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大学英语4辅导资料三主 题:Unit 1 课后部分习题的答案与讲解学习时间:2010年5月3日5月9日内 容:Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with words or expressions chosen form the following list. Change the form where necessary.marvelous delivery cash thoughtfulpain echo odd sourrange stack shrink cut intoleisurely done with settle for for rentcompetitive draw ones attention to make a dent in might as well1. A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others. (一个体贴的人往往先思考后说话,并且考虑别人的感受。)2. The library is closing. We might as well go home.(图书馆关门了。我们不如回家去。)3. Id like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some sense after all in the speakers nonsense.(我想让你注意这个事实,说话者的胡言乱语不是没有一点意义的。)4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up marvelous stories.(哈利想像力丰富,他能编出奇妙的故事。)5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second.(玛吉尽管游泳游得很好,但却没能得第一,屈居第二。)6. Im quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office.(我决定在下班前把事情做完。)7. Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive world of college and business.(大学生们被推荐参与竞争性的体育运动,为他们适应充满竞争的大学和商业活动做准备。)8. It pained/pains me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake.(承认自己是个重复犯同一错误的傻瓜使我痛心。)9. I lay on the beach after an enjoyable bathe, drinking a leisurely glass of beer.(愉快地洗了一个澡后,我躺在沙滩上,悠闲地品着一杯啤酒。)10. A soldier should never shrink from the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death.(即使面临死亡,战士也不应逃避保卫祖国的职责。)11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and the delivery of goods was not on time.(由于天气格外糟糕,船晚到了,货物没能按时送到。)12. The streets echoed over and over again with the little girls piercing cries for her lost mother.(小女孩因失去母亲而哭喊的尖厉声在街道上回响着。)13. People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst.(在我们家乡,人们在炎热的夏天更喜欢吃酸的食物,可能是因为酸的食品能帮他们止渴。)14. In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent, but the high cost keeps many young people away.(在美国,供出租的地方很容易找到,但高昂的价格常使年轻人却步。)15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on. (教授不太情愿停止给桌上的试卷评分,但她实在太累了,再也看不下去了。)Exercise 2 Replace the italicized parts in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text:1. A visiting scholar asked how long it would take a Chinese factory worker to save up for a refrigerator. 答案: inquired(一位访问学者询问一位中国工人要花多长时间才能攒足买冰箱的钱。)2. The general managers telegram told the Seattle branch when he was due to arrive at the city. 答案: informed (总经理的电报告知西雅图分公司他到达的时间。)3. Its very silly of Nancy to be always repeating what her husband says. 答案: be always echoing(南希总是重复她丈夫的话,实在是很傻。)4. At first the man demanded two hundred dollars for the used bike but eventually he had to accept half that amount. 答案: settle for(起初,那个人想以200美元卖掉那辆旧自行车,但最终只卖了100美元。)5. One of the greatest problems facing the 21st century will be what to do with all the rubbish produced in the world. 答案: trash (21世纪最为严峻的问题之一就是如何处理世界各地的垃圾。)6. The managers office was filled with customers complaining about the poor quality of the washing-machines they bought in his store. 答案: was crammed with (经理办公室挤满了抱怨在他店里购买的洗衣机质量低劣的顾客。)7. Ordinarily farmers welcome the rainy seasons, but if there is too much rain, the flood will destroy the crops. 答案: Normally (一般来说,农民欢迎多雨的季节。但如果雨水太多,洪水也会毁坏庄稼的。)8. It may be an easy task to learn to drive an automobile but many new drivers are afraid to drive on crowded city streets until they have more experience. 答案: a piece of cake (学会驾车是一件轻而易举的事,但许多新学会的司机直到积累了更多经验后才敢驾车在拥挤的城市街道上行驶。)9. An unpleasant task like this needs to be finished with as quickly as possible. 答案: be done with (像这种令人不愉快的工作需要尽可能快地完成。)10. Mr. Green is of the opinion that to gain as much as possible from your subordinates you should treat them as your equals. 答案: get the best out of (格林先生认为,要想从属下那里尽可能地获取更多的东西,就必须视他们和自己是平等的。)11. Although Tibet is very famous for its unusual sights, the high altitude may damage the health of some visitors. 答案: harm (尽管西藏以其独特的景观闻名,但其海拔还是会损害一些游客的健康。)12. Peter has been away from Rockford for a fairly long time, so he knows nothing about what happened there recently. 答案: quite a while(彼特离开洛克弗德已有很长时间了,所以那儿近来发生的事他一无所知。)Exercise 3 Complete the following sentences with appropriate phrasal verbs formed from the verbs given below: pull make run ask cut give set hold keep leave1. This morning Patty gave me a ring to ask for my aunts telephone number.(今天早上帕蒂打电话来问我姑妈的电话号码。)2. A special committee was set up/has been set up to look into the matter and report to the board of directors.(设立了专门委员会以调查此事并向董事会报告。)set up是“建立”的意思。3. The driver pulled up by the side of the road to give a blind man a lift.(司机将车停在路边,以搭上一个盲人。)give sb. a lift是“搭载某人”的意思。4. Water, when boiled, always gives off steam.(水沸腾时会放出水气。) give off是“放出”的意思。5. Traffic on the bridge was held up for several hours because of the accident.(由于出了车祸,桥上的交通被阻断了几个小时。) hold up是“延搁、阻滞”的意思。6. If we can keep up this speed, we should arrive there in about five hours.(如果我们一直保持这个速度,五小时内就能到那儿。)7. Her eyes ran quickly over the letter to see who it was from.(她的眼睛飞快地掠过信,以便知道是谁写来的。)8. My brother made up the time that he had wasted on Friday afternoon by working late that evening.(我兄弟星期五晚上工作得很晚,弥补了那天下午浪费的时间。)make up是“补充,弥补”的意思。9. I think this paragraph can very well be left out without affecting the article as a whole.(我认为这段话可以在不影响整篇文章的情况下被删掉。)leave out是“遗漏”的意思。10. It has been made a rule in our department that the chairman will cut a speaker off if he talks too long.(这在我们系已成为一条规则:如果说话人谈得太久,主席可以打断他。)it为形式主语,that the chairman . long为真正主语。Exercise 4 Complete the following sentences:1. As Jefferson put it, a great deal of pain “has been caused by evils which have never happened.”(正如杰弗逊所说,大量痛苦都是由从未出现的罪恶引起的。)2. As it turned out, the old man was none other than Toms father.(结果是,老人正是汤姆的父亲。)3. As I see it, this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes.(据我看,这篇散文除了有一些语法错误外写得很好。)4. As luck would have it, I just caught the train in time.(真幸运,我及时赶上了火车。)5. Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes.(谚语说,集思胜于独断。)Exercise 5 Rewrite the italicized parts of the following sentences after the model, using “know better than”:Model: I had had a marvelous steak, but had more sense by now than to say so. I had had a marvelous steak, but knew better by now than to say so.1. You ought to have more sense than to go swimming straight after a meal. 答案:You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.(你很明白不该饭后直接去游泳。)2. Uncle Rob should have had more sense than to trust that treacherous son of his. 答案:Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.(罗伯叔叔本应明白不要相信他那个奸诈的儿子。)should have known 为“情态动词+动词的完成形式”结构,表示“应当已经”,“想必已经”这类意思。3. Sally is old enough to have more sense than to spend all her money on fancy goods. 答案:Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.(萨利的年纪使她明白不该把钱花在精美小物品上。)4. Miss Miller is certainly too well-experienced to explore the desert all alone. 答案:Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.(米勒小姐当然很清楚不能一人独自去沙漠探险。)5. His college-age sons should not have been so silly as to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm. 答案:His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.(他的两个上大学的儿子本应该清楚不应以体罚威胁的方式让他们的雇员卖力干活。)6. You ought to be wise enough not to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. Youll get frozen. 答案:You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. Youll get frozen.(你应该懂得在这么冷的天气里不能穿那些薄衣服出门。你会被冻坏的。)


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