蝇草)Pitcher plants(猪笼草)Journey of Life (1) (2)Program One: Life in the Sea1. bizarre 奇异的 2. predator 捕食者3. gill slits 腮裂 4. amniotic fluid 羊水.5. embryo 胚胎6. mayhem 大灾难,破 坏,混乱精品资料8. haven 避风港 9. lethal 致死的 10. jellyfish 水母7. cauldron 大锅,大汽锅1. All living things have to fight to survive. Who can survive then?Only the best suited individuals can survive its known as “Survival of the fittest”5. There is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did it come about?3 billion years agosingle-cell living things 670 million years agocells pulling together around 570 million yeas agoanimals soft bodies turned hardProgram Two: Life on Land1. alien 外星人2. dinosaur 恐龙3. buoyancy 浮力4. kelp 海带5. arthropod 节肢动 物6. armor 盔甲7. burrow (兔子、狐 狸等的)洞穴8. louse 虱子9. vertebrate 脊椎动 物.精品资料10. fin 鳍1. What was the planet Earth like 500 million years ago?No shade,no ozone layer to shield us from the solar radiation .You could fry or freeze in the same day.2. Where did all life begin? And why?In the sea .Because in the sea where temperature hardly changes and where water protects against the pull of gravity (重力) and the burning sun.Program Three: Life in the Sky1. sprout 发芽2. flap 振动翅膀3. bask 晒太阳4. tendon 腱,筋5. larva 幼虫6. jackpot 意外的成功7. swamp 沼泽8. swat 用劲打击,重 拍9. munch 猛吃,用力咀 嚼10. gorge 狼吞虎咽3. What are the good reasons for life to get into the air?Wings provide animals with extra strike power ,flying is the fastest ,most efficient.精品资料way to travel .It allows you to findfood ,explore new territory(领土)or escape from danger.4. What are the two explanations as to how insects sprout wings?One explanation is that insects love to sunbathe .The other is that it may have started in water.Program Four: Living Together1. huddle 拥挤2. spawn 卵3. engulf 吞4. cricket 蟋蟀5. mantis 螳螂7. raven 大乌鸦8. lurk 潜伏9. foil 阻挠10. bluff 吓唬,故弄 玄虚6. orchid 兰花3. Why do we say that the predators (食肉动 物)and prey (被捕食的动物)are locked in an intense relationship?Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill ,their prey has to improve their self-defense .That is to say ,neither can afford to be left behind.精品资料5. How do fieldfares (田鸫) drive a hungry raven(乌鸦)away from their chicks (小鸡) ? By dropping “bombs”Secrets of the Sexes1. saliva 唾液2. bloke 家伙,小子 3. pathetic 十分差劲 的4. petty 不重要的 5. daft 愚笨的,癫狂 的6. leisure complex 休 闲娱乐中心7. trivia 小事8. to place sb. on a pedestal 崇拜,供奉 9. flounder 挣扎10. infidelity 不忠1. What are the differences between men and women?Men are more things oriented while women are more people oriented.4. Why people say “love makes people blind ”? The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals ,and another part of the brain used for critical thinking switches off(关掉). Great Wildlife Moments1. oil slick 浮油 2. biomass 生物3. feast 筵席4. shoal 狂热.5. frenzy 狂怒,狂暴 6. gully 水沟7. trek 旅行8. perilous 非常危险 9. phosphate 磷酸 盐10. carnage 大屠杀, 大量灭绝11. pouch 育儿袋,小 袋12. Aurora australis精品资料13. recede 后退,减弱 14. sleek 皮毛光滑的 15. rookery 群栖的 16. roller coaster 过山车17. droplet 小滴18. bide 等待,居住 19. ingenious有独创性的,机智的, 心灵手巧的20. clearing 空地南极光1. What consists of the caravan (旅行队)of hunting sardines (沙丁鱼) ?Cape gannets(塘鹅),sharks ,dolphins and whales .2. Why do red crabs (里澳洲圣诞地蟹)head for the shore to spawn (产卵) ?Because they are unable to raise their young on land.5. How does the Aurora australis (南极光) occur?.精品资料The Aurora australis occurs when subatomic particles(亚原子粒子)traveling through space enter the Earths magnetic field(磁场). An Inconvenient Truth1. infrared radiation远红外线2. culprit 犯人3. vulnerable 易受伤 的4. varnish 清漆6. pixel 像素7. smallpox 天花8. polio 脊髓灰质炎, 小儿麻痹症9. devastate 摧毁 10. apartheid 种族隔离5. lukewarm ,不热心的,微温的1. What are the three factors causing the collision between our civilization and the earth?The scientific and technolical revolution. PopulationOur way of thinkingPolar Bears1. walrus 海象2. skinny 皮包骨的, 特别瘦的3. jeopardize 处于危 险当中地.精品资料4. fat reserves 脂肪堆5. protocol 条约积2. Why polar bears survival is being threatened?By the end of the summer ,the are skinny bears and the reproductive success is in danger. Phobias1. toddler 学步的小孩 2. buggy 小推车,童车 3. petrify 吓得发呆, 石化4. python 巨蟒5. footage(影片的) 一个镜头6. crumble 把粉碎 7. canine 犬的10. leash (拴狗用 的)绳索11. adrenaline 肾上腺素12. berate 责怪13. tennis elbow 肘关 节炎14. bursitis 滑囊炎 15. Labrador 拉布拉多8. trauma (精神上的)创伤9. slack 松的,松弛的1. What is phobia?When fear gets out of control ,we call it phobias.精品资料2. What is the percentage of people with phobias?10%(1 in 10 people )3. Do we inherit specific phobias from our parents?NoThe Sun and The Moon1. tantrum 发火,发怒 6. porridge 粥2. wreak 发泄,报仇 3. galaxy 银河4. goldilocks planet 可居住星球5. solstice 至点7. apparatus 一套的设 备8. strata 层,地层 9. prism 棱镜10. helium 氦气1. Why all life on Earth owes its existence to the sun?The sun powers every natural system and sustains(支持、支撑)every plant and animal. 4. What is the sun made of?Over 90% of the sun is made of hydrogen(氧). Discussion(1)Big Freeze.精品资料What might be the major cause of the Big Freeze?Vocanic eruptionGlobal warmingChanges of the ocean current(洋流)State of the PlanetThere are five ways mentioned in this DVD that we are affecting life s diversity on Earth.Name 3 of them.1.Over-harvesting 2.the destruction of habitats 3.the introduction of alien species4.islandisation 5.pollutionDiscussion(2)The Abyss(深渊)1.Give five examples of the deep sea creatures. (这个有的照片上的找不到意思就没 写)grenadier fish 鼠尾鳕科 elephant fish 叶吻银 鲛 scaroid 鹦嘴科鱼 jellyfih 水母snail fish 狮子鱼科.精品资料2.According to this video,what was found at the bottom of the ocean in 1985 by some scientists?Shrimps .They can live in the boiling water and without sunlightAlien ContactIf one day alien species come toEarth,what s the narrator s hope?They come in peace .Discussion(3)End dayWhat are he four probable endings of the world?1. Mega-Tsunami2. Comet Attack.3. Killer Virus.4. Science gone wrong.The Human MindHow can you tell a person s smile a fake one? You just watch the lines around his/her eyes.Week Lecture2 1WednesdayEveningThe Private.3 2精品资料Life of Plants(1)The PrivateLife of Plants(2)45678910111213143456789101112Global WarmingNational DayDiscussion (1)Journey of Life(1)Journey of Life(2)PhobiasDiscussion (2)Great WildlifeMomentsSecrets of thesexesThe Sun and TheMoonDiscussion (3).


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