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牛津小学英语 4B Unit 9 Breakfast (Part A) 牛 赣榆县沙河镇中心小学 曹彩云 bread eggs noodles milk rice pies a carton of milk Guess:Whats for my breakfast? cu( p) board 碗橱,小橱 a dining room a cupboard Guess:Wheres milk? Theres no milk on the table. 餐桌上 没有 牛奶。 Theres no milk in the fridge. 冰箱里 没有 牛奶。 Guess:Wheres milk? Its in the cupboard. Theres no pie in the fridge. Guess:Where are the pies? Theres no pie in the cupboard. Guess:Where are the pies? Theyre on the table. Whats for Helens breakfast? Where are the eggs? Wheres the milk? Wheres my glass ? Its in the cupboard. Theyre on the table. Its in the fridge. Learning Tip : 快速阅读课文,找到三个问题的答案。 并用直线划出。 Mum, theres no milk in the fridge. Have some juice then. Theres a carton of orange juice in the fridge. Task1: 模仿录音跟读。 Task2: 分角色朗读。 Task3: 自由读课文。 Learning Tip : 听录音跟读模仿课文,要注意语音语调。 边读边体会意思。 A: Mum, whats for breakfast? B: Milk,bread and eggs. A: Wheres my glass? B: Its in the cupboard. A: Where are the eggs? B: Theyre on the table. A: Wheres the milk? B: Its in the fridge. A: Mum, theres no milk in the fridge. B: Have some juice then. Theres a carton of orange juice in the fridge. 2. Helen 想找东西时,她是怎么问妈妈的? 妈妈是怎么回答 的 ? 3. Helen发现冰箱里面没有牛奶了,她是怎么说的。 自由读课文,小组讨论,看谁说得好! 1. Helen 不知道早饭吃什么,她是怎么问妈妈的? Whats for breakfast ? Wheres/Where are ? Theres no milk Its /Theyre on/in Task3: 自由读课文 Helens breakfast Breakfast, breakfast,Whats for breakfast? Milk,bread and eggs. Glass,glass,wheres the glass? Cupboard,cupboard,Its in the cupboard. Sorry, sorry, theres no milk. Juice, juice,have some juice then. Milk,milk, Wheres the milk ? Fridge, fridge, Its in the fridge . Eggs, eggs, Where are the eggs ? Table, table,Theyre on the table. Eggs, , ? Table, , . Milk, , ? Fridge, , . A: Shall we go to the? B: Good idea! A: Whats for lunch? B: A: Where are ? B: Theyre on/ in A: Wheres ? B: Its on/ in A: OK, we are ready. Lets go. B: Lets go. 周末准备出游,出发前 英美等国通常习惯一日三餐。英国人有喝午茶的习惯。 早餐( breakfast)一般是在早上七点半至八点半,面 包是少不了的,同时饮用牛奶或咖啡,有时也会吃一些鸡 蛋、火腿等。午餐( lunch)一般有汤、沙拉凉盘、主菜及 餐后甜食。而工作的人午餐则比较简单,有的吃几片在家 准备好的三明治,有的则去快餐店或餐馆。晚餐( supper、 dinner)同午餐大致相同,只是不用甜点,而代以饮料, 如酒、可乐、果汁、咖啡、水果等。 (营养早餐,健康生活! ) Homework 1.跟读 Unit9 (Part A),注意语音、语 调, 至少三遍。 2.小组合作将你们的对话写下 来,准备下节课表演。 3.预习 Part B.


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