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英语常用短语 what is more除此之外 after all毕竟 above all首先,尤其是 ahead of 在.之前 all at once突然,同时/一起 all but几乎,差一点 all of sudden突然,出乎意料的 all over到处 all over again再来一次,重新 all the same仍然,照样/照旧 all the time一直,始终 and so on诸如此类/等等 anything but决不,根本不 as a result 因此 as a rule通常,一般来说 as a consequence因此 as such因此 by default默认情况下 rely on 依赖 tend to do sth倾向于做某事 indeed it is它确实是这样的 as for至于 as usual像往常一样 be used in place of sb/sth用来替代某人某物 Even then即使那样 aside from除了.以外 at all costs无论如何,不惜任何代价 at best至多,充其量 at last终于 at no time从不 at hand即将到来 at one time曾经 at present现在,目前 before long不久以后 beyond question毫无疑问,毋庸置疑 by accident偶然,意外 by all means一定,务必 In addition除此之外 more than once多次 built-in内置的 organized into组织成,常见的句型,xxxxxx由#组织而成 as a rule of thumb一般来说,根据经验我们可以知道 the most common最常见的. straightforward简单的,形容词 count on sth依赖 依靠 you make it fly是你的功劳 side effects副作用 in comparison相比之下 This is in contrast to sth/sb与.相比,xxxx可以(一般用于表述两个人或事物之间的不同点) as with sth/sb与.一样,xxxxx也可以(一般用于表述两个人或事物的共同点) regardless of whether不管是否,后面一般接从句 It doesnt make sense to do something做.事情是毫无意义的 prefer to do something更喜欢做什么事情 and so forth等等,类似于and so on you should be aware that你应该知道/你应该了解/你应该意识到/你应该关心的是, 后面一般接主语从句 memory footprint内存占用,名词 in reality事实上,实际上 all-or-nothing可有可无的,形容词,表示不重要的事物/人 ships with提供了xxxxx A can be critical to BA 决定了B,比如父母的教育能力决定了你的素质 例句:The education ability Of Parents can be critical to your quality. gain insight into sth了解/熟悉,一般用于学习过程中了解或熟悉某方面知识概念、理论、思想或机制 at this point此时此刻 in some cases在某些情况下,有时候 as it turns out事实证明,其实 To get the most out of this chapter为了学好本章,(你需要。) It happens that + 从句碰巧,恰巧 发生了什么事情 At the most basic level基本上 it stands to reason that那么理所当然(xxx可以怎么怎么做)、 work around sth解决xxx,一般用于表示 解决什么棘手的问题 For starters首先,第一点 In a nutshell总而言之 this has no effect on sth/doing sth对于xxx来说,没有影响/没有效果/不好使/不管用 well-known有名的,著名的(形容词) For the most part大多数情况下 it comes up short on sthxx在某方面存在不足,比如He comes up short on math(他数学很烂) go a long way to doing sth尽力/努力/尽最大努力去做某事,注意这里需要用ing形式 It should be said that应该说,理论上来说 It should be obvious that + 从句显然,很明显 for this reason因此 takeaway经验、心得(名词) as opposed to + 从句而不是,往往从句表达的是一个与主句截然相反的一面,一般用于对比 At the end of the day表意是一天的最后时刻,引申含义:最后,一般放在句子开头用作时间状语 Why does this matter?这样为什么有问题?这样为什么不行?这样为什么不可以? If, and only if当且仅当 do get to do sth可以做某事 stick with someone/somethingstick with someone 表示靠近某人,例句:please stick with me,lets do whatever we like to do. stick with something表示继续做某事,坚持做某事,例句:Dont be upset,please stick with it. for now目前为止,暂时 some of the time偶尔,用作时间状语 in a fringe case在极端情况下 over and over一而再再而三,反反复复,多次 That being said虽然如此,后面一般接但是.表示语义的一个转折 round-trip往返的,双程的,来回的,比如 round-trip ticket(往返票) over time一天天的,作时间状语,例句:The little tree grows up over time 那颗小树在一天天的长大 It stands to reason that按理来说 be out of date过期了,过时了 废弃了 up-front预先的,提前的 metrics 指标 In the meantime与此同时 As you can probably tell你可能会说 This being the case既然如此 nevertheless仍然, 副词 in terms of sth/sb关于某人某物某事 It probably comes as no surprise一点也不惊奇的是 in this regard在这点上 it makes the most sense to do sth做xxxxxxx事情最有意义 at a time每次 In a sense从某种意义上来讲 in nature本质上 works with sth支持xxx,比如Solr works with distributed search(Solr支持分布式查询) on the fly在飞机上,忙碌中,在计算机领域,常常表示 动态生成,即时生成,例句: It can build on-heap docValues on the fly from the index.它会从索引中即时读取并写到到堆内存中的docValues中。 if at all如果真要这样做的话 on-demand按需的 on a regular schedule定期的,修饰动词 such that因此 thereby 因此 henn-egg-problem鸡生蛋蛋生鸡问题 so long as + 从句只要 in case of + 名词或从句在.情况下,例句:I would give you everything in case of I am alive As an aside顺便插一句 Put simply简而言之 As a precaution 为了保险起见 It follows that因此可以断定 finer grained control细粒度的控制 In the event that.如果,万一. by leveraging sth借助于xxx network traffic网络流量 address some question解决一些问题 one on one一对一,单挑 and more等等,类似于and so on Ill spare you sth我不会跟你讲xxxx,我不会告诉你xxx, xxxxx就省略不跟你说了 in quite handy非常简单,作形容词 seamlessly combines无缝结合 be in charge of doing sth负责做什么,xxx的职责是什么 Whats more并且,甚至 In the meantime与此同时 a matter of taste本意:个人口味问题,引申义:个人喜好问题 to some extent在一定程度上 at will随意、任意的、随心所欲的,一般用于句子末尾做状语修饰人的行为, 例如:Please dont laugh at others at will. from time to time时不时的,有时 Great minds think a like英雄所见略同 It is a long story.一言难尽 none of my business不关我事 talk truly有话直说 dont flatter me过奖了 go down to business言归正传 it doesnt work不管用,不好使,不能正常工作 never mind不要紧,没关系 you dont say so.你不至于这样吧 dont get me wrong不要误会我 it is up to you听你的,你来决定 can you dig it?你明白了吗? 你弄懂了吗? how big of you!你真厉害,你真棒 poor thing真可怜 how about eating out?出去吃怎么样? dinner is on me晚饭我请 how come?怎么搞得? 怎么回事儿? how a good of it!要玩得开心哦 dont let me down别让我失望 dont push me别逼我 what is the fuss?吵什么吵? still up?还没睡? it is a deal.一言为定 it doesnt make any differences.并没有什么卵用 dont take ill of me别生我气 dont pull my leg.别逗我,好吗? cheers/bottoms up干杯 big mouth!就你话多! he is the pain on neck.他真讨厌 why so blue?为什么这么沮丧? wait and see!走着瞧 leave me alone别理我,我想静静 he is a faster talker.他是个吹牛大王 a mass ofa cluster of a series of a set of a chunk ofa stack of a string ofa succession of a sequence ofan array of 等价于some或many subject to.受.的影响,在.的影响下 put trust in sb/sthrely on = depend on 信任,信赖,rely on = depend on还有依靠、依赖的意思 hardly 几乎不,简直不barely 几乎不,贫乏的、勉强的 scarcely 几乎不,简直不few 很少的,几乎没有的,用于可数名词 less 很少的,几乎没有的,用于不可数名词seldom 副词,很少的,几乎没有的,用于修饰动词 It is said that.It is recognized that. 人们普遍认为,人们常说. sb remain optimistic about sth/doing sth对.依旧保持乐观 sb is more concerned with sb/sth/doing sth某人更关心. side effect负面影响 shortly before正当 before long不久 by no means绝不 as of 1997自1997年起 As a consequence因此 With that in mind记住/熟悉了那些之后, Its worth noting that值得注意的是 Regardless of sth/doing sth不论,不管 in reality事实上,实际上,等同于in fact other than to do sth仅仅,只是,一般表转折 harder to follow难以理解 you are probably better off doing sth你最好做某事,通常用于向对方表达自己的一种建议 chain A with B使用B将A连接起来 vice versa反之亦然 get a better understanding of/sth/doing sth/从句更好的理解xxxxx,例句: we can get a better understanding of how we canuse Predicates in our code. for clarity为了清晰起见 as compared to B,A.相比于B,Axxxxxxxx(怎么怎么怎样),一般用于两个事物之间的性质特点对比 As we have come to expect with A正如我们对A期望的那样, subsequent calls后续的调用,注意这里的subsequent形容词 starting out as A起源于A get a sense of the importance of sth/doing sth/从句感受一下xxx的重要性 it pays to do sth 做什么是值得的 concerned with sth/doing sth关心/在乎某物或某事 Given the fact that不可否认,that后面接从句 少一些功利主义的追求, 多一些不为什么的坚持:


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