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Unit 4Social Behavior2012The Mens Movement The mens movement is a social movement that includes a number of philosophies and organizations that seek to support men,change the male gender role and improve mens rights in regard to marriage and child access and victims of domestic violence.Major movements within the mens movement include mens liberation,Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListeningmasculism,mens health,anti-sexism and mens/fathers rights.Participants vary in terms of religion,politics and sexuality with a number of women also involved.The movement is predominantly Western,although since the early 1990s,mens movements have been growing in non-Western countries.Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListeninganti-sexism:a movement against sexism,which means anti-sexists dont accept the beliefs of sexism.The main beliefs and attitudes of sexism are listed as below:1)The belief that one sex is superior to the other.2)The belief that men and women are very different and this should be strongly reflected in society,language,right to have sex,and the law.3)Simple hatred of men(misandry)or women(misogyny).take on决定做;承担决定做;承担countermovement反向运动反向运动monolithic整体的整体的unify成为一体,使统一成为一体,使统一identify确认确认label描述;归类描述;归类mytho-poetic与神话和诗歌有关的与神话和诗歌有关的initiate接纳接纳ritual仪式仪式affirm肯定地说,断言肯定地说,断言masculine男子气的,阳刚气的男子气的,阳刚气的Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListeningfeminist男女平等主义者男女平等主义者vocal直言的直言的integral构成整体所必需的构成整体所必需的orientation方向,定位方向,定位sensitivity敏感(性)敏感(性)mythology神话神话masculinity阳刚之气阳刚之气subscribe to同意,赞成同意,赞成weakling软弱的人软弱的人wimp懦弱的人懦弱的人diverse多种多样的多种多样的Pre-listeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BListeningI.Effect of the Womens Movement on the Mens MovementII.Forms the Mens Movement TakesA.B.C.D.III.ConclusionListen to the lecture and try to get its main ideas by taking notes.Fill in the blanks according to your notes.Male feminists_The Mens Movement is very diverse._Pre-listeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart BListeningMens support groups_Male activists_Mytho-poetic_Listen to the lecture again and try to answer the following questions.1.What family tasks are men sharing more and more with women?Child care and housework.2.What are the two jobs that used to be done exclusively by women?Teaching and nursingPre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart B3.What problems might a man run into in a workplace where there are a lot of women?Communication and management problems.4.What does the male feminist speak out against?Violence and inequality.5.Why does the second type of mens group appeal to men?Because they can give and find support from other men.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart B6.What are male activists trying to do?They are trying to get back mens power.7.Give a brief description of the mytho-poetic Mens Movement.This group initiates men using mythology,poetry(hence the name mytho-poetic),and other rituals,such as dancing,to explore and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart BThe Mens Movement:What Does It Mean to Be a Man?As a result of the Womens Movement,more women are working outside the home,and many men are playing a more active role in family life and are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework.In addition to these changes inside the home,men are today entering occupations that used to be considered womens jobs.More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children.Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before,and they are having to adapt to womens styles of communication and management,eatenwhich can differ considerably from those of men.At work,as well as at home,many men today in modern North American society have to play very different roles than their fathers did.They are,as a result,joining with other men in a countermovement called the Mens Movement to seek to provide one another with the support they need to cope with the roles expected of men in todays world.Exactly what forms does the Mens Movement take,and what do men in the Mens Movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement?To begin with,the Mens Movement has no unified,monolithic philosophy.teaAlthough there are a number of unifying themes,there are also some interesting differences among the basic groups associated with the Mens Movement.Several writers who write about the Mens Movement have identified four basic groups of men active in the movement.The first group is labeled the male feminists,and these men work for womens rights and equality between the sexes.Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between men and women in relationships and the job market.NoteNot all members of the Mens Movement,however,consider this first group of men to be an integral part of the Mens Movement.To be sure,the other three groups focus more on mens issues than do the so-called male feminists.The second orientation in the Mens Movement attracts men who join mens support groups to meet regularly and give and receive psychological support in dealing with problems created by the new roles they have to play at home and at work.These men are attempting to learn to better express their feelings and emotions,and to show sensitivity without being ashamed.A third group in the Mens Movement consists of men who want to get back the power they feel they have lost because of the advances made by women as a result of the Womens Movement and feminist causes.They are male activists.Finally,there is an approach to the movement called the mytho-poetic Mens Movement.The men involved in this aspect of the Mens Movement believe that men should be initiated into manhood as men were initiated when people still lived in small tribes and bands in more ancient cultures.This group initiates men using mythology,poetry(hence the name mytho-poetic),and other rituals,such as dancing,to explore andand affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.Men who subscribe to this viewpoint worry that too much contact with women and too little contact with other men has turned men into weaklings or wimps.So,the Mens Movement is very diverse.A man who wants to join the movement has many options of just how he will explore the question,“What does it mean to be a man in todays world?”The Mens Movement:What Does It Mean to Be a Man?As a result of the Womens Movement,more women are working outside the home,and many men are playing a more active role in family life and are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework.In addition to these changes inside the home,men are today entering occupations that used to be considered womens jobs.More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children.Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before,and they are having to adapt to womens styles of communication and management,eatenwhich can differ considerably from those of men.At work,as well as at home,many men today in modern North American society have to play very different roles than their fathers did.They are,as a result,joining with other men in a countermovement called the Mens Movement to seek to provide one another with the support they need to cope with the roles expected of men in todays world.Exactly what forms does the Mens Movement take,and what do men in the Mens Movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement?To begin with,the Mens Movement has no unified,monolithic philosophy.teaAlthough there are a number of unifying themes,there are also some interesting differences among the basic groups associated with the Mens Movement.Several writers who write about the Mens Movement have identified four basic groups of men active in the movement.The first group is labeled the male feminists,and these men work for womens rights and equality between the sexes.Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between men and women in relationships and the job market.NoteNot all members of the Mens Movement,however,consider this first group of men to be an integral part of the Mens Movement.To be sure,the other three groups focus more on mens issues than do the so-called male feminists.The second orientation in the Mens Movement attracts men who join mens support groups to meet regularly and give and receive psychological support in dealing with problems created by the new roles they have to play at home and at work.These men are attempting to learn to better express their feelings and emotions,and to show sensitivity without being ashamed.A third group in the Mens Movement consists of men who want to get back the power they feel they have lost because of the advances made by women as a result of the Womens Movement and feminist causes.They are male activists.Finally,there is an approach to the movement called the mytho-poetic Mens Movement.The men involved in this aspect of the Mens Movement believe that men should be initiated into manhood as men were initiated when people still lived in small tribes and bands in more ancient cultures.This group initiates men using mythology,poetry(hence the name mytho-poetic),and other rituals,such as dancing,to explore andand affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.Men who subscribe to this viewpoint worry that too much contact with women and too little contact with other men has turned men into weaklings or wimps.So,the Mens Movement is very diverse.A man who wants to join the movement has many options of just how he will explore the question,“What does it mean to be a man in todays world?”Stay-at-home Dad Traditionally speaking,men are considered bread-earner of the family and women the family caregiver who do household chores such as child-rearing,aged-nursing,cooking and cleaning.However,as the anti-sexism movement goes,more and more stay-at-home dads emerge who become the main caregiver and homemaker of the household.Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart B There are both pros and cons for the role of stay-at-home dads.One of the disadvantages is that men may feel losing their usefulness when women take over what used to be their turf.Many families with stay-at-home dads face marital problems as wives outshine their spouses and hurt their pride.However,there are indeed numerous families which keep the rapport between the husbands and wives,and fully enjoy the advantages of stay-at-home dads.First of all,father and the child could develop a stronger bond.Secondly,the stay-at-home dad arrangement allows the mother to work without having to use a daycare or a nanny.Free fromPre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart Bthe stress of childcare,working mothers are able to actively pursue their career.Lastly,stay-at-home dads tend to have a fresh view of family and life,who would put more stress on relationship,affection over financial gains.Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BNo,you cant go and have a drink with your friends:Your one and only duty is to protect us from predators!Im done doing.我已完成我已完成subject使遭受使遭受sole唯一的唯一的overwhelming无法抗拒的,压倒一切的无法抗拒的,压倒一切的a handful令人头痛的事令人头痛的事lay off使下岗使下岗laundromat自助洗衣店自助洗衣店a real trip头都晕了头都晕了Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart Bunderestimate低估低估stressed紧张的,有压力的紧张的,有压力的nonexistent没有的,不存在的没有的,不存在的rock the boat捣乱捣乱hassle困难困难entitle使有资格使有资格paycheck薪水薪水put the bread on the table养家糊口养家糊口Pre-listeningListeningNew Words and ExpressionsBackground InformationPart APart BHusbands and Wives:A Caller from NorthbridgeIn this conversation,you will hear a husband very seriously trying to figure out who does what,why.Pre-listeningListeningTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsPart APart BYou are going to hear the conversation between Jerry Williams,Shirley Sloan Fader,and the husband who calls in.Choose the word or phrase in each set of brackets that gives the correct information according to the conversation.The man who has called the radio program(,is working full-time,doesnt want to work).These days,his wife is(looking for work,working part-time),and when she comes home she(,washes the clothes,is too tired to talk to him).Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Detailshasbeen laid offworkingfull-timehelps with the housework The man is now surprised to learn that when he was working full-time,his wife(was quite lazy,watched TV a lot,).For example,she(slept a lot,watched game shows).He now understands that for many years,he(,didnt like what she did,wanted to work at home).Shirley Sloan Fader says that she thinks it is a good idea for wives(,to stay at home,to have part-time jobs)because families need(a nonworking mother,a nonworking father).Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Detailshad a lot of work to do at hometook the children to many places in thecarunderestimated what she didto work outside the hometwo incomesFader thinks that if both the husband and wife are working outside the home,their marriage will be(,weaker,no different).Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsstrongerListen to the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1.These days,the man is working full-time in a business office.2.The man and his wife have four children.3.Their youngest child is in her teens.4.The man is younger than his wife.5.They are fortunate that the washer and dryer never break.Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for DetailsF()F()T()T()F()Pre-listeningListeningPart APart BTask 1 Listen and Take NotesTask 2 Listen for Details6.The man now really appreciates all the work his wife did in the home.7.We learn something about the sex life of the man and his wife.8.Shirley thinks a husband should work and a wife should stay at home.9.Now this mans wife is receiving a paycheck,and he isnt.T()T()F()T()J:And now some final calls for Shirley Sloan Fader and“Wait a minute.You cant have it all,”she says to working women.Hello.M:Hi,Jerry.J:Yes,sir.M:Jerry,Im calling from Northbridge,and Shirley,hi,how are you?S:Hi.M:This is just one of those days where all day Ive been getting what I need.I turn on the radio after Im done doing my housework,and I got what I needed inHusbands and Wives:A Caller from NorthbridgeM:the last ten minutes Ive listened.I will never,ever subject my wife to what shes been doing since weve been married for the last eight years.During the last year of our marriage,I was the sole worker.She was home due to,you know,unemployment.Two weeks after she started a job,I was laid off.And I just cant believe it she would come home and do this and then“Honey,honey let me do it.Let me do it.”And now Im sitting in a little office that I had to create in my basement with I just cant believe all the things that she accomplished even when she was just home.Its completely overwhelming.J:How old are you?M:Im thirty-four.Shes thirty-six.J:Children?M:Two teenage girls.J:Right.M:Lucky us.And its a handful.And then,of course,after youre laid off and everything goes from bad to worse the washing machine breaks.The dryers fine,so I only have to waste an hour going to the laundromat to wash and then come back and dry,and you know its just one thing after another.And I tell her about how my day went after she comes home,M:and she says,“Honey,remember when the washer broke before,when you were working?”And its a real trip,and I really underestimated I dont know if underestimated is the word I really took for granted all the things that were done around here and J:Are you working yourself now?M:No,this is just it.Two weeks after she got a job,I was laid off,and now Im home,and I dont know how she got it all done when she was working.She was working and doing the housework and the laundry and doing this and taking the kids here and taking the kids there,and it just never ever ends.S:Right.And thats why they are so stressed.And thats why so many people have answeredJerrys questions saying their sex life is nonexistent or we wont ask you.M:Well,it is right now.S:Because most men have no idea of how much there is to do,and the women up to now have been afraid they dont want to rock the boat.They think its going to be a hassle,but they havent felt entitled,and the more they understand that their job is doing for their man,they will feel more entitled.For example,a man who is laid off,as you are,hasS:the time when theres another paycheck coming in he has the time to look for an appropriate job.When a man is the sole support and he has to put the bread on the table this week,he has to take any kind of job he could possibly get,and so her paycheck saves him from that nicer things.When men come home now and tell their wives about their day,the woman is out there in the world,too.She really can understand.They are more teammates.The marriage has more support going when they are both supporting the family and both taking care of it.J:And now some final calls for Shirley Sloan Fader and“Wait a minute.You cant have it all,”she says to working women.Hello.M:Hi,Jerry.J:Yes,sir.M:Jerry,Im calling from Northbridge,and Shirley,hi,how are you?S:Hi.M:This is just one of those days where all day Ive been getting what I need.I turn on the radio after Im done doing my housework,and I got what I needed inHusbands and Wives:A Caller from NorthbridgeM:the last ten minutes Ive listened.I will never,ever subject my wife to what shes been doing since weve been married for the last eight years.During the last year of our marriage,I was the sole worker.She was home due to,you know,unemployment.Two weeks after she started a job,I was laid off.And I just cant believe it she would come home and do this and then“Honey,honey let me do it.Let me do it.”And now Im sitting in a little office that I had to create in my basement with I just cant believe all the things that she accomplished even when she was just home.Its completely overwhelming.J:How old are you?M:Im thirty-four.Shes thirty-six.J:Children?M:Two teenage girls.J:Right.M:Lucky us.And its a handful.And then,of course,after youre laid off and everything goes from bad to worse the washing machine breaks.The dryers fine,so I only have to waste an hour going to the laundromat to wash and then come back and dry,and you know its just one thing after another.And I tell her about how my day went after she comes home,M:and she says,“Honey,remember when the washer broke before,when you were working?”And its a real trip,and I really underestimated I dont know if underestimated is the word I really took for granted all the things that were done around here and J:Are you working yourself now?M:No,this is just it.Two weeks after she got a job,I was laid off,and now Im home,and I dont know how she got it all done when she was working.She was working and doing the housework and the laundry and doing this and taking the kids here and taking the kids there,and it just never ever ends.S:Right.And thats why they are so stressed.And thats why so many people have answeredJerrys questions saying their sex life is nonexistent or we wont ask you.M:Well,it is right now.S:Because most men have no idea of how much there is to do,and the women up to now have been afraid they dont want to rock the boat.They


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