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Module 11,Module 11 Photos,Unit 3 Language in use,Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year! The photo which we liked best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min. A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in England have won the prize.,Language practice,Complete the poster for the photo competition. Use that, which or who. There may be more than one answer.,Photo competition Send us your photos and win a new camera! We need photos _ show daily life at school.,that /which,Your photos should record interesting things _ happen at school, inside the classroom or outside. The photos _ you take should be active, beautiful and true. The photos _ you send should include some words about them. The size of the photos _ you take should be 9cm13cm.,that /which,that /which,that /which,that /which,Students _ enter the competition should be between 10 and 16 years old. The last date _ you should send your photos on is 30th November. The lucky person _ wins the competition will receive a new camera.,who / that,which,who / that,Get your camera and start taking your photos now!,In many English-speaking countries, two systems of measurement are used: imperial (inch, foot, yard, mile, pound) and metric (millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, kilogram). You also need to recognise their short forms (in, ft, yd, ml, lb; mm, cm, m, km, kg).,Learning to learn,在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导从句的关系代词有who(人-主格), whom(人-宾客), whose(人-所有格), which(物), that(人/物)。 引导从句的关系副词有where(地点), when(时间), why(原因)。,定语从句,The man who lives next to us is a teacher. You must do everything that I do. We will never forget the day when we visited our headmaster.,先行词,( ),定 语 从 句,先行词,( ),定语从句,先行词,( ),定语从句,人,物,时间,从句的谓语动词和先行词的关系。 主谓关系 He asked the man (作从句主语) who/that was smoking. b. 动宾关系 The noodles (作从句宾语) that/which I cooked were delicious.,which 引导的定语从句 which 引导的定语从句修饰的是无生命物体, which 在从句中可以作主语, 也可以作宾语。,只能用which的情况: a. 关系代词前有介词。 This is the house in which we lived last year.,b. 先行词本身是that。 The clock is that which I bought yesterday. c. 非限制性定语从句。 His English, which used to be very poor, is now excellent.,who引导的定语从句 如果先行词指人那么定语从句的引导词就可以用who。如果先行词指人, 引导词在从句中充当宾语, 那么引导词就要用who的宾格形式whom, 口语中也可以用who代替。,She has two brothers, who are both doctors. The man whom I saw is called Smith.,定语从句中引导词的省略 不管定语从句修饰的是人还是物, 如果引导词在从句中作宾语, 通常就可以省略。 e.g. Did you go to the talk (that/ which) the famous scientist gave at your school? 你去听那位著名科学家在你们学校做 的演讲了吗?,Is that the car (that/which) you bought last month? 那是你上个月买的车吗? A friend is a person (who/whom) you know very well and like. 朋友是你十分了解并且喜欢的人。,引导词作宾语时可以省略是因为省略后的从句仍然有主语和谓语, 仍然可以分辨出哪部分是定语从句。但是, 引导词在从句中作主语时就不能省略, 否则会造成结构混乱。,e.g. Id like to have a teacher who is good at speaking. 我想拥有一位擅长演讲的老师。 He can make lessons that are usually boring interesting. 他能把枯燥乏味的课讲得生动有趣。,以上两句中的引导词 who 和 that 在从句中作主语, 不能省略。此外, 需要注意的是, 虽然在定语从句中作宾语的引导词在口语中往往被省略, 但在正式文体中则常常被保留。,中考真题,“What do you think of the school uniforms?” “Very good. I like clothes _ make me feel comfortable.” 【2012贵州贵阳】 A. that B. what C. who,A,【解析】 考查定语从句引导词的用法。定语从句的先行词clothes是“物”, 所以, 定语从句的引导词用which或that引导。根据句意:你觉得校服怎么样呀? 很好, 我喜欢让我穿着舒服的衣服。,2. Its interesting that there are many people _ speak French in Canada. 【2012四川成都】 A. which B. where C. who,C,3. I can never forget the stories _ my grandma told me. 【2012绵阳市】 A. what B. who C. them D. that,D,4. Please pass me the cartoon book _ has a Mickey Mouse on the cover. 【2012天津】 A. whom B. whose C. who D. which,D,Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.,I like the writer who _. 2. I would like to visit a place that _. 3. I go to a school which _ _.,Exercises,wrote the Harry Potter books,has lots of sunny beaches,only accepts students who are good at English,4. My favourite band is the one that _. 5. I have never seen a doctor who _. 6. I want to take a photo which _ _. 7. Our teacher is the man who _.,we saw at the concert last week,wears shorts in the operating theatre,shows my pet cat playing in a cardboard box,is wearing a purple shirt,Talk about the two photos.,Work in pairs,I like the photo which I dont like the photo which The photo which is ,Then talk about the people in the photos. The girl who Now ask questions about the photos and write down your answers., Which photo ? The one ,Look around the class and describe someone or something to your partner. Can your partner guess who or what you are describing?,It is something that you use to paint pictures.,She is a girl who has glasses and long hair.,Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.,by the way even though far from thousand of try out,Jerry: Hi, how are you? I havent seen you for a long time Wow, is that a new camera, _?,by the way,Exercises,Tina: Yes. I dropped my old one, and it was too expensive to repair. So I bought a new one. This one is much better. Its so much lighter and easier to use than the old one. Ive learnt how to work it already, _ Ive only had it for a couple of days. And I dont have to worry about getting prints of all the photos I can store _ photos on my computer!,even though,thousands of,Jerry: Wow, thats great! Im thinking of getting a camera too. Do you mind if I _ it _? Tina: Of course not. Lets go to the lake. Its not _ here. The lake would make a really good photo.,try out,far from,Read the passage and complete the table.,Niepce invented a camera and the first successful photograph was produced.,A new kind of camera was invented.,Reading,Photography became a kind of art.,People could buy film in small boxes.,People could take pictures of moving things.,The first successful photo was produced in _. 2. Because it took a long time to take a photo, people in early photos did not _. 3. The first photographers needed to know how to _ and _ them.,Listen and complete the sentences.,1827,smile,take photos,develop,4. Kodak introduced a camera that could be used by everyone in _. 5. Kodaks camera was _ and _ than any of the earlier cameras. 6. Cameras with computer technology were introduced in _.,1888,smaller,lighter,the 1990s,Around the world,A famous photo,The picture of the earth from space was taken by William Anders on the Apollo 8 trip into space.,Module task Making a photo display,Choose your favourite photo and describe it. Choose one photo you like best. Write a passage or story about it. Say what/who it is in the photo, and why it is important to you.,Talk about your photo. Use the passage or story you have written in Activity 8 to help you.,Work in groups,Show the group your photo. Tell them why you like it, and why it is important to you. Answer questions your group may have. Listen to the other members of your group talk about their photos.,Show your photos from the group to the whole class and talk about them.,Choose your favourite photos and give a brief introduction.,Homework,Thank you!,


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