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2023年5月9日雅思全面预测听力Section 1 旧题=V14117,题型为表格填空题本部分为旧题 A woman apply a job at Stanley sport centre,也是section 1中最常考的求职场景题。考察内容比较简朴,词汇也很基础,相关求职场景可以参考剑桥系列C7.3.1Section 2 旧题08204B14,业余活动安排Art gallery visit 参观美术馆,选择5+地图题配对5讲的是美术馆的基本情况以及如何参观。地图题有一定难度,可以参考剑桥C.7.4.2来复习地图题解题方法。Section 3 旧题v3311,学术讨论场景两个学生 Rob and Sarah 关于药物治疗的 presentation Two students talk about the medical presentation选择6+多选4这次题目全是选择,自身题目难度较大,大量的选择对考生审题是一个挑战。考生在做单选的时候需要注意对的信息的筛选。类似带有单选和配对的学术讨论场景可以参考C8.4.3.另: Section2V120512S2 V120630S2 V120804S2 V120310S2 V111126S2 V111117S2 V111105S2 V111022S2 V110820S2 V110813S2 V110623S2 V110611S2 V110519S2 V110507S2 V110428S2 V110312S2 V110226S2 V110212S2 V110127S2 V110108S2 V101211S2 V101204S2 V101127S2 V101106S2 V101104S2 V101023S2 V101014S2 V100925 V100911S2 V100821S2 V100717S2 V100710S2 V100619S2 V100617S2 V100515S2 V100123S2 V09114S2 V09107S2 V09129S2另: Section 2 旧题 V120728S2;课程介绍选择6+配对4Evening class instructor 介绍课程Section 3 新题;选课场景选择6+配对4两个学生讨论注册入学、必修课、选修课。Section 4 新题;关于城市化优缺陷的讲座阅读Passage 1题材:历史类新旧情况:新题题目:Exploration and exploitation题型:判断7 +填空6文章大意:重要是讲exploration and exploitation, 提到了哥伦布发现新大陆的时间英国人也去过,1846年出发,但是由于各种因素阻止,但最终他仅仅带了17个人出发,发现了尝试着记下来,但记载没有流传。后来有一个人去了但没有记载和证据,他儿子去了说被大量的鱼所hinder,然后发展了捕鱼业。后来有一个还提到南欧北欧对于大量的鱼的保存和解决方式不同,北欧和挪威等人同样是dry fish,但是南欧由于在海边所以有大量的盐来解决鱼。有一个Dr为这种不同做了具体比较。最后一段提到了account。Passage 2题材:管理类新旧情况:旧题 23107题目:Corporate Social Responsibility题型:topic选择7+填空2+选择4文章大意:重要是说公司的社会责任可以帮助公司拓展业务,帮助社会解决一些问题,员工的医疗健康等,最后三段举了三个例子,第一个是GE公司,第二个是Microsoft公司,第三个是个解决垃圾保护环境公司。另:Passage 2题材:心理类题目: Are artists liars?题型:Heading 6题 判断对错5题 填空3个Passage 3题材:教育类备考建议:考生碰到T/F/NG或者是Y/N/NG题时,一定要注意出题的顺序原则,解题的关键不在于对于文章大意的理解,而是通过定位找到与题目相关的原文,把握好同义转换。Passage 3题材:心理学新旧情况:新题题型:判断5+选择5+配对4文章大意:重要是说了我们大家对自己的感知不是很了解,最了解的是我们自己的情绪,而不是我们的行为。分为四种,第一种大家都能看出来的,第二种dark side,第三种personal mode,第四种不记得了。然后具体说明。写作Task 1 小作文类型Bar chart描述英国2023-2023期间5个不同年龄段人用互联网的比率写作分析2023年第一场考试以柱状图开始,延用传统柱状图的写法,根据年龄段的增长描述柱体变化的趋势和落差以及倍数关系即可。Task 2 大作文题目类别:媒体信息和影响提问方式:Discussion考试题目:Some people believe famous peoples support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.教育类:Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students future career success. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 学校应当提供有助于学生事业成功的课程,音乐课和体育不重要,是否认同? 教育类:Some people think that the study of history is of little use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion. 有人认为历史学习没有用处,有人认为学习历史帮助我们结识现在,论两种观点,给出你的意见? 社会类:In many countries more and more young people are leaving but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment will bring for individual and the society? What measures should be taken to deduce level of unemployment among youngsters? 在很多国家,年轻人离开校园,不能找到工作,这对于个人和社会有哪些影响?如何解决大学生择业难的问题? 交通能源类:Some people believe that air travel should be prohibited as it causes pollution and uses up fuel resources. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? You should use your own experience to support your argument. 有人认为飞机旅行污染空气,消耗油料,应当被限制,是否认同 政府类:口语Part1:名字,家庭,天气,来访者Part2:不得不礼貌Part3礼貌和和谐的区别之类的.Part1:名字;学习;家乡,在中国的哪一部分,家人是否在一起,朋友去会带他去哪?广告,有很多广告吗,你喜欢广告吗?路边广告如何?part2: 学习的任务。Part3: 喜欢很多作业吗?小孩应有很多作业吗?小孩的空闲时间做啥?怎么看高中生有很多作业?part1: apartment or house which part I love the most part 2 a journey part 3 关于旅行的问题 旅行中会出现哪些问题 火车出游为什么不舒适 独自旅行好吗part1:house or apartment email collect things part2: a place near water part3: 为什么喜欢去有水的地方,人们经常去做什么 在中国人们很喜欢去有水的地方旅游嘛?为什么part1: are you a student? What do you learn? What do you want to do in the future? part2: what do you do to keep healthy ?part3: what do Chinese people usually do to keep healthy?part1: 学生还是工作。专业。将来想做什么工作。Collection. Part2 a famous person you like. Part 3 do you want be famous. Privacy of famous people. 在中国什么样的人出名 举例子Part1:house flat /favorite room/ friends/advertisement in TV and street/buy something because of ads/ Part2:app Part3:does technology make life easier? Why some people prefer the newest technology?另: Part22. RESTAURANTDescribe a restaurant you like to go to/that impresses you.You should say:Where this restaurant isWhat type of food the restaurant hasWhy you go to this restaurantAnd explain why you like this restaurant/ why this restaurant impresses you.单词:exotic异国的cuisine烹饪fusion融合amusement娱乐Part3What are some reasons why people eat out?Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home?另: 1. Do you think to it is important to relax?2. How do you usually relax?3. Describe a place which is not pollutedWhere is this place?What kind of place is not polluted?What do you think about pollution?4. Describe a language you want to learn (except English).Why some children learn language faster than others?What is the difference between foreigner teacher and Chinese teacher in teaching English?Who is responsible in teaching children English? The parents or the school?What are the advantages of learning other languages? Why do you choose it?Will you go to this country?


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