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writer, which in modern criticism we generally call “theme”.I. What Is Theme?One of the safest comments to make about novels is on the theme. Everyone is entitled to extract a theme based upon his understanding of the novel. Theme may be the most democratic elements in literature, because its definition is the least restrictive. The theme of a novel is its controlling idea or its central insight. Being an idea or an insight, the theme should be abstract and it should generalize about life. Labeled as controlling or central, the theme should be capable of unifying the whole novel. So the theme of a story, then, is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. II. Clarification about ThemeCommon as it is, theme suffers some misunderstandings. One misconception about theme is that each novel has a theme or themes, or theme is important to all novels. In fact, some novels, interesting ones though, do not provide any insight into life. For example, many novels of ratiocination and novels of horror. These novels are aimed at entertaining the reader, not at improving his understanding of life. They may sometimes touch upon the human nature or social problems, but these issues are only used to push the plot forward and they are not mentioned for their own value. Theme exists only in the novel that seriously attempts to reflect life faithfully or intends to reveal truth about life, or in the novels that are based on ideas or theories of life. (for example, novels of ideas).Another misconception about theme is that the theme is largely what the novel is. Some people discard the novel when they think that they have got the theme. It should be made clear that the novel is not written to convey an idea but to convey an idea artistically. The novel is a work of art whereas the theme is only an abstract idea. An analogy from daily life may help clarify this question. People all need vitamins and get them from various kinds of vegetables and fruits. Only those with deficiency of one kind or another have to take vitamin pills to get the required amount. The difference between the theme and the novel is much like that between the vitamins and the vegetables. The reader sometimes finds that the theme of a novel is similar to or even the same as what he has already known about life and that he is still fascinated by the novel. Theme appeals solely to the intellectual level of reading while the novel as a whole mainly appeals to the emotional level.Another pitfall concerning the theme is to confuse a theme with moral or lesson. Usually, a moral or a lesson is the advice stated or implied in a parable or fable. It is something of a rule by which one can regulate his behavior. For example, “Be kind to your neighbors,” or “Honesty is the best policy.” But a theme is more complicated than this as a novel is to enhance ones awareness of life rather than simply to tell him how to behave.A novel is a complicated matter and different readers may have different interpretations of the same novel, so it is incorrect to presume that one novel has only one theme. In some cases, there are several subthemes to the main theme. In reality, some novels are appreciated for their thematic ambiguity. For example, Moby Dick can be interpreted in more ways than one.Finally, the theme is not to be confused with the subject. The theme is an idea while the subject is a matter or an affair. “Love is invincible” may be a theme, but “love” is only a subject. A subject may be universal. The subjects of The Scarlet Letter, The Great Gatsby, and Women in Love are all “love.” But these novels have different themes. A theme is particular to its novel, though there are many similar themes to be found in other novels.III. Five Requirements for Stating a ThemeThe statement of a theme may be brief or long. And there are different ways to express oneand the same theme. But it should meet the following requirements.A theme must be expressed in the form of a statement with a subject and a predicate. For example, “Love of ones country often inspires heroic self-sacrifice.” If a theme is expressed in the form of a phrase, then the phrase must be convertible to sentence form. One can say that the theme of a novel is “futility of envy.” The phrase can be changed to “envy is futile.” When one chooses to state a theme in the phrase form, he must be very careful about its convertibility to sentence form. For instance ,the phrase “selfless maternal love” does not always mean that “maternal love is selfless.”The theme is generalization about life based on the novel, and the statement of theme should be true also of other people or life situations. Therefore, names of characters and places should not be mentioned, for they suggest specific things and invite limitations. So in thematic discussion of Wuthering Heights, one may mention “peoples psychology of revenge,” but not “Heathcliffs.”Though a theme is a generalization, over-generalization should be avoided. Since a theme is extracted from a particular novel (a particular event), it may not be applicable to all situations. So words like “always,” “never,” “all,” and “every” should be avoided. Instead, one should use words like “some,” “sometimes,” and “may.” When making a generalization, one should strictly keep to what is actually in the novel and not smuggle into it assumptions supplied from his past experience.Since theme is the central and unifying idea of the novel, it must account for all the major details and must not be contradicted by an details in the novel.Since a theme is different from a moral or a lesson, one should avoid reducing a theme to a clich or platitude like “Beauty is only skin-deep.” If one crams every new experience into an old formula, he loses the opportunity of new perception provided by reading novels.IV. Where to Look for the ThemeThe novelist may state or imply the theme. He uses every possible method to convey the theme. Though the theme is based upon the whole novel, practically, we can specify some important areas in which to look for the theme.How the novel is entitled. The title is the name of the novel and in many cases (almost all cases) the novelist intends it to tell something important about the novel. Sometimes the central theme of the novel is present in the title. For example, Pride and Prejudice is about Darcys pride and Elizabeth Bennets prejudice. Main Street is about the life of middle-class people in a Midwestern town. Think what the title of For Whom the Bell Tolls tells about its theme, and As I lay Dying.How the novelist shows his interest. If the novelist is interested in something, he would allow more space to it, describing or narrating in great detail. Yet, sometimes he emphasizes it by leaving it out, as in the case of Ernest Hemingway. The point concerned here is that why the novelist gives more attention to this particular character, since or event but not others.How the novelist deals with a common subject. Often the novelist has to include in his work some common subjects, but if he treats the common subjects in an uncommon way, it shows that he is trying to convey something new or important in the novel. Maybe it is the theme that demands him to do so.Important symbols. Symbols are loaded with important meanings. So if a symbol appears repeatedly or at important moments, it may point to the theme of the novel. A good example is the letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter.Important speeches. Characters talk and in their talk are revealed their judgments of the other characters or event. The characters judgments may give important clues to the theme.V. Obvious and unobvious themeObvious theme:The theme of a story, since we know, is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. In some stories, the theme is rather obvious. For example, in Aesops fable about the council of the mice that cannot decide who will bell the cat, the theme is stated in the moral at the end: “It is easier to propose a thing than to carry it out.” In some novels, the title may offer a suggestion about the main theme. For example, Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice is named after its theme, and the whole story unfolds itself around that theme. In some novels, the title is not so named but the plot exists primarily to illustrate the theme and it is not very difficult for us to infer what it is. For example, Uncle Toms Cabin by H.B.Stowe and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck voice the themes of slavery and migratory labor respectively. The title of The Grapes of Wrath comes from a line in an extremely famous Civil War song, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The line is, “He is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of wrath are stored,” which means “an unjust or oppressive situation, action or policy that may inflame desire for vengeance: an explosive condition.” The song was written by a famous and influential social activist, Julia Ward Howe. Unobvious theme: But in most literary works of fiction, the theme is seldom so obvious. That is, generally a theme is not a moral nor a message, neither is it clearly conveyed in the title. When we finish reading a finely wrought story, it is easier to sum up the plotto say what happensthan to describe the main idea. To say of James Joyces “Araby” that it is about a boy who goes to a bazaar to buy a gift for a young woman but arrives too late is to summarize plot, not theme. In many fine short stories, theme is the center, the moving force, the principle of unity. Clearly, such a theme is something more than the characters and events of the story. Most of the short stories challenge an easy-come theme. In Hemingways “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” as observed by Kennedy and Gioia, the events are rather simplea young waiter manages to get rid of the old man from the caf and the older waiter stops at a coffee bar on his way homebut while the events themselves seem relatively slight, the story as a whole is full of meaning. For a deep understanding of the meaning, we have to look to other elements of the story besides what happens in it: narrative, symbols, tone, the dialogue between the two waiters, the monologue of the older waiter, etc. Evidently the author intends us to pay more attention to the thoughts and feelings of the older waiter, the character whose words echo the authors voice. One try on the theme may be: “The older waiter understands the old man and sympathizes with his need for a clean, well-lighted place.” But here we are still talking about what happens in the story, though we are not summing up the plot. A theme is usually stated in general words. Another try sounds like this: “Solitary people need a orderly place where they can drink with dignity.” That is a little better. We have indicated that Hemingways story is more than merely about an old man and two waiters. We remember that at the end the story is entirely confined to the older waiters thoughts and perceptions. How do we understand his mediation on “nada,” nothingness, which bears so much emphasis? No good statement of the theme of the story can leave it out. Then we have still another try: “Solitary people need a place of refuge from their terrible awareness that their life (or perhaps, human life) is essentially meaningless.” Neither this nor any other statement of the storys theme is unarguably appropriate, but the statement at least touches one primary idea that Hemingway seems to be driving at. After we read “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” we feel that there is such a theme, a unifying vision, even though we cannot reduce it to a tag and we may still vary in our opinion about, and statement of, the theme. Moral inferences drawn from most stories: Moral inferences may be drawn from most stories, no doubt, even when an author does not intend his/her story to be read this way. In “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”, we feel that Hemingway is indirectly giving us advice for properly regarding and sympathizing the lonely, the uncertain, and the old. But obviously the story does not set forth a lesson that we are supposed to put into practice. We can say for sure that “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” contains several themes and other statements could be made to take in Hemingways view of love, of communication between people, of dignity. Great stories, like great symphonies, frequently have more than one theme. When we say that the title of Pride and Prejudice conveys the theme of the novel or that Uncle Toms Cabin and The Grapes of Wrath treat the themes of slavery and migratory labor respectively, this is to use theme in a larger and more abstract sense than it is in our discussion of Hemingways “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.” In this larger sense it is relatively easy to say that Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn, Updikes A & P, and Faulkners Barn Burning concern the theme of “initiation into maturity.” Such general descriptions of theme can be useful, especially if we want to sort a large number of stories and novels into rough categories, but the fact that they are similar in theme does not mean that they mean the same thing. The attitude towards the theme may be very different: the tone of treatment may be, for example, either comic or tragic, straightforward or ironic. The writers vision of life is the special underlying fact of a story, and a theme, abstractly stated, is not the same thing as a vision of life. And we suggest anyway that, in the beginning, you look for whatever truth or insight you think the writer of a story intends to reveal. Try to state a theme in a sentence. By doing so, we will find ourselves looking closely at the story. Kennedy and Gioia make a helpful suggestion to consider the following points when we think婚礼当天应当注意的小细节!送给每一位即将举行婚礼的新人们每次看到新人们因忽略了一些小细节,而影响自己精心组织安排婚礼的效果。所以特意汇总整理了一些,送给即将举行婚礼的新人们,同时也期望抛砖引玉,让大家多多将婚礼中应该注意的问题提供出来,算是给新人们礼物吧!一、新娘化妆、扎彩车篇婚礼当天时间安排紧,荣不得半点耽搁。但有两方面往往容易出现一些问题,就是婚纱摄影时送的化妆以及扎彩车了,尤其是结婚好日子的时候。往往会碰到因为人多,等轮到你时,比原先预计的时间晚了很多,最终是影响到乃后的所有流程。我就遇到过,婚车几乎晚扎了2个小时(花店花用完了临时去进的)。所以,事先要做好两手准备,一是和原先请的半程化妆师沟通好,最好12点前给您预留下时间,一旦婚纱影楼出现问题,半程转全程。二是大多婚庆公司都不提供扎彩车,他其实也是转承包到一些小花店,比较容易出现前面的问题。所以要和婚庆公司明确,取婚车的时间必须已经扎完彩车,如果不行,就在合同里明确完成扎彩车的最晚时间,以及一旦超过的违约责任。如果是自己扎彩车的话,建议多打一点提前量,免得出现意外,尤其是日子特别好的时候。二、鲜花篇对于5、6、7、9、10月结婚的新人们,由于天气炎热,通常中午扎好的彩车、手捧花、胸花不到几个小时就蔫了,所以天热结婚的时候,在花型花类选择的时候一定要考虑这个问题,郁金香就不适合。另外,叫家人准备空的瓶子,瓶盖上扎几个洞,或者就是专门的喷水壶,定时的给花洒洒水。此外,新郎的胸花一定要有备份,常常发现因为抱新娘以及时间长的原因,到仪式开始时,新郎的胸花呈3点种状,就很影响效果了。此外,就是撒的花瓣问题,婚庆公司准备的几乎都是花店里准备扔掉的垃圾,不是很吉利吧!所以不如要一把玫瑰,自己在婚礼仪式前拆,就保质保量了,而且有花作后备,哪里少了,还可以及时补上。多准备一点,在婚床上用花瓣铺一颗或者两颗心出来,比满床的泡泡要好看多了吧!三、饮食篇1、婚礼前吃东西的最佳时机。新娘和伴娘是婚礼那天最饿的人,从化完妆后到闹洞房结束,基本上是没法吃东西的,甚至连水都不能多喝。所以,建议新人们事先准备些自己喜欢的糕点和饮料(不要太粘的)在离开婚房时,放在婚车上。一天中唯一可以吃的时候是外景拍摄完去酒店的路上,基本不影响拍摄和以及担心化妆的问题,让新郎新娘伴郎伴娘届时填饱肚子哦!2、新郎新娘的饮食询问过很多新人,闹完洞房的第一感觉是好累,躺在床上又好饿(当然最开心的是洗完澡,两个人在床上数红包),但粗心的家长老是准备婚礼上的蛋糕给新人们,细想想看,在又累又渴甚至酒喝高了的情况下,谁吃的下这么粘粘甜甜的东西。所以综合很多新人的意见,那时最好的就是泡面拉,当然还可以让父母将酒席上的糕点准备一些,比蛋糕好多了。不过千万记住,要为新人准备矿水等饮料哦,记了饿可别忘了渴!四、物品保管篇物品保管是非常重要的,我就遇到过很多新人忘了这一细节问题,最厉害的几对是婚礼开始前,戒指找不到了,只能问别人借用,弄的新娘一直耷拉着脸,气氛都没有了。其实东西都带上了,因为是和其他东西放在一起的,东西一多就混了。还有要自己准备香槟酒,以及最不惹人注意的小道具火柴。所以,建议新人们,对于戒指一定要专人负责,并不离左右。事先准备一张物品清单,到了酒店后让专门负责的亲戚朋友再清点一下,注明一下位置,免得出差错而来不及。另外最重要的就是红包了,少了几个都会让你心情恶劣的,尤其是人很多、有几对同时举行的情况下。但要做到包不离身其实蛮难的,因为届时仪式上新人、伴郎、伴娘以及双方父母都会出场,所以最佳的保管人是信得过的亲戚,而且是要他时刻紧盯的。如果酒店客房提供保险箱的(建议事先在安排宾馆客房时要求这一点),在换第一套衣服时就赶紧锁好。如果不提供,那就只有看死盯牢了。建议红包最好不要在酒店里过夜,事先让父母小心带回吧。结婚当日走姿篇平时不一定都注意别人的走路姿态。但在结婚当天,新娘的一举一动都会引人注目。尤其是步入教堂或酒楼时,所有人都停注在新人身上。如果新娘的走姿是粗俗不雅的内八型或外八型,那将是整个婚礼的一大遗憾。所以一定要注意以下几个要点,以免留下一个遗憾。头部头部与躯干当成一直线,切勿东张西望。如果发现吸引自己的东西,应立即停步观看,千万不要便走便看。因为这会很容易撞到客人或桌椅。胸部应该向外挺,但切勿将双臂过于后张而使胸部突出,背部生沟,勿令腹部同时凸出。如果背部已有驼背的症状,可以穿高跟鞋,时间久了可矫正驼背的丑态。双手走路摆动双手时,手臂不应该太直,且摆动的幅度不应太大。否则腰部及臀部都会过度扭曲转动而让人觉得不雅。双脚新娘床上高跟鞋时,脚应向内,步伐要正直向前。眼要望前方,切勿低头往下看。举步时足膝略弯,而且脚跟要完全着地,否则脚部会很累。摄影摄像须知以下几点是你在聘用摄影师、摄像师时必须要了解的:1、在价格可承受范围内,至少要找三个摄影师(摄像师)来比较一下,其中有一个要是稍微超出一点预算的,以便搞清楚大概还会有哪些额外的钱可能需要支付。2、制定费用支出表。摄影师(摄像师)要你付多少定金,以后的分期付款,最后一笔什麽时候付?3、得熟悉一些摄影、摄像的理念。一般说来,专业的工作室会为婚礼拍摄提供几种选择;一个价格,还会包括不同数量、不同大小、不同风格的几组让你选择。摄影师在你婚礼现场的时间、需要拍摄多少胶卷也必须事先了解清楚。另外,要注意让摄影师(摄像师)把你俩的结婚证书,结婚照片、婚礼现场、双方父母都拍摄进去;拍摄的作品除你俩自己需要保存的以外,还要考虑给父母和亲戚的几本。录像应包括未编辑过的带子,编辑精品,音乐,标题,特效,包装等等方面。 一旦你确定了最合适自己的预算,接着检查下一项计划吧;如果预算和你希望达到的效果出现较大差异,最好再认真考虑一下性价比。4、了解你的摄影师(摄像师)。问问他们在你的婚礼上准备呆多长时间,他们有什麽专业证书吗,曾经参加过多少场婚礼的拍摄,最重要的是,能把以前的作品拿来看看吗,如果不能,那你就要谨慎了。5、获得一些更细节的信息。他们将带来几部像机?他们使用哪种胶片?如果你已经雇了摄影师,问他哪种特效与你选择的音乐、录像最匹配。如果他们有助手,费用包括在开价中了吗?6、弄清楚摄影师(摄像师)在婚礼之前多长时间到达现场,他们需要提供饮食、停车,需要什麽运输工具吗?7、问清你的原版带能被储存多久。一般行业标准是2到5年。你有版权购买权吗,如果不能购买版权,他们最终将被丢掉吗,还是派其他用途?8、弄清楚正在和你说话的人是就是要来拍摄的人,- 而不是一名工作室代表或出资者。要看见从新近婚礼选取出来的一本真正的婚礼集子。如果摄影师(摄像师)生病或发生其他不可预测的变故,谁将替换他们?9、摄影师(摄像师)是否将旅行,如果是这样,你就能大概预测他们取消服务的可能性;如果你还请他们为你的订婚仪式、婚礼彩排提供服务,他们毁约的可能性就会下降。另外,如果你想要在不同的地点拍摄照片,比如说附近公园、美容院或是家里,你的摄影师(摄像师)会收取额外费用吗?10、你个人喜欢这个摄影师吗?他倾听你的考虑吗?他对拍摄你的婚礼感到兴奋吗?11、挑婚庆拍摄方面的专家。我们知道你已通过阅读各类广告熟悉了报刊摄影(摄像)师、时装摄影师(摄像师),甚至是电视、电影记录片的摄影名师,他们拍出的婚礼效果很好。但如果你真地有独特要求,对摄影、摄像需要特别的理解和视角,不要受干扰,相信自己的体验吧。当然,如果你想看起来象大多数新娘一样,不想冒意外风险,请刚才提到的各类专业人员也未尝不可。12、我们不能自满地说:就拿以上这些作参考吧,足够了。麦林浓度将运用这些经验,确保你已经收到制作好的像册和DVD,并觉得很满意才行。对于那些不能按时交出满意答卷人,对于那些有隐藏收费的人,请告诉我们。1.婚礼筹备计划1.1.决定婚礼日期、地点、仪式及婚宴方式1.2.确定婚礼预算1.3.草拟客人名单1.4.召集好朋友讨论婚礼计划1.5.确定伴郎、伴娘1.6.确定主婚人、证婚人1.7.成立婚礼筹备组1.7.1 召开kick-off项目启动会1.7.2 制定婚礼项目计划书1.7.3 明确筹备组分工2.婚礼前准备2.1.与婚礼的所有项目干系人沟通2.1.1 就婚礼筹备计划和进展与父母沟通2.1.2 发喜贴给亲友2.1.3 电话通知外地亲友2.1.4 网上发布结婚通知2.1.5 再次确认主、证婚人2.1.6 及时反馈亲友受邀信息2.1.7 对于重要亲友再次确认2.2.结婚物品采购2.2.1.新家布置用品2.2.1.1 家电、家具2.2.1.2 床上用品2.2.1.3 彩色气球2.2.1.4 彩灯(冷光) 纱2.2.1.6 蜡烛2.2.1.7 胶布2.2.1.8 插线板2.2.1.9 其他物品2.2.2.婚礼用品订购2.2.2.1 新郎新娘婚纱礼服2.2.2.2 结婚戒指2.2.2.3 新娘化妆品2.2.2.4 喜贴、红包、喜字2.2.2.5 彩带、拉花、喷物2.2.2.6 烟、酒、饮料2.2.2.7 糖、花生、瓜子、茶叶2.2.2.8 录像带、胶卷2.2.2.9 预定鲜花2.2.2.10 预定蛋糕2.2.2.11 水果2.3.新郎新娘形象准备2.3.1 新娘开始皮肤保养2.3.2 新郎剪头发2.4.拍婚纱照2.4.1 挑选婚纱影楼2.4.2 预约拍摄日期2.4.3 拍照2.4.4 选片2.4.5 冲印或喷绘2.5.布置新房2.5.1 请清洁公司彻底打扫新房2.5.2 布置新房2.6.确定婚礼主持人2.6.1 就婚礼当天计划与设想与之沟通2.7.婚宴预约2.7.1 估计来宾人数2.7.2 估计酒席数量2.7.3 选择婚宴地点2.7.4 确认酒席菜单、价格2.7.5 确认婚宴现场的音响效果2.7.6 与酒店协调婚宴布置等细节2.7.7 预定酒席2.8.婚礼化妆预约2.8.1 选择化妆地点2.8.2 与发型师、化妆师沟通2.8.3 确认婚礼当天的造型2.8.4 预约化妆具体时间2.9.婚庆车辆2.9.1 确定婚车数量2.9.2 选定婚车司机2.9.3 预约扎彩车时间地点2.9.4 确定婚礼当天婚车行进路线及所需时间2.9.5 预约婚车2.10.婚庆摄像预2.10.1 确定摄影社摄像数量2.10.2 选定婚礼当天摄影摄像人员2.10.3 安排摄影摄像分工2.10.4 准备摄影像器材和胶卷录像带2.10.5 预约摄影摄像2.11.其他2.11.1 调换崭新钞票2.11.2 确定滚床儿童2.11.3 为远道而来的亲友准备客房3.婚礼前一天准备3.1.与婚礼的所有项目干系人沟通3.1.1 就婚礼准备工作完成情况与父母沟通3.1.2 就准备情况和婚礼当天分工与筹备组作最后沟通3.1.3 根据准备情况就婚礼当天仪式进程与主持人作最后沟通3.1.4 与伴郎伴娘再次沟通3.1.5 最后确认帮忙的亲友3.1.6 最后确认婚宴、车辆、摄影像、化妆等细节准备情况3.2.确认婚礼当天要发言人的准备情况3.2.1 主证婚人发言准备情况3.2.2 父母代表发言准备情况3.2.3 来宾代表发言准备情况3.2.4 抢亲时新娘提问准备3.2.5 新郎新娘在仪式上或闹洞房可能会遇到的问题3.3.最后确认婚礼当天所有物品准备情况3.3.1 最后试穿所有礼服3.3.2 将婚礼当天要穿的所有服装分装口袋3.3.3 准备两瓶假酒3.3.4 准备婚礼当天新郎新娘的快餐干粮3.3.5 最后检查所有物品并交于专人保管3.3.5.1 新娘的新鞋3.3.5.2 结婚证书3.3.5.3 戒指3.3.5.4 红包3.3.5.5 要佩戴的首饰3.3.5.6 新娘补妆盒3.3.5.7 糖、烟、酒、茶、饮料3.3.5.8 焰火道具3.4.新郎新娘特别准备3.4.1 新郎新娘反复熟悉婚礼程序3.4.2 预演背新娘动作3.4.3 预演婚礼进行台步3.4.4 预演交杯酒动作3.4.5 放松心情,互相鼓励3.4.6 注意睡眠,早点休息3.5.准备闹钟3.5.1 确认一只正常工作的闹钟3.5.2 将闹钟调到5点半4.婚礼当天流程4.1.化妆4.1.1 5:30 起床4.1.2 7:00 新郎发型做好后到达新南门女方娘家附近等待4.1.3 7:45 新娘妆完成,通知新郎4.1.4 化妆师、美发师红包4.2.婚车4.2.1 6:30 开始扎彩车4.2.2 7:00 专车送新郎至新南门4.2.3 7:30 彩车完成4.2.4 7:45 专车送新娘回新南门娘家(8:30前到达)4.2.5 9:00 所有婚车到达新南门4.2.6 司机红包4.3.抢新娘4.3.1 8:00 伴郎准备好鲜花、红包4.3.2 8:30 新娘回到娘家,藏好新鞋4.3.3 8:40 新郎带领兄弟们开始抢人4.3.4 8:45 敲门、盘问、塞红包、挤门4.3.5 8:55 新郎找新鞋,向女方家人承诺4.3.6 9:00 彩带师到位气球到位4.3.7 9:05 新郎背新娘出门,彩带,踩气球4.3.8 9:10 车队出发4.4.迎新娘4.4.1 10:00 车队到达化成小区男方家4.4.2 10:05 新郎抱新娘进门,彩带,踩气球4.4.3 10:10 小孩子滚床4.4.4 10:15 伴娘准备好茶4.4.5 10:20 新娘给男方父母敬茶4.4.6 10:40 新郎新娘出发至酒店4.5.酒店准备4.5.1 10:00 将糖、烟、酒、茶、饮料等带至酒店4.5.2 10:10 最后检查酒席安排、音响、签到处等细节4.5.3 10:30 准备好新郎新娘迎宾香烟火柴糖4.5.4 10:45 彩带师到位酒店门口4.6.酒店迎宾4.6.1


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