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近三十年托福阅读词汇题按考试时间编排9508inaccessible : unreachableextracting : removingstrength : basissurging : acceleratingtrend : tendencypeak : maximumprior to : precedingadvocates : proponentsunsubstantiated : unverifiedmaintain : preserveconsiderable : substantialenactment : performancestaggering : overwhelmingdevastated : ruined9510demonstrate : showedextend : stretchvast : largesparked : brought aboutpotential : possibleoutstanding : excellentaccount for : explainpicking up : followinga supremacy : a dominancesupplanted : replacedmyriad : many9512supreme : most outstandingsettle : decideascending : climbingsolemn : seriouscomposed : createdscores : music compositioncomprises : consists ofintense : extrememargins : edgessupport : holdappreciation : recognitionbias : prejudiceprevailing : most frequentaccumulated : collected9601Nrelated : connectedsupported : upheldforward-looking : progressiverudimentary : undevelopedsole : onlysubsidizes : financerotates : alternatesimplements : toolsclues : informationhemispheres : sidessubject to : susceptible topuncture : piercedramatic : striking9601characterized : distinguishedbizarre : oddcasts off : gets rid ofhomogeneous : uniformlargely renounces : generally rejectsprevail : dominatessubtle : slightcompile : put togetherraw : unprocessedprospect : possibilityroughly : approximatelymagnify : increasedistinctions : differences9605fused : combinedlure : attractplaced : depositeddiscrete : separateovertaxed : heavily burdenedinadequate : deficientinevitably : unavoidablylamented : complaint aboutfirst rank : highest qualityfaded from : disappeared fromnoble : innovativestationary : fixedvessel : craft9608coined : createdintervention : influenceemerged : appearedoutlining : summarizingdeliberate : carefuldemanded : requiredimitate : copycomparably : similarlyinclinations : preferencesvaried : differedcumbersome : burdensomeconfined : limitedframed : posedsupposedly : seeminglysanitation : health9610conflicting : apposingspeculate : hypothesizealternative : optionimposing : demandingpenetrate : go throughextended : increasedpreferred : favoredbarren : infertilehard : firmdivergence : differencedurable : long-lastingdwelling : houseselaborately : done in great detail9612Nbounds : limitschance : unplannedintegral : an essentialcarry : supportconcentrated : clusteredeffect : influencedistinct : separatesetting : establishingends : goalsdrastic : radicalextracted : removedinstances : casesentombed : trappedmarked : pronouncedushering : beginningexecute : create9701domains : fieldsfundamental : basicskilled : expertpresided over : managedcelestial : astronomicalentities : objectsmotifs : designsdistinct : separaterare : infrequentmaintaining : preservingtolerate : endureobtain : getroll back : reducestimulating : encouragingdepressed : loweredstringent : strict9705dictates : determineswitnessed : observeda break with : a departure fromconserve : retainmagnified : intensifiedforage : feedcounteracted : negatedin season : a particular time of yearprevent : avoidfixture : commonplace objectnevertheless : howeverrotates : turnsreadily : easilydistinguished : differentiatedconstituting : making up9708pits : holesstories : levelsdisputes : argumentsunrestricted : unlimitedsnap : breakfed : putexposed to : subjected toexert : causediffuses : travelsrapture : burstminiscule : tinyenables : allowsrather : insteadrealization : awarenessaesthetically : artisticallyrefreshing : unusualdevote : dedicate9710bound : tiedassembling : gatheringadorned : decoratedattire : clothingunravel : discovermundane : ordinarygap : openingdiscards : gets rid ofdeft : skilledrobust : strongheralded : announcedposition : jobmajor : principalsymmetrical : proportionally balancedobvious : apparentdominated : were prevalent in9712Nsupplements : extensionscrisscross : move back and forthskepticism : doubtsubsidy : financingconjectural : based on guessingemploying : usingmaintained : keptassortment : varietyexalted : superioringots : blocks of silver mixed with coppercame of age : established itselftrace : imprintsexposed : uncoveredadversely : negativelyaltered : changednoxious : harmfuldetectable : measurable9801acute : intenseexceeded : surpassedastounding : surprisingdurable : lastingcustomarily : usuallyinduced : causedremarkable : extraordinaryexerted : appliedrestricted : limitedintricate : complexvary : differinitially : at firstcohesion : unityconsciously : purposelyunadorned : plain9805enabled : helpedconsiderable : muchconsumption : eatingconstituents : componentsvary : changecalculated : determinedceased : stopprominent : distinguishedapply to : used forcoarser : rougherafforded : provideddense : thickthanks to : because ofeagerly anticipated : looked forward to9808properties : characteristicsascribed to : assumed to be true ofsince : becauseconstituent : componentrevolutionized : dramatically changedappeal : attractionspawned : createdsurpassed : exceededcore : centerembedded : encasedspotting : identifyingdogma : beliefdetect : discover the presence ofshied away from : avoidedmilestone : significant developmentcritical : essentialjolting : shockingmagnitude : extent9808Nattachment to : preference forprotruding : projectingshield : protectdaring : boldboosted : raisedinhibited : hinderedcounterpart : versionpores : holesdetectable : apparentinviting : attractivesumptuous : luxuriousyield : provideminute : tinyadhere : stickinitiate : begin9810modifying : changingrapidity : swiftnessefficiency : effectivenessrear : raisescale : climbimmunity : protectionconspicuous : noticeableon the other hand : howeverbias : prejudiceembraced : welcomedexorbitant : expensiveproponents : supportersoutbreak : beginningundergone : experiencedconsorted : associatedsufficient : adequatedrew : attractedannihilate : conquermoreover : furthermoreaptly : appropriately9901fashion : createarticle : objectstaples : basic elementsdistinct : differentinvade : move intocontemporary : existingfinely : minutelyin place of : instead ofattendant : accompanyingexponential leaps : rapid increasesdictated : determinedvirtually : almost completelyessential : fundamentalpertinent : relevantsuccinct : conciserevise : change9905struggle : competitionmonopolized : dominatedfactions : sidesflattering : complimentarydisseminated : spreadaccelerated : increasedgiven way to : been replaced byreliance : dependencephenomena : eventspicture : imagineemit : give offglowing : shininginflux : arrivalextraordinary : exceptionalstimulated : motivatedera : period of timeintriguing : attractive9908conclusive : definitiveapparent : evidentmoreover : in additionpreoccupation : involvementprimary : fundamentalprincipal : mainentire : wholebring about : causetemping : attractivereckless : irresponsibleconcomitant with : in conjunction withskyrocketing : increasing rapidlyextolling : praisingobtained : acquiredattributes : characteristicsestablish : createroughly : approximatelyreaped : gained9910stressed : emphasizedinterchangeable : equivalentadjunct : additionliterally : meaningclassified : categorizedcollectively : togetherincinerated itself : burned upsecuring : lockingconsiderable : greatprominent : famousimplications : significancerushing : rapid0001hinterland : regionpersisted : continuedundergoing : experiencingsuspend : hangfatal : deadlysecure : safesorted out : separateddampened : moistenedfine : tinyderived : obtaineddrastically : severelyevidenced : indicatedmeans : methodcoincided with : happened at the same time0005typify : characterizesupplement : add tocontemporary : written at the same timecelebratory : full of praiserepresentative : typicalprized : valuedovertaken : surpassedintervals : periodsfreeing : releasingplunge : dropcollective : groupresolve : find a solution for0008noticed : observedtangled : twisted togetherconcealed : coveredaccordingly : for that reasonrecorded : documenteddrawing : representingcrucial : importantavail themselves : make useponderous : heavyunique : particularattained : achievedabundant : plentifulpeculiar : strangemeticulously : carefullydurability : enduranceincised : carved0010consumed : eateninnovative : newextract : removewhether : ifscorched : burnedobtain : acquireconsequence : resultstriking : noticeableexceed : go beyondgenerated : causednorm : standardhenceforth : from that time onmandated : recommendedimmutable : unchangeablerevered : respectedextolled : praisedconsistent : constant0101intent : goaladministered : managedperiphery : outer edgeinception : beginningfabricating : constructingresort to : usingingenuity : resourcefulnesscharacteristics : qualityfunctional : usablesignificant : meaningfulattained : reachedflamed : burnedencompass : includecame to the forefront : became important0105hinged on : depended onlured : attractedexpendable : nonessentialnotwithstanding : despiteintricate : complexrandom : unpredictableoptimal : besturged : encouragedconvergence : togethercarried on : continueddiverse : variedensures : guaranteessuitably : appropriatelyaffectional tie : emotional attachmentscarce : rareresemble : look like0108coarse : crudebrittle : easily brokenappreciated : recognizedmerely : onlyemitting : producingspanning : coverpursue : catchaltogether : completelyintensive : concentratedassumption : beliefprevailed : dominateddepicted : describedforemost : leadingmeteoric : rapidapace with : as fast as0110wider : more extensivethereby : by that meansunique : singularrotting : decayingkey : importantbound : heldconverted : changedantecedent : predecessorappealing : attractivelocale : placeboosted : raisedscope : extentprolific : productiveeager : enthusiastic0201engaged : hiresubsequent : latersums : amountsidentical : exactly alikeheart : centergraphic : vividdistinct : separateundoubtedly : certainlycomponents : partsbesides : in addition tofavored : preferredintegral : fundamentalflourished : thrivedgrumbled : complainedserve : functionsole : onlydetecting : findingsedentary : inactive0205subjected : exposedessence : basic naturediverse : differentnoted : observedemphasize : stressaccessible : availableaccount for : explainsmooth operation : effective functioningcluster : groupalert : warescurrying : rushingformidable : difficultintent : purpose0208regardless of : no matter whatmarked : noticeableconfine : restrictpresumably : probablysustain : supportinsignificant : unimportantultimately : eventuallydemise : deathconvert : changeprimarily : chieflyprevailing : dominantundergone : experiencedvast : great0209precarious : uncertainsettled : stablechronicle : describeornate : elaboratederived from : based onvarious : differentaccount for : explainsubjugated : conqueredsynonymous with : equivalent toexcavating : diggingagents : causesaided : helpedestimated : judgedpry off : removelittered : covered0210preserved : protected from destructionconstant : consistentattained : achievedresumed : began againattests to : give evidence ofdrab : dullprominent : noticeableyet : so farrudimentary : basicbiting : sharpheightened : increasedmeticulous : carefulaccumulated : built uptantamount to : practically the same asremarkable : extraordinarylink : connection0301favored : preferredlaborious : difficultsurge : sharp increaseunprecedented : not seen beforeobscure : uncleardisplay : exhibitload : weightprecise : accurateexercise : utilizeelicit : bring outprobe : exploreaccumulated : collectedprolific : fruitfulideal : perfectstandard : customarystrain : stressaccordingly : consequently0310intriguing : fascinatingendless : continuousadequate : sufficientrather than : instead ofthrived : grew wellforage : search for foodintermittently : periodicallyfurnish : provideoscillating : swingingultimately : in the endcompelling : forcefulexceptional : remarkableenhancement : improvementrevitalize : bring new life toexecuting : producing0401notwithstanding : in spite ofallay : reducepermeated : spread throughtestimony to : evidence ofhardiest : most vigorousframework : structureprolonged : extendedencounter : meetfortuitous : luckythwarted : frustratedscattered : irregularly distributedby virtue of : because ofcircumscribed : restrictedindeterminate : uncertainenveloped : surroundedgradually : by degreesat any rate : regardless0405tend : care forprovisioning : supplyingedge : advantageshield : protectedprime : principalincised : cutdistinctive : uniqueyield : producebartering : exchangingsupplanted : replacedcharged with : assigned toprimitive : undevelopedon the threshold of : at the start ofimitation : copyingexert : putdurable : strongshattered : broken apartdominant : most common0408oversaw : superviseddelivered : presentedboasted : took pride in havingintriguing : fascinatingendless : continuousversions : formscustomary : usualaccording to : depending onsignificance : importancecounter : overcometransform : changeunprecedented : not existing beforehaul : loadstrip : removeprobe : explore0410frowned on : disapproved ofdisseminated : spreadsource : basisunchronicled: unrecordedclues : indicationsgave rise to : bring aboutstrikingly : noticeablycarried on : conductednecessitated : requiredhence : for these reasonssweep : extendtechnically : partiallycontemporary : currentfacilitate : enablerealization : recognitioninaccessible : unreachablethriving : flourishing


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