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五年级科教版人教PEP版英语上学期单词拼写专项强化练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。1twelfth(简写形式)2twenty-third(基数词)3thirty-one(简写形式)4twenty-two(序数词)5twenty(序数词)2. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。1. Today I won a chess game. Now I feel h_.2. Yesterday I lost my pen. I am s_.3. I want to eat something. I feel h_.4. I helped my mother tidy the room. I am t_.5. She took my beautiful dress. I feel a_.3. 按要求写出单词的正确形式。1sheep(复数)_ 2strawberries(单数)_3small(近义词)_ 4one(序数词)_5sun(同音词)_ 6twentieth(基数词)_7tall(反义词)_ 8t (同音单词) _9cant(完整形式) _ 10They are(缩写形式)_4. 根据中文及句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。(1)Mybrothercanswimvery_(好).(2)Youare_(这么)heavy.(3)Elephantshavebig_(身体).(4)Thetwopicturesonthewallare_(都)beautiful.(5)Therabbit_(有)ashorttail.5. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词。1This shirt is very pretty, but its too _ (短).2Its _ (冷) today.3There are _ (十三) cows.4I see five _ (兔子).5I want some _ (香蕉).6. 按要求写出下列各词。1. can not(缩写形式)_ 2. small(反义词)_3. sunny(名词)_ 4. she(形容词性物主代词)_5. too(同音词)_ 6. that(复数形式)_7. 单词拼写。sp_ _ts(运动) f_v_ _rite(最喜欢的) p_ _ y(玩)b_st(最好的) b_sk_tb_ll (篮球) f_ot (足球) l_ _ e (喜欢) p_ng-p_ng(乒乓球) wh_ _ (什么)8. 看图和提示,写出你学过的英语单词(开头字母已经给出)。9. 单词默写。兽医_ 动物园_ 老师_学校_ 父亲_ 母亲_警察_ 护士_ 家庭_祖父_ 叔叔_ 阿姨_10. 单词拼写。1、Do you like _(香肠)?2、These _(小鸟) cant fly.3、Heres a _(节目) about China.4、This _(消防员) cant find people.5、They are _(有用的)11. 按要求写单词。1.除夕_2.舞狮_3.红包_4.团圆饭_5.放鞭炮_12. 单词拼写。1My mother will go to Shandong by t_.2I will get to the USA by p_.3Shanghai is far from here. Lets go by s_.4I will go to school on f_with my sister.5I will see a_at the Star Cinema on October_.13. 写出下列过去式。1. take_ 6. wash_2. is_ 7. go_3. send_ 8. come_4. do_ 9. walk_5. watch_ 10. like_14. 根据句意及首字母填写单词。1.W_doyougetup?Ioftengetupatsix.2.Ioftenplaysportsat7:30inthem_.3.Inevers_inclass!4.IneverwatchTVatn_.5.Ioftengotobedat9:00inthee_.15. 看图写词。1. Theyre playing football on the_. 2. An old tiger lives in the_. 3. There_some_in the zoo. 4. This bed is too_. I cant sleep. 5. We put a_on our bed.16. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Watermelon is(I) favorite fruit.2. I dont like(orange). Theyre sour(酸).3. Usually we have some(eggplant) and bread forlunch on Tuesdays.4. The hamburger _(be) nice. Its my favorite.17. 根据句子的意思,完成下列单词。(1)Whendoyouplayspts?(2)Ilikespringbest,Icanflyks.(3)ItsSunday,everybodyisbusy.MyMomisckgdinner,MyDadisansweringtheph.Mybrotherisdrawingptures.Iamdoingthedies.(4)Whatistherabbitdoing?Itsjing.18. 看图填空。1. Thisis a _. It is _(慢的).Thisis an _. It is _(快的).2. A bicycleis _(慢的).A truckis _(快的).3. Ais _ than an.4. Ais _ than a.5. Ais _ than a.6. Ais _ than a.7. Ais _ than a.19. 根据卡片补全单词。1f_st 2sec_d3f_fth 4twent_th5th_d 6tw_fth20. 看一看,写一写。 1. _ _ _ _ _2. _ _ _3. _ _ _4. _ _ _5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _7. _ _ _7 / 7


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