2021年上海市初三二模英语试卷 阅读回答问题汇编

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2021 年上海市初三二模英语 阅读回答问题汇编1. 杨浦区D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12 分)Sally woke with a sudden movement. She heard strange sounds; she could smell smoke. The room was full of smoke. She coughed. What was happening? Her bedroom door opened with a bang and her mother ran in, her face white.Get up Sally, we have to go! Get dressed now! Her mother disappeared back into the house. Sally jumped from her bed and opened the window. Screams and cries came from the streets below. Sally watched people throw their things into carts, horses threading the ground, keen to leave.Hey, whafs happening?, Sally yelled.Fire! her neighbour shouted back.Coming from Pudding Lane! Get out now Sally! No one is safe!Sally pulled her window shut and got changed as quickly as she could. Downstairs, she found her father, mother and sister jamming their things into a handcart. They watched people trying to put out the big fire with leather buckets full of water. It didnt seem to make any difference, as the fire jumped from one building to the next.The houses are so close together and made of wood!, Sally noticed, as she A tripped over candlesticks, burnt pans and odd bits of furniture that people had dropped in the streets.The grocers boy, Tom Winter, saw Sally and said, Some people are going to St Pauls Cathedral to stay safe. Made of stone. Wont bum like wood., Sally nodded, but followed her parents down the dark street.They walked and walked. Finally, they arrived at Moorfields. It was a wide-open space with no buildings to bum. They were safe.78. Sallys house was on fire, wasnt it?79. Why did Sally cough?80. Where did the fire start?81. How were people trying to put out the fire?82. Why did Sallys family go to Moorfields?83. What changes do you think were made to the buildings after the fire?D) 78. No, it wasnt.79. There was smoke in the room.80. The fire started from Pudding Lane.81. With water in leather buckets./They used leather buckets full of water to put out the fire.82. Because it was a wide-open space with no buildings to burn. They could stay safe.83. Firstly, buildings were made/built of stones instead of wood. Secondly, buildings were built further apart./Certain distance was left between buildings.2. 奉贤区D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题 )( 12 分)Do you or your family know an elderly person who may feel lonely? Perhaps you have a grandparent who doesnt live nearby and who might not see many people. Its thought that there could be more than a million lonely older people in the UK who often feel sad. This might be because they live alone, or they might be in a care home and havent got family or friends who visit.Simply writing a letter can help to cheer them up. Ifs an easy thing to do but can make a big impact to write an interesting letter is also a good skill because a lot of modern communication iswritten and sent by digital (电子的)messaging and email.Everyday things that you do, such as what you learned at school, sporting achievements or places you visit, might seem ordinary to you but an older person wouldbe happy to read about them in a letter. It could make them think back to when they wereyoung and did similar things. The person may also want to write back to you.(影响).Being ableProfessor Smith, aged 67, set up a group called Silver Robin, which has helped children from six schools in Oxford to begin writing letters to older people. Its a lovely thing to do and connects different generations* Loneliness is not a nice thing and if a young persons letter puts a smile on someones face, then thats wonderful.Where do I start ?Ask your parents if theres an elderly relative or family friend you can write to and they can help you get started. Your teacher may like to make contact with a local elderly care home so that your class can begin writing letters.4 How else can I help ?There are other ways to help elderly people feel less lonely* For example, knowing the date of their birthday means you can send a card. Saying hello and being nice to people in your street, checking on them with your family or knocking on their door sometimes just to see how they are can make a difference.78. Many older people in the UK often feel sad, dont they?79. What can help to cheer lonely older people up?80. Why would older people be happy to read about your everyday things in a letter?81. What does Professor think of writing letters to older people?82. What may your teacher like to do so that your class can begin writing letters?83. There are other ways to help elderly people feel less lonely. Please share one of your ideas and explain why it is helpful. D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题)(12分)78. Yes, they do. (1分)79. (Simply) writing a letter. (2分)80. Because it could make them think back to when they were young and did similar things. / Because it could remind them of their old good days. (2分)81. She thinks its a lovely thing to do and connect different generations./ She thinks it is wonderful to help older people feel less lonely. (2分)82. He may like to make contact with a local elderly care home. (2分)/ He may introduce some retired teachers of our school to us. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)83. Inviting them to take part in some outdoor activities can also help them feel less lonely. It offers them a good chance to be close to nature and feel young and energetic./ Visiting them regularly is also a good idea. You can chat with them and help them kill the boring time./ Making phone calls to them is also helpful. It enables older people to talk with other people. In this way they feel less lonely./ Teaching them some new technology such as WeChat can help them feel less lonely because it can connect them with the outside world.(Any reasonable answer is acceptable.) (3 分)3.静安区D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12分)Eat Your Schoolwork!At a farmers market in Las Vegas, the tables have been turned. teaching.Here, the students do the“This is a summer squash,” one student explained to a shopper. “This is an Armenian cucumber.”“Its technically a melon, ” his classmate said.All the students were working at the outdoor market in 2019. They were selling food they grew themselves. The pride they felt was clear.All these young gardeners are part of their school districts Outdoor Garden Classroom Program. Students from more than 100 schools around Las Vegas have their own gardens. There they get their hands dirty while they learn. Twice a year, they also harvest and sell their “schoolwork” at the Giant Student Farmers Market. It is known to be the largest student-run farmers market in the country.The program has grown since it began in 2013. Students work in teams with the support of their teachers. They take responsibility for all the different steps. Team members research what can grow in their climate. Then they discuss and plan their garden beds. They plant seeds, pluck weeds(除草), and water their crops. Some schools also have small orchards of fruit trees.When the time is ripe, students harvest the fruits (and vegetables) of their labors. The produce is then prepared for eating or selling. Students manage the business end, too. They handle the money at the farmers market. They also plan how to spend the money they make. All earnings are plowed back(再投资) into the gardening program. Sometimes students carry some of the harvest home to share with their families.School gardens also provide food for thought in classrooms. Science lessons may cover the biology of plants. Students study the nutrition of the foods they grow. Maths and measurements become tools for planning garden fields. In fact, studies have shown that garden programs help improve student achievement.The Outdoor Garden Classroom Program has also built relationships with the surrounding community. Local volunteers visit schools to share their expert knowledge. Business leaders teach students about managing a business. Schools even invite area chefs(厨师) to show simple recipes made with school-grown ingredients.From planning and planting to harvest and market, school gardens offer valuable learning experiences as well as fun. Young gardeners get a chance to practice skills that will serve them all their lives.78. The Giant Student Farmers Market is the largest student-run farmers market in the country, isnt it? _.79. When was the Outdoor Garden Classroom Program created? _.80. How did the students feel when they worked at the outdoor market? _.81. Whats the first step students do in this program?_.82. Who helps the students in this program?_.83. What can the students learn from Outdoor Garden Classroom Program? (List at least 3 points) _.D. 78. Yes, it is.79. In 2013.80. Proud.81. To research/Researching what can grow in the climate.82. Teachers, local volunteers, business leaders and chefs.83. Learning experience (the steps to grow vegetables), responsibilities, food for thought, fun, etc.4.黄浦区D.Answer the questions (根据对话内容回答下列问题 )(12分)S=Sean; H=HelenH: As you can see, I have many business English lessons. When I teach in the classroom, we often end up talking about things like success and what leads to success. Its interesting that many of them mention the element of luck.S: Right.H: Luck is important to success, but since youve seen that fantastic video on the TED talks website by St. John, he doesnt mention luck at all.S: Well, I believe that people can make their own luck. I mean, you can actually create what people see as luck.H: Sure. I think luck is how you respond to the opportunities that come your way.S: Yes. Very good point.H: Seizing the opportunities. But was there any point in the video that you thought was particularly interesting?S: Yes. Actually, there was. Something very impressive is many people think that luck is something you must have, in order to be successful. And in the video, we say, the point about getting good at something is not about some natural talent. Its all about practice, practice, practice.H: Definitely yeah. Natural talent helps in some way. But at the end of the day, you must work hard and get really, really good at what you do.S: Sure.H: I thought one interesting thing in the video was the idea of passion(a strong feeling of love) being so important. And a passionate person usually loves what he wants to do.S: I agree. Now, we can say that if you want to achieve success, you _, instead of _.78. What is Helens job?_79. St. John doesnt mention the importance of luck in his talk, does he?_80. To Helens mind, what does luck mean?_81. What does Helen think of natural talent?_82. What are Sean and Helen mainly talking about?_83. What can be filled in the blanks at the end of the conversation?_78. A teacher. /An English teacher.79. No, he doesnt.80. Luck is/means how you respond to the opportunities that come your way.81. It helps in some way./ It is helpful sometimes.82. The key elements in success. /What leads to success.83. you should love what you want to do and work very hard, instead of talking too much about/ relying on luck or natural talent.5.虹口区D. Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (共 12 分,78 题分,83 题分)One mom is thanking Target for an amazing reason.Jamie Sumner and her 6-year-old son, Charlie, walked into Target last week to get some coffee. Their ordinary shopping trip turned rather special when Charlie, who has cerebralpalsy(脑瘫) and uses a wheelchair, saw an advertisement in the kids clothing sectionthat made him smile.The advertisement describes a young boyaround Charlies age wearing a sweaterand laughing. Nothing seemed very out of the ordinary until Sumner saw that the boyin the advertisement was using a walker(助行架).“I stopped because I had never seen our normalinsuch a place,” the motherof three children wrote in a blog post.Sumner wrote that she started crying right there in the middle of Target.“I watched Charlie watch the sign. And it was beautiful ,” she wrote. “Yes, I started crying in the aisle. Yes, other people stopped and looked. And then they looked at the sign and they smiled. It was such an unexpected moment of connectedness among strangers in the middle of Target in the middle of a week on an otherwise ordinary day.”She and Charlie walked past the sign three times before they went out of Target.“It sounds like such a small thing, but for us it is a nod from the world that we are being supported,” she wrote. “Its just the beginning, I hope. I hope more disabilities and special needs pop up in clothing advertisements and commercials and on mainstream TV. But for now, I am so grateful to Target for_83_.”78. How many children does Sumner have?She _.79. According to the text, what is Target?_.80What made the boy in the advertisement special?_.81. What does the underlined part our normal in the fourth paragraph refer to?_.82. Why did Sumner cry there?_.83. Complete the last sentence.But for now, Im so grateful to Target for _.D) 78. She has 3/three children.79. It is a store/shopping mall/shopping centre.80. Using a walker.81. It refers to the daily life of the disabled.82. Because she was very moved.83. But for now, I am so grateful to Target for making a start and for making us feel at home.6.徐汇区D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分)During meal times, more and more young people take out their mobile phones, choose a favorite show, and eat while watching and burst into laughter now and then.Liu, a 19-year-old student studying in Beijing, is one of them. A foodie and a video lover, she is happy to eat while watching food programs on her cellphone. A show she has been recently watching is about two Chinese girls traveling around Japan to find delicious food, and the show has been viewed more than 26,000 times on Chinas top microblog platform.“I like Japanese food. The food in the show looks really attractive,” Liu explains. Besides this show, she also watches many other online food programs.Keyi, a 26-year-old woman working in Shanghai, recently fell in lovewith one popular food program and usually watches it in bed before she goes to sleep.“Its not unexpected,” said Adrien from France, who h as been living in Beijing for seven years and is a huge fan of Chinese food. “China and France are both keen on cooking and eating. In France, we also have food reality shows.”Irina from Russia also loves Chinese food programs very much. She watched a reality show with friends. In the show, some Chinese stars cooked seafood and crabs. “ I was attracted to it at first sight. They cooked the seafood differently from us, but the dish they made looked very delicious,” said Irina.Beautiful pictures, _, _ and the famous stars are what make food programs a perfect meal companion for younger Chinese people, even when they are far away from home.“After I left China and started my life in the Netherlands, I found myself always watching A Bite of China during supper,” Manling, a student studying in the Netherlands, said.She added that she has only been living there for two months and she has already missed the home flavor of China. “Chinese flavors are like the comfort zone that gives me a sense of safety ,” Manling said.78. Do Chinese young people like to watch shows on mobile phones while eating?_, _.79. What kind of program do Liu and Keyi both like watching? _.80.What do the two Chinese girls do in the shows Liu has recently watched?_.81. According to Adrien, in what way is China similar to France?_.82. What can be filled in the blanks in paragraph 7?(1)_ (2) _83. Why did Manling say “Chinese flavors are like the comfort zone that gives me a sense of safety”? How can you understand it? (3分)We can learn from her words that _.D.78. Yes, they do.79. Food programs./ They both like watching food programs.80. They travel around Japan to find delicious food.81. China and France are both keen on cooking and eating.82. delicious food, different cultures83. We can know from her words that since Chinese people are keen on cooking and eating, to those young Chinese people who are away from home, Chinese food is a good companion when they are homesick. /something familiar and comforting. (略) (3分)7.松江区D.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12 分)Six weeks before his 97th birthdav.Giuseppe Patermo realized the dream of a lifetime: he got a university degree (学位) in history.Mr.Patemos graduation has attracted a lot of reporters around the world,partly because of his age. But he has drawn their attention mainly because his life story shows his spirit(精神)of commiment(承诺;投入).His story sets an example for millions of schoolchildren and young people in Italy and elsewhere especially during the time of the coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情). “Dont get lost because you meet with difficulties.There will always be dfficulties,Mr. Patemo old reporters. You have to be strong. Studying has been my interest since I was a little child he said, but unluckily, life was hard to me.Born in Palermo, Italy in 1923,the first of seven children in a very poor family.Mr. Paterno began working soon after finishing primary school. After he retired,in the mid-1980s,he returned to his books.At that time,he met a professor from the University of Palermo,who asked him to go after his dream.He never gave up from then on and finished learning at that university.His story is proof that dreams can come true and that you can always keep youngif not in age but at least in spirit if you develop interests.Hes a model to follow.said Rossella Cancila,his adviser and a professor of history.Italys university system is based on a three-year degree, followed by a two-year masters course(硕士课程). University officials are hoping that Mr.Patemo will continue his study.He isnt so sure.I have to admit that at this moment, I dont know if I would deal with it just like before,he said,All the attention has been a bit tiring. But anyway, I want to keep my choice open.78. Mr. Patermo graduated from university in his nineties,didnt


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