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剑桥少儿英语三级(重点单词、句型)九天轻松复习Day1名词subject 科目dictionary 词典;字典Maths 数学postcard明信片Science 科学newspaper 报纸Geography 地理学magazine 杂志History 历史envelope信封Art 美术letter 信件Chinese 汉语diary 日志exam 考试 language语言card 卡片动词agree 同意 hate 讨厌;厌恶arrive 抵达decide 决定believe 相信 race 赛跑comb梳头 remember 记住end结束push 推;拽;扯guess猜测pull 拉;happen发生其她词across 横过;在对面;穿过 since自从、时候through 穿过;通过if 假如;假如during 在、期间before在、此前over 以上,多于;在、上方ever 曾经until 直到、为止else此外;其她;别重点句型1、Whats your favourite subject?你最喜欢科目是什么? My favourite subject is English.我最喜欢科目是英语。2、What classes do you have ?你均有什么课程? I have English classes and Chinese classes.我有英语和语文课。3、When is your first class ?你第一节课什么时候上? Its from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.上午8:00上到8:45。4、Which subject is easy for you ?哪一门课程对你来说轻易学? Art is easy for me .美术课对我而言很轻易。5、What can you do in Art class?你在美术课上可以干什么?I can learn how to draw better.我可以学习怎样画得更好。6、Who teaches you English ?谁教你们英语? Mrs. Wang teaches us English.王教师教咱们英语。Day2名词bat 蝙蝠rabbit兔子bear 熊 shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚whale鲸鱼kitten 小猫kangaroo 袋鼠lion 狮子 pet 宠物panda 熊猫fly 苍蝇parrot 鹦鹉cage 笼子puppy 小狗动词bring (brought) 带来wash(washed) 洗take (took) 拿走catch(caught)抓住,接住think (thought) 想;认为其她词afraid 胆怯often 常常difficult 困难above在、上面easy 轻易below 在、下面surprised 惊讶top 在、顶部because 由于 bottom 在、底部重点句型1、Rabbit runs fast .兔子跑得很快。2、He doesnt like bats .她不喜欢蝙蝠。3、Where did Jim go last week ? 上星期吉姆去哪里了?4、When did he get up this morning ?今天早上她几点起床?5、Is she swimming now?她目前正在游泳吗?6、Did you have a good time last Sunday ? 上个星期天你玩得快乐吗?7、Does your father get up early every day ? 你父亲每天都起得很早吗?8、She is afraid of lions .她胆怯狮子。9、How often do you go to the zoo? 你多久去一次动物园?10、How much is it ?这个多少钱?Day3名词place 地方 square广场bank 银行 supermarket 超bus station 公共汽车站 swimmingpool游泳池basement地下室 farm农场cafe 咖啡馆 island 岛屿cinema 电影院 field 田地sports center体育中心village村庄library 图书馆 countryside 乡下hospital 医院 town城镇market 市场 city 都市shop 商店 country国家sports centre运动中心world世界动词wake(woke)up 醒来 wait(waited)等待get (got)up 起床其她词first 第一() always 一直,总是second第二() often常常third 第三() sometimes有时last 最终() never从不tired 疲劳;累 nothing没有事情,没有东西near靠近. something某事,某物how often多久(提问频率) only 仅仅,只有重点句型1、We went to the park yesterday .咱们昨天去公园了.2、She likes swimming in the pool .她喜欢在游泳池里游泳.3、My parents always go shopping on Sundays. 我父母总是星期天采购.4、Who often watches Tv in your family?在你家谁常常看电视?5、I want to go home .我想回家.6、He wants the teacher to tell a story .她想让教师讲个故事.Day4名词cloud 云 wind 风lake 湖 forest森林grass 草地 rock 岩石ground地面 river 河road 马路waterfall瀑布leaf/leaves树叶moon月亮mountain山,山脉plant 植物rain 雨 weather天气rainbow 彩虹jungle 丛林snow 雪star 星星动词rain(rained) 下雨snow(snowed)下雪其她词sunny 晴天 snowy 下雪windy 刮风 rainy 下雨cloudy多云 wet 潮湿worse更坏(bad比较级)quiet 安静 q uietly安静地(副词形式)worst最坏(bad最高档)better 很好(good比较级)best 最佳(good最高档)loud 大声loudly 大声地(副词形式)than比(用于形容词或副词比较级后)more更大;更多(much,many)比较级careful 小心;仔细most 最大,最多(much,many 最高档)carefully 小心地,仔细地(副词形式)wrong 不对旳,错slow 慢 terrible可怕slowly 缓慢地 hot 热quick 快 cold冷quickly 快地(副词形式)重点句型1、The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大。2、Which is the biggest animal? 什么动物最大?3、The biggest animal is blue whale. 最大动物是蓝鲸。4、Which girl? The taller one or theshorterone? 哪个女孩?高还是矮?5、He is the strongest of the three.她是三个人中最强健。6、I like English better than Chinese. 比起语文来,我更喜欢英语。7、Who studies the best in your class?你们班里谁学习最佳?8、Sally is taller than Ben.萨莉比本高。9、Whats the weather like today ? 今每天气怎么样?10、Its cloudy and windy.多云有风。Day5名词address 地址e -mail电子邮件home 家fan 风扇balcony 阳台 map地图basement 地下室blanket毛毯floor 楼层,地板toothbrush 牙刷elevator / lift 电梯towel毛巾CD 光盘stairs 楼梯CD player 碟机upstairs楼上DVD 影碟downstairs楼下video 录像机动词hop (hopped) 单脚跳come (came) 来help (helped ) 协助move (moved) 移动;搬climb (climbed ) 攀爬put (put) 放置kick (kicked ) 踢其她词on 在、上面after 在、之后under 在、下面before 在、之前in 在、里面outside 在、外面up 上面out 外部down 下面outof 在、外边upstairs 在楼上off 离开;落下downstairs 在楼下by以、方式inside 在、里边opposite 对立;相反重点句型1、Where is the ball ?球在哪儿?2、The ball is in the biggest box .球在最大盒子里。3、How do you go to the cinema ?你怎么去电影院? I go to the cinema by bike .我骑自行车去。4、I did many things on Friday .星期五我做了诸多事情。5、Where do you live ?你住在哪儿?6、I live on the first floor .我住在一楼。7、When does the zoo open ?动物园什么时候开门? It opens at nine oclock .九点钟开门。8、Where is Peter ?彼得在哪儿?He is at the footof the mountain .她在山脚下。Day6名词age 年龄tooth(复数teeth) 牙齿back 后背earache耳朵疼beard(下巴上)胡须toothache 牙疼moustache(嘴唇上方)胡须stomach ache胃疼neck 脖子headache 头疼shoulder 肩膀temperature 温度,体温stomach 胃cough咳嗽动词shall(should) 体现征求对方意见have(had )got to不得不做、事must 必要can (could) 可以,可以need 需要;必要 hurt (hurt )受伤,伤害would 征求意见其她词boring 无趣square 正方形fine 美好 round 圆naughty 调皮both 两者;双方awake 醒着 well好(good 副词形式)重点句型1、What can you do ?你会做什么?2、Wher can you go after school ?放学后你能去哪儿?3、Can you talk in English ?你能用英语对话吗? Yes ,I can 是,我能。No ,Icant.不,我不能。4、You can buy a lot of things in that place .在那里你可以买到许多东西。5、Peter cant play the piano ,but he can play the guitar .彼得不会弹钢琴,但她会弹吉它。6、You mustnt drop litter in the park .你不准在公园里乱扔垃圾。 You must clean your bedroom before you go out .在出去之前你必要把卧室打扫洁净。7、Shall I wash the socks for you ?我可觉得你洗袜子吗? Yes ,Please .可以。 /No ,thanks .不了,谢谢。8、Youve got to go now because its getting late .天晚了,你目前得走了。9、Whats the matter with Mary ?玛丽怎么了? Shes got a headache .她头痛。10、Did you have a bad cough yesterday ?你昨天咳嗽得厉害吗?11、Is there anything wrong with you ?你怎么了? /你哪里不舒适?Day7名词Monday 星期一holiday 假期Tuesday 星期二walk 走路Wednesday 星期三swim游泳Thursday 星期四 comic漫画Friday 星期五 film /movie电影Saturday 星期六 homework家庭作业Sunday 星期日music音乐week 星期,周shopping购物weekend 周末shower淋浴yesterday 昨天work 工作动词laugh (laughed ) 大笑 go (went )shopping去购物sail (sailed ) 航行 skate (skated ) 滑冰look(looked)for寻找skip(skipped) 跳绳fish (fished ) 钓鱼 dance(danced)跳舞walk(walked)走路 invite(invited )邀请work (worked )工作其她词how 怎样 which 哪一种how much 提问数量及价格who谁 (提问人)when 提问时间why 为何(提问原因)重点句型1、What day is it today ?今天星期几?2、Its Monday.今天星期一。3、How was the weather on Monday ?星期一是什么天气?4、How many days are there in a week ?一星期有几天?5、What classes does Peter have on Tuesday? 彼得星期二有什么课?6、When is your birthday ?你生日是哪天?Day8名词bottle瓶子 sandwich 三明治bowl碗tea 茶cup茶杯 thing 东西glass玻璃杯vegetable 蔬菜cheese奶酪 wash 冲洗,洗澡coffee咖啡 party 约会pasta通心粉 present 礼品picnic 野餐 soup 汤salad沙拉动词cook (cooked )烹饪carry (carried) 搬运,携带其她词thirsty 口渴exciting 令人兴奋hungry 饥饿 all right 是;好busy 忙碌 come on 加油famous 著名重点句型1、There isnt any food in the fridge . 冰箱里没有食物。2、There arent any books in the desk ,but there are some pencils.课桌里没有书,但有某些铅笔。3、Would you like some tea? 你想要某些茶吗?4、Is there any milk in the bottle ?瓶子里有牛奶吗 ?5、Ive got a lot of comic books .我有诸多漫画书。Day9名词coat 大衣kind 种类sweater 毛衣laugh大笑scarf 围巾 matter 事情,问题ride 搭乘,乘车mistake 错误go for a ride 坐车treasure宝藏bottom 底部 ticket 票top 顶部 text 课文dream 梦想,梦 difference 不一样idea 主意动词put (put )on 穿上 get undressed 脱衣服 take (took )off 脱掉mean (meant )体现、意思get dressed 穿衣服其她词excuse me 打扰了 then 然后see you 再会 different 不一样well 好吧重点句型1、Whats it like ?它是什么样子?2、How does it look like ?它是什么样子?3、The boy in a white coat is my brother .穿白色外套男孩是我弟弟。4、Peter is the boy who is playing soccer .彼得是那个正在踢球男孩。5、Which one do you mean ?你指是哪一位?6、I like singing but he likes dancing. 我喜欢唱歌但她喜欢跳舞。


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