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Unit 1 My names Gina. Period 1 : Whats your name? Whats his/her name? Nice to meet you! How to introduce oursevles or others? (介绍我们自己或别人?) names Do you remember how to greet people? 你还记得如何问候吗? Hi! (表示问候)嗨 Hello! (表示问候)喂 Good morning! 早上好! Good afternoon! 中午好! Good evening! 晚上好! How are you? 你好吗? How do you do? 你好! (对话的双方 第一次见面时的礼貌用语 ) Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you! “很高兴认识你” Nice to meet you. Glad to meet you. Nice to see you. Glad to see you. name nice meet too and yes no not 名字 令人愉快的 遇见 也,太 和, 是的 不,没有,不是 不,没有 Page 1 1 2 3 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ . clock ball trash bag fish book ruler Write English words for the things in the picture. How many words do you know? Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1-4. 2 1 3 4 2a Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim Listen and circle the names you hear. What other names did you hear? Mark Linda Mary Whats your name? My names Gina. Im Gina. A: Hello! Whats your name? My names Gina. I am Gina. Im Gina. A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too! B: Questions Answers What s name? name s Jenny. Jenny. What s name? name s Tony. What s name? name s Gina. Please pay attention What s = What is I m = I am name s = name is your his her My Im His Her Pairwork Practice the conversations in pairs. A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My names . A: Im . B: Nice to meet you! A: Whats his name? B: His name is . A: And whats her name? B: Her name is . A: Hello! Whats your name? My names I am Im A: Nice/Glad to meet/see you! B: Nice/Glad to meet/see you, too! B: 练习对话,问候你的同伴。 I you he she it 主格 形容词行物主代词 my your his her its 1物主代词 (1) 本课所介绍的是 形容词性物主代词 ,它 们一般放在所修饰名词的前面,同时它们 也有人称和数的变化。 形容词性物主代词 的前后是不出现冠词的,这是在书写句子 时最容易犯的错误。如 : my father, his desk, our room, their names 等。 (2) 形容词性物主代词的用法 形容词性物主代词起形容词作用,在句中 只能作定语 , 也就是说它后面必须跟一个 名词。即: 形容词性物主代词名词 。 This is my bike. 这是我的自行车。 Miss Gao is our English teacher. 高小姐是我们的英语老师。 I dont know her name. 我不知道她的名字。 完全形式 缩略形式 What is Whats I am He is She is It is name is I m Hes Shes It s names 口诀一 形容词性物主代词 我的 my 你的 your, 我们的是 our。 男他的是 his, 女她的是 her。 Its 它的牢记着 , 他们的 their 指复数 。 1.Is this_ jacket? No, it isnt. _ jacket is red. A:you; I B:you; my C:your, I D: your,my 2.Whats _ name? _name is Alice A:you; my B:your; My C:you; I D:your; I D B 3.My mother is a teacher. _ name is Anna. A. His B. My C. Your D. Her D 口诀二 be 有 am , is , are. 我 (I)用 am, 你 (you)用 are, is连着他 (he), 她 (she), 它 (it)。 单数名词用 is, 复数形式要用 are。 变否定,真容易 , be 后 not 为标记。 变问句, be提前,句尾问号要配全。 1.I _ Gina . 2. She _ Jenny. 3. _ he Jack ? 4. It _ an orange . 5. _ you Helen ? is , am , are am is Is is Are = Im Gina. = Shes Jenny. = Its an orange. 一般疑问句 : be + 主语 + 其它部分? 例如: 1. She is Mary. 一般疑问句: Is she Mary? 肯定回答: Yes, she is . 否定回答: No, she isnt . 肯定回答 : Yes, 主语 + be . 否定回答 : No, 主语 + be + not . 2. He is Jim. 一般疑问句: Is he Jim? 肯定回答: Yes, he is . 否定回答: No, he isnt . 3. I am Linda . 一般疑问句: Are you Linda? 肯定回答: Yes, I am. 否定回答: No, Im not. 1. She is Alice. Is she Alice ? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. 2. He is Bob . 变一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答: Is he Bob ? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. 3. I am Gina. Are you Gina? Yes , I am . No, Im not. 4. This is an orange. Is this an orange? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 5. That is a jacket. Is that a jacket? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 6. Its white. Is it white? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. A: Hello, _ your name? B: _ name is Linda. _ you Helen ? A: _ , Im not . My name _ Alice . Nice to _ you ! B: Nice to meet you , _ . A: Look! _ he Mike ? B: _ , he is . A: _ she Jenny ? B: No, she _ . She _ Jane. whats My Are No is meet too Is Yes Is isnt is 5. That is a jacket. Is that a jacket? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 6. Its white. Is it white? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 1 2 3 4 Tom Mike Bob Jenny Mary Gina A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My names A: Im. . Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too. A: Whats his name? B: His names A: And whats her name? B: Her names summary it is =its is not=isnt Whats your /his /her name? 你、他、她叫什么名字? 本课重点句型 My /His /Her name is 我的、他的、她的名字是 Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!


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