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Collocation 词语的搭配关系 Collocation 搭配关系 : 词与词之间的横向组合关系, 即什么 词经常和什么词组合在一起。词的意义在 特定的搭配中常常有特定的意思。语言学 家从共现( co-occurrence)角度来探讨这 一语言现象。 Collocation 搭配关系 : Firth指出“由词之结伴可知其词”( you shall know a word by the company it keeps) (Firth 1957)。 Collocation 词的类连结 是指词与词之间横组合语法关 系( grammatical relation),即指一系列的 词作为某一词类的成分根据语法结构连接 在一起。 The boy kicks the ball I enjoy going to concert I enjoy to go to concert Collocation 选择性限制: 1. He elapsed the man 2. He frightened that he was coming. Collocation 选择性限制 : 1. He elapsed a week ago. 2. The man frightened the idea. Collocation 选择限制: 1. A week elapsed 2. The idea frightened the man. Collocation 改错: 1.My ideal job is a teacher. 2.This year will produce more grain than last year. 3.Let me repeat it again Collocation 1.My ideal job is teaching 2.We will produce more grain this year than last year 3. Let me repeat it. Collocation 1.Strong man 体格强壮的人 2. Strong wind强风 3. Strong majority绝大多数 4. Strong demand巨大的需求 5. Strong mind 健全的头脑 6. Strong rope牢固的绳子 7.Strong will坚强的意志 Collocation 8. Strong argument有力的论据 9. Strong reasons十足的理由 10.Strong light 强烈的灯光 11.Strong voice响亮的嗓音 12. Strong wine烈性酒 13.Strong poison剧毒 14. Strong perfume浓郁的香水 Collocation 15.Strong cheese气味刺鼻子的奶酪 16.Strong solution浓溶液 17. Strong opponent劲敌 18. Strong economy实力雄厚的经济 19. Strong eyes眼力敏锐 20. Strong language 骂人的话 Collocation 限制:语义 + 结构 词:词义 功能 判断下列句子 : 注意,不要把这本书损坏了。 Take care not to destroy the book. Collocation or 2.公共汽车是很普遍的交通工具 The bus is a very popular tool. 3.我决心提高我的英语水平。 I am determined to raise the level of English Collocation 思维角度与搭配选择 1.慢车 1) slow train ; 2) local train 2.沉睡 1) deep sleep; 2) sound sleep 3.淡水 1) fresh water ; 2) light water 4.候机厅 1) waiting lounge 2) departure lounge 5.安全带 1) seat belt; 2) safe belt 6.老顾客 1) old customer 2) regular customer 7.养父母 1) adoptive parents 2) adopted parents 8.软禁 1) soft arrest 2) house arrest Collocation 搭配范围: 语义的吻合 He killed the dog. 他杀死了那只狗 They killed the proposal 他们断然拒绝了建议 Please kill the engine. 请把发动机熄灭 Collocation 搭配范围: 语义的吻合 He is dressed to kill. 他穿得很时髦,十分吸引人。 You are killing me. 你说的话笑死我了。 你的动作笑死我了。 She kills her child with kindness 她宠坏了小孩 He took a snack to kill his hunger. 他吃零食充饥。 搭配范围: 语义的吻合 He killed the motion when it came from the committee. 它否决了委员会提出的动议。 He killed himself with overwork 他因工作过度劳累而死。 He killed the spirit of the group. 它抹杀了团体精神。 The news killed their hope. 这个消息使他的希望破灭了。 搭配范围: 语义的吻合 He killed three bottles of whisky in a week. 他一周内喝了三瓶威士忌。 I ve been racking my brains to think of some way to kill time. 我绞尽脑汁想法子消磨时间。 He was so worried about the exam that he read the book 20 times. Personally, I think that is overkill. 他非常紧张这次考试,把书看了不下 20遍。我觉得他紧 张得 太过了头 。 搭配范围: 语义的吻合 He killed the tree by spraying it too heavily. 他给树浇了太多的水,把树给浇死了。 To kill time is a sort of suicide. 浪费时间就等于自杀 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 原文: He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom. 译文 1. 他又一次把他的伟大的知识、经验 和智慧给予了我们。 译文 2. 我们又一次领受到了他渊博的知识、 宝贵的经验和深邃的智慧。 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 原文 : You cannot build a ship, a bridge or house if you don t know how to make a design or how to read it. 译文 :不会制图或看不懂图纸, 就不可 能 造 船、 架 桥或 盖 房子。 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 1) An aggressive country is always ready to start a war. 一个 好侵略 的国家总是准备发动战争 2) An aggressive young man can go far in this firm. 一个 富有进取心的 青年在这家公司前途无量。 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 Jump at the opportunity:迅速抓住机会 If I had the chance to go to a lecture on personal finance, I d jump at the opportunity. 如果有机会参加有关个人理财的讲座,我一定 会去的。 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 Bad mouth: vt 说坏话、 恶意攻击 Did I do anything wrong? He just bad- mouthed me to everybody. 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 She s weathering her boyfriend s death with remarkable strength. She tells herself the life must go on. 他靠着强大的力量经受住了男友去世的噩 耗。她告诉自己人生必须继续走下去。 英汉对比:搭配:相配与不相配 幽默: Between jobs: 正在两个中作之间,幽默地表达失业了。 Most people bought the book because they re in debt, between jobs or are stay-at-home moms who need to earn some money. 大多是买这本书的人都身负债务,正在找工作,或者是全职妈妈, 他们导向挣些钱。 搭配:判断词义 1 Itch to do something: 渴望、热望 Itch for something He is just itching to go to Tibet this summer vacation if he can get away from his studies. 2 Catch somebody red hand 当场抓获 I found the beauty shop filled with patients顾客 搭配:判断词义 1.Instead of getting approval, he bypassed the members of the board and went ahead with the deal. 他未征得董事会的同意就做了这笔交易。 2.I know being a long way from is tough, James, but you ve got to man up( 坚强起来) . Your parents want you to finish your education. 詹姆斯,我知道远离家乡很不容易,但是你得坚强起来。 你父母想要你学完学业。 固定搭配 1.You can t have your cake and eat it. 两者不能兼得 2.You need to make your mind about whether you want the job or your freedom, you can t have your cake and eat it too. 你需要决定到底是要工作还是要自由,两者不 能兼得。 固定搭配 The river rises 河水上涨 The night falls 夜幕降临 Clean forget 忘得一干二净 To kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕 固定搭配 隐喻反射: A dog in the manger 占着马槽的狗 占着茅坑不拉屎 To help the lame dog over the stiles 帮助一条瘸狗翻过篱笆 帮助别人度过难关 固定搭配 Idioms :英汉理解误区 : 1.Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen 2.Pull somebody s leg For a time I actually believed that his wife had royal blood. Then I realized he was pulling my leg. 搭配:“小词”的语义功能 1.Look at these job applications and weed out the ones that don t meet our standard. 仔细看看这些应聘材料,把不符合我们要求的筛掉。 2. When I asked the company president if he would attend the meeting, he said he d sit this one out (坐 在一旁不参加 ) and let the sales manager lead the discussion. 主席决定不参加会议,让销售经理组织讨论。 搭配:“小词”的语义功能 1.Pluck up one s courage:鼓起勇气 He spent hours plucking up courage to ask her to marry him 2.Muster up: 聚集(力量、精神) Because of her headache, our teacher felt very weak. But she mustered up enough strength to make it to class. 由于头痛,我们的 老师感觉非常虚弱,但她还是打起精神来上课。 “ 小词”搭配陷阱 or 1.The prisoner was deprived from freedom. 2. He is independent from his family. 3. He set a good example for us Collocation 英汉对比: 发现问题? or 1.谁是这车的主人? Who is the host of this car、 2.人人都向往一个较好的生活水平。 Everyone wants a better level of living Collocation 英汉对比: 发现问题? or 1. 来信写到 The letter writes 2. He worried me. 他担心我 /他使我担心(?) Collocation Thank you


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