仁爱版七年级英语上册 Uni Toic Section Bppt课件.ppt

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1、正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用: clever, animal, hour, later, today, get up 2、在情景对话中,学生能继续学会询问时间,并且能流利表达时间, 4、能够将对话信息转化为篇章输出。 3、能用“ like, favorite”等来表达对某事物的喜爱,能用“ Its time to.”句型 来表达“该做某事了”。 clever /klev(r)/_ animal /niml/ _ hour /au(r)/ _ later /leit(r)/ _ today /tdei/ _ get up _ 聪明的 动物 小时 以后 今天 起床 1 1 1 Do you like animals? Lets play a guessing game! Whats your favorite animal? tiger monkey elephant 1c Work in groups. Then make up new conversations. A: What is your favorite animal? Why? B: I like Theyre cute/clever/kind/strong/ 2 10倒计时: 分钟 Times up 1a Look and answer 1、 What is Kangkangs favorite animal? Why? 2、 Does Michael like pandas? 3、 What time do they go home? He likes monkeys. Yes, he does. At half past eleven. Because theyre so clever. 视频 P99-1a 1b Match the children with their favorite animals. Then write down their reasons. Kangkang Michael Maria Jane pandas monkeys elephants tigers cute clever kind strong _ _ _ _ (At Kangkangs home) Kangkang: What time is it now? Michael: Its 9 oclock. Jane and Maria: Its time to go to the zoo. Kangkang: OK. Lets go. (At the zoo) Kangkang: Look at those monkeys. Theyre so clever. I like them very much. Michael: I like pandas. They are cute. What are your favorite animals, Jane? Jane: Elephants. Theyre so kind and they have long noses. What about you, Maria? Maria: Tigers. Theyre very strong. (One hour later) Jane: Oh, whats the time now? Maria: Mm, its half past eleven. Kangkang: Its time to go home. Michael: Yes. We have to go now. All: Goodbye, animal friends! 倒计时: 0 1 Times up 分钟 Its time to go to the zoo. 该去动物园了。 Its time to do sth. =Its time for (doing) sth. 该做某事了。 e.g. 该吃早餐了。 Its time to _ _. =Its time for _ _. have breakfast (having) breakfast six fifteen a quarter past six six forty-five eight thirty nine ten eleven thirty a quarter to seven half past eight nine oclock ten oclock half past eleven What time is it, please? =Whats the time, please? get up Its time to . Its six thirty. =Its half past six. have breakfast. Its time to =Its a quarter to seven. What time is it, please? =Whats the time, please? Its six forty-five 3a Make up conversations after the example. Example: A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its a quarter past six. A: Its time to get up. 6:15 3a Make up conversations after the example. have breakfast go home go to the zoo see the animals meet friends at home a quarter to seven 6:45 A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its _. A: Its time to_ . 倒计时: 0 1 Times up 分钟 3a Make up conversations after the example. go home go to the zoo see the animals meet friends at home half past eight 8:30 A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its _. A: Its time to_ . 3a Make up conversations after the example. go home go to the zoo see the animals nine oclock 9:00 A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its _. A: Its time to_ . 3a Make up conversations after the example. go home see the animals ten oclock 10:00 A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its _. A: Its time to_ . 3a Make up conversations after the example. go home half past eleven 11:30 A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its _. A: Its time to_ . You may begin like this: Kangkang gets up at a quarter past six in the morning. He _ _ at 6:45. He meets friends at home at_. They _ _ _ _ at 9:00. They see the animals at _. They_ _ at 11:30. 3b Describe Kangkangs day with the information in 3a. has breakfast 8:30 10:00 go home 2 10倒计时: 分钟 Times up go to the zoo 2、 Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Its Sunday today. I get up at _ in the morning and have breakfast at _.I read English at 9:10. At about 10:45, I help my mother _. And we _ _ at 12:10. I go shopping with my friends at about _ in the afternoon. We _ _ at 5:20. I have a very happy day. 7:30 8:00 cook have lunch 3:15 go home Whats your favorite animal? mouse tiger rabbit snake horse sheep monkey chicken dog pig 3、 她常常在早上 6:00起床。 She often _ _ at 6:00 in the morning. gets up 4、那些猴子很聪明。 Those monkeys _ very_. are clever 1、该吃早餐了。 _ _ to _ _. Its time have breakfast 5、你最喜欢的动物是什么? What are your _ _? favorite animals 9、 ( ) 3:45 读作 _. A. three-forty-five B. a quarter to four C. forty-five past three D. forty-five to four B 2、 ( ) _ is it now? Its two oclock. A. Whats B. What time C. How much D. How long B 10、 ( ) What are your favorite_? Tigers. A. kids B. clothes C. foods D. animals D 6、 ( ) Its twelve oclock now. Its time _ lunch. A. to have B. to having C. for having D. A & C D 7、大象很友好,它们都有长鼻子。 Elephants are so kind and they have _ _. long noses half past six six thirty 8、 顺读法: 逆读法: What is your favorite animal? I like monkeys/pandas/tigers/elephants Its time to get up/have breakfast/ go home 1、 Keep a diary to describe your day. 2、 Preview Section C. No one can back yesterday. 昨日不复来 名言警句 We should cherish time! 我们应该要珍惜时间! 此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!


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