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Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parksPeriod 1 (1a2d)学习目标:1.能听、说、读、写会本课单词2.掌握和运用动词不定式的用法3.情态动词could 的用法 温故互查(两人一组读并翻译以下词和短语,写下来)打扫_ 振奋起来_分发_ 想出_推迟 _ 分发 _打电话给_曾经_照顾_ 孤独的_自愿做_通知_设问导学Add the other ways you could help people.(1a)两人一组讨论完成1a Look at the pictures and talk like this (1c) : (用PPT呈现图片,引导学生两人一组对话) A:Whats the matter with her?B: She has a .A: What should she do ?B: She should . Read the conversation in 2d with your partner 自我检测 Finish 1b、2a、2b(完成课本听力练习,检验对话效果) Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b (2c) Translate these phrases in pairs 看望生病的孩子_ 使他们振奋_ 分发食物_ 在食物救济中心_在课外学习小组_ 清扫城市公园_ 帮助减少饥饿_ 制作一些布告_ 提出一个计划_ 户外工作_清洁日_ 张贴标志_ 一个敬老院_有一天_打电话给10个同学_巩固练习(独立完成,小组检查,派组员写到黑板上)单项选择1.At the beginning of a new term, new textbooks are _ to students. A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off2. Our sports meeting has been _ till next Monday because of the bad weather. A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down3. Li Hong wrote the notice and I _A. set it up B. put it up C. set up it D. put up it4. If you have any trouble, be sure to _ A. call up me B. call me up C. ring me up D. B and C5.The computer is much too expensive . I will _ it A. talk about B. think of C. think about D. say about6.We have to put off _ the meeting because both the teachers couldnt come back on time. A. have B having C. to have D. had7. I volunteer my time _ others.A help B to help C helping D helped8. - Its your turn to _ the room, Linda. - OK, Ill do it right away. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off9.Jack planned _ a bridge in the town a few years ago. A build B. building C. built D. to build10. The girl could visit the _ kids in the hospital to cheer them up. A sick B ill C bad D good拓展延伸(独立完成,老师批阅后小组合作解决)用方框中所给的短语的适当形式完成1-10小题set up , put off , give out, help with , write down,come up with , hungry, put up 1.We will _ _ all our ideas.2.They _ a football club last week.3.Could you please _ these books to the students?4.The plan that they _ at the meeting was very good. 5.My English is very poor. Could you please _me _it6.Would you mind _those notes on the blackboard? I cant see them clearly . 7.The poor man died of _.8.Because of the heavy rain, the match had to be _ till the next day.Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks Period 2 (3a- 4c )温故互查(两人一组完成对话)Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now. What could you do?Talk with your partner. 设问导学(两人一组读3a并完成任务) Read 3a and answer the questions in 3b in pairs .Read 3a again and finish 3cRead 3a and translate these phrases into English.放弃做某事_一名兽医_得到未来理想的工作_了解关于._关爱动物_一种强烈的满足感_欢喜的表情_书籍爱好者_独自_ 四岁时_决定做某事_ 课后阅读项目_学习做某事_同时_帮助某人做某事_参加.选拔_自我检测(独立完成,两人核对答案)根据句意及单词首字母完成句子1.Many schools hold s_ festivals of music or sports every year.2.Project Hope needs a lot of v_.3.Tom found a backpack, and he was trying to find the o_.4.”Life is like going on a long j_ .”my grandma used to say to me.5.After checking the boys homework ,Miss Li nodded(点头)with s_.巩固练习 (独立完成,小组核对答案,并推选组员写到黑板上) 单项选择( ) 1. I decide _ a rest now. A to have B have C having D has( ) 2.We should never_ .A. put up B. clean upC. get up D. give up( ) 3.I want to learn _history.A. aboutB. at C. of D. on( )4.The little boy can dress by _. A. him B. himself C. his D. he( )5.You should learn_ parents.A. helpB. helpingC. to help D. helps( ) 6. Can you help me _ homework.A do B doing C does D did ( )7. Tom is a _ boy .He can draw at the age of _.A four year ,four B four-years-old ,fourthC four-year-old ,fourD four years, four( )8.The old man lives _but he doesnt feel _. A alone. alone B alone, lonely C lonely, lonely D lonely, alone ( )9.He _ to read books. He is a book _. A love, lover B lover ,love C loves, lover D loves, love ( ) 10.Im glad to see the _of joy on my parents faces. A looks B look C looking D looked拓展延伸(独立完成,教师批阅后小组合作解决)Finish 4a、4b、4c翻译下面句子1.玛丽每周牺牲几个小时帮助别人。_2.马里奥相信志愿者工作能帮助他得到未来的理想工作。_3.我想要更多学习关于如何照顾动物。_4.我得到一种强烈的满足感。_5.四岁时她就可以自己读书了。_6.去年她决定应征一个课后阅读项目的志愿者选拔。_7.我可以做我爱做的事情并且同时帮助他人。_8.她现在任然每周在那里工作一次,帮助儿童学习阅读。_Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parksPeriod 3 (1a1e)学习目标1. 熟练读出并书写本节课有关的单词。2掌握以下短语run out of take afterfix up give awaybe similar to broken bicycle 温故互查(两人一组复述完成下面文章)Mario and Mary _ _several hours each week _ _ others. Mario wants _ _ ananimal doctor. He _ atan animal hospital. He wants _ _ more about _ _ care for animals. Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself _ _ _of four. Last year, she decided _ _ for a volunteerafter-school _ program. Mary still works there once a week _ _ kids _ _ read. Volunteering here is a dream come true for her. She can what she _ _ _and helps others at the same time. 设问导学两人完成课本1a、1bMatch the sentences with similar meanings (1a)Make sentences with the phrases in 1b 自我检测(完成课本听力练习,掌握听力中的知识点)Listen to 1c、1d巩固练习(独立完成,小组核对答案,派一名组员写到黑板上)听录音,补全对话,每空一词Man: This morning Im talking with a very 1._ young man, Jimmy the Bike Boy. Good morning, Jimmy.Jimmy: Good morning.Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.Jimmy: Well, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I _2_ _3_ the bikes and _4_ them _5_ to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man:Thats_6_ .What_7_you the idea?Jimmy: I guess I _8_ _9_ my father. He loves to help people. He always volunteers10_11_ people in need. Man: Wow! Your parents must _12_ _13_ _14_ you.Jimmy: I guess so. But now _15_run out of money to buy old bikes.Man: Oh, thats too _16_.Jimmy: Yeah, I need to _17_ _18_ _19_some way of _20_money or Ill have to stop.拓展延伸(独立完成,老师批阅后小组合作解决)单项选择( )1.Do you _ after your mother or father? - My father. We both have big eyes and black hair. A look B take C run( ) 2.The girl _ the woman.Maybe she is her mother.A takes after B takes off C looks after( )3.Tom_his father ,because they are both outgoing.A looks like B takes after C isnt like( ) 4.- Where is Frank now? - He _ his bike in the yard.A fixes up B fixing upC is fixing up( )5.My watch doesnt work. I wonder who can _ for .A fix up it B fix it up C mix it up ( ) 6.Mary is very similar _ her sister in appearance(外表).A in B with C to ( ) 7.Her sweater is _ to my sisters. They are the _ color.A similar ,same B similar, similar C same ,similar( ) 8.Jim fixes up _ bike parts.A break B broke C broken ( ) 9.He gave away my bike to a _ home.A children B childrensC childrens( ) 10.He always volunteers _ people in need .A help B to help C helping 根据句意,用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。1. When the sun began to go down, he stopped and put _ a tent (帐篷).2. We tried to cheer her up_ telling her funny stories.3. Could you please come up _ some ideas for making money?4. We gave some money to some poor children .5. He called his parents asking for some money.6.I take _ my mother.7.Im similar _ her.8.Ive run out _ the water.9.Im talking _ a very goodyoung man .10. Would you please hand _ the exam papers?Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks Period 4 (2a3b)学习目标1.熟练读出并能写出本节课的单词。2.理解2b短文,学会短文中重要短语温故互查(两人一组复述以下单词) 信_ 女士_ 失明的_ 聋的_ 想象_难题_训练_改变_拿,提_打开_聪明的_仁慈_理解_激动的_ 设问导学(两人小组读短文完成任务)Read 2b and answer the questions .Read 2b again and finish 2d.Read 2b for the third time .Judge if the sentences are True or False. 1) The writer cant use her arms or legs well. 2) Lucky was brought to the writer by her friend. 3) They have been trained at “Animal helpers” for seven months. 4) A dog-helper is for those who are disabled. 5) Lucky can understand different orders. Find out the phrases 为.而感谢_ 建立、成立_残疾人_使得做.成为可能_对.有大的影响 _ _接电话_我的一个朋友_帮我摆脱困境_对.感到兴奋_一只经过特殊训练的狗_一张他的照片_六个月的训练_因为_能够_自我检测(独立完成,两人核对答案) Finish 2c Discuss the questions in 2e and 3a巩固练习(独立完成,小组核对答案后派代表写到黑板上)Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Ben Smith is a _1_man.He has many _2_in his life. He cant _3_his _4_orlegs well. Some normal thingslike answering the telephone,_5_ and closing the doors,or _6_ things are difficultfor him. But “Lucky”, the dog-helper, makes a big_7_ to his life. Lucky is a_8_dog.Its very _9_ and_10_many English words. It can understand him when he gives him order. 拓展延伸(独立完成,老师批阅后小组合作解决) 单项选择1.After _ training , my dog became clever. A. six months of B. six month of C. six-months D. six-month of 2.He_ a food bank to give food_ to the homeless people. A. put up; out B. set up; away C. setting up; away D. sets up; away. 3.You helped make _ possible for me to become a writer. A. that B. this C. it D. / 4.Id like to thank you for_ my life. A. change B. to change C. changed D. changing 5.Tell me when you are in trouble. Ill _ you_. A. help; out B. help; with C. help; on D. help; for适当的形式填空: 1.Id like _(thank) you for_(give away) the money_(home) people. 2. Li Ming came up with an idea_(raise)money _ his_(ill) 3.They _(volunteer) in the hospital_(care ) for sick people. 4. Thanks to her _(kind). I can make friends with him. 5. He imagines _(send) some money_ (动物救助者).6.The dog _(understand) his _(own) orders yesterday. 7. Her mothers_(die) made a big _(different) to her life. 8. I have _(difficult)_(do) some small things, like_(open) the door and _(carry)things. 9. He has much homework _(finish), but he doesnt when_(do). 10. You make it easy_(learn) math well. 第一课时答案巩固练习15 CC B D C6-10 B B A D A 拓展延伸1.write down 2.set up 3.give out 4. came up with 5. help ,with 6. putting up 7.hunger 8. put off 第二课时答案自我检测1.several 2. volunteers 3.owner 4. journey 5.smile巩固练习15 A D A B C 6-10 A C B C B 拓展延伸1. Mary gives up several hours each week to help others.2. Mario believes volunteering can help him to get his future dream job.3.I want to learn more about how to care for animals.4.I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction.5.She could read by herself at the age of four.6.She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.7. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.8. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.第三课时答案巩固练习1.wonderful 2. fix 3. up 4.give 5.away 6.fantastic 7.gave8.take 9.after 10. to 11. help 12. be 13. proud 14. of 15. Ive16.bad 17 come 18.up 19 .with 20. getting拓展延伸15 B A B C B 6-10 C A C B B 1.up 2. by 3.with 4. away 5.up 6.after 7. to 8. of 9.with 10. out 第四课时答案巩固练习1.disabled 2. difficulties 3.use 4.arm 5.opening 6. carrying 7.difference 8.fantastic 9. clever10.understands拓展延伸15 A D C D A 1. to thank,giving away, homeless 2. to raise, for, illness 3.volunteer, to care 4. kindness 5. to send, to Animal Helpers 6.understood, owners7.death, difference8.difficulties,doing,opening,carrying9.to finish, to do10. to learn


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