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七年级英语 (下 ) 第四单元说课 长兴实验初中 臧晓燕 Unit 4 I want to be an actor. 一 .教学内容分析 A. Tasks Task 1: 询问职业 Task 2: 职业理想 Task 3: 阅读、写求职或招聘广告 B. Materials Section A: 基本的语言内容 -职业 名词 ,询问工作 (目前的、向往的 ),工作类别、 地点和状况 Section B: 知识的扩展和综合的语言运用 -介绍工作类别的描述性单词( adj.) , 表达向往职业的原因 , 写求职或招聘广告 Self check: 自我检测本单元所学的语言知 识 二 . 教学目标 语言知识目标 : * 掌握下列 单词 : 1) 职业名词 waiter doctor reporter policeman policewoman nurse actor bank clerk shop assistant 2) 名词组合 shop assistant bank clerk TV station police station want ad school play * 掌握下列 表达法 : What do you do? What are you? Where do you work? How is your job? What do you want to be? 语言技能目标 : 使学生掌握询问职业表达法以及相关 职业的词汇,能用英语谈论工作、阅读和书 写招聘广告等。 情感态度目标 : 通过情景的设计,激发学生的学习兴 趣;通过完成一个又一个的小任务,培养学生 的自主学习和与他人合作的精神;通过谈论工 作,激发学生努力学习的志向,培养学生树立 理想、热爱生活、关爱他人、实现自身价值的 意识。 三 . 教学重点难点 重点: * 询问职业的表达方式 * 职业名词 * 谈论工作 ( 类别、地点、状况等 ) 难点: * 一般现在时中 助动词 do 和 does的用法 * 写一份招聘广告 四 . 教学策略 主要教学策略 : ( 1)发散性思维训练策略,启发式教学法和讨论法。 ( 2)任务型活动设计教学策略。 ( 3)兴趣教学策略,其中包括做游戏,表演,猜谜语,对 话等。 ( 4)通过组织活动进行教学,体现 leaning by doing , doing through learning. ( 5)交际教学法。 学生为主体、以任务为主线, 以教师为主导、以能力培养为重点。 三 . 学习策略 * 自主学习,合作学习,探究式学习 * 培养学生模仿与重复的能力 * 要使学生懂得熟能生巧的原理 六 . 课时安排 Period 1 Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, Grammar Focus Period 2 Section A-3a, 3b, 4 Period 3 Section B-1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c Period 4 Section B-3a, 3b, 3c, 4, Self Check Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (Period 1) 运用熟悉人物 Jackie Chan 引导出新授知识 - 如何询问他人职业 和表示职业的名词 . (以旧带新 ,学习新授内容 .并渗透 情感教育 -任长霞 ,钟南山等先进人物 , 教育学生以他们为楷模 .) What does he do ? Who is he? An actor. reporter 记者 waiter 服务员 明正彬 央视 2004年 “感动中国”人物 任长霞 央视 2004年 “感动中国”人物 policeman 男警察 policeman 女警察 钟南山 抗非典最前沿领军人物 叶欣 抗非典白衣天使 doctor 医生 nurse 护士 worker 工人 teacher 教师 singer 歌手 dancer 舞蹈演员 bank clerk 银行职员 shop assistant 店员 图文配对 ,熟悉新授 词 . 1a b c h a d e g 1 2 3 任务一 : 通过猜词游戏 ,再次熟悉 新授词 ,并以此提高兴趣 , 渲染课堂氛围 . Guess the job Task 1 a student a waiter a nurse a reporter a policeman 看与模仿 - 句型表达 : I want to be. (锻炼学生听说的表达能力 ,和模仿能力 ) Learn and say I am a teacher, but I want to be a policewoman. What do you want to be ? I want to be a /an 任务二 : 小组调查 ,练习 want to be 句 型 ,并成文报告 . (层次递进 ,兼顾全面 ,做到课堂上学生人 人有事做 .并渗透了职业理想教育 .) Task 2: Make a survey Name Want (s) to be I a teacher Tom an actor A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be . Report: In my group, I want to be. Tom wants to be. 听力练习 ,综合上述所学内容 (锻炼学生听说的能力和复述能力 ) 3 1 1 2 2 waiter actor student doctor 小结 : 学生小结 然后以 chant的形式齐读 (让学生抓住重点内容并锻炼读和说的能力 ) Grammar focus 1.What do you do? Im a reporter. 2.What does he do? Hes a student. 3.What does she do? Shes a doctor. 4.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor. 5.What does he want to be? He wants to be a bank clerk. 6.What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant. 作业布置 : 小调查 -自己父母亲的目前职业 和他们希望从事的职业 . 先以表格的形式呈现 , 然后成文小报告 . (渗透了情感教育 ,职业理想教育 .并锻炼了学生 的听说能力及写的能力 .) Homework: 1. Make a survey: what do your parents do? What do they want to be? 2 . Fill in the chart and write a passage. Name Job Want(s) to be I My father My mother Report: My name is. Im a . I want to be My father is. He wants to be . Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (Period 2) chant 1.What do you do? Im a reporter. 2.What does he do? Hes a student. 3.What does she do? Shes a doctor. 4.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor. 5.What does he want to be? He wants to be a bank clerk. 6.What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant. Game According to the students performances, please guess their jobs. 模仿秀 Ask: What does he/she do? He can help the sick people. If you are not well, you can go to see him. He works in a hospital. 3a Group work: What does she do ? Where does she work? Address Noun: bank, hospital, police station, restaurant, TV station Homework: Read aloud! 3a Rewrite! 3a-(he or she) Free talk! Jobs and places Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (Period 3) Pair work! -What does he/ she do? -Where does he/ she do? -Do you want to be.? -Why? bank clerk reporter waiter doctor shop assistant doctor nurse policewoman police officer actor waitress reporter Do you know any other jobs? cook waiter waitress painter 画家 writer 作家 basketball player player 选手 runner swimmer Enjoy music! *1a-Match and learn! *2a,2b-(Tape!) *Discuss! 1b-Talk about the jobs. 2c-What do you want to be? Why? Homework: Remember! 1a -(adj.) Writing! 2a-(A short article. ) Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (Period 4) Want ads. Self check Some language points. Thank you for listening!


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