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10/21/2022CHINESE LINGUISTICS STUDIES: PRELIMINARY SEARCH OF ELECTRONIC RESORUCES中國語言學電子資源初探LINGUISTICS 語言學係CUHK 香港中文大學Interests 研究方向Faculty Member Specialties語言係學者研究專長Faculty Member Research and Publications語言係研究及出版Faculty Member Course Reading Resources教授課程閲讀資源Postgraduate Programs研究生專業要求Postgraduate Research研究生研究論文Undergraduate Programs大學專業要求COURSE READINGS 課程閱讀資源Linguistics Only語言學專業 Hong Kong Sign Language香港手語初級班ELECTRONIC COLLECTION電子資源CUHK ONLY香港中文大學教研學專用E-Bibliographies & Indexes書目及索引E-Books (Full Text)電子書E-Catalogs電子查詢目錄E-Databases電子資料庫E-Dissertations (some full text)電子博碩士論文庫E-Journals (Full Text)電子期刊 (全文)INTERNET RESOURCES互聯網資源By Subject 主題類Acquisition語言掌握Altaic languages阿爾泰語言Applied Linguistics應用語言學Biolinguistics生物語言學Chinese language漢語 Computational Linguistics計算機語言學Corpora語料庫Dialects方言Discourse Analysis話語分析Historical Linguistics歷史語言學Lexicology詞彙學Machine Translation計算機翻譯Methodology研究方法Minority languages少數民族語言Morphology詞形學Phonetics語音學Phonology音韻學Pragmatics語用學Psycholinguistics心理語言學Second Language Acquisition (CSL)第二語言掌握Semantics語義學Sign Language手語Sino-Tibetan languages漢藏語言Sociolinguistics社會語言學Syntax句法研究Writing文字研究By Format 體例類Almanac/Yearbooks年鋻Archives檔案Bibliographies 書目Computer assistance計算機工具Databases and Corpora資料/語料庫Dictionaries字詞典Directories名錄Encyclopedias百科全書Gazetteer地方誌Government政府資源Maps地圖Periodicals/Indexes期刊及索引Search Engine搜尋引擎Statistics統計Thesis and dissertation學術論文By Organization組織類Associations學術協會Book stores書店Libraries/Museums圖書舘/博物館Publishers出版社Research Institutes研究機構By Region 地區類East Asia 東亞China中國Beijing 北京 Hong Kong 香港Shanghai 上海 Taiwan 臺灣Others Locations其他地區Japan1日本Korea韓國 Europe 歐洲N. America 北美洲USA 美國Worldwide世界各地 LINGUISTIC STUDIES AT CUHK中大語言學研究Linguistics and Modern Language Department語言學及現代語言係About the Department關於本係http:/ Linguistics and Modern Languages, we cultivate an environment conducive to the study of language from multiple perspectives, and we offer programmesboth undergraduate and postgraduatethat better prepare our students for a multilingual and multicultural world. Research and Study Interests 研究學習方向http:/ expertise and special research interests include the following areas: 1) Language acquisition 2) Sign linguistics 3) Chinese dialects and minority languages of China 4)Language, cognition, and socialization Faculty Member Specialties教研專長http:/ members educational and research specialtyFaculty Member Research and Publications研究及出版https:/ Programs研究生專業要求http:/ list and description offered to Ph.D, M. Phil, and M.A. students of LinguisticsPostgraduate Research研究生研究論文http:/ LinguisticsUndergraduate Programs大學專業要求http:/ list and description; study schemesRESOURCES FROM LINGUISTIC COURSESHK Sign Language: Beginners (HKS1110A & B)香港手語初級班Prof. Lam So Yin, Jenny http:/ 1) Required Materials 2) Deaf organizations contact information: and 3) Deaf related links:ELECTRONIC COLLECTION (CUHK ONLY) 電子資源 (中大教研學專用)E-Bibliographies電子數目1. Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online) http:/ citation database by Association of Asian Studies2Linguistics Abstracts Online (SSCI)3a. Social Sciences Citation Index at Web of Sciencehttp:/ fully indexes over 1,950 journals across 50 social sciences disciplines, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 3,300 of the worlds leading scientific and technical journals. 1956-presentb) 3b. Arts & Humanities Citation Index at Web of Sciencehttp:/ fully covers 1,160 of the worlds leading arts and humanities journals, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals. 1975-present 4a. Bibliography of Translation Studieshttp:/ bibliography database with abstracts4b. Translation Studies Abstractshttp:/ Translation Studies Bibliography5. Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts6. MLA International BibliographyE-books (Full Text)全文電子書China-US Million Book Digital Library ProjectAncient Chinese classics, Minguo books and periodicals, English books and paintingsOxford Scholarship Online. Linguisticshttp:/ Stars超星數字圖書館.tw/內含33萬冊以上中國大陸出版的中文圖書Apabi Over 60,000 e-booksCHANT Database 漢達文庫http:/ classics古籍三十四種http:/ edition of the print四部叢刊http:/四部叢刊是二十世紀初由著名學者、出版家張元濟先生匯集多種我國古籍經典纂輯而成。該書共計收書477種、3,134冊、近9,000餘萬字,其最大特色是講究版本.文淵閣四庫全書http:/。清代自康熙中葉起,大興總結整理傳統學術文化之風。乾隆三十八年至四十九年(1773-1784)間編成的四庫全書 彙集歷代三千四百餘種典籍,字數近八億,分經、史、子、集四部,共44類、70屬,是我國規模最為宏大的百科叢書E-Catalogs電子目錄FirstSearch Per Search (WorldCat)http:/ (Online Computer Library Center) and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCatthe OCLC Online Union Catalog. More than 69,000 libraries in 112 countries and territories around the world use OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend and preserve library materials. See more from http:/ Library System (CUHK)http:/ resources in academic libraries of Hong KongUniversity Service Center (CUHK)http:/ resources related to Chinese Studies CUHK E-books Catalogue 香港中文大學電子書目錄http:/ over 800,000 e-books available in the CUHK LibraryE-DatabasesArts & Humanities Citation Index at Web of Sciencehttp:/ of Asian Studieshttp:/ - presentSome full text Indexes books, journals, reports, proceedings, statistical data, tests, dissertations, audiovisual materials, and ERIC documents on education research and practice. (UC Berkeley) Search trough CSA EBSCOhostLinguistics Abstracts Onlinehttp:/ - present Indexes over 300 linguistics journals. Although primarily focused on linguistics of European languages, also covers Chinese, Oceanic, Indian and Hebrew linguistics. (UC Berkeley)Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstractshttp:/ - present Indexes over 2000 monographs, books, technical reports, occasional papers, book reviews, and dissertations worldwide related to linguistics including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is also given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. (Search all CSA/Illumina Social Sciences databases.) (UC Berkeley)MLA International Bibliographyhttp:/ - present Indexes journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials supporting critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Sponsored by the Modern Language Association. (UC Berkeley)PsycINFOhttp:/ - currentFull text Indexes over 1300 journals, conference proceedings, books, reports, and dissertations in psychology and enriched with literature from psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. (UC Berkeley) Search trough ERLOvid Web GatewayOxford Scholarship Online. Linguisticshttp:/ full-textSocial Sciences Citation Index at Web of Sciencehttp:/電子百科全書International Encyclopedia of linguistics Access via International Encyclopedia of LinguisticsE-Handbook (Full Text)全文電子手冊Handbook of PragmaticsE-Dissertation and Thesis電子論文1. Dissertations & ThesesCUHK Can be read in full-text up to 24 pages; from Chinese University of Hong Kong2. WanFang Data. Chinese Dissertations Database. Literature.= 萬方數據. 中國學位論文庫: 文學In full Text and from Mainland China3. Digital Dissertation Consortium = 數位化論文典藏聯盟 http:/ full Text and from Taiwan4. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation System = 全國博碩士論文資訊網http:/ full Text and from Taiwan5. Index to thesesFrom UK6. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (Web version of Dissertation Abstracts)From USAE-Journal (full text)全文電子期刊China Journals=中國期刊全文數據庫http:/ academic journals with all journal publications starting from its first issue.ProQuest Social Science Journals WanFang Data Digital Periodical =萬方數據 數子化期刊http:/ RESOURCES 互聯網資源BY SUBJECT專題類Acquisition語言掌握Conference on Language Acquisition in the Chinese Context (LACC), 2006http:/ Syntactic Complexity and Productivity: A Study of Early Verbs in L1 Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese by Yang Xiaoluhttp:/ issue in the study of language acquisition that has attracted much attention is the nature of early syntax.CLASShttp:/ educational site dedicated to providing information on Chinese language and culture. Langauge Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguisticshttp:/ Daily: Language Acquisition Newshttp:/ Open Directory Projecthttp:/ languages阿爾泰語言北方民族語言文字研究資訊網介紹北方民族語言研究室及其研究簡況, 發佈國內外阿勒泰語系語言研究動態,並對阿勒泰語言學理論與方法新近熱門進行討論。續讀 (北方民族語言研究室, 中國社會科學院)Applied Linguistics應用語言學Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguisticshttp:/ About 100 applied linguists working together to promote applied linguistics in Hong Kong.北京大學中文系應用語言學DMOZ Open Directory Project http:/ of applied linguistics world wideBiolinguistics生物語言學Biolinguistics www.biolinguistics.euIn full text 2007-Chinese language 漢語研究Chinese Linguistic Resources = 中國語言資源網內容有語言研究,語言資源,即各地語言文字網,由國家語言資源監測與研究中心華中師範大學承辦Chinese Linguistics Data Consortium = 中文語言資源聯盟http:/要建成代表中文資訊處理國際水準的、通用的漢語語言語音資源庫。為漢語語言資訊處理等基礎研究和應用開發提供支援,促進漢語語言資訊處理技術的不斷發展。The Office of Chinese Language Council International = 國家漢辦http:/國家漢與國際領導小組辦公室致力於為世界各國提供漢語言文化的教學資源和服務,最大限度地滿足海外漢語學習者的需求。Chinese Information Processing Society of China = 中國中文資訊學會漢字網關於漢字的文化上海語言文字網Huayu Qiao 華語僑http:/ Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinesehttp:/ Classified according to five criteria: genre, style, mode, topic, and source, is designed for analyzing modern Chinese. Every text in the corpus is segmented and each segmented word is tagged with its part-of-speech. 專門針對語言分析而設計,每個文句都依詞斷開,並標示詞類。語料的蒐集也盡量做到現代漢語分配在不同的主題和語式上,是現代漢語無窮多的語句中一個代表性的樣本。 Computational Linguistics計算機語言學Association of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing = 中華民國計算語言學學會http:/ Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (CLCLP)http:/ International Journal of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing from Academia Sinica, TaiwanInstitute of Computational Linguistics, Peking University = 北京大學計算機語言所北京大學計算語言學研究所成立於1986年,致力於計算語言學理論、語言資訊處理的基礎資源和應用技術三方面的研究。ROCLING Proceedings = 中華民國計算語言學學會會議論文集 (全文)http:/包含中華民國計算語言學學會所開會議的論文, 有全文.Corpora語料庫Corpus4u Community = 語料庫語言學http:/ directories of Corpora Studies on Line, including Chinese languageCorpora from Association of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing = 中華民國計算語言學學會語料庫http:/內容有: 最新消息文字資料庫 語音資料庫北京大學漢語語言學研究中心語料庫內容有現代漢語語料庫, 古代漢語語料庫, 漢英雙語語料庫Dialects方言方言(1979-1998) 作者索引http:/方言(19982002)中文目錄 漢語方言網頁http:/本站用日語介紹漢語各方言的有關信息。目前已公開的有漢字照片字典 、漢語方言鏈接集 、自作軟件鏈接集 和漢語處理有關信息鏈接集 。漢語方言字音數據庫 (測驗版本)與廣東話常用詞彙數據庫 (改進版本)。2002A Hong Kong Cantonese Children Language Corpushttp:/ Thomas Lee. a longitudinal record of the early language development of 8 Cantonese-speaking children, each of whom was observed for one year from the time when they were between one and a half to two years old. Four of the children are male, and the other four female.Cantonese Language Association:http:/ purpose of the association is to facilitate communication amongst teachers and scholars of Cantonese and to promote study and research in the fields of Cantonese language pedagogy, linguistics and culture, and to further the common interests of teachers and scholars of both Standard Cantonese and other Yue dialects.Hakka - An Important Element of Chinese Culture沙頭角客家網站Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica = 臺灣中央研究院語言學研究所 語言學研究所以臺灣本土語言(南島語、閩南語、客語、臺灣國語)及相關語言為主要研究對象,在基礎、前瞻、應用並重之前提下,進行下列重點領域研究: 1.調查研究:語言地理資訊系統、語言典藏、標記語料庫2.結構研究:結構分析、類型分析、比較與歷史語言學3.理論研究:語法、語音及語意理論4.認知研究:語言神經歷程、認知原理、語言計算模擬5.計算研究:語音工程、語言座標與知識本體、多語詞網6.多樣性研究:臺灣瀕危語言搶救調查、語言保育、語言生態Cantonese Romanization 粵拼http:/ Linguistic Society of Hong Kong粵語審音配音字形檔http:/中國方言網中國方言網是學習、瞭解我國各地 方言、俗語、諺語、土話、粗話、黑話、俚語的窗口。內容包括:北京方言,上海方言,天津方言,重慶方言,河北方言,山西方言,內蒙古方言,遼寧方言,吉林方言,黑龍江方言,江蘇方言,浙江方言,安徽方言,福建方言,江西方言,山東方言,河南方言,湖北方言,湖南方言,廣東方言,廣西方言,海南方言,四川方言,貴州方言,雲南方言,西藏方言,陝西方言,甘肅方言,青海方言,寧夏方言,新疆方言,香港方言,澳門方言,臺灣方言。北京話,上海話,天津話,重慶話,河北話,山西話,內蒙古話,遼寧話,吉林話,黑龍江話,江蘇話,浙江話,安徽話,福建話,江西話,山東話,河南話,湖北話,湖南話,廣東話,廣西話,海南話,四川話,貴州話,雲南話,西藏話,陝西話,甘肅話,青海話,寧夏話,新疆話,香港話,澳門話,臺灣話中國語言地圖集 簡介方言知識Discourse Analysis/Pragmatics話語分析/語用學Discourse Analysis Online http:/話語分析研究博客法律語篇資訊網中國科學院研究生院外語系 - 語用學、語篇分析學術科研http:/ Open Directory Project http:/ Linguistics歷史語言學Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus http:/ is the Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus, a linguistics research project at the University of California at Berkeley.Institute of History and Philology = 臺灣中央研究院歷史語言研究所http:/ 詞彙學北大中文論壇:漢語詞彙學Machine Translation計算機翻譯Computer Aided Translation Toolshttp:/研究方法Course in Statistics in Language Studies in NTUhttp:/ is a graduate seminar, “Statistics in Language Studies 統計方法website, focusing on analyzing word meanings with the aid of corpora and verbal polysemy as well as using corpora to analyze conceptual metaphor meaning.Minority languages少數民族語言北方民族語言文字研究資訊網介紹北方民族語言研究室及其本室的研究簡況。發佈國內外阿勒泰語系語言研究動態,並對阿勒泰語言學理論與方法進行討論。Ethonologue Languages of the World The content includes Ethnologue language data, Language maps, Extensive bibliography, Computer resources, Bookstore. From Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online version:滿語研究 http:/


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